HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-02-05, Page 1PollXXXI No, 22 • ,• • • 4► • WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF CHOICE HARNESS, TRUNKCS, • TRAVELLING'. BAGS, 'CALICES, ETC., TO CHOOSE FROM, AND • • • ARE OFFERING TE1E SAME TO THE PUBLIC AT VERY • •, '• 'TRACTIVE PRICES. 4 ZURICH, THURSDAY MOR) Publioity'the Greatest Fac .Less', Etc 4* • 4 s 4- • .•• ..•. • 4 4 +•• • -4 •• -a 0444 404k4.4,441'1•0"0.141r4'yo¢ K3�y< <} 40.;..4.>O00.04.4134.0.000044400.4' Pianos Pianos IF YOU HAVE, BEEN THINKING OF ADDING A FINE NEW PIANO TO THE PLEASURES OF YOUR HOME, BE SURE AND CONSULT US, AS WE. ARE AGENTS FOR THE POPULAR • S!;RLOCK MANNING LINE. ALSO AGENTS FOR THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE FRE PHONE 102. Tv -11F -11 L. SW ZURICH H•• m 3 w • 4. ar 49 • • • 0 O 9 d a+ e • • 9 9 • • 0f 0.042 i0llt1AflE °QkE OIla Be a611)6(H u�vS'OQ3&00441060facedISOeseeieeeee• • Br til O • • 1 1 Roars with B i is '1 • • VALUES THAT WH.ft _MAKE YOU GASP WITH AMAZEMENT! • REMEMBER, THIS oIIS NO £RDINADY CLEARING SALE. IT'S tri �YlulTIC. Pi k `w ... H a ' ' S ;44 -07 AWAY FRQ1 E THIS SALE FULL .HANDED AND • E-IAPPY. T.HIS.'STOC'IC OF CANADA'S :.NEST FOOTWEAR FOR. MEN, WOMEN .AND CHILDREN. Boot C OIarinr;, ' i1' 0 p • • • •E9 • • atcbabie Bargains • -4! .• 40 • • Here Youwill fisc& Women's ,Strap Slippers, Oxford Ties, Pemps, in 41 • Patent, Black .Kid'„ Brown .Kid, Satin light and dark. Colors, Heels • ALow, Cuham aid Spike, Toes long .or short Vamps.. Values 'in each case are worth Dollars zni re. Dozens of different Styles... The prices e• below save, yon• dollars am each.and every pair. Be sure and come in this, week if you; are: in, meld of a good pair :of H:ighgrade Footwear • Men's Heavy Lumberman Rubbers, Reg. 3.50, Sale Price..... $2.'75 • • Bbys' Heavy Lumbermen Rubbers, 3.00, Sale Price... ..-.....$1.95 Youth's Heavy Rixbbears, .Reg. 2.75, Sale Price $1.50 4 Men's Penniman Pure Wool Socks, .Reg. 1.75, ;Sale Price_ _ $1.15 • Boyi's Penman's: Para Wool Socks, Reg. 1.50, Sale Price 75c Men's Plain RubbersReg. 1.50„ ;Sale Price......_..... _ ........ $1.00 • ,Women's and: Gill's .I'ei.•sey 'Wool Goloshes, Reg. 3.50, Sale.. $1.50 !Women's Splashex• C tN ' Goloshes, Reg. 3.50, Sale Priv $1.95 • Miss Pat. Primps, Reg 3.5.0, Sale Price .......$1.95-$2.45 Boy's High. Gracie Shees snit .Oxfords, Reg. 4.00, Sale Price- $2.95 Women?'s Baudour• Slippers, Reg. 1.50, Sale Price . 85c I Men's Felt and Leather Slippers, Reg. 2.00, Sale Price 95c These are omly ac few oLthe manyTines.not'Advertisead. • REPAIRING 'NEATLY DONE 1 SIM OUR Browes o f Shop WINDOW DISPLAY • • 2 4* •. • a • • <i•e11•veil••i04110604144•4 azitoo •e•er•srr. a measeg+i 4044194141944441.444404FG1.y4.2aso9oo,a,oc,o 01„. 1 Special itsc, 01. OF' 0 Made o measure Suits and Overcoats ON BEAUTIFUL NEW CLOTHS FIT„ STYLE WORKMANSHIP ‘E: L ARAITIV TAILORED TO :MEASURE E SUITS. TOP -COATS„ AND OVERCOATS nt ; ist, to Feb.. s . A SELECTED . i ' IIKER OF CLOTHS 'FROM' ''.'^'I 1. `•its:eil? 'I LE/WING 'MILLS. EMBALMERS 400, FitRag' .., MIRECM-MS X404 1•1.014•c •, • d 4' s, a. OUR CORNER A scientist says that even worms' have courage. It is doubtful, howz ever, if anybody has ever seen a worm arch its back at the approach of an early bird. During our infancy all the world is in a conspiracy to persuade us to sleep; during the rest of our lives all the world is in a ,conspiracy to per- suade us to wake up. Last year Canada produced 10,- 000.000 pounds more creamery but- ter than she did the year before, yet she imported 30,000,000 pounds.. Dr Ruddick, federal dairy .commissioner, estimates that Canada will, within .`i years, be producing butter to meet her own needs, 4 - Rich Farmers? The Conservative and Liberal par- ties in Ontario both have rich farm- ers as their lcadera now. Who can still maintain that there is no' n1o:1- ey in fanning? This is "onion week," also county council week in Godericli. The Reeve of Hensall-the onion growing cen- tre of Ontario -ought to "know his- onions," isonions," and he might be induced to give an address on the suggested topic, "Onion Week, Why?"-Goder- ich Signal of Jan. 29th. 4.-+ Of Interest to Huron • A radio broadcast of exceptional interest to many in Huron County will be heard on the evening of Feb- ruary 5th, from CFCA at Toronto. On that evening the Huron Old Boys Association of Toronto is, holding its 31st annual At Home, and at 11 0 clock tho Glance1Srogrtiana-w fl h in.. - <�- • r7rr o1i� s rce "ran Court, featuring Burton Till and his orchestra. 9-39 Canada's Gold Production Gold production hi Canada reached its highest peak in 1929 according to a statement issued by the Bureau of Statistics. The total output in 1929 of gold from all sources in Can- ada amounted to 1,928,308 ounces valued at $39,861,663, compared with a production of 1,890,592 ounces val- ued at $39,082,005 -in 7928. Six pro- vinces of Canada and the Yukon Ter- ritory produced gold in 1929 as fol- lows: Ontario, 1,622.267 ounces, Bri tish Columbia 154,204 ounces; Que- bec, 90,798 ounces; Yukon Territory 53,892 ounces; Manitoba, 22,455 ounces; Nova Scotia, 2,687 ounces and Alberta five ounces. Toronto papers announce that a reduction of 171/2% in the price a;,of power used for manufacturing purp- oses in that city has been arranged. and that this reduction should be of some assistance to the Toronto indus- trial Commission in bringing new in- dustries to Toronto. What does this mean? We are told that the Hydro prindiple is "power at cost", and, further, municipalities are enjoined from manipulating the price of pow- er as a bonus to industries. Is the city of Toronto an exception to these sacred principles? It is high time for a showdown on the whole question of Hydro costs. Where is the champion who will take up the question in the Legislature arid demand a new deal? =Ex. Yes! You will Find a DIFFERENCE IF YOU BURN LIAM THE STANr'AfaiuD A17111RA,YIT SCRANTON 0 MONEY TIGHT YOU S,taTY Tighten up then on that Fuel Bill b' • v 9' u4 l� 4. Burning Our Semet Solway Coke, or No. 3 Seam Pocahontas and Bank that furnace with our Small Pea Coal. We carry in Stock Nine Different Varieties Of Fuel.. 'Come in and let its talk over your Fuel Problems with you, For Cash Payment a Discount of 5'0c Baer Ton w'il be Allowed. p•n••.)yaM Yr `.WO't \Ir�•Nw •M `�+`ti++' ....17. Phone lOw .o.r 101 ,}IENSALL, ONI FEBRUARY 5 (931, Chester L. Smith, Ptit; V..25 a year, U.S. $1.56 in A.dvatinA slat. LN ]LR, $2 MAY BE ORALBO QLD a ,.y n .n Home Merchandising fi P'file of Holmesville, week: -and with Mrs. Lydia 4Xrs J. J. Schwartz and iter of Detroit, visited wit'li' rtz's mother, Mrs. J. Fuss 'they were attending the IVIr. Schwartz's father, at .Friday, :itcil met on Saturday for ; meeting, when with oth- transacted the road com- c5r the year were appoint - 11 account of the doings in next week's issue. ympathy is extended to Mx. • Peter Deichert, Jr., of the' nat.- Hay, in the passing of idays old infant daughter, who passed away after a 1.iihiess on Friday, February funeral taking place on ef-ternoon to the Lutheran the' era and" Bl,gl thea Ma'apx very 30th] Surie11 cemret. x' ;?ev. E. Turkheim officiat- ing D�;yI,�. PrP'fr =1 rbert Kalbfleisch of New York city 'isited with friends in town and xlso 'lis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis .i albfleisch of the 16th con. Kalbfleisch who is engag- ed iara 1J ,r satv work in the city of Teav ,� c ,iversrty"lioai�d of'' that placc ,t4rrild like very much to have MVIraiKalbfleisch come to London and rercier'his services in that Institution As we go to press we learn of the passing of Mrs. Albert Rittenhouse of the •linage, on Wednesday morning in her;.',7th year. Mrs. Rittenhouse has not enjoyed her good health for sone time,' and some weeks ago sufeared a stroke,,but from which she seemed to vgairl"4rally, but the end came r , ce•fully on Wednesday morn- ing Maiden name was Steckle, being ,a , ir,'ter co Messrs. John, Hen- ry ,and L'.'(:•no ,Steckle, of the Bron son Line . ta•i ey Township. Mrs. 'ftittenhu.z4 vi'fl9 be greatiy missed in her .honv':it to ,'neighborhood, as she was b-'lovecr by` :all whom she came in contact whit. 'Pie funeral is being held on FriLlay afternoon, at 1.30 at the hilus, 4'' uneritl services will be held in th{ . Tltixr'hoiite church in Zur- ich and na't gent made in the Bron- son Lanz t". Aged ,1 On I ridaa reznovedA'a'ticj respected:' Mrs. Saki . 1 y Resident Passes .nuary 30th, death n bf 'Stanley's highly- " axa - �,^in' the person of ' lde, Sr., at the age of $ (i' yeza .1 F . z'%ionths and 6 days. The departecl'it'd been in fairly good health ta;1a0.0.)t two weeks ago when ta.al she was striae grew .weaker i Friday. A134 was united i,/ husband;• San en. name cin , n, and gradually 4 +.4iend came on sx+ years ago she Ain e to her late Mride, her maid- 1ifdineDare, and settled. O,i''the ' 1on the Babylon Line whuaae td - �tlze.az, they shared the joys and; hal lis '' "of pioneer life. A number oft Vrars ago they retired from the fan** boltght a comfort- able home in '. t1•'ach, -where Mr. Mc- Bride' passed away about fourteen years ago. Mrs. Mc13riae continued to rive in Zurich u1til a itsw months a- go. Since the she made her horne with her datigl :r, Mrs. Henry Hay- ter, Goshiiii• lie; Stanley. , Deceased is survived' by four -eons and four daughters' uviviiag. -Robert, Sam- uel and James ;McBride of Stanley, and•John McBride of I-Iay Township; Mrs. H.. Hayter and Mrs. C. Stephen- son of Stanley; ktrs. A. Nicholson and Mrs. Albert'Schnell, of Western Canada. • The v'gnngest son; George McBride was killers in action in the Great War in France. Mrs. Mc- l3ride was of a 'khat ,and loving dis- positionand will':be; sadly missed by her children, grand children and great grandchildren and a host of friends 'and neighbors. The funeral was held on Monday afternoon to Bayfield cenietevy. Six grandsons acted as pallbearers Rev. E, Poulter of Varna hada ch: rl'o iif t'hc services and spoke of the h +pe and faith of! the deceased dufiia r eaz,:la ste.illness, $5.00 5.011 .Ready to Wear Spectacles DARK OR LIGHT SHELL FRAME WITH LENSES, CGMPLE?k: IN CASE Why strain your Eyes Sewing or Reading when you can obtain, a Guaranteed Spectacles at this price. Let us fell your next Optical Prescription. We have the latest Eur Fras733es and can do it for Less Money. HESS, THE JEWELLER RTJBBE rOOTW On Sale at less than Cost Price&, Now is the time to secure quality Footwear at low prices FE Io SEE OUR SOUTH WINDOW FOR A FEW OF THE MANY G;EN,. ft UINE BARGAINS WE HAVE TO OFFER YOU - MEN'S SNAG PROOOF HEAVY RUBBERS at BOY'S HEAVY RUBBERS, RED SOLES 4. • CHILDREN'S LUMBERMEN'S, BLACK SOLES +,r MEN'S LEATHER TOPS, RED SOLES, 12 -in. a. 4. IF • + 4.+ + 4. BOY'S SOCKS, AT PR... ...2.5e. arty :tr.. 4 WOMEN'S BLACK AND FANCY OVERSHOES, + REG. $2.75 to $5.00 NOW - - . , w <.. + + + F 1 IT Z + 4. Phone 82 or 115 + + + CHILDREN'S OVERSHOES, AT MEN'S S RUBBER BOOTS, AT CHILDREN'S AND MISSES PELT SLIPPERS, ALSO WOMEN'S, AT MEN'S CASHMERETTE BOOTS, FELT L1N.BD, RUBBER SOLES, AT aaa tea m.. .q ...,.....----..=w,,.,_, s N Zurfe li, We are o "erii g a s ecia . yl s. u of 10 to 25 per, cent off on all ma Y goods up to the end of February , Watch our remnant counter., This is a real o rgain sae„ Come in and_ be convinced t EN "&At MERCHANT PHONE Fs. .A;