HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-01-15, Page 8• t J F STORE WITH THE STOOE WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO EXPRESS OUR SINCERE APPRECI- ATION FOR YOUR CONTINUED PAT- RONAGE. AND TO EXTEND HEARTY Season's Greetings MAY THE COMING NEW YEAR BRING YOU HEALTH AND PROSPERITY J. GASCd3O SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 WELL, FOLKS ANOTHER YEAR HAS GONE INTO HISTORY. IT HAS BEEN A STRENUOUS YEAR IN MANY WAYS AND HERE'S HOPING THAT 1931 WILL GIVE A BETTER ACCOUNT OF ITSELF. I AM GLAD TO HAVE BEEN OF SERVICE TO YOU AND HOPE THE PLEASANT RELATIONS WILL CONTINUE. EXTENDING TO ONE AND ALL BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY '1 PROSPEROUS AND SETTER t NEW YEAR Andrew F Hess, Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS WE WISH TO EXTEND Season's Greetings • I 1 • • • • • 1 • • 1 AND MAY THE NEW YEAR CON- TINUE WITH OUR FRIENDLY BUSINESS RELATIONS ZURLC 'H*1,tALD WE SELL , THE BE,q FOR LESS SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRAY AND SATURDAY Clark's Pork and Beans 2s, 3 Tins '.•. . 25e P. & G. Naptha Soap, 10 bars for ,, .. 37e Chips., a Large Package at .... ; 21c Fancy Pink Salmon, large tin r > 15c Standard Tomatoes, 23.i large tins, 3l ins 29c Maxwell House Coffee, 1-1b. Tin at �': 55c Good 5 String Broom, Special . 49c Superior Baking Powder (No Alum), n. 25e Catilli's Macroni and Spghetti, Package 10c Vanilla Extract, 2 oz. Bottles, 3 for y ' 25c Globe Zinc Wash Boards 39c Calay fine Toilet Soap, 3 cakes for ...,. 21c SEE OUR SPECIAL PRICES IN THEA DRY GOODS DEPART- MENT, UNDERWEAR, SWEATER CATS, HOSIERY, ETC. J. W.MERNRR YELLOW FRONT STORE Phone 140 ITEMS OF LOCAL MEREST A chicken supper was given on Tues. eve., Jan. 13th, to the owners of flocks which have been banded the Govt. Inspector in connection with J. E. McKinley's hatchery. The place was Orange hall, Varna. Af- terwards a public meeting for those interested in poultry was addressed by G. A. McCague of • Clinton. Any questions which the friends brought along were delt with at the meeting. SPORT NEWS . _, Last Wednesday night, Jan. 7th, the local hockey teams opened the 1931 schedule with a 'double header. The Canadiens and Maroons ployed the first game, and it was typical of their namesakes iri the National Le- ague, as it was a fast, clean and heavy checking encounter. The Mar- oons had a distinct advantage in man powex as they called in two good effi- ctive men from the Rangers and Leafs. This sort of practice must be done away with in the future, as the teams are as. originally picked are more on a par with each other. The Maroons lost no time in scoring, for early in the first period they skated fast into the Canadien defense zone and scored off the stick of a careless Canadien loofing near the nets. From then on it was a battle royal, with plenty of heavy checking, and nice. combination and individual rushes. E. Gascho and I. Oesch starred for the losers, but theih mates although not yet, ice -broke, showed up well. The pick of the winners were: E. Yung- blut, Kissack and L. Willert on the forward line, with L. Rau .playing a sound defensive game. Final score 6-3 in favor of Maroons.—Referee, H. Walker. On Jan. 9th a fast game was play - en on local ice. between the Rangers and Leafs, which ended on • favor of the former 1-0. Close and hard body checking was very much in evi- dence and the teams worked themsel ves into a state of exhaustion. The attendance wasn't as good as it might have been and the fans who failed to show up, surely missed a battle.There was little to choose between the tea- ms and it was just a case of who, got the breaks. The Rangers rang up counter in th a second period on a pretty solo effort by Lee O'Brein. Referee—E. Mousseau. The Ontario Legislature willmeet• February 12th, and it is expected the opening of the Federal House will fol low shortly after. Indications are for lively times politically. BRONSON VS GOSHEN—Anyone who did not witness this game missed what might be called a classy, equally matched in speeed and brawn, these teams put up fast and gruelling gam- es with the Bronson c.inr'rging on the big end of a 6--5 score. The Bron- son. took a commanding lead in the • first period of 4 to 1 and added two more in the second. With a 5 goal deficit staring at them the goshen boys woke up in the third period,and That a game it developed into. Hurl ung everything they had at the Bron O ,on boys through 20 minutes of hock-' A e1 Zurich ice, the seldom sees on SmT'4 Go,hen hammered in four goals to make the final score 6- -5 _ .. 2 I.J 11E I DO for the i on,=onite RI C s .If would be unfair to R- O". pl..: any play er who was a standant on the Bronson lineup f. r ?a for everynlcan 000466.*•MIIs+9004i 6a8 . a�•a�l played > ,d well.. 1 .Oesch however stared Wesrn Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario- Amount::of Insurance at Risk on Dee. 31st, 1928, $22,206,275. " Total Cash in Bank and Bonds t'd-.; $160,378.74 Rates {.5o per $1,000 fur 3 year.. E. F Kiopp'--'art inch Aigit, Also Dealer in Lidhlnind Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance for tile, Goshen, and was ably assist- ed bl, the McBride boys, with Manson playinga nice game in goal. More peop.e aught to come to these galnes as it i 'a barrel of fun and provides good' e ltertainment. Be sure and come and cheer your favorite team. Refeie4-H. Walker. SE •TORS vs HAWKS—On the night fO,u. 10, another double he- ader • 'as jilayed between the Senat- ors 'r°* ltawi s, followed by Hensall and tle� Bronson. I. Walker hand- led thk whistle for both games to ev- eryoncis satisfaction. The Senators Hawk,fracas was a bitterly contested affairmith the former getting the de- cision B-0. The Senators scored a goal .r`tich periodby keeping up a const' t attack and back checking the e emy every minute. Penalty timer const were kept busy as a re- sult dashing, tripping, and boarding Both. oalies were in fine form and the aixator defence put up a string defers 'ye game, breaking- up many dang ous rushes on their nets. J 10.—Hensall vs Bronson — Whe it comes to fast rough hockey witlli g no quarter asked or giving this .' ame take the prize. Right at the 'aceoff the Bronson raced in witi three man rushes and scored Herall, was not to be denied for they can*back to score a couple minutes l tite . to tie the game. Again the Bro'son went down and after a scrinage.in front of the Hensall net sectid again. Play swang from end to..441 with 1,13.9 forwards of both tet s back checking Aierceiy. Again HO 'all bulged the twine and again ths'Bronson matched it, Penalties ca i fast as the game warmed up an :;the bell sounded ending the first pe od with Bronson one up and hem- ml`ri' Hensall in their end of the ria The second period produced bu one goal and Hensall got that to tie the score. McAdams of Bronson ha+ the inisfortune of having a high shit ' -strike him in the face. Four stiches were required to •close the %,ind. This injury weakened. the Bnrison as they bad no subs, but the }T gasall boys showed true sportsman - re in allowing a Zurich player to ire ace him. The thirdperiod ended m a. tie 4 all and each team bulging tin twine once. Ten minutes over- tiM was then played and again each tt)yra.,stored and the game ended 5 tip ii . •Anyone. who was not at the rats don't knot' what they missed. Ila. as slam, bang, J ocke::and .howl; t + + + Thurscloy, as t> a '...15th, 104 ++++++++++4444+44+++++++++••••••+++++444 GRE ET1 WE ARE HAPPY TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY OF EXPRESSING OUR APPRECIATION AT THE PATRONAGE THAT .HAS BEEN ACCORDED US, DUR- ING THE PAST YEAR, AND TO WISH ONE AND ALL BEST WISHES FOR HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY IN THE Newyear 4 4 Johnston& Kalb eisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 I 1111111511H5111[UlN5.1 M m nMM. Ikt; tillllUiiliiilklVLl!.I4BIll8lllii IUIIIIII116il/2111111111 p 11U11llllllil1111111111 ,I,.,,,,_ , , ,,,,•,wl;,•; �liplllllllllllll11!!112-1011V r �niH7N' �.�... 01fIDP rt'' + , NOTIGE! Auto Tops Buggy Tops Wagon Repairing, Painting, .:to.... ' Second Handed Buggies HESS - ZIJRIOH ii1111151£4161Y1i111141111K1i1Gli111fO.RIPIN11111111111111111 lik ;liMilUl11il tl;%"'Dlit?41+1+;N1i NIIIIRlMIITI I' 4:,4y1 t;'l;la,11EHIIIIIIR&"apI?>t IIIIik;'N kF, or+++i++++++++ i4.1 -i d• +.14+14114++++ 4-1.1,,,l g.+ 44++4 444.. 'LT ICE GE ATTENTION! ' TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS WE ARE NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS OF GASOLINE IN LARGER. QUANTITIES WITH A GOOD ,STAiW- ARD 'GRADE OF GASOLINE FROM OUR DELIVERY TRUCK AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, WITH QUALITY CONSIDERED ▪ EXPERT WORKMANSHIP' ON REPAIR WORK, AND OVER. A HAUL JOBS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VERT REASONABLE. i 4. G -AS OILS Gill& A.SES I.+ t. IL Mou.sseau Zurich i- I.+++++++++++++++++++++++9,i, C++++*.e+. +++++++++fi•+.++++• •e + + + 11t; •• _ ,.: o You Know? + THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FIRST •+It• CLASS JOB ,PRINTING! +• THAT WE SUPPLY AND PRINT WEDDING INVITATIONS ' AND ANNOUNCEMENTS, ALSO CALLING CARDS, + BUSINESSCARDS, ETC. .i THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK, AND ALSO PRINT, STATION - + ERY SUCH AS BUSINESS LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES + STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS, MEMORIAM CARDS, .t. SHIPPING TAGS, ETC. + THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK GOOD WRITING PAPERS CUT + TO ANY SIZE, ENVELOPES IN MOST CALLED FOR .+1, SIZES, CARD PAPER, BRISTOLS, CARBON OR TRACING + + PAPER, BUTTER PAPER, MEMORIAL ENVELOPES ill + AND MEM.IORIAL WRITING PAPER. + THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE WITH + A- GOOD WRITING INK FOR 5 CENTS. LARGER QUAN- ` ' TITIES AT SIMILAR REDUCTIONS. +; 4• THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SA.LP POSTERS >+ TWIEI{ `rAN'l�IL *'r'POS'I"ERS AND ALL GENE1tAL PRIXTING ,16,, OUR SPECIALPY.' ' - . RA TT) is 'I�