HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-01-15, Page 7Predicts Musical Lighthouses That Will Sing to Sailors Talking lighleouses to tell sailors Miles out at eels lust which lighthouse • they 'are watohiag, .or even to enter- tain these passiag mariners with news of the day or weather forecasts ov the latest song and dance hits, were predicted by 0, He Caldw•ell, former 'United States Radio Commiseioner and now editor of Electronics, in a recent' address to the 'Virginia Section of the • American Chemical .Soelety ixi Rich - Mond, Virginia. The secret, Mr. Cald- well said, is the modern process by which music, speech or any other sound may be "modelated" on a light beam much as radio programa are sent ont ou the beams of radio waves from a broadcasting station. To the eye such a mueiescarrying beam looks quite as usual bat 'it it is allowed to fall an a photo -electric cell, properly arranged with vacuum tube amplifiers and other apparatus, the sound mes- sage on the light beam may be picked oft and lende andible. The beam from a revolving lighthouse, for example, might be Inade to sing a definite note whenever its rays fell on a small photoreleetric cell monnted on a shiene bridge. Even the captain in his cabin thus would know, by the distinctive musical note of, the beam, which light - lime or several along a. coast was then in sight. Supt lighthouses now are distinguished by color or by the utimb,i, and arrangement of flashes as the light revolves. The tine of, color neeeesitates decreased intensity of the light, since colored lights are not vo blight as pure white ones. The reeoga nition of lights by flashes requires co n site era b le pra aim 1 t night be (eteler, Mr. Caldwell believes, to have each lighthouse identify itself he a meshed note or even by spoken words, although the former might require ship's captains to possess musical ears in addition to the manifold qualifica- tions already necessary for that job. Russia Also Has A Family of Smiths By Helen Christine Bennett McCall's special represenMtive to Russia /n America we have one family name that crosses all boundaries. It is the mine of Smith. It may be borne by the socially elite or the wo- man who goes out by the day. We knew there must be its equivalent in Russia. When asked, smiles came at once to the faces Of Russian women. "Of course we have such a name, In Russia it is Ivanoff." It is the Smiths —the Ivanoffs ot Russia who tell the dory of the new life.—The Editor of "McCall's." Ono of the most revolutionary chaeges brought about by the Soviets has been the freeing of woman to an extent not equaled in any country in the world. In Russia today woman may vote and hold office with none of the discriminations found in other countries. She has equal sex rights and privileges; she may marry and divorce at will; she has equal rights in her children and all her ehildreu, born in wedlock or oat, are legitimate. She may do anything a man .may do without stigma. She is free as no woman in the world has ever been free—as mane is free. When you first arrive in one or the great cities of Russia and look at the people on. the streets, you search in vain for the smart, well- dressed men and women you are et- •custotned to see- oarthis Vaith Araera can continent. The Smiths who pass you wear the clothes of workers. .They are comfortable and useard clothes, but there is nothing luxuri- ous about them. Let us look at the :women. The one just -passing, deess- ' ed in khaki shirt and knickers, is the foreman of a construction gagu. The older .woman, with the red kerchief that masks the member of the Com- munist Party, is a high official, and the woman with her, in a drab gray, is a factory manager. Behind them are stwo doctors, a judge, and a "seperior .eoldiev" (officer) in uniform. There I are in Russia women soldiers with a yank equal to that of a general. All 'work is open to women. But if we want to know the more stypical Mrs. Smith of Russia, we must 0 to the factories. At the Melangi. Vombinat, a textile factory at Ivan- ovo-Voznesensk, where there are 7000 Workers, Martha Smith—Marfa Ivan- off—stands before a great spinning Machine. Seven hours a day she ;watches the spindles. The -week is five days. "I get the children ready for school before I come to the factory," she !said. "No, I give them no breakfast —that is at the school. My shift be- gins at ten. Pieter and Lydia stay bY the school two hours after my work, that I may buy for the house. Dinner?. ,Ift is at the sebool. Mine is here, at ?the factory—My breakfast also. My Irashand, he eats with me here. At 'evening we make supper at home. At 'night? Now—"her eyes sparkled—"I go three time a, week to the class. I learn to read and write. The chil- dren? The sleep. If my husband g00% my neighbor listens." "Every cook," insisted Lenin, "mnst demi how to run the government." Marfa is learning. To help her, Ake government has shortened her . e working hours, served her children roe meals at school, and given her a her husband meals at low price% 'jt the factory. As a worker, Marfa ctually receives much more than the '5S0 rubles a. month she is paid at the factory. She and her husband have litood cards, clothing cards, cards for ailways tickets at less than the ticket office sells them, soap cards and cards Or sweets, and through the factory te may buy tickets to theatres, ein- mas, concerts, at Mitch less than, box - Mee prime. As she will eagerly tell ou, there is much more. At almost every factory' a doctor , ooks after the health of the woekera. I am eta.," said Marra'"the doctor ,Itill care for me. Pay? No—I am a ?Worker!" Why all this fuss about factory Isiorkers in Ituesia? Why should they .`!be Preferred eitieens? There is jus- tice in the questiot. Preferment for aittY class is fat from a Comntunistie Meal of •share and .sbare alike. The Les Bane ' (1,1)ni_ The •Atlentic' lOatilly) There is no need for vain eegret. • For envy of the lives Whose tot' is set In then is ehanted place, While .far below, • . SIghtless Author .-. • Meadowe, miracultitisly gveen, Are11k 117 81061), betweea Uptowering melee, and .from he tcliff's . ' sheer face Whitestiowering bushes grow. • Shotild-yOu live bere, you Must •choose The meuntain or the valley—saud so • lose, For one, the other joy.; too scan the whu.011(1 Weald .haye you in their euestomary e"-wbere calie. 1 . -• Rather, let your dwelling here. Bo in the mind—and you are free Of all the range the raVielte•e eye can see; May house you without fear In the topmost ainneele, where the star -pricked dome Shall roof you through the night's slow -wheeling hours, Or make yew: home Among the lilacs and the meadow jag a saseny, flowers ple to encourage us to live lazily, but We 'do not want pee - Down in the valley—at your will _ we do want them to eueourage us to Be shepherd, huntsman, poet; you work. That is what I bring outin may dance my play and I hare a right to soros. With the linen jiggling on the line • pagate this idea because I 'ain. the In the Cherry orchard by the water father of seven children and work mhlellr'unbeams shine e the sdaily as any named eitis,ea does." Or w From the blue harks of swallows, as Do You Know— Classified Advertising. .1 as Bal AD( )R I t2.3'r RI 1:2 F.221F1, T world's fan34.11*. aetnebory aria Ns -Manure etrain. vee riseeeselable. Vowell, 21. 3, lsondee. saa. Where grey crags touch the shy— e Acts in Own Play Soviet government is frank in its reply. 'We have no Communism yet in Russia," said one official. "We are but nursing the first feeble germs of Communism. We live now under a dictatorship of the proletariat, of the workers. It is a transition period and will not last. It is the first essen- tial step toward Communism" "Is is essential," These are the words of a woman of the intent- gentsia. "You must understand that for centuries What the Russian work- ers earned was the property of the czar, the nobilityaer the church. So little was ]eft foithem that they lived unspeakably; joy for them was nothing but vodka. There is a prise-- erb—Werk loves a fool.' To do as little as possible was a. creed of self- preservation. Then came the war, revolution, famine. If we were to survive, it must be through a new idea of work. The Soviet government cre- ated a nobility of industrial workers, and Russians began to work." Despite the money which has been expended for health measures, the people of the U.S.S.R.. stiffer acutely from lack of one of the greatest of health assets—a sufficient allowanCe of house room. Marfa showed me her apartment in. a "model" six -family house. Two bedrooms, one kitchen, one wash- room (sink and. toilet, no bath). In mau." • improves the appetite and digestion one roone, spit: and span, a single bed. Customer—'Y11, but suppose .iny aed make the users capable of with - a cot, one small table, two chairs, oars get tired?" • steeding the tigers of our Fall and curtains and plants at windows, rag Winter months. They are sold by - The life guards at the ba•tbing medicine de_alei's or be mail at 50 Paris --A play written by a blind - ..man wbieh he. aeta with eatother blind performer is being presented at. a Paris theatre. it is called "The Triumph of • - . . • M. • easier ie the anthoteaetor. "There are two classes nI blind peo- ple," he geld in an intevview, "Those who :loet their eight in the wee awl those who beearise blind through sonan'otlier miefortnee. I' am Plead- ing for .the latter. it is not that the world is indifferent to them. "But we do not wish to make our living through the charity of others or by begging. We wish to live by our own intelligence. We want to prove that we are eapable of taking care of ourselves and even support - No chalice of this modernentenbator failing. With capacity of more than 1,000 eggs, this nen, volving incubator was one of features af Los Angeles poultry show. =fme D ger from Colds owi Laffs •4" Brushville judge—"See here, I'm see lug to put a stop to this here hoe Every woman beyond middle age should realize•that a majority or the troubles she has to fear have their origin in what are known as common colds. Each Attack lowers her vitality reduces _resistance to disease. At ...this season of the year every wo- nian should see that her blood is tonea up to meet .the rigors of the climate and especially that strength should be restored alter any cold, however slight. For this Dr. W11- 110015'Pink Pills .are a reliable tonic. These Pills are not a mere stimu- lant giving temporary relief. They build up the body by creating that rich red blood which imparts the glow of health; steadies tile neryes, stealing; or none of us will be safke Mary, Mary, Mary, quite contrary—, ias. How you. hem -line grows! It used to swirl above your knees ,.Now it nearly hides your toesna, 'Young Bride—"I haven't the hit to fry the eggs. They look up at'ine so piteously out of sad yellow eyes.'i Looking back over the years, proverbial , line of least reststa seems to be a woman's waist line. Hat Clerk—"A wonderful fit, lie pe 1(1 rugs on the floor. s, al , band ana their two children slept in beaches ought to make egood ,boll- that room. The second bed -room is keepers. They all know InsWito handl,- a box dram e Dr. A\ uhame tb. Willing itaa.,b-y,. aiaefe._ to a married figures all right, all right.. .„.. . l , n..eaicine Co., Brcfeleville, Ont. couple who share with her the small k se ."' . . kitchen. Next door are eight people! A New Yenk salesman was staying ni, ,vL.frxcavating of Old Fort Yet Marfa, and her neighbors do not a Texas hotel where he observed an see feel crowded. It is the remnant of old-fashioned roller towel. Reveals Rornan Past the aristocracy and the bourgeoisie Salesman (to man in wash room) --e 7Yee1aegow.—The fort baths brought who stiffer in this terrific overcrowd- "Sala doesn't the owner of this hetet, to light during excavation work on they glance In the Mid-air, below The rocky terrace, to and fro Your insubstantial form may go, Now vast as night, now infinitely small— As having nothing, yet possessing all. —Freda C. Bond. Cottonseed Meal Found Excellent Food for Trout Ithaca, N.Y.,—Cottonseed meal, long an accepted livestock feed, has been found au effective food for trout, re- ports Professor 0. M. McCay, of the New York State College of Agricul- ture. Professor Meetly, working at Cornell in co-operation with the Con- necticut sMte fish hatchery at Bur - Ing. Yet many women of those classes have found themselves under the new conditions. Listen, for instance, to Najeda realm -If, my interpreter. "I was not a revolutionist," she said. "But now that this thing has come, I am happier thau ever before. "I was a physician's daughter. We had an apartment of 14 rooms for father, mother, and ale children. I was educated as a lawyer, but under the czar I was not permitted to prac- tice.. I studied languages, I lived abroad. But never did I feel right. There were four porters in aur apart- ment-honse, and the one at our door had one room, dark, unheated. There were his wife, a half-grown son, and a new baby. There was one narrow cot. The boy slept on the floor. The new- born baby lay in a hole. in the brick wall. There was a little table, a chair, and that was all. "They must have cooked on another porter's stove, for they 'had none. Now nobody lives like that. Next to me in My apartment is a charwoman. Her work is to sweep and scrub the flags at one of the big stores, Her husband works in a facto. y. She has two winter coats, blank's, a good bed. Her husbandehas made a radio. Her baby was born in a hospital, and she was taught to care for it. This costs nothing. Such things were un- known ten years ago. "ly husband always Vas a revolutionist. Now I have learned to believe." Sucb intelligent, cultivated women In.Russiatoday go forward, not seeing clearly the future for themselves and their children, but willing to go on and work, because justice Is nearer than before.—"The Reader's Digest." know that it's against the law of t State of Texas to use roller towe now?" . Man Addressed—"He knows it al right enough, but I reckon that /a 'wasn't passed when this towel wa put up." 1 next year, Mr. Clarke added. The fort lead been the sixth of the Antonine Flapper Motto—"Better be fat in the 'Wall forts from the west end of the head than thick at the hips." 1: 'wait Guard the Baby Against Colds •••••••••..1104.04 the Roman, fort at Cadder promise to give very clear evidence of the vari- ous periods of Roman occupation, said john Clarke. at a meeting og the Glas- gow Archaeological Society. It was hoped to complete the excavations Your electric Cord will last much longev if you keep it suspended from a hook inetead of winding it around the iron when putting it away? If you soak an orange in hot water the skin will come off easier and more perfectly when yea peel it? A teaspoonful of glyeerine added to each pint of.rinsieg water will make flannels and woolen hiankets like new? During the year a large outer sys- A voting man, who itad an efl0r7)I4 tem of defenses had been discovered td •inclosing an area of 15 acres, appar- ently anterior to both the feet and the ,w111. Neither the period of this sys- tem nor its relation to the smaller fort were yet certain. Several rare ' objects in pottery, a coin of Galba, and several interestinng iron articles month, became engaged to a. pet went to her father to ask his e3Ttseat. Youth .(smiling broadly to hid% confusion)—"I have' 011ie to—to— le you for your daughter's hand. I—I-eV The Father—"Excuse 'me, but 'Oil you close your mouth for a 211021afft: :had been . so can se .Who you are?" found One thing you never hear one say to another any more ises There are still a greatanany people don't you take a tuck in it?" ' ;1 who simply will not let the dentists do To guard the baby against colds nothing can equal Baby's Own Tab- lets. The Tablets are a mild laxative that will keep the little 'one's stom- ach and bowels working regularly. It Is a recognized fact that where the stobastah and boWels are in good order that colds will not exist; that the Isealth of the little one will be good and that he will thrive and be happy NEW HANDLES. New handles for your percolator can be obtained at a small cost in any color you want to dress up your kitchen. You can screw them in yourself. lington, Conn., also has found that Auto& ado cocoauut meal, dmry skimilk and R -RIES dry buttermilk are excellent trout BATT8111[1S011 S feeds. A. half Innen dollars could be saved annually it the various fish and game commissions would make use of the recent discoveries..., he says. The cottonseed meal is not fed alone but is mixed in equal parts with dry skim milk and a good fish meal. With the newer feeds Professor Mc - Cay finds that the trout is more effi- cient than the pig in converting feed into meat. contrast to cottonseed meal, 11n - seed oil meal, another livestock •feed, is found to poison brook trout. The linseed meal kills the fish in a few weeks, although they are capable of living without any foo11 for several months. ' tit all the looking down la the mouth. The young farmers were boastilg, about the size of the vegetables this had grown. Flnafly one of them tO- Care for "our Hands ed to Uncle Seth: By Doily Use ef Young Farmer—"What was the his - gest thing you raised. this year, Una) Cuiticuira Soap Seth?" Uncle Seth—"A squash." ileal Hashes slut Irr.itations Young Faamee—"Well, how big evat With Cuticura Otiat2Oseeet it?" LhAboia•AS.4461114A.M.A.4.46".0w twOhe-fhttaW,", A —..,,11. J Uncle Seth (drawling)—"We neva' -- measured it, but we used the seeds 102 H w Lose Snow shoeS." ow omen • ,... First Travelling Salesman- on the road ain't what it used to be.". "Second Ditto—"Nava I've been oi the road for ten years now and "rave/ had to sleep at a fainner's house yet.": Hostess—"Would you like a senate before dinner?" Her Guest (giving a start of surprise and pleasure)—"Thank you, I ha(1 couple on the way over here, but think I could manage another." Custemer—"How much will it cos to have this guy bumped off?" HieTacker—"Stittelts, partner, I !OM' it to you. You pay me actordin' to th.' good yer gets out of it." Little Girl Next Door—"What's tlu new baby at your heme, Johnny, aliol or a girl?" Disgusted Little Brother—"AW, it's and good-natured. The Tablets itve, a girl. I saw 'ens putting Powder on sold by medicine dealers or by Mall it." lianrie Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. Horace — "You can't go out ,,_:4;10,1i1 Kate. She's a girl of rank." •rr A scientist says that Americans Atanuel—"Xe, and 1 am as rankeees at 26 cents a box from 'Elea Dr. Wil- bave strong jitIVS. Yes, by owl she is. e Fat in England How would youlike to lose unhealthy fat that you don't need and don't want, and at the same time feel better than you have for years 2 Ityiv would you like to lose your double chin and your too prominent abdomen, and at the same time make your skin so clean and clear that It will compel admiration ? How would you like to get your weight down to normal, and at the same time develop that urge for activity that makes work a pleasure and also gain in ambition and keen- ness of mind? Get on the scales to -day and see how mucb you weigh—then get a bottle of ICruschen Salts. Take one-half teaspoonful every 'morning in a glass of hot water, and when you have finished the first bottle weigh yourself arum Now you will know the pleasant way to lose unsightly fat,and you'll also know Abet the six vitalizing salts of ICruschen have presented you withr'' glorious health. That's the way EnghshWoMea keep 1§1161 --Why not yen? ' 231 Europe Telephones Chile New York.—Telephone service be- tween Chile, Argentine and Uruguay and 13 countries in northern and cen- tral Europe was inaugurated by as- sociated companies of the Interna- tional Telephone and Telegraph Cor- poration on Dec. 19. The, service is made possible in Europe through co- operation. of the Germany Reichspost in Berlin. A foreign visitor remarks on the large number ot statues in London. They are not all statues. Some aro patient husbands parked outside stores while their wives are shopping. issu Batteries for your Auto- mobile and Baal°, guar- arrceed abso- lutely new. G -v o `, 11- 1 ate. in rubber ea:le. Special 415.15 13-pl te. 99.50 15 -plate. $7.50- 11. a 11 i 0"A" tterv, G.. .volt, 55.25. 41 -volt Large licavY l)uiS* "13" $2.29; lieclium '33," $1.79. Will ship C.O.D. Satisfa: (ion Tuarantted. HAMPSOIT'S EATTEET wonr.s 1379 Bufferin Street - - Toronto SNre 416 List of "Warted inventions" and Full Information Sent Free on Request. THE HANSA'S CO., Dept. W. 273 sans St., Ottawa, Ont. She Couldn't Be Hoodwinked. Miss E. Thomson, of Clapham, writes:—"I find that Carter's ',Mita Liver Pills will do more to keep the complexion clear, and the skin free from blemishes, than all the face creams I have used. 1 found the real. cause of face blemishes was usually, due to liver and stomach troubles. My druggist recommended them as a specific for stimulating the liver and expelling the constipation poi- sons from the system." Take Carter's Little Liver Pills for sick headache and indigestion. All druggists 250 and 750 red pkgs, relieve W HAT moat people call indigna- tion Is usually exceiis add in ilie stomach. Food has soured. The blatant remedy is an alkali wit neutralizes acids. But don't use crude helps. Use what your doctor would advise. The best help is Phillips' Milk of lif agnate. Per the lit yeas% since its lavention, It has remelts - ed standard with physicians. You Will fled nothing else so quick in effeet, so harmless, so efficient. One tasteless spoonful in water For Troia:Ars due .,. to Add vessnoo sou 570,,,,4 too -mune CONSTIPATION GAS. NAUSEA neutralizes mane tiniee 11,s volume 'M acid. The results are immedt- ate with ao harmine after-effects, Once you learnthis perfect waY you'll never deal in any other manner with the headaches, gas, bloating, nausea, dizzinees, indiges- tion, biliousnese, etc.. due to ea over -acid stomach and bowels. Be sure to get genuine Phillips'. It is always a liquid: never made in tablet form. Look for the name Phillipe on the bottle. All hug' stores sell it -50e.