HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-01-15, Page 3Ciforne CAth
. irA1RUE ANN fii'.ST
lat..* it good thing the new year
coulee artmettl once in a while with its
netuttseelpi. of 1165 days, all 'untried
clean sboot ? Somehow we feel we
can start over then for Farther 'rime
seems to be handing us another
,4'entice good.
One lair ihP• yearly puzzles that keeps
gi•utvfhla wee and More perplexing to
.many itotil,le is the money question.
Things Auric were considered luxuries
are now ir...t.o Jalties anis it is Hard to
keep (tee': of where the looney goes.
Tile!oliesesing suggestion might help
to Apiece t'iieie problem.
First eabtraet from the annual
salary 10 pert' cent. tor savings and in-
come t:i1 'payments. Then divide the
rsnnaineie?r into five equal parts for—
lst food: Znd, shelter; 3rd, clouting;
4th, ixc,eeehold expenses (which in-
••cluctes ct?r,._tricity, fuel, water, maid
service, e'ciT,airs arise refurnishing); 5th
development (Which includes church
and stab dotes, vacation fluids, benevo•
lencea, medical hills, automobile up- j away from them hese left them all
keep, peesone' expenses, entertain- alone. Wasn't that a dreadful thing
ment, eri!Y:etion and recreation)' to do? And there were four little
'111611 -Yee/ aside these sums every' chiekles without a Ia.mma. She }vent
Jay day over the year and keep with- off and left them just like solve bad
in thenyl every week. It works out mammas leave their little boys and
fairly well. mammas
sometimes. It is a good tiling it
Window Cleaning isn't often that there are bac) Mammas
Oecar?c,a:.ally wipe the windows off but mice in 'a while that is what hap -
with clean paper. Tissue paper is best pens. We shonld•he so glad we have
if you have it. It: keeps the dust and dear kind Mammas who always take
dirt :trot accumulating and reduces such good care of us, shouldnt't we? I
the nm ;'e: of real window washings. tell you there is nothing, no, nothing
The ant,rnri of blac'•k dirt collected on in the world so good and nice ae a
the paper. also the ease with which good mama, is there? So you must
they cagy be cleaned is a surprise and always remember to love her and help
clean, •shining windows for another her just all you can and when bee)
week of do is the result. time comes, it pleases her if you bur -
Three -;tear -old 'Beatrice was eating i•y up and get into your warm little
her. Porridge .slower and slower. Her beds, their turn out the lights too, so
mother knew she canted her toast you can feel the soft dark that makes
and honey wailing on her plate, so she eyes sleepy. What that little verse
said: "tat all your porridge now, again? Perhaps you eau say it from
dear." Bet there was no answer. At- memory. ,
ter a while a violent coughing took The dark is kind and cosy,
place. , 'Why, what is the matter, The dark is soft and sleep,
what are you doing that for.aS The dark will pat my pillow,
no auswer, but the coughing kept up,
a notalcexi11y forced cough, "Listen,
Beats etre: why do you do that?" At last
the muffle,: answer came:*"I tougBina
'cause li don't want guy porridge."
Twilight Hour Story—Chapter 7
Billy, the farmer man's son, left the.
What New York
Is Wearing
Il1ttstrated Dressmaking Lesson Fur.
Posited t's'?Plt i`. 'e ry Pattel'ta
barn door open and then went to get
George, the horse, and pretty s.o.ou
Mamma Igen thought she would see •if
It was a nice day outside. O£ course I
when she went out all the lour little
• Ut
Mee look t
' 1 0
• , 1'L did It
toe. " went ' •1{.
•t t•
Shu 5
side for the sun • was shining, but
• ttst as they got outside of the door---
' root
and it
• 't the
pante i.l
sty 4
a cold wind. It was so cold that the
little chicles tante Tuning back and
wanted to get under their Manuna
again. -But just think, Mamma Hen
wouldn't sit down on tllenl as she slid
before, so they cohid get warm under
her wings. All she did was hunt
around for something to eat for her-
self, told besieges that, she walked so
fast they could hardly keep up with
herr. 1 really believe site is going to
be a bad Mamma, and the chicks look -1
cd so cute, too. I don't see how she
could act that,way, do you? Well, she
just got worse and worse and even l
got quite cross because they followed
her and all at once she ran real fast
junday Sdkocil
1.riature Continues to Astonish Men of Science—But Man
Cold Coppressed Air From Texas
Oil Wells Babes Geologists
10, Lessors Ill—The Minis.! Bod1y Harnesses Force Even ThoughK0110menon
of Johti the Baptist --Luke 3:1 Remains Mystery
:Golden Text—Bring •forth 1
d ' den 1 Snyder, Tex. ---One of the greatest I The first of these strange wells was
'efore fruits worthy of repenri rompletc.d near Snydor' about' five
:00,-.--4-tike 3: 1i, mysteries ini e8as to geologists, That { far i ago, The air was below the Zero
of the, souree and cause of the frig3tl 1 mark in temperature and duh'ing the
•15. We tiro told that many pera- 1
ouclered.`ve'hether John the Bele l compressed air whieh conies prem l hat sulnlner stays, when the sulfate
11ig'ht not be Christ, Tho word' wells In the-sectionaround) Snyder, temperature was 90 to 100 degrees,
dist" is of • Creel{ origin and nlettnsl has beon height -plied by the bringing( the freezing air from the well was-
htou, It thas thuscorresponds ex exactly in of another
well of enormous o s 00111-! used- refrigerating Grat
in €
� e€
ltie Hebrew tele "Messiah." i
the, id Testament "Messiah" hardly) pressed air flow in a new locality five I.otior praclttets Later it 48x8 turned
aGt+,tt as a title, but many people ((10 riles from the other wells, The latest i into boilers of industrial plants and
' substitute
hese s <t
r ter power u tt
.test t fol rho
Made a t3
,nladl 1 r
, ( '. 1 was
c,SY.Pnt e Y
c1 a F
"anointed" n
• as clan
tof lr
t h hv
disco% •y�F1YPy.,;,;,Thus kings or high priests, or that was being elriilecl by Seifert, l steam, Sines tete original disco .
••elgccti foreigners, such as Cyrus<<(istt; lxlbhle Nc Blacl{burp, two other similar wells dlave been
4.5 k1'), )night be spout*n of as mine The air stratum was encounle•ecl at 'brought in here and are furnishing
a depth of 1,111 feet•. The air rushed power for boilers. Many geologlste
1'",�t}'.the time of Jesus the term had nut of the Hole with a tremendous roar of note have visited the freak wells,
e, Jti to have a technical meaning', For and quickly covere(l the derrick with but none •n[ • then) has been able to
It es eexituries now the Jews had been frozen moisture. The fiow was explain the phenomena, For a time it
Acted to. one ,;seat heathen empire
d' anther; rt this time they were brought under control and prepare- was thought that the product of the
fist of the Roman Emigre; they timers are beiug.made to harness it for wells might be non -inflammable het
allowed certain special privi- use in boilers in industries of nearby ium gas, but en analysis showed that
in it and almost complete reel- communities, it was pure oxygen.
freedom; but' they had nothing -----7—
---7---"he liberty and independence of
iiil'"nion• status." They were held
by military force, and felt that
spite• of religious liberty their na-
jgiil 1:fe was thwarted and spoilt by
heathen oppression. They were
O+haps the proudest and bravest race
gels Empire, and they dreamed of
rrtdom, God, as many of them
"gight, must raise up for them a
ewer, a great king in their midst,
favid had been who should restore
'Increase the ancient glories of
1T nation. This Deliverer, for
se reign they .hoped, they called
ifs hope and widespread expecte-
was much More than political.
world, as they saw it, was given
to evil; the best of them were
concerned for the triumph .of
eteousness and the spread of tree
i.eion than they were for their own
ny'; ,'anal aggrandizement. Surely, they
lit'o;; 'clua world had suffered the rule
"o.t '••Sat''hn and of the heathen long
enmxtg; surely God must soon over-
kingdom of ighteound establish
less and
ecce and true religion! The expecte-
di, fated,"
All the smart young women are
wearing snappy jacket suits of light-
weight woolen.
The one sketched is just adorable
with the bodice of dress in lighter 1 tin of Messiah was widespread, bu
blending tone. • ot, it seems, universal; many thought
The pointed treatment of skirt hat the Messiah would be an earthly
,ing and deliverer like David; others
creates a flat slimness through the
hips ant. waist. The snug fit of the Hltnught of a mysterious, angelic Be -
skirt is what snakes it so popular. Note jag who should appear on the clouds
the low placement of fulness with in heaven. xcite excitement t5not of John's "Revivalttrzal "
Some should wonder whether he might
not be the expected Messiah.
n Acts 19: 2 we read of a company a a� +1 a9� Fisheries
disciples in Ephesus who knew of •
John's'xaptism, but knew nothing of a R��� jig,
pouring out of the holy Spirit. It wasGQ
this new "Spirit, given to Christians
which chiefly distinguished John's
baptism from that of Jesus. The re-
ceiving of the holy Spirit, which was
the seal and proof that a man was a
Christian, was associated with bap-
tism, sometimes because it was given
in baptism, sometimes because it im-
mediately preceded baptism. When
we think of baptism by the holy Spirit
we should not have in mind the
strange "speaking with tongues," so
much as the new power and hope and
character which carne With Chris-
Aid love' ithe as I sleep. three inverted plaits at front and one.
God made
dark daytime I at centre back which flare only in mo-
And sleep awhile in comfort Style No. 2190 can be had in sizes
tries.d 42 inches
thestarry s36,38,40 an
Beneath 18 years,
,, 16
Chickens' G
11 I
Nest Week --"The Little C bust.•
New 14iamma:'Spanish zed tweed in . diagonal
Hey -Day
Come ax,d go a-bevreingy
WoiiY(] you wiser bet.
'Come wee learn that everything
Younger .is than we-
"i'i'.e who :almost dared to think
In. our wearying
There were no more springs to drink,
No mere pails to swing:
We 'were dusty with out books.
Come and let us go
Ont among the lyric brooks,
1S'heve the verses grow,
Where he world is one delight
Made of many a song
Lasting till the nod of night,
Lovely all day long.
Till the smallest glimmering nook
Holds the moon ia.eglorY;
And the heavens are the book
And the eters the storyl
There the peacet'ul.earth is sweet,
Either way it lies—
'nder unacquainted feet
Or in tired eyes.
—`~;sitter Bynner, in "Young large imports into Quebec and Ontario
Harvard: from the conveniently situated mines
in the United States.
Canadian Coal Industry
"""Z.iTC'Xl�.s'C',.u'Y•,.c-•ra,::.�y� r ti er-Spxw•+3*r.�itiL7y
co141incitlstry 7lave Slfown a'>isrgtr Mitt
mit than any similar period. in the his,
tory of m
mining in. the Dominion. Two
of the three years have seen new re-
cords established. The year 1929
showed) a slight decline, but the output
even in that year was nearly 12 per
cent. higher than the average produc-
tion of the past five years. Within the
five-year period the increase in output
has been nearly 30 per cent. Canadian
mines last year supplied approximate-
ly one-half of the coal consumed in the
country. Imports came largely from
the United States, while there were
similar quantities from the United
The Canadian fuel. problem is geo-
graphical in character. The Dominion
possesses abundant supplies of coal,
but these are situated at the extreme
ends of the country. The two central
Provinces of Ontario and Quebec are
without local coal supplies, though at
present certaia deposits are under in-
vestigation in the northern part of On-
tario. As a result of the distribution
of coal within the Dominion, there are
weave with beige wool jersey bodice
is youthfully smart.
te,..'..cx to exea?.• w(aol- lel ~:emeia
•ive'ittade entirely-ofnthh'oine •itifoi:iee
Wool crepe, silk crepe, kasha, can-
ton crepe and tieeed-like rayon crepes
are suitable foie' this ehic model that
may be worn all theottgh the spring.
No man can be under an obligation
to believe anything, who hath not suf-
ficient means whereby he may be as-
sured that such a thing is true.—
Mester: "now ••did you puncture
tiro tine so badly?" Chauffeur: "Ran
ever: a bottle, sir," "Didn't you see
it in time?" "No, sir; the roan h.ad
it in. his pocket."
Write your name and address plaiet.:
giving the number and size of
such patterns es yotrwant. Enclose
20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred,
wrap it carefully) for each r,jmber
and address your order to Wilson Pat-
tern Service, 78 West Adelaide St,
Through a Glass Darkly
If I could be as sure. of life
As 1 am sure of death,
It would be easier by far m
To draw this • constant breath.
itz=d." It is not very clear how John
If I could see the gates of life cit 1 d have spoken of a baptism of fire
Swing wide on such delights alis •. of the holy Spirit at the same
As swing the gallant gates of death ,'t?1e, and it is possible, though not
1 should sleep we11 o' nights. lc. rutin, that the words, "ante with the
holy Spirit," were added by the Chris -
But life is such a twisted thing. . titins to correspond better with the
And death it goes so straightreal f tots, for though the coaling of
Jesus Was in a real sense a Judgment
Between the stars and through the_ (see John 3: 19), yet, actually, Chnis-
nloon.tian baptisnn was a baptism of the.
011, I must not bo late— • °pint.
Y. 16. But this was
not John's hnsfic-
titin. He was like the outrider who
precedes the royal carriage:, or like
-the servant who cuts a way through
the thick brush, that his master may
follow. He was the herald, the fore-
runner of the Messiah;: not the Mese
John is here represented as looking
forward to the coming of Messiah
(though the name is not used) whose The combined catch of all varieties
Shoe -lace he felt himself unworthy to of sea fish and shell fish iu the nice
untie. i months' period was approxima tely
818,570,000 pounds, compared with
Bad Patches 788,201,700 pounds in the first three -
Have you noticed how disappoint- quarters of 1929.
meats come i11 waves? The explana- increase on Pacific Coast
tion is hard to find. It puzzles us why, The sea fisheries for the month al
at certain periods, all kinds of troubles September showed an increase os
sitonld'seeln to concentrate upon us.
It is really stupid to allow ourselves
to be intimidated by a continuous run
of had luck. If we were wise enough,
Outstanding Increase is in
Salmon Pack on Pacific
Although prices were lower, Can-
ada's catch of sea fish and shell fishin the first nine months of the past
year was larger by some 39,000,00
pounds than the catch in the corres-
poxiding period of 1929. The out-
standing increase was in the sa101(01
pack on the Pacific coast, in which
it is already clear there will be a
new record established for the year.
rt: -a...4Q .,j_, iacl,:g d 1-ktmc'ee.:Ll..,.
~ ,F• el, immersingnesdisciples in the
JrSilan, but there would follow him
"tlie stronger One apparently he
nteait, Messiah ---who should bapti::e
rater( i:With the holy Spirit, and with
fire 'v.
Thhh phrase combines two very dif-
ferent ideas. What is meant by "fire"
the following verses Show. John pro-
claimed the near advent of the fiery
Judgment. In the Day of Judgment
-tbe worthless chaff would be given to
the flames and burnt. Hence, the fu-
ture baptism would be a baptism of
t'tire " It would not, however, be
quite true to say that John the Ban,
tiet t'r•eached "hell fire," for his mean -
14, to that the wicked; the chaff, will
b':•' r'estroyed, not that they will be
•eies1 ally punished. We ought not to
etep et to find in his teaching a real -
i ttQl01( of God es the Father of infi-
nite mercy as the divine Shepherd who
seeks _ for the lost sheep "until he
the Atlantic. For the two masts
together there was a drop of 12,900,-
000 pounds in the catch. On the At
)antic coast decreases were fairly gen
we should probably discover just why eral in nearly all the principal fish
these things happen. We may he suf- cries, although Quebec and Nova
feriug these set -backs through a force Scotia both fared better as regard_
of circumstances over which, apparent- mackerel than they had done in 1929
'1 e s
otherwas ana ct
7y, we have no control, 'On thearid. there
hand, they may be the final result of
some perpetual wrongdoing of our
own. Much of the trouble can be elim-
inated if we look into the reasons
Nova Scotia halibut. The maim.
lobster fishing for the mouth was iu
New Brunswick, and the catch there
was nearly 1,997,000 pounds campe -
4e esth;-, and, wtge(uee ee,e, !e e :eetieler- :e e :" .4
=leFea'r•e: air 1e
-Unpleasant facts about' ourselves: bele 1929." 1the—tatcaCen of• l o s ers'
"I'm feeling blue and bad-tempered," on the coast as a whole since the 1)0-
we say. Immediately the fact becomes ginning of the late season of 1. 9
more certain. In nine cases out of was 40,105.200 pounds, while in the
ten, these bad patches are of our own preceding corresponding period land•
making, and they continue with us be- Ings totalled only 36,498,900 pounces.
cause it is too nit1c11 trouble for ns to On the Pacific coast, salmon and
get rid of them—G. H. G. pilchard landings for September were
1 ;ftiq H both well ahead of the totals for the
same month of 1929, though in eael:
ease the value was less than a Veal
Stuff To Give 'Em ago. The saiuton catch amounted
Farmer Jenkins believed it1 giving to about 33.643,000 pounds, a gain 01
his workers a real Christmas meal, over 600,000 pounds. The pilchard
This year the ordered the feast to catch was 58,240,000 pounds, against
start with soup, to be followed by 50826.200 pounds he September last
goose, roast beef, and nulhnitetl sup 1 year. The month's halibut fishery
was much less productive than the
halibut operations in September,
1929. In September of the present
year the catch was 2,874,000 pounds,
compared with 3,493.800 pounde 111
Customer: "The sausages you sent And 1 roust not be hesitant,
to . me were meat at one end and
bread -crumbs at the other. Butcher:
"Quits so, madam. In these hard
times it is very difficult to make both
ends `Meat,'"
Mother—"Have you much room in
your new flat?" Dorothy—"Mercy,
no l My kitchen and dining room are
so small 1 have to use condensed
But step with. valiance out
Beyond the little lanes of life
To learn what death's about.
—Barbara Young in The New York
Like the Rest of Us
rifey—"There's an old clothes plan
at the door."
Hubby—"Tell hila I've got all 1
plies of plum -pudding.
The workers, having fasted all day
in order to be in good trim for the
Christmas meal, were prepared to
make the supplies look foolish. )toast
goose and strong ale were all they . September, 1929.
expected. 1 For tate British Columbia salmon
°.'Ere. what's this?" said a dhsap-1 Pack figures are now available ell to
pointed guest, when a plate of soup pct. 11, at which date it had reacil-
was placed before hint. "You've for -1
gotten the goose and stump'. I don't { (100 eases l
above the snack 09 eases, or morett taihan) for
wont any gravy," the full year 1929, and only 74,080
---...e.----_,.. , Gases less than the record quantity
i -pal. top in 1926. There have been
Cheek large increases this year in the pack
youug tllall•ithnlit•LOwll 1 cif all varieties of salmon in British
: "Denunciation ie. an ineffective very
method, It is very doubtful if scolding, entered the hairdressing establish- i Columbia except cohoes, The seek-
,, it for a quick shave. , eye pack increased by over 187.000
Much to his annoyance, however, I cases. Pink production leas more
the shop was full of people waiting to 1 than doubled as has also the produe-
be attended to. Won of springs. There have been
"I say, my man," be said, "how !.substantial gains in the case at
long before I can get a shave?" ! (110015, bluebacks and steeiheads, al -
The barber, who was working at 1 though the pack of the last-named ie
full speech, looked him up and down. I never large. There is little geestioll
"Well, sir," he s 1
said curtly, "You but that the pack for the full year
ever does any good. Righteous
dignation may sometimes be needed,
but it is not enough. Rebuke for fail-
ure in duty will only aggravate, unless
the better way can he show:). Human-
ity?teed not despair, but hope. The
gospel is positive, not a mere negation
sat:, evil, but the overcoming .Jf evil
with .good. herein is its glory. Duly
can be achieved, and conscience can
be void of offence and righteousness
can, and presently will, cover the couple be able to start in about a will set a new record for the British
lof years." 1 Columbia canned salmon vtdustry,
ettieth like a garment,' onn ,,an„„„„„em„
Mutt Should Have A Sound -Proof Room.
s.:�_: Irl`'::1�,,, �,.•�;r
1�ts Lpolt'S
S67"110u 1S. I. DON'T
kkloW 31I€Th fa
_rt' -o o Ni
hSi< rroR
d'sliNCs UJteoNG ;
,a. LJi i rte's -tile
DON'T BE, Stat-`l.l1.1Kr'S
MY COLL-EGE. `)cit.—
t'1 GeTTING RefOrs-
FOR The diJoRLt4
YouiRc GETTING 1-EP\b (
e \,