HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-01-15, Page 1;Vol. XXXI No 2 ZURICH THURSDAY MOR G , JAN VARY 15 1931. '1,113 Chester L. Smith, PIS, $1.25 a year, U.S. $1,50 I: Adesereee $L50AER4Mt$, s2 M3Y Byt omotanzont To all our Readers and friendse extend Season's Greetings OUR COIR Getting used, to 19S1.?r A puritan is a person who pours x'ighteous indignation. ionto tb' wrong things. Let the Left-handed! &Mt Zone, The :days are lengthening. gays a dectore Thorn, tyre dtea_ Don't A Scotsman is always willing to try to change Mute teach 3sia>'r con-, goo to England, provided the advant-;, Industral warfare is juat as .costly` and .quiet as unsatisfactory as the military ,vvatiety., It is .said that politicians are as near an approach to gentlemen .as; most ;other folk- ages offered are sufficient:. • • • WE HAVE A. LARGE STOCK OF CHOICE HARNESS, TRUNKS, eee • TRAVELLING BAGS. VALICES, ETC., TO CHOOSE FROM, AND b efe 4 ;4► •a► .4* a FRS, • PHONE IQE. •.44?4e bQ 90..40OA•S•D04N04b4414,444 0444 Harness, Etc. ARE OFFERING THE SAME TO THE PUBLIC AT VERY se sP 4e 0 49 • 0 d ATTRACTIVE PRICES. Pianos Pianos W YOU HAVE BIc-VN THINKING OF ADDING A FINE NEW PIANO TO THE PLEASURES OF YOUR HOME, BE. SURE AND CONSULT US. AS WE ARE AGENTS FOR. THE POPULAR • SHERLLOCK MANNING LINE. ALSO AGENTS FOR THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE RICH .• ▪ ******tete**** 64k43rV4d44likl.**06+ ***�*A4.4400*6Ldb4k****4t.•ie4 aaa• a �•x r• ,® i`iEi vee; is dill heti, leg Vitinter Colds frog! dour Family Al • Gooderich Rubbers offer ,Comfort- a, able Protection against clamp, Cold feet, so often the cause of Colds, 0 Influenza and other 'Winter Ailments. I Every member of your family .should have a pair: They are the to .cheapest health insurance you can buy and no matter what the weather al .they keep the feet warm ante ciry. 4a3 Rough and Tarbble play is nat oral :and healthy for the Kiddies. Let .a rtes lit them with GOODERICH RUB- C -d KERS, made for hard wear. tie Come and see our assarl.went. Our Rubbers are moderately priced `and will -;give you good satisfaction. •a REPAIRING. NEATLY DONE. B'an's East Shop WIN YSKR OUR O`Ib 'DISPLAY • • •• ••• • INiferea4Deeaeal &Q+ ei.0 e+00•ca.0•4?000ta4 +11iee,0 ae7 kyr04+0D • • • • EMBALMERS AND fF`UNIEBA Ii11!I:lw'G Slry Sped 'OF .ON si teAU..T.f.FUL .:NE.W CLOTHS FIT,, STYLE. AND WORKMANSHIP !Gl.UAPata1 TEED "TAILORED T• MEASURE • ,sttrTS„.. TOP -COATS, OV COATS Jam las e a stili SELECTE1111,1111MIER OF CLOTHS FROM TEE N'S!ORLD'S;,' -LEADING• 1 IELY,S . 'NCLOTHES. tOi ' QUA.LI`Ey' Pranced Bee: •I ER'G:E . "T . LORINaG COMPANY l[ I1Sl'I;1 1 e 4IAsA++p$' lf,* OA' '++awsxa+4,1s4• 4414 tiv • • rt 6+ 4,.R d: The only man who can truthfully say that he is in a class by himself is .a correspondence school pupil. Spring is on tiro way. Inc motor car manufacturers are arinouneing the new lines for the' coming "04,0 - One advantage in getting an edu- cation by reading 15 minutes a' day Is that you can be a wonder to people who read 10 minutes. Psychologists have been the laugh- ter of children and we await with considerable interest the essay report on the giggle of the radio announcer who laughs at his own funnyism. Sir Josiah Stamp, the noted .B4t ish economist, gives it as his opiniozi that the business depression will over by next May. Let us all hope so. This will fit in, too with tie opening of the trout season. 4-+I• Widow's father when asked for his daughter's hand: "Young man, are you sure you will be able to haintain my daughter in the degree of alim- ony to which she has been accustom- ed? Some curtailment of expenditures ought to. be made by the Provincial Government. Over $600,000 is too much of a deficit. It would be a real boon if a government could be found which would handle the public .mon- les with the same care for economy that is expended by the executive of any large business concern.—Ex. 4—+II+ rey to report that Mrs. Alb. That which is the matter with the Rit thnuse suffered a stroke on world today, according to the Van-. Sur' , and as a consequence is couver Sun, is that the United States qui ; ifl Her many friends .wish for as a con itryliar rant :,aear< xe. caV417174,.., a .. E'�tiiL�sbrl�C and Mrs, Earl E. Weido were Way. to Goderich. ', R. H. Cowen is attending the f I of his grandfather, the late iekson, at Fergus. Bossenberry of Bayfield, aavisit to Zurich friends on Sat - Beatrice Volland of Hensall, t. e past week with Mr. and ;hn Albrecht arid other relati- a1,, 'Vane H. Brown, local shoe mer- e a attending the big Shoe Style Slrti vC'onvention at the Royal York 10,ir`tp'or+onto, this week, f:. Wier)), A?ausseau has had re- ce nstalled modern conveniences in i ' home, to eing the water frt the large supply tank which is a ,fit convenience. vee nd Mrs. Norman Gascho and 504Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Cowen lit hl riam; and Miss Pearl Wurtz we 'Sunday visitors at the home of M y lid Mrs. P. Ravelle; at Grand Be le value of taking a less. SID+—•d?x • Somebody has denounced Prof. Einstein as a pasifist,,.lnut.lis it sur- prising that one who is deeply en- grossed with the infinite should con- sider the strifes of our brief day not worth while? In the U. S, A. 32,000,000 persons are licensed to drive motor cars, but only 26,500,000 motor vehicles are licensed to be drivers: The family car, of course, may have three or four licensed drivers who take turns in romping the roads with it. The Expansion of the Hydro The progress made by the business of the Ontario Hydro during the yr. 1930 must be very gratifying to the 668 municipalities that are partners in the publicly owned power enter- prise as well. as to the engineers of the provincial and municipal Hydro t'ommi.seion whose efliei rcy contrib- uted,,greatly to the result. The mon- ey invested in the power enterprise now reaches 358 million dollars and the accumulated reserves and surplus total the vast sum of 105 millions. The quantity of horsepower being distributed by the Hydro system has grown to 1,260,000 horsepower. The recent rapid growth in the power dis tributed is partly due to the purchase of the Dominion Power and Trans- mission system at a cost of 21 million dollars, and the acquisition of -the Wahnapitae and Madawaska system. During -the year, 1,900 miles of rur- al line were set up and the quantity of power consumed by the average rural c:isto ver increased by 30 per cent. SCHOOL REPORT 01' 4(,. 84 No. 8, liay Se. IV--Pa_:s 315—Jean Weber 890; Elmore Gagstetter 341, Melton Wolper 337; Harold Rader 316, Dor- othy Rader 232''. Jr. IV, Pass 315: —Herbert Miller 439; Donald Oestreichcr 406; •Elgin Rader 372; Hildegarten Miller 342; Lirne Rader 300; Harold Schwartz- .* entrubsin' 298*. Sr. III— Pass 200—Glenn Walper 228; Vernon Sch.wartzentruber 217*, • ' Delton Schwartzentruber 217* Dat- e • on Schwartzentruber 209; Elfrieda ,may Becker 202; Emil Becker Vernon' • ' Becker' Sr II—Kdiineth Weber, Eunice O Oestreicher. • Jr. I1 -Carl Ocstreicher, Elmore Rader. .Sr. I ---Orlon Schwartzentruber, l t 1 Esther Price, Hilda Rader, J'r inure -Jackie Weber Martha 3 •111i.i11,- r ; Mild L Becker. e eNient .io:: on.l 0 more oxams, xrarm" i °[`eache:', II, W. Broken hire. t 'forger, the big • Carnival at the Z' ch Rink, on Thursday even - in , teary 22nd, when ..this big ann•.ial �1i nt will be Celebrated. The nsw ,aituer, Mr. Ferd. Haberer ate ho x . �o effort and expenses to :+a big success. Look up the= ss i:trent characters called for on the; pf tors, and get your outfit all ready 'el -the big evening. The .anuary meeting of the Wom- en's -I ,titute was held in the home of ifi' Fritz with 30 members ame cup'gg t one,?,'; ing th; 3ezl ever t gyred us with an instrument- al, a tz gave a paper on "The Hip e i'tar ay Township," Gertrude Tuerk'iin and Veola Klopp favored is wit' ;.a duet, Miss Pearl Wurtz gave ;a,.per en "Early Settlers of Hydt- Pxk", Mrs. I. Kalbiieisch fav- ored u&with a well rendered solo, Miss earl . Pfile spoke • on "New Year's Customs in diiterent Countr- ies" aid •also conducted "A Resolut- ion Coitest>", which was much enjoy- ed: by el :,• The above numbers were alli n-ei1 endured and much enjoyed by all u, .'ent, After the usual bus- inesswe transacted, and roll call re- sponded o, lunch was served by the hostesse, and the evening was spent in a soca 1 way. ns present, Mrs. Fritz oc- re chair, The meeting op- ngirig, followed by repeat - 1e rd'.s Prayer. Margaret Traffii4Ofi'icer N. Lever of Clinton, paid an. pfficial visit to Zurich one day last week and advised us to warn all children wha are sleighrid ing the: qounty Roads, to stop the same at.'rnce, as it is contrary to law, an sertyy children caught sleigh - riding on the Sid raods will of course be dealt lith according to law, and a trip to ipoderich and pay a fine would no be \eery nice just at pres- ent. Thet'e are lots of back streets' or side hills in the community where this popu1;r sport is much safer, as it would Net be nice to have an auto run over, fur kiddies while on a hand sleigh. Parents please. bear this in mind. Ad don't forget that a fine of $10,00:and costs will be imposed on all auto .accidents who do not re- port the aeciclent immediately, Mr. Lever's' phone. No. is 91 Clinton, and if you will earl this number he will j choerfut r 4 his services all win - 1 er as wreil gt' as' :in the summer months. Are yoi1 still running on your old 1930 iilnse • plates? If so have .them, et n^wedwith the new colors of 1931 within ;a.` few weeks. As after the end of the froth these officials will hkcly drip iii on you and woe unto such who aero round wanting for the new, inat'ktrs. They ' cost no more ;`ow tiW r"ne on, and if you get '`pincher '' i the coot will be con- eider•ablu'""abech es than the- license and you will have to have them anywai i THIS CHRISTMAS GIVE HER A MARS Just see the nes Mars Dust -tate From $20.00 to $50.00 ...OTHERS AS LOW AS $6.95 : . NICELY BOXED Hess, The Jeweller Yes! You will Find a; DIFFERENCE IF YOU BURN "THC STANDARD ANTILFa CRANIO MONEY TIGHT YOU SJtY Tighten up then on that Fuel BO Burning Our Semet Solway Coke, or No. a Sere ; Pocahontas and Bank that fuer a; with our Small Pea Coal, We t ,,.- ;?;' in stock Nine Different Varieties et Fuel, Come in and let us talk crier, your Fuel Problems with you, For Cash Payment a Discount of & ie per Ton wil be Allowed- Mem_ Ca . t e c . Phone lOw or 103 HENSALL ONT.. :: 444+4444+s+4.444 4.fa<+P E++1 t+4e4 £ 44fi+4 4+i+4+3;+dn i�+t+ +t+ +�• +€+ r w 4. 4 e+ 4 4. 4' 4. 4+ • Phone 82 or 115 • '! +++g£ ++ +°E"i'++ +°(."iP"E'.y+.g°4444` .'9g..T°� 444c,' ,`«vl T„' °,-H,44.4-1,4J"'p•'kS44f.'�}.'?1'1' +4.5' 4q,+a.. AT THIS TIME OF THE YEAR, IT IS ONLY FITTING parr. •r veJ ,Trisco 'A CTfi� ]TES A.ND—LET ONR THOUGHTS DWELL ON THOSE FRIENDS, WHO BY THEIR GOODWILL DURING THE PAST YEAR HAVE MADE IT POSSIBLE FOR US TO APPROACH THE COMING FESTIVE SEASON WITH THANKFUL NESS. We appreciate more than we can say, the favors which you have conferred upon us. Itis our earnest endeavor at all times to deal fairly with our friends, to take no advantage, to give always an equal exchange of values, and we cherish the confidence which has been reposed in us in such a Targe measure. IT IS IN ALL SINCERETY THAT WE EXTEND TO YOU THE SEASON'S GREETINGS, WISIIING FOR YOU AND YOURS AN OVERFLOWING ABUNDANCE OF THE PLEASURES, THE JOY, AND THE HAPPT NESS WHICH IS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS SEASON' AND MAY THE COMING YEAR BEING TO YOU THE,' PRICELESS GIFTS OF HEALTH, PROSPERITY AND CONTENTMENT F TZ n SON Zurich NEW 4F mason centmuurp,Intwowleon.estworkcutt4whatik AS 1930 DRAWS TO A CLOSE, WE PA1:'SF., FOR A MOMTEIVs TO THINK SERIOUSLY OF LIFE, OF WHAT IT MEANS TO I2 ONE OF THE GREAT JOYS OF LIFE AS WE SEE IT,. 15 £1 FRIENDSHIP' A TRUE FRIEND IS A VALUED POSSESSION, AS AN p: FiI E, SION. AS AN EXPRESSION THEREFORE OF OUR dENI.T_Nea APPRECIATION OF YOUR FRIENDSHIPS AND PATRONAGE AND ALL THAT IT HAS MEMII TO US. WE WISH, YOU A VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS YE R. /V Lue LAS l C ftifEiR dL l.'i"R'O•!''€'.+e'1NT PHONE 11 '97 f 1