HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-01-01, Page 81701,11% AFIXRALEs Villr34,4Y; Zara/Wei?'st 1.0.41 " "RE STORE WITH THE STOCK WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO EXPRESS OUR SINCERE APPRECI- ATION FOR YOUR CONTINUED PAT- RONAGE. AND TO EXTEND HEARTY S ason s Greetings MAX THE COMING NEW YEAR BRING. YOU HEALTH AND PROSPERITY J.G FRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 'asaa.csassammonacascussamememso............m..... polawuzimuunilicaanceamoir.socammilswargareapiffilF/EM.r L, F LKS ANOTHER YEAR HAS GONE INTO HISTORY. IT HAS BEEN 4. :STRENUOUS YEAR IN MANY WAYS AND HERE'S HOPING THAT 1931 WILL GIVE A BETTER ACCOUNT OF ITSELF. AM CLAD TO HAVE BEEN OF SERVICE TO YOU AND HOPE THE PLEASANT RELATIONS WILL CONTINUE. XTENDING TO ONE AND ALL BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY PROSPEROUS AND BETTER k. EW YEAR Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? vonninutimaneurayerammemareameammomortoraa 1 1 r 4)41i64.4.104;S titioattialistil+0+10 •; IlesanDaininke to. 06464994•00000•0 •• • • • • • TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS WE WISH TO EXTEND Season's Greetings AND MAY THE NEW YEAR CON- TINUE WITH OUR FRIENDLY BUSINESS RELATIONS STADE & WEI pot0000lo ZURICH — ONT. see s000 oral 0091414-1; 1.6e46 WE WISH TO EXTEND OUR SINCEREST GOOD WISHES FOR JOY, HEALTH, AND PROSPERITY, TO ,EVERYBODY, FOR THE YEAR 1931 AND MANY YEARS Ter COME A FEW OF OUR. WEEK -END SPECIALS ARE LISTED BELOW: WE SELL THE BEST , FOR LESS Best Rolled oats, . 8 lbs. 25e Princess Soap Flakes (1 trial size free), pkg 19c Golden Sweet Corn, 2 Tins for ......... ..... ... . 25c Standard No. 4 Sieve peas, 3 Una Many Flowers' Soap, 4 " • ' 25c Ready Cut Macroni, 3 lbs. for ... .... ..... 25e Life Buoy Health Soap, 3 cakes for .. 25c Choice Blue Rose Rice, 3 lbs. for . 25c Pumpkins, No. 2, s., 2 tins 19c ' . OUR CLEARING SALE OF DRY GOODS. CONTINUES...MAW BARGAINS. HERE...EXTRA SPECIALS.' IN *UNDERWEAR .AND SWEATER COATS. Jo M YELLOW FRONT STORE 14'..14 RN 4. 4. 4. ARE HAPPY TO TAKE mIs OPPORTUNITY OF EXPRESSING OUR APPRECIATION AT THE PATRONAGE THAT HAS BEEN ACCORDED US, DUR. • + INC THE PAST YEAR, AND TO WISH 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. Phone 140 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST (Continued from page 1) packed audience was organized into a public meeting:, with the Clerk, Mr. A. F. Hess, as chairman. The Reeve of the past year, Mr. L. H. Rader ' The Largest Business of any was called upon for his address, and he touched mealy on County work, Canadian Company doing and the rather stringent times we are Business in Ontario - going through, but regardless of these conditions the people of Hay Town-: Amount of insurance at Risk on Dec. ship responded nobly in paying their I 81st, 1928, $22,206,275. taxes as only about $3000 taxes at • present are unpaid, and intimated Total Cash in Bank and Bonds that the 1931 council should show $160,378.74 reasonable lenience with these people Rates -4.5e her *1,eOO ter years, who find it difficult in meeting their obligations. He stated that there we- re 687 on the Old Age Pension list Adenf, Also Dealer in Lightning Rods and it actually costs the farmer as- sessed sessed $4200 about $1.25 a year and • and all kinds of Fire Insurance a villager with an $800 assessment, about 25c. On the Mother's Allow- auce there are 50 on the county roll who average from $15 to $55 month. The county assumes 350 miles of road, on which was expend- ed $139,000, they tarred $12 miles at a cost of $1100 per mile. The county einnicil dock ed that no snow plows will he sent out this winter. Western FarmersMutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK LOCAL (Corrected ever Butter, lb. Old Hens Chickens MARKETS y Wednesday) 37c G-12 9-17 25-45 W. R. Doueall, as couneillo.: stated Eggs that o vine; to the 2nd euth-eii ,re be- Wheat .• •'I• • ••• • • • - ing is detour of the London Oats ..... . Road, which was paved this summer, Barley . Flour • • Pe 11.1.11 .• • 14 • that (413 Lead wa's eadlj M need of Shorts gravel 1:1 airs; and the Prox:n. cial Dpt. slid not sufficiently allew Bran funds to rep‘iii this road. He stated that they had trucks ham gravel this sununer at 17c per yar6 mile, which was a 'big: -Saving. He also touched • the nontinatiOn,and expressed his on the new weed Act. 1feelings along this line, he touched on Councillor Ducharme gave althe Black Creek Drain scheme as brief summary of the finances of the money Well spent as the farmers are Hay Council since 1927, and showed now receiving the benefit He thought the councilmen. should retrench and that the Township was in healthy fin - go back .to. the old salary scale which ancial condition at present. The new • • • . .65c .25 39 . 2.75-3.20 . • • • . 22.00 ... 21.00 Weed. Act which got its origin from the Department of Agriculture was enforced to the best of the council's ability for the first year. He stated of the large amount of Lake Gravel that was hauled on the roads at an was high enough during the high price years, and should be high en- ough to -day. F. Corbett thought too much trucking not advisable, as hundreds of dollars go to men who do not average cost of $1.35 per mile. pay a dollar taxes to the municipality Councillor A. Melick stated that S. Greb stated that the high speed many people have many minds, and trucks drive at such a fast clip over the council done the very best they the roads that they throw the gravel could during the past year by using on the roadsides and are hard on the lake gravel, the best material on roads. the roads obfitainable, and it is much Wm. Alexander did not think that cheaper hauled by truck, and that in Councilmen received too much pay time the council will purchase their for their seririces, it is poor policy to own truck to haul the gravel which loose sight of dollars by lobking aft - will cost about half what it now er cent, the start should be made costs. He mentioned of three steel further up on men who receive big pipes that had been used which were salaries. Ile pleaded for adequate too small, these have been replaced representation in the east part of the by bridges, and two of them have township as well as the west. been reused, and a place is now, Mr. A. F. Hess, Clerk pointed mit available for the last. that in future the Department of Councillor E. J. Wolper made Highways will contribute 40 per cent some 52 calla during the year, and of con ruction and inaintenance on stated that everything cost too much town&, roads, and i11 pay 50 per money in proportion to what you cent o the Superintendent's salary. can receive for products. The Gosh- Also el t every bicycle must at night en line south cost a lot of money to display, a white light at front and a surface with gravel, but the public red light to rear, That all cars must demand good roads and it takes be eqap»eI with a winagbield wiper noney to keep them up. •and rear nlirror. L. H. Rader expressed himself that Stephen Tohip rile will again stand for Reeve. For Reeve—R. Goetz, Win. Sweit, Mr. 0. Geiger dealt with County zer. -ork, arid said that County officials For Depiuty-Reeve—W. Dearing,W 11.7x' their salaries raised, and the Old Sweitzer, fld. Gill. Age /-;,,..nsion Board received nearly For Cokincillors--11. Beaver, N. OC, a mach, oach sali4v and mile- Scott,..W. iDearing, E. Lamport, E. at,1", !Gill, E Shapton, P. Marta/ie. F. F. mop.) stitt„;:i that two years On thi) old council qualifiedanti received utt",zir hearing at hence there will be no - ONE AND ALL BEST WISHES FOR HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY IN THE . 4- + * + + .I. Johnston 1: Kalbfleisch I Hardware 1-e Phone 63 ,.; .: T Cra.-771; Auto Tops Buggy Tops Wagon Repairing, Painting, Etc Second Handed Buggies HESS - ZURICH ATTENTION! TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS , WE ARE NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS OF GASOLINE IN LARGER QUANTITIES WITH A GOOD STAND- + P ARD GRADE OF GASOLINE FROM OUR DELIVERY TRUCK AT t LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, WITH QUALITY CONSIDERED * * * EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK. AND OVER- I HAUL JOBS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS 'WITH CHARGES VERY • REASONABLE. GAS OILS GREASES 11. IVIousseau Zurich ............+++++++++++-b 4-++++..k•++8-19,..++.174:4 - •1• 4. 4. "1"it * 4. + + * THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POSTERS MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL PRINTING 4- . . OM SPECIALTY. + 4144**44**4444444*****+++41 *, 01+444+4++4.44-64401,/ HE ALD Do You Know? PICIE THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING! THAT WE SUPPLY AND PRINT WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEME.NTS, ALSO CALLING CARDS" ;US1111E$.3 CARDIA ETC, THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK, AND ALSO PRINT, STATION- ERY SUCH AS BUSINESS LETTER. HEADS, ENVELOPES STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS, MEMORIAM CARDS, SHIPPING TAGS, ETC THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK GOOD WRITING PAPERS CUT TO ANY SIZE, ENVELOPES IN MOST CALLED FOR SIZES, CARD PAPER, BRISTOLS, CARBON OR TRACIN4 PAPER, BUTTER PAPER, MEMORIAL ENVELOPES AND MEMORIAL WRITING PAPER. THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE WITH. A GOOD WRITING INK FOR 5 CENTS. LARGER QUAN- TITIES AT SIMILAR REDUCTIONS. A4s