HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-01-01, Page 1XXXI Nt,11.27 ZURICH THURSDAY it40.fr MG, 'JANUARY I .19a , o all ur Re ders and friend.s' OUR CORNER 1 Britain is fighting pirates over MI China. The sun apparently never setsi on her problems.. +—+ Cheer upI Maybe by this time: next year you will he wondering why you felt so blue at'this time this year: • About the only consolation these long-term bandits /lave la that they don't need toeworry about the unem-' Let us al/pee1 together to make 1981 the Iefggest year in Canada's history. Anyway, the imeilo ib eausheg'soree. people to listem more and; talk eSs. . Young man beware of the Birk who es too lazy to return, yeetre hisses. , ployrnent problem.. • 4G4++ •44? 0 0+4,0 04 0.-4, *00 44044-040,0,640fs 4 0 • amess, Etoc a 41 4? 4, .. • • 4) ts, • WE HAVE k LARGE STOCK OF CHOICE HARNESS, TRUNKS. : : TRAVF.I.IlENG BAGS., VALICES„ ETC., TO CHOOSE FROM, AND • o 4 ARE OFFERING THE SAME TO THE PUBLIC AT' VERY : • 4 40. • ATTRACTIVE PRICES. -40 it. • , - : -40 -4, Al. Pianos Pianos • o e IF: YOU HAVE BEEN THINKING OF ADDING A FINE NEW • • The Kellogg Company proposes to ea' e. make Canada its marrufacturing cen PIANO TO ME PLEASURES OF YOUR HOME, BE SURE AND 04 tre for the whole of the British Ein- ' ,: CONSU.LT„.: US, AS WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE POPULAR 1,4 Pire• + -..ss.;' : ..... -4 ' SHERLOCK MANNING LINE, 4 . •• An approximate increase of 100 % -so • in the number of Christmas greeting 0 carde passed through the mails at p R E 0 the London office and a possible drop :3 • of 26% in the pohnne -of parcels -4 we- -4 PHONE 102. -4* + re revealed by postal authorities, as ela * 4 they combatted a post Christmas day 4....44444.446440-44444-4444me4400404,44.410 004,-t-iter0+40•400i$40......) points. avalm anche of mails froontside weeeetimmtavi Zeittegertiitet04140 ooecaolobefw6atonmtkumeasesee): 0 +--4. , 40 us eft there was a great fire in 1065. The There was a great pleague in 1665 0 O plague killed all the people, and the • a As • 6 fire burned down all the buildings; . -.0 .14 ,. 21, ....., , . , a * and what the poet thinks is that those -40' ,r , ,,,„,,,, :6•*tq.P.''' ii''.f,:.",'• •''•''..'''7 f=r..' • . • ,.,•• ap Nothing hue done more in recent .PeeilVP'etg...,,. A.;04.0..04g."-ee,.. ri yek..:; to lower British standards of 4t 0 morality, decency, and good manners Patrons and .friends : than the vulgeir and sensational films -that are being presented daily and nightly to millions of people„ --Ex. • +-÷ There are a lot of people who insist that 1930 could not have been anything else but a bad year, 1930 .adde to 13. : Christmas accidents cost more than 200 lives on this very modern cont- inent. There are times when civiliz- ation seems hardly worth the price. .A bread price war in Wallaceburg has gone so far that. you Can even get your bread free and you can get as many as seven loaves free. +-4 The reason some girls don's •blush all over is because they can's carry that much rouge around in their com- pacts, comments one writer. +—+ If most of the married women did not get the Christmas presents they wanted from their husbands it was because they changed their minds at the last minute. A company can no more buy its own shares than a dag can live by eating its own tail. A hick town is a place where peo, ple wonder which one of the new teachers will land the rich young vvidower. ,+--+ It is believed that the pierce of wheat has touched bottom -e -that is to say, if there is any bottom. - +—+ ALSO 'AGENTS FOR THE .SINGER SEWING MACHINE 1" E - ZURICH AT THIS SEASON WE THINK GRATE: - FULLY OF YOU WHOSE GOOD WILL HAS MADE OUR SUCCESS POSSIBLE.. vain SINCERE _APPRECIATION OF YOURPATRONAGE, WE EXTEND OUR HEARTIEST WISHES* FOR A PROSPEROUS .AND .HAPPY e 3 • S . . • • Ye r • .16 • it grewies , .., ad 9P W::AY 4, 4: h ., 2 sae ova . " ealieronats.,tettevezzoceoeacecaeaveeeraessatiseatzeimeetwoofitt ,***aaaaopaoa44t,<E,4*.c.k,Q4a**a* +.0+.4,,,*,00.40, 0440. 0440,046.4,..*** ..,41 ,•6- •f#Ir. r, e. V. Year AS ME YEAR HAS DRAWN TO It CLOSE WE WISH TO EXPRESS OUR THANKS TO OUR MANY cusTOMERS :FOR, THEIR' P.ATRONAGE DARING THE PAST YL,. A AT THIS TIME WE WISH YOU VINE AND eALL A HAPPY ANXI PROSPEROUS NEVI?' YEAR EIX2BAMElitS AMID NOTICE Being again a candidate for the Reeveehip of Hay Township for 1931 and as it will not be possible for rne to personally call on the electors I take this medium to ask you for your support. As with the past two years' experience I tee' I can serve in this capacity even better than in the past. Wishing you all a Happy New Year. Loins H. Rader. NOMINATION • The 'nomination for Reeve and Co- euncillors for Hay Township was held in the town hall, Zurich on Monday afternoon, according to statutes and the nomination taking place from ane till two o'clock, after which hour the nominees were read off . by the Clerk, Mr. A. P. Hess as follows: For Reeve, L. E1. Rader, W. R. Dougall, E. P. Klopp, Albert Kalbfletsch and Owen Geiger. And for Couneillors: W. R. Dougall, D. Ducharme, Alfred Melick, and Edmund Walper of the e 1 former council and as new. nominees: 1e• 4 Chas. Aldsworth, Wm. Alexander, F Corbett and S. Greb. The nominees had time till Tuesday evening to de- cide whether to stand or not, and now we find that there will be an election for both Reeve and Councillors, which , A .cal clif-44114H- ing game of hock - e will be held on Monday, January 5th, ey was plaYed Ai :the' local ring in * and the Candidates arc as follows: town on Monday evening, wheri the Per R.e.eve—L. H. Rader, W. R. strong etalward team of the Bronso • Do.ngaIl and E. P. Klapp. r Linn, matched - sticks with a local For Councillors—A. Melick D. DP- team of hu spee of town. ..Lend when ee .e i ' charme, E. Walper, S. Greb, .P: Core the smoke and -'"fire" had all died a. bele :and Wm, Alexander. • way arid theetailles were .counted ii It is some years sinee three cand- WAS discevered,that the Branson boyi ,% e ithites 'were in the field in Hay Town- were three geeels up, while the horn( a 1 ‘e ' ship for Beeveship, and this sure will team had to be satisfied with only be a . hard fought bettl ,, as there aro two. It was as hard game to lose a. ea 4 , 1 ' . three new men and three of the old the goals were -eo scaree, MIwhW e , men contesting- for councillors. the localAl not win by ay 01 CA e e.„,i-,f; 1 q ; At two o'clock immediately after 4stick handliag" they etronely (qit- e. C-Q,w - j the aerainations had heed. read off avoured to 1,a -by "alguing", but it by the lerk, Mi P „ the atd to stan t**aoo.a44-6.001444,64i*44papotkitmimpowkw4,0/04,N4*,041kost, ,"( Continued , 8,......2, In favor of th on page 8) isiters.e 4 c f extend Season' itlappy New Year! eielr. T. L. Warm of Toronto, called oi.-Ourich friends this week. •Vr. Rennie Weber of Hamilton is se4ending the vacation at his home on thIe..flronson line. ie Wesley Callfas of Kitchener, • is:Vrsiting with his friend, •Mr. Leon- arcleWagner. r. and Mrs. Wm. F. Braun and • tee,fe sons of Fart, were Sunday l'INers at the home of Mr. Wm. Le*ont, - &etch night will be obser LhiAvangelical church on We •evM, when a suitable progr bc4endered. •;-e'i41, Christmas entertainin ao various churches las reithided one of the meaning of the oceasion, and were well patronised, ai4the -programs were excellent. THIS CHRISTMAS GIVE HER A MARS • „„, ri„. GT Chester L. Sraitk, rotalttaaen. $1.26 a year, U.S. $1.60 fia har.erse41,' ;LH INA.anzARS,0,21,14LY tIMeamito etings Yes! You will Fitcf DIFFERENCE IF YOU IIURNI Semet, Solway Coke, or No. Tighten up then oxis.:::tF.ssel' R,./.41 4127 e Burning... 'N. 4,.:1 t,,e 0P-' ,....1,i? . MONEY TIGHT YOU SAY • Pocahontas and Bank that farsrate, i with our Small Pea Coal. We, r-reeee Just see the new ' ill stock Nine Different Varieties og. • Mars Dust-tite : your Feel Problems with yor.s. I Fuel. Come in and let us. talk cre , ..OTHERS AS LOW .AS From $20.00 to $50.0;06.95 NICELY BOXED . , . i For Cash Payment a Discount a 5ec• - per Ton evil be AlioureePe &less The jeweptAtis. r:)..z-L.... Caratelcax ved in INN 1Phonew 10w or 10J HENSALF., ma:. daztaiA, s„...2._ t week ,f+++++++++++++++++++++++telefee+++++++++++++++4+444+ ts held f ire and Mr, J. E. Hamilton and Miel,'Doris Craig of Windsor, visited ,i wit• Mrs. Hamilton's parents, Mr. ma •t:‘INIrs. J. Galster over Christmas, an' jhe two ladies remined over for r. a 4,,eek. r. and Mrs. W. Hy, Pfile, of Ai.04.rn, were week -end visitors at t.41heme of Mrs, Lydia Pfile. We ife4116.ev'ta.444'ere;r3lart7Inear iHiPenkisTII,aatild" preparations to build -see t elie public will kindly take notice that e beginning next week the stores in ZUrich will be closed every Tues- day .4vening for the months of Janu- ary, Itrebruary and March, after which theyewill again remain open on that peuvebtet. fur the convenience of the ThF4anuary meeting of the 'Wom- en's Inetitute will be _held at the home of •Mrs. C. Fritz, on Monday evening,' January oth at 8 o'clock. The ekrnmittee in charge will be Mrs. C. Fritz, Mrs, Heideinan, Mrs. A. Fos- ter and Mrs. McAdams, Topic, Hist- orical Research, and the Roll Call, Name of an aarly settler. All ladies cordially invited. • The nomination for Police Trustee of Zurich on. Monday evening was on- ly fairly Well attended and there was little on the program for discussion. And the following were nominated for •the 1931 Board. Jos. Geiger, C. Schilbe„ Bd. Daters, Sr., R. F. St- ade, Wm, Lamont, Win. Meidinger, W. S.. Ruby, Ward Fritz,Ed. Haber. er. Only three qualified namely C. Schilbe, J. 'Geiger, Ed. Haberer, who will constitute the 1831 board. + • • • WE PAUSEIN OUR ACTINaTIES, AND L•ET. 'THOtid T s DWELL THOSE FRIENDS,ViniQ of. .1* • BY THEIR GOODWILL DURING THE PAST YEAR • AT THIS TimE OF THE YEAR, IT IS ONLY FIT.TIN THAT + + + + + et + + .4 + I YOU THE SEASON'S GREETINGS, WISHING FOR 'et YOU .A.ND YOURS AN OVERFLOWING ABUNDANCE; $ OF THE PLASURES, THE 3017, AND THE HAPm NESS WHICH IS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS SEASON' • AND MAY THE COMING YEAR BRING TO YOU THE 411-- • PRICELESS GIFTS OF HEALTH, PROSPERITY AND + 4a' CONTENTMENT + ...................................„_............ _ t lir 0 FRITZ & SON 4. ▪ Phone 82 or 115 .., Zurich '44+++++++++444.1.4______„____!"144.++++,.,014.**** ,• ------",,...-,---..-."-...,--,......_--!. 1...reafttlie47.4 HAVE MADE IT POSSIBLE FOR US TO APPROACH TRE COMING FESTVENESSESA,SON WITH THANKFUL.. We appreciate more tan we can say, the favors whick you have conferred upon us. It is our earnest endeavor - at all times to deal fairly with our friends to take no) advantage, to give always an equal exchange of vainest, and we clrish the confidenoe which has been reposed in us in such a large measure. T IS IN ALL SINCERETY THAT WE EXTEND To -day, Thursday we are entering •upon another new year, some of us are making, 'new resolutions and •m aoe renewing the old ones. Whether we Make new or old reso- lutions, „pan we all strive to live a life that'''IS •woethY of comment. As wc,‘ look- back',3!),),,te1 the' past year we indeed have Many things to be grate- ful for, truly enough conditions have not beeneiofavorable in manY things but on Olaf whole we have not been as unfortimate as same people in a good many other countries. Let as all put our shoulder to the wheel and push forward •and help everybody and evoryg along that we possibly can. witEcluzzt EW AS 1930 DRAWS TO A CLOSE WE PAUSE FOR A MOMENT To THINK SERIOUSLY OF LIF OF 11.7HAT MEANS TO VS 44 i1 ONE OF THE GREAT ../OYS OF LIFE AS WE SEE IT, 1$ FRIENDSHIP A TRUE FRIEND IS A VALUED POSSESS30N AS AN EXPRES- ritt SION. AS AN EXPRESSION THEREFORE OF OUR GE/WEY.E 40.1 APPRECIATION OF YOUR PMENDSHIPS AND PATRONAGE AND ALL THAT IT HAS MENT. TO U$, WE WISH YOU ..tIX,I, A VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW R aeziffERAL itilifROHANT PHONE - 97 444. Tett?. laUgY. .$