HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-12-25, Page 7Bank of Montreal Annual Meeting flair Charier Gordon, President, Stresses Inherent Vigor and Soundness of General .Economic Strecture in Canada. -Reaction in General Business Dee principally to Depressed Grain and Other Commodity Prlees, W. A. Bog and Jackson Dodds, the General Managers, Draw l enttention to Maintenance by Bank of Traditionally P y Strong Liquid . o traffic, the diminished .earnings of carriers by land and water, unen)- ployment of labor and, above all, diminished purchasing power of the agricultural class. "In summing up his conclusions, Sir Charles stated that "in this virile country of Canada with its abounding resources there can be no permanent depression. My own view is that when the turn comes Canada will be found leading the procession in the return to pros- perity;" General Managers' Address The address of W. A. Bog and Jackson Dodds, the Generai .Man-' agers, dealt more particularly e ith the report of the Bank for the last fiscal year. The report said in part: "In times like the present it is inevitable that losses suffered through the heavy fall in prices must affect Banks at least indirect- ly. It is a satisfaction to be able to assure you that 'we have made ample provision for all losses and doubtful debts. "You will note that the tradition- ally strong liquid position of your Bank has been maintained. This was accomplished without curtail- ing the credit requirements of our customers. "A notable increase during the year in the number of small ac- counts in specially gratifying, as we have the f act that the Bank of Montreal welcomes small- acro nts." The annual general meeting of the Bank of Montreal was marked by a distinct feeling of confidence in, the general outlook in Canada. Sir Charles Gordon, the Presi- dent, in reviewing the principal de- velopments of the year, said in part:— "I art:---„f am sure it will be very gratify- ing. to the shareholders to learn that we have not suffered any losses from depreciation in the securities which the Bank holds as part Of its assets, From this you will un- derstand that great care has been exercised in our investments.. "The 'year under review has been a most difficult one not only for banks but for practically all classes of business, and this has been re- flected in our profits, but neverthe- less ample provision has been made for all losses and prospective losses. "Examination of the figures of the foreign trade of Canada shows how large a part the item of wheat plays. No other single commodity approaches this cereal in volume and value; as a consequence, when crop failure occurs or prices full below the line of profitable produc- tion, the•whole business of the coun- try is adversely affected. Tbat has happened. The wheat crop of 1929 was short in quantity; the crop of 1930 faced low prices and a glutted market; and the foreign trade re- turns disclose the results of these unfavorable factors. To short crops and congested markets can be trac- ed much of the reaction in general business, the decline in railway Owl Laffs Unchanging Its' a New Year greeting, With a song of cheer. It will seem, on meeting, Like the same old year. -Mongst the changes fleeting And the speech unfurled, It's a New Year greeting— To the same old world. No, 1931 is not leap year. But we expect the mortality among bachelors to be just as heavy as it usually Is in leap year. If love won't find a way, the girls will. Anotb.er little thought for 1931: Let's quit condemning in ethers what we practice ourselves. Canada's Increasing Importance Origin of Pipe In the Gold Mart of the World Organ Credited To Chinese Earth Seen Three Billion Birthdays If the average life of a human being be -taken ns one second of a new thine scale the earth is just passing its first birthday and the human race has been in existence only a part d,f one day, but the universe of strsa has been going on about as now for at least five thousand }ears. So Professor George von Hevesy of the University of Freiburg, Germany, concluded in his review of present knowledge of the age of the earth in the ,opening lec- ture of the Geo:ge Fisher Baker Lec- tures in Chemistry at Cornell Univer- sity, recently published by the New York City scientific. periodical Science. Following many previous students of earth age, Professor Hevesy has cal- culated from the slow disintegration of •radioactive chemical elements the time elapsed since individual speci- mens of minerals containing these elements 'were formed. Some such mineral specimens tarn out to be well over a billion years old but the earth as a whole must be older still, since the planet's cruet must have been in place and solid b efc re these . nee recording minerals could have been deposited in it. Accordingly, Profes- sor Hevesy has extended these radio- active calculations to the whole ma- terial of the earth, obtaining a figure of about three billion years for the time since the planet existed as a ball of white-hot gas drawn out of the sun. Enormous as is this time by human Little Thomas watched a telephone repairman climb a pole, connect a test set and try to obtain a connection with the switchboard. There ensued some difficulty. The youngster listen- ed a few minutes, and then rushed into the house, exclaiming: Little Thomas—"Mamma, come here quick. There's a man up on a tele- phone pole talking to Heaven." His Mother — "What makes you think he's talking to Heaven?' Little Thomas—"'Cause he hollered `Hello! Hello! Hello! Good Lord, what's the matter up there, can't any- one hear'?" Diary of a College Graduate June 23, 1930—Graduated to -day. standards, it is ,ret a moment, he finds, its the age of the known univeise, for 'astronomical calculations indicate that the average star has bran in existence for between five thousand billion and ten thoi sand ailiion years. TREND F WORLD' COI_D PRODUCTION - 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 1929 WORLD OUTPUT (VALUE) 1905,.4'382,182,624 1929..1417,394,881 SOUTH AFRICA ( ,' 1 n .A101,489,216 is .2I5,241,874 CANADA ( •' ) ,, ..$ 14.159,193 ,f ,.139.861,663 CONVERTED AT $20=671834 PER OUNCE Few economic questions are being output of the world had fallen by sear - more keenly discussed throughout .the ly 30 per cent. in 1929 as contrasted world to -day than that of the supply of gold for monetary use. In this sub- ject Canada has adouble interest— her interest as a gold -producing coun- try and also as a trading nation vital- ly concerned with anything and every- thing that is fundamental to world prosperity. While most of the discussion has centered upon the need for better dis- tribution and use of the existing stocks of gold, there has been also a note of real anxiety over the possi- bility of an actual shortage of gold supplies. This anxiety arises from an anticipated early drop in South Afri- ca's output. As the accompanying dia- gram indicates, the burdeu of main- taining the level of world gold produc- tion during the last twenty-five years bas been borne in ever-increasing de- gree by South Africa. The total gold June 28, 1930—Looked for a $10,000 lob. July 20, 1930—Looked for a job at $100 a week. Aug. 9, 1930—Looked for any kind of a job. September 2, 1930—Still looking, September 23, 1930—Went to work for my uncle for $75.00 a month. The customer was busy sawing on the steak he had ordered, and he was having a difficult time. Waiter (solicitously)—"Is it tough?" The customer was exhausted. He turned to the waiter with defeat in bis eyes and said: Customer—"When I order beef and get horse, I don't care. But next time, take the harness off before you start serving." No matter how brave a man is, there's a woman somewhere he's afraid of. Those who have had experi- ence will testify that a woman may Smile, and smile, and be unwilling Mill "She didnt' act that way the last time she was engaged."—Overheard remark. Most any wife gets suspici- ous if she sees her husband and his mother talking together in whispers. She suspects they are talking about her. Some women can make 25 -cent coffee taste like 50 -cent coffee and came women can make 50 -cent coffee taste like 25 -cent coffee, You have to do your own climbing. Opportunity is x ladder, not an elevator. jl met her in the garden, The night was still as death. knew she knew her onions, I could smell them on her breath. First Salesman ---"I'm broke. Can't ylell my book." Second Salesman — "What's It ;called?” First Salesman—"The. Art of Sales- tmanship." Infamous infinities of To -day "Painless Dentists.." "Easy Pay- ' events: with 1905. One point of special interest from the Canadian standpoint is the fact that, in the writings of almost all stu- dents of the gold situation, little or no importance has been attached to Can- ada's rising output. It is true that the Dominion's production has never bulked largely= in the world's total out- put, but it has grown, and is continu- ing to grow, substantially. With gold being produced in larger quantities either from gold properties or from huge ore bodies, in which gold is as- sociated with other metals, it may well be that Canadian resources are destined to play a much more pro- minent part than has yet been fore- seen, in offsetting the expected de- pletion of the South African gold- fields and the threatened embarrass- ment of the world's monetary systems. First Instrument Used By Chinese Resembled Mod- ern Saxophone The huge modern pipe•ov'gans Used in churches and theatres probably owe their origin to a small Chinese mouth instrument in which bamboo tubes were used for pipes, and which some, what resembled in appearax.ce the modern saxophone, in the opinion of Dr. Berthold Laufer, curator of an- thropology at Field Museum of Na- tural History. Examples of these instruments which first appeared in very ancient times, but are still used to a limited extent in China, were collected by Dr. Laufer while on an expedition ie. China, and are now on exhibition at the museum. They are rarely heard nowadays, however, because of a curi- ous superstition that a skilful per- former becomes so wedded to his music that he is forever playing, to the ex- clusion of all other activities. This, the Chinese apparently fear, would prove inconvenient for the player and might become annoeing to his neigh bors. Another thing that has caused the popularity of the instrument to wane in late years is the fact that because it is played largely by sucking the breath in, as vel•1 as by blowing, it causes inflammation of the bronchial tubes and diseases of the -ungs, and it is said that no habitual player ever lives loner than forty years, Dr. Laufer states. This is a serious mat- ter to the Chinese, to whom longevity is one n' the fundamental ideals. The mouth pipe ocean, or "sheng" as the Chinese call, it, consists of a bowl -shaped body of lacquered wood at the end of a tube with a moutn- piece, which gives ii a resemblance t„ a large meerschaum pipe as well as to a saxophone. Seve teen bamboo tubes of varying lengths are inserted in the top •of the body, which provides the wind reseevoir. Thirteen of the tubes are fitted with free reeds similar to those used in grand organs today. Each of the tubes has a small hole just above the point where it enters Watch For Early Symptoms Classified Advevusi g 'Itj A.ruty RELIABLE; MA'i'f'tiMoN- 1T Lan paper mailed free AUdresal Friendship Alagazine .Medina, :new Yorl[. 1CJ�7 E CAN� SUPPLY ANY 130031 publisbeo with a minimum delay., Enquiries promptly answered Subscrip- tions placed for di Canadian. British and American publications at lowest prices. World's Suhscriptlqn AgencY (Bagel), 211 Queer! St. west, Toronto, Canada. New Air Service Over Continent Passenger Routes Include Flight Between Montreal and Miami New York. -Co-ordination of au ex- tensive xtensive network of airways, including' passenger services' from Montreal to Miami and across the continent to Los Ahgeles, with stops at Dallas, Fort Worth and E1 Paso, will be ef- fected ffected under an agreement between the Eastern Air Transport and two divisions of. American Airways, opera- tion unit of Aviation Corporation, It became known here on Dec. 3. It pro- vides for co-ordination of schedules at Atlanta anis Newark. These new schedules will make it possible for passengers to travel by air port starts its daily passenger service from Atlanta to New York in eight and a half hours when Eastern Air Trans - over that route. Passengers may then continue north to Boston by airplane, or after an overnight stop, to Albany or Montreal. When the Eastern Air Transport opens its Miami .extension on Jan. 1, air traffic from Boston and Montreal, as well as from Atlanta and the south- west, will be co-ordinated with Pan- American Airways' 22,000 -mile all air system through the West Indies and Central and South America. Simultaneously reports from Miami told of the inauguration of a new snail and passenger ai.r route from Cuba to Cristobal by way of Kingston, Jamaica by the Pan-American Airways. The new service, which was said to in- volve the longest regularly scheduled over -water flight in the history of aviation., was inaugurated by a 22 -pas- senger flying boat which covered the 647 mile distance from Kingston to Cristobal, entirely out of sight of land, in 5 hours and 50 minutes. The entire trip was without difficulty, the reports said, and there were only slight variations from schedule at any point. the reservoir. The harmonium, or small onan with free reeds but without pipes, was Of Cancer _.__ Then Act at Once the first occidental development from this instrument, says Dr. Laufer. The princip.e of the free reed.became wide- ly known in Europe through she in - This is One of a Weekly Series of Health Articles Prepared Artist: Well, what do you think of the idea? Friend. It's not halt as bad as it's painted. Customer — "But you guaranteed that this watch 'would last me a life- time." "Jeweler "I know—but you didn't jlook very healthy the day that you sought it." inhale Minard's Liniment for Asthma. 13y the Canadian Social Hygiene Council Our last article told you something + treatment given within a month or about cancer. To -day I propose to tell you how this disease can be fought. . If every individual in Canada could receive and follow the simple advice two the probabilities of a cure are al- most perfect. In this connection rag- ged teeth and unclean mouths are known to frequently produce cancer. Keep your mouth clean and go to the dentist frequently. It has been said that beautiful wo- mennskin ofthe rarely have cancer because they ,keep their skins clean. Cancer of the uterus kills many wo- men. It would kill fewer if women would learn to visit their physicians immediately upon noticing any femin- ine eminine irregularities. Cancer of the breast is not terribly dangerous if it is treated early. As soon as a little lump is noticed the physician should be made aware of it. If this is done early enough the possibilities of a cure are almost nine out of ten even should the lump prove to be a malig- nant form of cancer. In cancer of the breast every week's delay reduces the chance of recovery. After, one receives an injury to a bone it should be x-rayed if the swell- ing and discomfort do not disappear in a few weeks. It is most difficult to recognize the signs of internal can- cer but persistent indigestion or a feeling of discomfort or a "new" feel- ing inside should be viewed with sus- picion and the doctor consulted. One of the best ways of protecting your- self against cancer and the fear of cancer.is to visit the family physician once a year for a thorough physical examination, whether one is sick or which is contained 1 �I in this article C e the number of cancer deaths would be re- duced by many thousand's. In the first place let us frankly admit that' doctors have not yet learned how to prevent cancer b. the way they have learned how to prevent smallpox and typhoid and diphtheria. That, how- ever, should not be too discouraging for they have learned bow to treat early cases of cancer and how to treat conditions that look like cancer so that the former are cured and the can- cerous condition prevented. There- fore the moral connected with this ar- ticle is this: Watch for early symp- toms of cancer and act at once upon the slightest suspicion of having found' any. First, in. external cancer there is al- ways a warning to be seen with the eye or felt with the finger. These first signs are moles or warts, little areas covered with a scab, a little lump or nodule beneath the skin or . deeper, an unhealed wound. As a rule these things do not hurt, but that does not make it less dangerous, only a physician can state whether a wart or little lump is cancerous. in connection with cancer of the Up and tongue there is always first on the lower lip or tongue some abnormal de - troduction of the Chinese reed organ at the end of the eighteenth century. Prof. C. G. Kratzenstein invented the harmonium after examining a sheng t to his native city. The first in- strument of this type was the Pan's pipes of the •ancient Greeks, which consisted of a set of pipes of different length bound. together and made to sound by the player's breath. About two centuries B.C. a device was in- vented for forcing air into the pipes by water power, and keys were added to open and close the pipes. The hy- draulic organ was common among the Greeks and Roman. Centuries later the bellows came into use, instead of water power, to furnish air. An organ built in the tenth century. for Win- chester Cathedral in England had a bellows so powerful that 70 inept were needed to pump it. In the organs of today the power that pumps the bel- lcws would be equal to 50 ar even 100 horsepower. Yet so improved is the mechanism of the keyboard t bat the uch of a finger is all that is re- quired to open the pipe -valves. The greatest changes are due to the use. of electricity. So much of the machin- ery is now operated by electricity that the inside of the organ looks like a telephone exchange.—The American Weekly. feet. If this warning is heeded and well. Cheese Port easeannaienesen Odd-looking sleds piled high with balls of Dutch Cheese ready for shipment at Alkmaar, Holland, to all parts of world. Twenty million pounds of cheese are sold each year at Allkmaar, one of most famous markets_ for cheese In world. Arctic's Prize Beauty Rewarded With Mirror Winnipeg, — Enoosiak, 24 -year-old brunette, is the reigning beauty of the Arctic. Andrew Brown, the big face and figure, men of the north. selected this brown -eyed, brown -skinned Eski- mo girl from an entry of two dozen in the first beauty contest' ever held inside the Arctic Circle. From Baker Lake, little trading post on Chesterfield Inlet. just a thous- and miles north of Winnipeg, came word of Enoosiak's triumph. "Shining Star," her name, means. and proudly, for the first time in her life, she can survey ner prize-winning features. A mirror was her reward, the first she had ever owned. You have probably noticed in paying certain bills that all robbers do not wear masks. TAXIDERMIST AND FURRIER SUPPLIES OLIVER SPANNER & CO., LTD., Dept. S 26 Elm St., Toronto. Our new Catalogue showing artificial furriers'yes, supplies, now ready Send for eco . In Winter Flightless Planes To Usurp Small Golf Chicago. -1n the States, amusement park owners, now that miniature golf is launched, are now planning to fea- ture flightless airplanes. When summer conies again the would -bo aviator may be able to taste the thrills of taking the stick and put- ting himself through a few barrel rolls and nose dives, all without leaving the ground' One of the models looks for all the world exactly like areal airplane, with pr,opeller, wings, rudder, landing gear, and evidently the only thing that keeps It from soaring into the sky is the pneumatic pedestal on which. it is supported. "But get into the cockpit,' an at- tendant urges. "Flip a quarter into the coin release box. Get the rush of air from the whirling propeller,' elec- trically driven. Grasp the stick. Til- 1 nj stautly the plane zooms, backs, turns or dives, all as you handle the stick." Chief among them, however, is the Flight Tutor, which looks less like an airplane, but acts snore like one, as it has more freedom of movement, actua- ly allowing a barrel roll. According to its makers, the Flight Tutor has been tested and adopted by the United States Army Air Corps as standard equipment for student pilots, and has been installed at government !veining fields and at Curtiss airports. Hands of invisible spirits touch the strings of that mysterious instrument, the soul, and play the prelude of our fate,—Henry W. Longfellow. Minard's Liniment for all Pain. Outdoor work and play often give rise to sprains and frost bite. Keep a bottle of Minard's by you to rub on the affected parts. READ OF A CASE LIKE HER 04! Decided to take Lydia Ea Pinklnar's Vegetable Compound Moncton, New Brunswici0 _ "Before my last baby was born I was very weak, nervous and dis- couraged. 1 saw an advertisement in the paper about a woman who had been like me so I bought a bottle of Lydia 1. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound. 1 took three bottles and it carried me safe- ly through that critical time. 1 feel hthrave stroge childrentl haveo care f wellor and 1 told two other women about your medicine."— Mus. Gus Mummer= 82 AlbertStreet, Moncton, New Brunswick. ISSUE No. 51----'30