HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-12-25, Page 5IT'hursd'aY, December 25th, 19301 BUSINESS CRUS DAIDLEYRITOLNIES BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC, ETC., 'DFFYCE—Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, GODERICH, Ontario, Special Attention to Councel and Court Work. 11r. Holmes may be consulted at G.oderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. Dr. 11. H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Revery Thursday, Friday, Saturda At HARTLEIl3'S BLOCK, • DASH -WOOD E:vety Mon'day, Tuesday and Wednesday OSCAR KLOPF •Graduate Carey M. Jones National School of Auctioneering. Try me for Registered Live Stock, (All Breeds.) Terms in keeping with prevailing -prices. Choice Farms for Sale. Will ,se11 anything Anywhere. Phone 18-93, or write. Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX 1 AM IN A. POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit ;your business, and if not satisfied will tmake no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone 13-57. SEE US FOR NEW LOW PRICES ON. THESE BATTERIES OF "QUALITY" S. Wein DASHWOOD -= ONTARIO 11011111M111146811111•0061104101/00101110 : urichs' Popular MEAT MARKET sineANNOUNCING WHAT WE RAVE PURCHASEL PROM THE FIRM OF YUNGBLUT DEICHERT, THIS WELL ESTAL LISHED MEAT BUSINESS, ANI` SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE L Yungblut & Son NN110>P0s9111s0AcDs4a0gsgg COAL 1930 Announcement 11fill'NG PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR Scranton Coal Cote Alberta Co& and Soft Coal i4 SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 50 Cb Per Ton will be allowed for cash. :rosier Early as prices will advance on Jona 15th. Case 'none 3S Son HENSALI VE POULTRY WANTED Taken every Day tin 3 o'clock, p.m. *3o not feed Fowl same morning; when brought in. Highest Cash Prices ---CASH FOR-- Cream and Eggs . O'Brien sMI4 rii9e e RA*, 4 ` . een Z Nz !Wants, For Sale, Lost,mut 1111:111 • '"'"'" IsuiRNcw 11114A1.10191 iLXALNEWS sand, Notice, Eto. Ads IN 'VIM iCOLUMN NEW BARBER SHOP 1 am opening up a new 'Barber Shop in the Office of Art Edighoffer's Garage. Open Friday, December 19. I . have engaged Mr. Art Edighoffer to pH work for rue. Service is my Motto. I• Will appreciate. a ,call very much. Harold Johnston, :Zurich For Sale Singer Canaries, at $5 each or a pair, male and. female for $6. Also a number of second hand .cages for sale. Apply to: Henry Brown, Phone 19-100, Zurich. Dashwood, P. 0. For Sale Two Brunswick Victeolias, in first Cia.Ss; Condition., with about 40 Rec- ords each, will be sold very cheap. C. Watson, 1{ippen, 'Ont. FOR SALE A member of good horses at var- ious ages for sale, including a spanof. 2-yr._old Clydesdale colts. Apply to J. Hey, Jr. -24 FOR SALE Wood for Saha Orders taken for good all maple stove wood, cut to 14 inch length. Apply to C. Schrag & Sons, • FOR SALE A number of brood sows that have Lc:en bred for. sale. Also a good k,•eg for service, George Kellerman, Dashwood. NOTICE J. C. Salmon & Son, Teamsters, wish to advise the public that they are still in the same business, with prices as usual. Your order will be .nuch appreciated. ' Phone 94-16. NOTICE Having recently taken over the Service end of the Zurich Ford Ag- ency, I am in a position to give ex- pert service Oa all new Ford cars sild by S. Elliot, and also specialize en the following: Ford Transmission Linings, rear ends; springs, valves ground, brakes relined on, any car. ailing greasing,, radiator anti -freeze attention, tire repairing, etc. Leonard. Prang, Zurich. William 11 Brown A. S. P. Graduated Font, Speciatist AT Brown's Boot Shop CONSULTING ENGINEER 5. W. ARCHIBALD, I3.A.Sc. (Tor.) :).L.S., Registered Professional En- ;•ineer and Land Surveyor,,oAssociate Member Engineering Institute of Canada. Office,--Seafoith, Ont. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church `A Changeless Christ for a Bhang- ing World." Everybody Welcome to all Seevices. E. Tuerkhebb, Faster. Friday, 811: Luther League. Saturday -Choir Practice. 10. a. aa: .German Service. 113 S S>,,nday Scissor. 7:30: English Service. BORN 1 Less—A.t Zurich, on. December 15th to Mr. and MM. Harry G. Hess, a daughter. ,Kellar—At rah 'Concession, Hay Tp 031 December 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Kellar, a daughter. Mrs. F. Deters is ill and is cenfihed to her bed. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Uttley were visitors to London on Saturda. Mr. Gordon Rau of Detroit,is vis- iting with his parents here. Miss Ruth Turkheim of Stratford, is holidaying at her home here. Mr. and Mrs.. W. L. Siebert an spending Christmas with theirchild ren in Detroit. Owing to lack of space we are of liged to carry over till next week ,t number of uric resting articles. Mr. and Mrs. G. Koehler- were S d un ay visitors at 13alfield. Miss Fowlie of hayfield is visiting with her sister, Mrs. G. Koehler foe the week. Miss Victoria Deichcrt left on Wee; nesday Morning for Stratford, where she will spend the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. I. Didels and dangle ter Mer•nain of Kitchener, .are spend ing the holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Deters. A beautiful contata of sacred sing- t ing was given by the choir of the 1!lr. i Other hill pony have also angelical church . occurred. Th Company will have a on Sunday evening, l y ,ub�tantl�i i,al dice on hand to and was enjoyed by all present. =y re new iscial year. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hey were Wed- nesday visitors to London. Mr. Lenard Rau vas visitor to Grand Bond the p11st week. Mr. Roy Weber of Hensall was a ousiness visitor in town on Tuesday. Mr. Harold Kopp of Detroit, la visiting with his parents in town. Mz Miitoit Love of Hensel), was a business : isitoa.. in town on Tues.- Miss ues;- stilus Rata Rumble, a former teach. 4 CARR A FULL LINE OF PU er of the 14tH eon. school, IS lii',nd8 in the vicinity at pr School' closed on 1�'riday r'15 ....Y�—. _....- mow,....,._. �1;9r9..._ . �. ....►$Qoe+. . •wwv�ry �► vw:...vrr . ......_ ......__ i P�►vn+i•4 Farrn Inaillements WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR F 15 ARM IMPLEMENTS, ANIS o Wilt. BE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITH LUST MACHINERY THAT YO THE KIND OF U NEED THE MOST, AND THAT WILL GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR OF COST Y visiting + AND BESIDES MPS; PIPING AND FITTINGS esrnt. r WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS. * LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL ,o t for the We have the Agency for this District. holiday mason and will this year oh-. serve .. , c the full two week's vac Miss Jesse E. MacDonald, of the Blake ;school, is spend holidays at her home near 4.4 GA RAGE SUPPLIES 4 teacher, K tr , AND AUTO e ME. 2 RE. • .ng the W E I<incerd- CAN SUPPLY CARRY A At the recent meeting' of th ials of the Ilay Mutual Fire In Coirti,r+nV, it was reported tht past year has been one of t in the history of the company, nsees have bean much lowe PARTS, AND DO EXPERT SUIT:Iee . It tl > r he best as 'i.' n Thr r theaes Mual. One house and one ba~-' ' 1', destroyed by fire under the rr poi i �,. A. Prang �- Zurich S COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE 'SUPPLIES YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SA BATTERY WORT, ON REPAIRING AND BUILDING BATTERIES ' YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Tues, easy. Oils and Greases' Sorry to state that Miss Margaret .•:„ over in, the f Schilbc, one of our popular telephon. 1, :i he tsar; `trends of Mr. Charles central -girls, is confined to her roonri '' 1� :. are is ...ea )leased with an attack of flu this week. thatl to learn h4 t' e. from Victoriaeven g'os- At the auction sale of property. in pita], Lonoak, on on as made evening of Zurich on Monday, the same was not last wee l,, an,I has matte wonderful sold as the bids did not come up to progress in week's irrn ent• Mr. Fritz the amount of the resenved bid. during• his week's illness has suffers 1 a large amount of pain, first the lel- Mr, Theo Wagner of Guelph and ment and then the minor operation Miss .Arena Elslag- of. Waterloo, were of the specialist at the Hospital, but week -end visitors with the former'" Charlie has agood strong constitut- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Wag- ion and hass 'Sieathered the storm 'ter' wonderfully and in a very short time will be himself again, Don't forget the fine entertainment in the Lutheran church on Wednes- Brothers Must Face Trial day evening, to -night, when the an- nual Christmas program will be Harvey and lford reil, broth - by the Sundaygiven ers; alleged bank robbers, appeared School Scholars. before Magistrate 0. R. Reid in Poi - Mr. Thos. Snowden, of the Blue ice Court at Brussels last week and Water Highway, Stanley, and who as a result of the evidence submitted recently purchased i car load of West Magistrate Reid committed the two .n -rattle, had the nu fortune to loose. men for trial ata higher court. .The right out of the Iot, thronen some i"Neils were arrested d fieVPral weeks r,3 they- contracted in being,o Ton ehazge:s of robbing the Bank shipped from the West, » -"ova Scotia in the Village of Bras el m October last. The sum of At the accent meeting of the; Board : 340 was ,�ir'n t,et of Health d Hay to date n._+ °OwVtlSnilJ, which .r'�tl,e O the o 1 S +a5 bedo ft t .i, was the final meeting for the yeaa Three wit+ir + the Sie to ` gave evidence fe he :.i medical officer, De. A. J crown, J. Cheer, l .Iaclii*inon, gave his report� acitizen of 1.r•.iss- for h els, who eaw the accused coming out i ear. The township is free feora of the side door of ::e bank on the out hennas Grist. uses et present and the lay of a the robbery, identified L•et', oL I ase; reported during the year Con- the men. F. L. Willzot, manager of eared favorably with other• years. •the Bank of a`+, 11' :1 acotia, partially t identified Gilror•d McNeil. A Lamont A very enjoyable evening was =p o Brussels, who was the only Gusto- .nt et the home of. Miss C. Vollanci mer in the bank on the day of the when •a. number of neighbor's cnmr ,, , ser :surprise to celebrate her birthdc aoid-1tp, also identified the the bank. with.. '-a leets or things as the men. who held up the haul:. good includin' Crown Attorney Dudley Holmes act - a very dainty birthday cake decor• t, ed for the crown, and Campbell Grant ed with, candles. also ^ i eautife of Walkerton, and D. E. Holmes Jr., :)0uquets. Lunch wast served t.it' of Goderich, appeared for the accus- ^':offee, which was indeed very taste ed. The McNeill are being held in Some old them Irymn.s were sung aft- Goderich jail. er which alI returned to their hashes ' at a late hour, and all wishing Mise Volland many more such event,, and years of good health and happiness. 1I!•+i•** }:.F•+4•4�1••II^�f•e•+A@ &sr4GGe�i a.xo�aQara � woe ,ya •41-..•p.a•3•r!•3++4.1-14 .+4.4-.; ++I••1 OHEBTS T AT X8,75 aiw 4. WHY NOT BUY ONE FOR STORING YOUR FURS, BEDDING, fg +se se ETC. THESE CHESTS ARE LARGE SIZE AND WELL •Er 4. FINISHED AND WILL ADD TO THE BEAUTY OF + •3ANY 4- '4, CALL IN AND LOOK THEM OVER. PHONE 69 1.c,.t:.l.•3+,1,? 4....,1•+++•r+++++++i..:.+4,++4.3.4 s `'�' _'I•'t•'1•=l•'1,P>d�+'3•-9- ]a^l,sr•§' 1 ZURICH 'e 9 New Liberal Leader At the big Liberal Convention at pronto .held last week, to select e ader for the. party in the Provincial of tica} field, the lot fell to Mitclieli Hepworth, the clever and aggressive young member. from Elgin in the Federal House, this young man is it his 32nd year, and is getting an early start for the big job ahead of him to strengthen the party,and build it up to its fo••mer days of activity during the Ross Government camp- aign. A number of interesting reso lutions were passed at this big con - tion. The citizens of Drysdale one day last week, had the pleastfre of seeing some. real life, when a nice big fawn deer came across the fields towards the lake, and was a most beautiful sight. We apparently are 'living in an age when the wild life is becoming more intellictual as well as the people as seeming these shy and tined an- imals, seem to know where there is 'safety, free from their worst enemythe timber wolf, and then free from the hunter and his gun, and we are save in saying that it would not be endangered in any way among the good people of .Drysdale and vicinity. VC n Monday, December 29th is the day of the annual nomination, when the various public servants will give an account of their stewardship for the past year's activities. And we wuld urge every ratepayer to try and come out and be present at these meetings and have anything reasonably ex - planned in n right way. No not core with an attitude towards destroying or injuring the past year's activities. but rather if you have some constr- uctive and helpful 'thoughts be sure and bring ..them along and present thorn in a businesslike way. The nomination for Reev and 'Councillors for 1931 will be open from ono to two o'clock, after which it will be closed for nomination and tete usual !redness part of the meeting will be ;liscussed, In the "evening from so', ai to eight o'clock the nomination is -.pen for Zurich Police Trustees au....,1 'mom, " Ctrs eight o'clock the usual )iuhli�^ r rr efehert---At Blind Line, Ha T t rt,. Will I;Ske peace. lie •,ur; star a t. L1 yk...;t +nd y tt) .:. ` y 'p.. and Come out to t11CSt'. moottnl; [ zrnd Eotb1; D icta4 Ir.,, a daughter. i211Ac : r ••'., e . 3 k) x . k« a i iv i) sated along. Reith's TO ALL OUR Customers and Friends WE EXTEND Season's- G� a 3fings REITH'S BAKERY — ZURICH New Sonora Radio COME IN AND SEE THE TWO NEW SONORA MODELS. • :ai: ,n,.a , tis" r' ' o Our lean Customers and Friends we extend Season's Greetings L. ShIJb #77,izalliMmezzzzzezzZZi Zuri9P!2eh Gifts 1 t,, ,>U at r„Y.,,. ,, $132. r00 10I X31.)EL :35 .� i1t rr'”ans ch rti. FOR CHRISTMAS In our Store will be found many art- icles suitable for Christmas Gifts, among which are included: Toilet Sets, Manicure Sets, Perfumizers Compacts, Perfume, Toilet Prepare ations, Fancy Stationery, Hot Water Bottles, Etc. Fine Christmas Cards KODAKS AND FILIMS r.k r, AJ, MacKinnon,. MANVVMARMIMMMAMMAAMMAAMMWA#