HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-12-25, Page 3orne (706 By EANN 'BEST liraat New York Sund cool $ Wearing Lesson BY ANilAl ULLT WOIt'BIN GTON iilsta°oohed In'tsssmalein1li lacssott °z1>`- eee ..� ^- - visaed Wifh Every Pattern, January Lesson 1 -.,,The Birth. of� 11 y. ,a)ohn the leaptist._Luke 1; Q't7 80. Thou shaft g Garden ext- his the Lord to prepare �,:, ,' the face of " uke 1: 76. . , ways, ---Luke the a...eat worship in Chietzen is The as evnductc d h,_=•�.-•• tart the turlcey, Verses S -1i?, letrt Wile For _ .. then s "For Unto 17s a ChVi is Wien—eovery good alotle in this way. • the Prir>..ce o4 � also f flee w which. apparent - What morning,was nn perform. This, • therefore, would,, in any case, have What LadY Hen Fobutd the Next ly no priest could. din the life of Gacliar- Mornn a tae- ' been a great day art of the �•' las• .the most solemn part of Darcy, early the need morning eonethin„ r Servree was �• incense d woke hex up with j the incense for the ascending Pore Lady Hen 'yoke and symbolized the ac- ceptance represented the prayers of Israel: Zacharias a of to choose two imao Bassi t hould im• One of these friendsremove the re- mainsf the advance arid us tray's offering; ret a brains of the p' he would then worship backwards. The other would spreadfa upon the altar of incense the up from g coals. which had been broughtwhiph was eachthe daysHolyWeglowone left ta comingh and getwere the olded d morningwith t setto40 the great da intitime. aaearer. r on the other and two more and here side under her• her too just I t e s a alike • melte merry,hen parents •keen 'ander nice rvai ashes out the 0th clod gat wards It was seared to is Toast forward to the reunion of, their one little chicltie p •aavu children with their younger er one oo ut butor theunother one just gave it and it had to run out . that geutasitn• But a there a.t she Sou source all this ,eve may forget the re- member making? Do we always the member that Christmas Day anniversary of •tlie World's orgrwatest event, the important daybun- hich Mime hinges when over. n as teen first a good push into the nest right in trout of Mamma Hen, then Materna Hen got a good look at her baby. (We'll -call her Mamma Hen mow, won't we?) , It was the clearest littlefellowthantlit. was your lit so rues, not any fingers tie hand. when you hold your littla fist. It didn't the coals on the his Tight -would be the table cf shoe - bread, on his . left the great seven branched golden candlestick., Outside, priests and people Would be prostrate having in silent worship. Zacharias, coal thrown the incense upon the would turn to pray. This was the mor r his vision, The service ended, merit u ected to conte forth to he would be exp e ation with dismiss t When he emerged, howeveT, his blessing. not speak, and the people he could great religious. expert - realized that a encs had overtaken hint• Vs. 11, 12. "Angel" means messen- ger,. i t experience as difficult it o describe a is to describe religious ev mown grass. When the Jews s ht to describe a great the Sews sangrieuee in Which God has religious o' a man's heat, thwere accustomed use pictorial language• accustomed tO. 1 r that the heavens rs •ores •Years ago Jesus Beni up fight making a gen but Christmas gift? Three Wise with it Was. softer than .e Mamma an er, bringing was covered rvitll the softest fluffy ,acted as the first Santa Claus to thelhave feathers 1 as soot • Christ Child in the nr, n for us they yellow -fur? t st gar It was their gifts and clea custom of a kind mYsteri0ns stranger,, our own Santa who brings gifts to our ,children. Children need Christmas. It' cdhood hem like joys Leen brig cries through all }the ily1engrownatter up. the very softest and Mamma Heil :as thistle -down, thought she never saw anytbin look- ed sweet betoand and The it's nest was so very b so very big and storied malting the funniest high little noise, "Peep -peep - peep -dee -dee -dee" 'and when the oth- popped too look - :all are we not "u4 The movement now spreading over: ens Treats 3t out that start Pie country in which ng ,to make lug around all over Rand thethey start - 'Christmas people are striving ed to sing tL• e little tong, elrristmas Day a day o4 community over and over again• most tom- Then they began to look tor some. Peep - 'opportunity than to give to those less fort- peep-peepheBut these little chicle 7.uiate than ourselves is aDo you. churches are thing to eat. mienclable one. 'vide. The ens weren't hWellytheir little atom - They said, entre voice ryas he oe1' were opened and a his into a V speaking', or that p eared and spoke. ing a� C er who•aPP , smart distinction" rmagiri- It is probable, • ough not quite cel- It's the most simple thing t n, that le, oke of fain, that when the dews spoke able to l make. aay be had in sizes angelic visitations, they recognized to be pictorial, not lit- Style a 28'13 l their languageaha toatter of lit - 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. round eras. to any case, tae messag Pin dot wool crepejaunty. in navy g' e of unty ira- Godccs is, not haw with bright green is �a Clad canis, but what the message of Wool c'haAls print in brown and God utas. yellow beige with plain brown linen iven to understand in yellow is collar and cuffs piped very unusual. i aids 39 -inch Size 8 requires Vie y end with ae. yard 35 -inch contrasting -and yards edging - Farm rO Ie s �r•••++ 1 G. Sell, dept, of Chemistry, A.rCJ11�L1C'��Ga by Prof, klez�xy Guelph Cent "o Agricultural College, .._.. , THREE FOR 0NS it Paid to Feed Tomatoes Tornat0eS have became a very im- portant and staple article of diet. Time, was when n�ele itiens'si ensu ern prote•es anti a' ) comparing the value of foods, Food studios have takk:u a great step r - ward, how ever, since the formulation of the vitamin theory• It is with reference to vitamin co iteut that to- matoes are ea,, 4z,tall luable source of wag $14.60 hence the net return wanl $.45,00 .per Gere or the tomato gruy- ere era made over three for one ort their investment in fertilizes. The summer of 1920 growingher , yet yettau favorable tor tomato average of these dive hold tests show• cel a return of three for 0115 test the n invest xnerit in fertility. Oa r•etnr'n was almost tour eh tor although it i:: interesting to unfavorable, yet j930 summer Was the average return was 2.24tai s. per ttz�ir. ob •re greater tl.an demur 3 d so There's something alluringly attractive about this rust red wool jersey dress, Of course it is coIIaT an cuffed in -white cotton pique organdie ruffle bindings. Its ss for a young Its such a darling girl for classroom. gathered skirt The swing rd the low o 1 they coast)th1k a valuable trot influence, y�}ng and 1929 tests, vitamin 0, rvitiali hap ti' , Is the: benefit of attention it growth and. health, It is atmos ;hot only inipossihle to go:. definite figures :'s to soil fertility atilt Dr111 the and tl e •�4 tanrataes in ed Yield, but A •q ant a marked to the consumPti,,R ot the subject Canada, but study quickly reveals the important basic •position held by this crop, not. only dui'leg the growing season, but Ctrrougltout tall, rwiuter and early sirchi,, when delicious canned toma- toes form an important part of the diet, ) :doing fruit the Deprtment ot Chem set_ The tip of the o.*1 Five field taste were conducted last processes of gra'•. .r R summer by h 1 nowtlt is being made i$trY, Ontario Agricultural College, in Palterer rapid g the spores ot disease 'the viciultY of St. Catharines, Bloom- Is tthepentry of the t psit is etudes se sed te 3 fluid, b Pert Hope and to g soils \'Ven disease develops it i. 1 Suitable medium to light loans c 1CaiY a1i of the tomato r the growth of the cis loss. While op-ed: rot eras Pres - fields, Ye . , an-- thai yields con ,rm allele Inc growi•:t5 tomatoes were supplied with an abundance the suit tuot able available p'•antfood, lit Thead ft tie.d Maximum tratian tests sound fruit, re of great importance to 011ta is ma to growers since they pr' means of testing out theory nude P viei veiling farm conditions. s sections men tors to the tests of the in tions remarked on the vigouruniform growing crops and on the high quality of fruit which was pro• diced on the sections 'where special attention was given to themertillie stock question. The sound, maturing at an early date Is dement- ed emon 1 eel by both the basket trade and the other experimeatc.. improvement in theregularity ot size and uniformity •:,t ripening All to growers am* tz eeleled more or less this year with tip -end rot. The general 1110011 as to the cause •Yo thiss le that whet a severe itrseason, the oltgh a favorable earl;. �oi�regab abruptly ul) were ehosan fo iveu cut in pro crops. Good pTeparation was g t it wa1 observed, --enc to the soil and the fertilitYaroftheaver- i' the CCLalllar soil was supplemented by age application of about 750 lbs. oof fertilizer at that time healthy ous tomato stock was set out last spring. The analyses of fertilizers' was decided upon atter taking' into consideration the type of soil anal the special needs ot the tomato crop. The five testsus per ac1e average yieldwhere 750 lbs. of f. 1e4ti bus per lied. The unferti- lized section averaged 54.9 bus, om ferti- lizing acre, giving a gross gain. of 119.3 bus. The case tion, ost of the fertilizer was $39.00 per hence au application of 750 lbs. 5 re- presents an investment of Valuing the increase in tomato yield Toss return was ar- rangement decidedly young. The pane at the front bodice lne gives t opening their doors ere v• • Jobb, Zacharias b`rtli of lead they nhn)en's and men's • orgauizatious know istmas achs were fun. up with t11e egg that there a something mrrag kou n We a_ lake Ch of in the' night. Ty1 as at 50c per bus. rho S in. fertilizers ` canners. $x9,60. Investment work overtime to n more and came ori for a long Day a real anniversary' altar?.worthy ot the Holy Babe's birth wouldn't get hungry ,day which of course is the real with all that good upper wottld they? hat every, cla_ But they weer world, Christmas gift. thing looped like 111 thiso q queer mooned Bird Next 'reels The Turkey C1100se a Itiswith saidsett breast male bird Next?" ds blue legs. also better to add the better. g shortly before roast- the .e a pa f flour and creamy ibutter, a paste each and ibprea v01 and breast, reread over the •leas vin dredgeit into a pan a. elcl a little hot water with flour and then t and pmt the very hot oven leestart it. \V1iel the flour .is hove lover the heat and baste wit'vi tablespoons ;one\ bolin wabutter, . Keep basting and spoiling water. water for frequent tbailing basting adds to the taste of the tun key. Cook well in amodera10 potted tta� k Y, e oven three. hours fora pat a neck- lace of ea Hour before done p around lie is working n Christmas lire - pis e Ye dozen link sausages S you sent for me.." Tris neck and roast with it. It store you mean she is 'working sausages are treaded tool. separate s'0 fora Christmas present." the sat sage taste will not be in the navy. Sausages are very good. with --•--"e,.. -"`-_.._• Paneling the grays Wrecker Finds Ofd P turkey.ew When maknpg potatoes travel r .kering out the demolition of the water in 'which the p dery Turkey some old buildings and erecting tinge the been boiling, se�'or tasee helTt thicken, ,,, electricity show rooms, Dressingto . oration, 1.11 etc., o Eng- 1 One large loaf bread, one onion, _ Beclt0td Corp 1 tat, cup mill:, 6 stalkstst epow-•• land, the builder came across interest cupseasoning, �k old paneling amid beams near to 1 asp. poultry epepper. Breast the side of the Old Swan s ear to der thyme, salt and pepper. numb it up . should be two daysadds seasoning, nlie-t3-iouse1 and the 01d Bedford Prison, n in small piecesaside for an hour. which Bu1Yaa vasimprisoned. ud this Ch it all well. Set as in small pieces more Y thiel. of it, 1 me— The Chop anion and celery conclusion more impressed lu1)011 soul and cook is a little water till done, + that the greatest thing pour over tlie.drilk, (i? rtitlienbread R is; then add the milk, The .over dogs in this world is to sae some. mare milk is needed.) , thing, and tell what it saw in a plain vary dry be moist enough to • way. 1lundrecls o4 people can talk for dressing should but no liquid gglteeze into a ball ,one who can think; but thousands can dilute for one 'who can see. and relre- oltonld come frons lt• clearly is poetry, prophecy This is the good part– Put Sat, but tion–a11 in one, --John Buskin. ter, Bacon or barn fat into frying an v i an iron nue, anal ins dtessnrll,' about the played far a son, but had long hope. The name Jo means as the following given . verse indicates, us" "Jehor a h is grario 'vas good 1T. 14. John's message who news, because he announced all the were righteous and penitent •ent near ane long }wickedness Waiting unbelief had end;, long enough; at bort God wasflouabout inaugurate was righteousness sntand tosinau„ his r g Itis king He Came Off "Have you seen Smith?" asked King. "No," carte the reply from Brown. "Anything wrong?", Chap, Arm in "Terrible sight, p and rte's got a sling, face bandaged, a bad limp," Kin gtold him' "That's bad. Did he do it on his motor -cycle?" Brown inquired. "No; if he could have stayed on his motor -cycle it evould have been all Tight." door, lit that Sohn "V. 15, Some have up thought a Nazi -rite to be broughtut if this had been {Nunn., chap. 6), b so, we should probably have been told y allowed to that his hair was to be grog' long Probably we are to under- stand that John's inspiration and ex.- •n to come, not from st o g drink1 rink, Spirit of d, but frons the l rahich'will, fill hThe prophet Malachi Vs. 16, ld :i: 5), that before e had foretold i and, Eli - jab Day °come back totearth again, loh"tra to turn the hearts of theld etrrlers to the to the children, and of the ehifathers." The task of the returned Elijah, it seems,, eves oto xectha at i o healing the divisions, the differences he Israel, that Israel to be recognized Dart• might be ready eo ande in the great 3 asn Jesus time, the. Lords p therefore, the second coming of Elijah eves enpe sign of the ed arid this corning was to be a sig dawning of the kingdom of God of the theories about�Jesus, i hiscone- time, was that he Meek 6; 1 ' John was not Eli- jah, h he seems to have been a mh, thong. spirit, and Jesus him- selfofse ms to self seems to have regarded John's oou s tlteSreal fuliilme 1 of Mala mision of rentance and hope Markle a : 13. John's chi's prophecy, sununanized childhood is very briePllteaiti.tliaT his the writer can scarcelyin the wri3er- c:trliest days 'vete spentrather; mess. We should uncle Stad to athe1,. that when John was gown hood, he s'ltent come time an the wilder- pnm.. HOW TO ORDER }' .Ira. Write yournameand ashless plain- ly, giving )number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number, and address yo W st Adelaide St.order to , Tor ttevn Service, 73 onto. liebca, e.: ra1e Itis peblie ministry beg'' a• "A modern writer dedicated c1 of his hooses to his children, t they were his 'greatest teachers in the things of God. ND,ndone face w lith arts, with growing children, measure 'of sincerity tach eir f faith ii questions based on implicit f being life's deepest things, Helptessning truly taught of God. trust, nepsndence. innocence and aifee- tion, are all s:tpCT:0r virtues when rightly related between child and pat- t- ehe Then is another lltu e of adults, the trailing h and unselfish feel- ings, out cig Ingsngs, developing self-restraint,. love, thoughtfulness, foresight justice and resp,,n.ibility. Children help us re- tain our youth, and give us high mo- tives for living and working's, f Ailk 117 AND Jam''F-- Besnard Potteries Jean Besnar'd,'the popular Preach. artist, is directing his talent into mal. - lug beautiful pottery and isdishes for home. His tottery lsec- By BUD FISHER "WARD fkl3mir t6Nte N -DA'`! DIET ? Economy Corner Rice With Bananas Peel, scrape and mash 3 bananas', add a few drops ot a ot salt. n juice and, sugar to taste, with pinch Fold this into one cup cooked rice and serve with sugar and cream Potato Bali Soup Peel three large potatoes and grate.,. Press through. thin cloth tstarch drain ott water and add the left In bowl and 1 tablespoon of tour to the grated potato. Add salt and pepper to taste, Form into small balls, drop into salted boiling water and boil 20 minutes. Beat sufficient mills. to serve; drain the water off the balls and turn into heated milk, to which a piece of butter has been add- ed. The potato balls may also be added to .a clear meat or chicken song. Tomato Salad Dressing One cup tomato soup, ?l cup attle gar, I's cup oil, 14 cup sugar, 1 t spoon Worcestershire sauce, 3 table- spoOUS grated onion. Put above in- gredients into quart jar in order given, Mix together 1 teaspoon salt, 1 tea• spoon paprika, 1 ;;.:ant teaspoon mus- tard, and add to mixture in jar. Seal Iand shake well. This Is deliciousroa longlettuce and can be kept n ?, r tune in cool place, Blarney Stones' "So you are going to give your wife a Christmas preseut consist- ing of a $150 set of furs. What's she giving your 'Her promise not to get) anythinfor g for me thatl'll have to Peet January." MENDING RUGS D011't wait u11t11 your rug`s spring tis- suehole to mend them, blending is sue elft on the back ibe YoTe ahlo tremendously Two cups rolled oats, ;:. cup cocoa- nut, `2 eggs, 2 teaspoons baking pow- der, 1 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons melted butter, la teaspoon 1en10n extract, pinta salt. Mix all together, adding welabeaten eggs Iasi, Drop by tea - 1 paper and bake worn through will efficacious. Or a patch, worked on ` footle isto o15 n athletes in hot .oven. Pa rug. paper when cots.. A. bit ot fit the colors ot the move front l Candied fruit may be put on each just Cupid may be au excellent shot, but borate baking. sage some very 5 poor genie, he, �r•1 ugevity record is claimed fall e The word "7mrZlina" might delight ten tete 1 A io �e where the average cross -weed p turned on a wheel es of the type 1 fi`orthnxilbe1laiid villa tsmetr and the shares of combined ages a4 17 inhabitants total tliusiast, but perhaps not so math as b early 'Drat to the rim a • ,a• We f 17 inland that these the Proctirct itself does the average Y striated i 3 7 yeti in the ha child. for "zeS the Is the the vases are les beenCzech a technique Persons have always before crossing pitchy associated with Primitive pot: ot loaldng each rvaY term used for ice cream in tate zee speckled He also employs s a rouencl then staying where then Iaaiguage. r has road a eotte Y the the 1 ... SviiarelJy Chinese .�. ;.� est,ivo 04 C speckled surface suggestive are. enamels 04 the sixth century. We've Seen Setter Cnes.