HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-12-18, Page 410 An*: POOR EVA IC.H HZ* ALIO j11'li'1,11C1CiClll881i11 MIIIIIIMIIIIIIIli11111fI1lII Illiil 1 ICI!1!IIICIII!Ullizi11II111HIlI 1' F �•1 li Ili s=� F E Guessing Contest EVERY CUSTOMER PURCHASING 50 CENTS' OF GOODS AT 1R STORE WILL BE ENTITLED TO A GUESS AT THE 'WEIGHT OF THE BAKED WHEAT SHEAF ON AISPLAY IN OUR WINDOW. TTHE WINNER WILL RECEIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE A FINE Ii3ECORATED C}IRISTMAS CAKE, WEIGHING EIGHT POUNDS. CONTEST CLOSES ON CHRISTMAS EVE, DECEMBER 24th at 10 O'CLOCK, HAIST'S BAKERY ZURICH, ONT. Phone 100 1 1111!181M1111IIlffi[IB C!!1 llh11 gll u11111 II111111MIICIIIIIIIIII81111111l!!Illl IIh11IlB111IIlIlllllllllllllllllll 11111 IIIIIIIIICIIIIIIIIII.. .*.1.4...)+++++++++++++++++++++4 ,.44+++4•++++++++++++++4.++4 4 .. 4 - Es 4. 4. 4 4 4. 4. 8 4 4. 4 4 4. 4 .. 4. y 4. 4r 4 4. ..;i. VICTOR RADIOS S electivity! 4. Sensitivity and Value • You Get Them All + In the New 1931 "- VICTOR RADIOS + It had to come -but only -a' .screen -grid micro -synchronous X balance could bring it, only the o1• new 1931 Victor Radio gives it. . Everything about Victor's late °I• ,est radio is new, different, new in design, new in performance F � new in tone, and better.. If you want clean-cut separ- ation of stations, if you want - the thrill of distant broadcasts, if you want the radio of to- 1 morrow in your home today- !. you want a VICTOR. •� -BEFORE PURCHASING' A .MACHINE ANYWHERE BE 3 - SURE AND HEAR THE VICTOR FOR THOSE INTERESTED.IN BATTERY MACHINES BE SURE t TO COME IN AND HEAR THE NEW R: 10 MODEL -NO BAT. TERY CHARGING WITH THIS POWERFUL MACI-LINE. 0"4. Wm. C. Wagner, Agent, Zurich 88.344++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++, ZURICH HERALD Established 1900 ;SIDED EVERY WEDNESDAY MOON FROM THE liwald Printing Office UBSCR3PTION RATES -$1.25 a ;altar,, stzictly in advance; $1.50 in arrears or $2.00 may be charged. U. sa $1..50 in advance. No paper discon- usd until all arrears are paid un - ',Kees at option of publisher. The date oar Bch every Subscription is paid dated on the Label. ADVERTISING RATES Display advertising made known .ice application. Miscellaneous articles of not more Maar four lines, For Sale, To Rent, AliAmted, Lost, Found, etc., One inser- 3625e, 2 ins. 40c., 3 ins. 50c. Farm or Real Estate for sale $2.00 • tis lest month, 31.00 for each fol- :: month. onth. Professional Cards not exceeding inches, per year $5.00. n Memoriam, one verse 50c, 25c Marr each additional verse; Card of Maas, 50c. Auction Sales -$2.00 per single "insertion if not over four inches in ii ' :ale. Address all communications to: THE HERALD ZURICH - ONT. BLAKE The pupils and teacher, Miss J. 4+%icDonald of S. S. No. 9, Blake, will !bold their Xmas. Entertainment on .21anday Evening, December 22nd. A tpiendid program is being prepared. •,Cln oe and enjoy a good hearty laugh, ;irfirtission 25c and 15c. HILLSta•REI,„N Miss Annie Consitt who has been Oeopesea,jling several clays with relatives :1 ?hie vieinity has returned to her ahoSl'et uaz ?.Irnsali. Ile ittadbt Stepl'tensoa left to sp- a :few days " 41). her sister Mrs. IGuiders ,of Lucknow, Mrs. Robt. McAllister who under- went an operation in Victoria Hosp- pital, London, Several weeks ago, re- turned to her home and is much im- proved in health. Mr. Stewart Beattie spent the we- ek -end with hie parents near Lonsb- orough. The Hillsgreen church are holding their Christmas concert on Thursday evening, December 18th at 8 o'clock in the church. Mr. S. Beattie will present a program by the school chil- dren of S. S. No. 7, Stanley. Christ- mas lantern slides will also be given and a Christmas • Tree and Santa Claus. Also a'. box for the friendship House in London will be sent away. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr. Elgin McKinley, our promin- ent poultryman is at Toronto this we_ eke attending a poultrymen's conven- tion and banquet. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Reid and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Watt and child of Blyth visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. Elgin McKinley and Mrs. R. McKinley. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Armstrong were visitors with friends in Clinton on Friday of last. week. Mr. Bd. Lowden of Hamilton spent the week -end at the home of -Mr. and Mrs. Henry Erratt. The members of the municipal co. until met at Township Hall, Varna on Monday and wound up the town ship busine a for 1930. miss Hazel.,Hazel.,Smiley, the teacher and the pupils of S. S. No. 5, Stan,. are preparing lor a Xmas. tree anu entertainment at the schoolhouse on. Friday .ufternoorh.. Mr. Jas, Reid and family of Clin- ton spent Sundae- with his brothe. ::Tr. Will 12cid and family of Varna. Mr. Garnet McClinchey and tarn ;1y who have been living on Gosher .ane, Stanley; removed Last week tc 14th con. Hay Tp. Me. Thos. Snowden and Arr. Henn; 3teckle s went to Toronto and return - ;d with (15 head of cattle. Mr. Wm Mero has returned to ',ur.ich lifter working for the summer •ith Mi. Will 'Talbot, Mr. John. I air d e r moose Jaw has mvcu visiting Ilk mother, Mrs. Geo. tIi l,ri•t week, le.. ••„n ; again for the , r#ry to learn thele, M'.Wna Tay-, lay of Varna Irma !Cain ankle fractured STEPHEN CQUNCIL The Council of the Township of Stephen convened in the Town Hall, at Crediton, on Monday, December 1, at 1 o'clock pen. All members were present. The minutes of the prev- ious meeting were read and approved That By-law No. 445 for the con- struction of the "Scott Deane" 'hav- ing been read the third time be pee - sed and signed by the Reeve: and Clerk and the Corporation Seal be attached thereto. That the following persons be ap- pointed D.R.O. and Poll Clerks, viz: No. 1, Henry Mills and Nelson Baker. No.2 A. J. Penhale and P. Dearing. No. 3, G. Hirtzel and G. Nicholson. No. 4, J. R. Thompson and J. T,Hirtzl No. 5, P. Sullivan Jr, and N. Shenk. No. 6, E. G. Kraft and W. Kleinstiver' No. 7, A Finkbeiner, J. Houlahan.' No: 8, D. Eagleson and H. Hodgins. No. 9, L Bestard Jr. and Well. Gill. A large number of accounts were paid which will appear in .the Treas_ urer's Financial printed the latter part of the month. The Cuncil adjourned to meet a- gain at the Tiown Hall, Crediton, on Monday, December 15t11 at 1.30 p.m. Henry ETlbei•, 'Clerk. HENSALL Mabel Cudmore, R.N. of Detroit, visited her mother, Mrs. R. Cudmore. Mavis Spencer, who underwent an operation for eppendicitis,'is getting along nicely and expected home. The many friends of Alex. Buch- anan regret to learn that he is con- fined to his home through illness. Mrs. 0. Talbott visited for a few days with Dr. and Mrs. G. Collyer. Frank Smale of Detroit, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs Geo. Smale. Mrs. Robt. lionthron and Miss M. Gibbs have got settled in their apart- ments over T. C. Joy nt's store, where they will spend the winter months. A dnck shoot is being staged at Chiselhurst on Wednesday Decembeh 17th. Maurice Boa of Windsor spent the week -encs at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smale. Elva Bolton, accompanied by Dr. J. Spellman, of Kitchener, and her sisters Doris -and Norma of London, and Alda and Maude of Seaforth, sp- ent a week -end with Mr. and Mrs. G. Bolton. -C. G. Vanstone; lst Vice-pres-H, B. Stowe, G. Ferguson, W. Buchanan Harry Martin; 2nd Vice-pres-II'Irs. B. H. McCreath, Mrs. G. Ferguson; Mrs. (Dr) H. J. Hodgins, Mrs. L. M. Pringle, Miss Patterson; Secy, E. Flo- ody; Asst. Secy -Miss L. E. Knox; Financial Secy-Mrsfl Geo. C.Young Treasurer, -L. M. Pringle. The Firemen have put in a fine ev- ergreen tree opposite the Town Hall and will have it brilliantly lighted and as on other years, will be made the medium for Christmas presents, not only for the children or young people, but also for the grown ups.' This move of the firemen is much ap_ preciated. Fred Kennings, while engaged in trimming shade trees for Geo. Doug- las at his residence, had the misfort- une to break both wrists. The injur- ,. ed man was taken to Clinton Hospital for an x-ray, Mr. Kennings is a ver active man and will be greatly m:.; - sed. Jessie Buchanan, who has been as- sistant teacher in the public school for a number of years and giving excellent satisfaction, has tendered her resignation, and it will be diffc- ult to fill her position. W. Henry Pfile has purchased six acres of land from Dr. A. Moir, im- mediately south of J. Rowcliffe's new dwelling, nearly a mile south of our village, and intends using it for dw- elling purposes and is arranging for buildings. He has purchased what has been known for years as the Kip - pen hall, and will utilize it in the building process. Mrs. R. Cudmore has gone to Tor- rnto to spend the winter months with nembers of her family residing at that place. Sorry to renbrt the illness of John - lie Farquhar, a bright young son of etr. and Mrs. Frank Farquhar, but it is hoped he will soon 'recover. • s iSY� December 18th, 1.934..: underwent an opol•Irtinl'z for as trouble in Victoria Hospital, Londoi recently.. been able to return t his hone at Goderich, where be 1 convalscent.,. He has been granted three weeks sick leave, Of the 39 cases of crippled chil- dren examined at the clinic last yr. tinder the auspices of the Lion's Clubs ten were. transferred from the Goder- ich. Lions to the Seaforth Lions, leav- ing eav- 29in•forth� �,Gcl'ic Goderich Lions g a h Club, 17 of these have been treated where treatment .was of use and the files have been closed with respect to them leaving 12, cases not reported. One of the old time residents of Goderich passed away at this home in Toronto, in the person of Major Jos., eph Beck. For many years he was connected with the Saltford tannery. He more than once "contested the N. Huron riding for the local house. He was one of the -Huron Rifles Who we- re out on 1866 -at Sarnia and he was a former officer in he 33rd Regim- ent. There was a slim crowd at the box ing bout at Exeter, the other evening in the Opera House, 11 boys from London Y:M.C.A. were present and put `en five - bouts and in addition there were two local bouts. Jack Somerville, of London who . boxed D. Raby, Ont. Welterweight champion, had three ribs fractured in the bout and was attended to by Dr. Dunlop. There were three knock -puts during the evening. • A number of applezuen.of the co- unty are looking' intothe project of establishing ain apple grading and packing plant in the county, similar' to plants in some of the other coun- ties, and in this connection a number of apple men have been. in Goderich looking into the project of locating such a plant there. Goderich has the advantage of being located on both railway lines and also on tae water front for boat shipments. John P. Campbell, a 'former Coun- cillor of Ashfield, Tp., passed away following a ehort illness. Douglas R. Nairn, barrister and solicitor, is hanging out his shingle in Goderich, having taken the offices formerly occupied for many years by Chas, Carlow, now Judge. The angel of death visited the Thames Road, and took the spirit of Mrs. John Ballantyne to the eternal resting place leaving her bereaved husband and six small children. Her maiden name was Annie Mildred Mil ler, being a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller of Staffa. She was in her 40th year, and had been in poor heal- th for•some time, was a wormy mem- ber of the Thames. Road United Ch- urch and was held in high esteem. Rev. Father, J. D. Pinnsoneaut, a .former Parish Priest of Blyth and Clinton,' died at Windsor, on Thurs- day last. The funera 1 taking place with interment on Saturday morning at St. Joachim. Since he was ordain- ed on July 14, 1901, at St, Peter's Cathederal, London by Rt. Rev. Bis- hop McEvoy, Father Pinsonneault has had an interesting career preced- ed reced ed by a brilliant success in his stud_ les. Freddie Ellerington, of Exeter, is to be congratulated on receiving a bea- utiful white -gold wrist watch as a special prize for producing sugar be- ets that were judged the equal, if not better, than the ones which car- ried off the first prize awarded by the Better Beet Sugar Club of the Chath- am district. Freddie was honored at a banquet given in Chatham last we- ek to boys of this Club sponsored by aI the Cl`rat xq 'i e taria:ns. During. the n, year 85 boys etultivated half -acre o plots. s. Chief of Pollee Louis Warner, of Teeswater: was sentenced -to two mon- ths in the. Walkerton jail whe1/ he appeared before Magistrate Walker on a ..ebnrge of stealing $51 from the till in the 'bakery store of E. 'Biked: Warner who carne to Teeswater from London four years ago, was arrest- ed }ry.l rov: police a week ago follow- ing the discovery of the theft by the baker's wife. Seaforth Was visited early last Thursday morning by a disastrous fire,,. when a main street block, three stores, with. living apartments up- stairs, being completely destroyed The fire had made such headway be- fore being discovered that nothing could be done and the contents were almost a complete :loss. Three fami- lies lived above and it was with diffi- culty that they escaped, saving none of their belongings. Mr. and :Lorne orne Dale and Miss Robinson occupied a corner apartment and be, ing cut off from the stairway had to make their escape from a balcony in which. Miss Robinson jumped- from this balcony, sustained a fractured ankle. Astrong odor of gasoline pervaded a number of homes at Crediton rec- ently, especially- cellars, even in one SOi rods away from the origin• • of it. A gas company had installed 'a large tank five feet under. ground, -oat the tank must have got a jolt and sprung a small leak, causing the gas to be transmitted through the earth and drains to quits a number of houses. The company's truck was promptly on hand, and in a brief period had the defective tusk hoisted, out. and a better one put in. COUNTY NEWS Robt. J. McMillan or Seaforth,, .-as elected lot vice president of the 7rhited Farmers' Co-operative Comp ny, Limited at their annual meeting ld in Toronto last wek. The weight of wet snow on the 00 of the Ford garage at Lucknow -taused- the girelers to break one naming recently, letting down a sec, .ion of the roof. A number of cars 'cored therein were not damaged, a, rnly one. old car bad the top hro ten down. With the arrival on Thursday of 'est week Anita C. Minch, with n car ;•o of wheat Vmd Date, navzlr-z+:on at Goderich cloee' for the winter ane, they fleet consists of ten grain boats Mort Whiteside.; ivlzo DASHWOOD Mr. J. C. Reid & Co., have erected a shed at the rear of the Commer_ cial Hotel, for the accomodation of their customers. Mr. S. Betchen of London, called on friends in town last week. Harry Hoffman has returned after spending 'last week in the Telephone plant school in Toronto,. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stire left an Tuesday for Waterloo and Bufalo, where they will spend the winter. Don't forget the school concert on Friday evening, December 19th. Eesti erybody is cordially invited to come. The annual Christmas festival in the Evangelical Church, will be held on Christmas night, December 25th. A Cantata entitled "The Lord is Come" will be rendered. • The Christmas festival in the Lu- theran Church will be held on Chr- istmas eve. Dec. 24th. A Cantata, and Pageant entitled "A Christmas- Message" will be.rendered. This is the first time a Cantata has been given and we extend a hearty wet- come elcome to all. The regular meeting of the Wal ther League was held in the basem- ent of Zion Lutheran church, on Tliu rsday evening last with. Miss Marie Allemang, the president in the chair. Devotional exercises were opened as usual with. the League Song. The Patter, Rev. Mr. Ness, led in prayer, and a Psalm was read respoiaivedye The chairman. of the Christmas Com- mittee, Miss Kathleen Kerner, rep- orted sales progressing favorably Ow- ing wing to the many activities taking place before Xmas. it was decided to drop the 'meet meeting and, also the social` aneetizag in the following weep and to devote the earn thus saved 35. to bring SCbrsistmas cheer to needy- children eedy:childr n of Dashwood, A committee: of two: Reta Hayter and Helen . Eve-; land was sleeted to distribute this. fund. Tbe.surn of 310 was voted to,. wards the {congregational treasury„ The election of officers will take place' in. May, the new fascial year of the In- ti.rnat•iorral Walther League. The ofliciais of the League .at present are:. President, Miss M. Allemang; Vice- president, Miss Edna Marrtene; Secret ary, Miss I 'elen Nadiger; Treasurer, Mr. Albert Miller. The Dashwood Lutheran Ladies' Aid, held its monthly meeting at the home of Mr;. Geo. Merrier, Mrs.. Jacob Rader, the president presiding. Rev. Ness, pastor of Zion Lutheran Church, 'ted in 'prayer and read the. Ssriptiwe lesson, following which he gave a reading on the Fife of Philip the evangelist and his four daught- ers. The ;sum of- $5 was voted for charity; $10 for the Synodical" Miss- ion Fund, and $10 for the Congreg- ational. Treasury. It was decided to tlnfhr the election of officers until the. next meeting, -which will be held In the second week of January, at the home of Mrs. Louis Rader. The of i cern at present are: Mrs. Jac. Rader, . President; Mrs. Louis Rader, Vice. Preeident; Mrs. Jac. Schroedea, Sec - :tares; ate. Chas. Rinkert, Treasurer MORTGAGE SALE UNDER 'Tidy POWERS contained' in a. certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of the sale there will be offered for sale at pub- lic auction by OSCAR KLOPP, Auc- tioneer, at the premises in the Village of Zurich, on MONDAY the 22nd DAY OF DECEMBER, 1930, At Two O'clock in the Afternoon • The following Iands and premises, namely: In the Village of Zurich in the County of Huron and being composed of village lot number 111 in Volland's Survey, being -part of Tovniship lot number 20 Irl the llth concession of= tire Township of Hay, and being sit-• uate en South Street between East: Street and West Street in the said.; Village of .Zurich. ON SUCH LANDS is said to be erected a brie and one half storey frame house, together with stable,. and a large brick building formerly used as a church, now- used as a bake shop. THE .CORRECTNESS or these particulars is not ,guaranteed, and intending purchasers should satisfy themselves by inspection of the prom- ises. THE ABOVE PARCEL will be off: ered for sale subject to a reserve bid. and certain conditions of sale. TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent - of the purchase price at the time of sale and the balance within thirty - days thereafter. MAY to: FOR FURTHER PARTICULARSt Messrs. McBride & McGibbon, Waterloo, Ontario, Solicitors for Vendor.. Or. to Mr A. F.. Hess, Zurich, Ont.,,, their . Agent; Dated; November 28th, 1930. ..e...••N•.O..•f•••••.•••see••11•••••l•les•mee••+1/NRN•is/••••g 1 . 1931 Westinghouse Radio J SEE AND HEAR SUPER -HETERODYNE, POWER DRIVEN DYNAM/C SPEAKER, AUTOMATIC a • VOLUME CONTROL, PUSH PULL AMPLIFIER, TONECONTROL,.BILICROMETER TUNING, SUPER • ET Ai1 • 1 SENSITIVE, - "`,IIAIW 11•111lll■II6■1111111: J. ' marl SUPER 111111111111111111111 ❑,Ifl I, ilial 13111111t11111Ii,9I1f;1 111,,111%ninrl r • 1 'i'�IIy�i,111111dYIF •..., ., ii �'pda,1'1,11,11111=111 o4FFI1' .. ti• Vila ll+►>�1� ss•I � :,(dil i, I • SELECTIVE • RADIOS. t E a 1 ilal dl'i�IKla i ie$E�li .d7 "7t. "' ti t! �F'b' l' r1- 11 t f•i i : . _''lllal. Y' \ -- - II I.i 1 ..-.11 .1 .INA"N.•1 IU,.A/2'i{ ir_\it.n' 'Np /.'g`f -, -. h II �- Crl.;f ti/. •_ ,-.v-i 11 Irl„\±1"1 1!lll� 1 w e 6 •2 9 0,96e- MO1 F,L 11a HESS MODEL 8 RADIO TRI 1S49'wasysoteboie timi nsp4ost. ...4®4k•S*°'it44••44v00€;t•*1 ' l trim w •• •1 7i� , in" AIL • •