HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-12-04, Page 5Thursday, 'December 411, 1930.. ZURICH HERALD EUSINESS CARDS iWants, For Sale, Lest, DuDEE-yE.HoLmEs FUT YOUR 9SARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, GODERICJ1, Ontario. 'Special .Attention to Councel and Court Work. Mr. Holmes may be consulted at iGoderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. Dr. II. H. COVEN L. D. S. D. D S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH FI Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HAPTLEIl3'S BLOCK; DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones National 'School of Auctioneering. Try Joe for Registered Live Stock, (All Breeds.) 'Terms in. keeping with prevailing prices. Choice Farms for Sale. Will •sell anything Anywhere. Phone 13-93, or write. Zurich. Licensed Auctoneer FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX 1 AM IN A POSITION TOaCO- ;duct any Auction Sale, regles s as to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges .for Services Ren- uiered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone 13-57. SEE. US FOR NEW LOW PRICES ON THESE BATTERIES OF "QUALITY" Woin E. B. 'Wein DASHWOOD — • ONTARIO 0000000•••••••••••Qi•••••••• Zurichs' = Popnlar IVIEAT M AI�1NOUNCING !HAT WE HAVE PURCHASED WOM THE FIRM OF YUNGBLUT DgCHERT, THIS 'WELL ESTAB WIRED MEAT BUSINESS, AND *OLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Yungblut & Son ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••NNM••••••G!••••'••! GOAL 1930 Announcement SPRING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR . orantofl O�a]• (die Alberta Coal and. Soft Coal di SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 50 Cts Per Ton will be allowed for cash• .deer Early as pies will advance or. Juror 815ele.. Case & Son none 35 HENSAL1. LIVE POU L�T.�R.Y WAN ■ U,.w D Taken every Day Oil 3 orcTocic, p.m. Do not feed Fowl same morning when brought in. ighest Cask Prices • t. —CASH FOR— Crearn and Eggs ,O'Brien 'Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COMMIX FOR SALE Wood for Sale. Orders taken for good all maple stove wood, .cut to 14 inch length. ,Apply to C. Schrag & Sons; FOR SALE A number of brood sows that have 1 been bread for sale. Also a, good hog for service. George I(ellerman, Dashwood. • For Sale A limited number of choice young pigs for 'sale. Apply to Aaron Oes- treicher, ,l ronsen Line, Hay. FOR SALE A slightly used heater for a Chev- rolet car, at a big reduction in price. L. A. Prang & Son.' STRAYED Unto my premises, Lot 20, S. B. Concession, Stanley Tp., three young eeettc beasts. Owner can have same by proving property and paying all expenses. Apply to Lorne A. Manson, Zurich. NOTICE J. C. Salmon & Son, Teamsters, wish to advise the public that they are still in tlxe same business, with prices as usual. Your order will be much -appreciated.. Phone 94-16. NOTICE Having recently taken over the Service end of the Zurich Ford Ag- ency, I ant in a position to give .ex- pert service on all* new Ford cars ;Rd by S. Elliot, and also specialize on the following: Ford Transmission Linings, .rear ends; springs, valves ground, brakes relined on any car• oiling greasing, radiator anti -freeze nttention, tiro repairing, etc. Leonard. Prang, Zurich. NOTICE To all new subscribers to the Her- ald for one year we will give the alance of this year free This is open to new subscribers only and must be a year's subscription, cash in advance �t l ll am 13. Brown A. S. P. Graduated Fant Speciatist AT Brown's Boot Shap CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. ARCHIBA.LD, B.A.Sc. (Tor.) O•L.S., Registered Professional En- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member Engineering Institute of Canada- Office—Seaforth, Ont. LOCAL NEWS Mr. Lennis Callfas of Kitchener, is on a business trip to these parts this week, Mr, Charles E jardaene has accept- ed a position with Mr. ,)v, Hoist, •a$ baker. Merrsr. .Lee O'i3rein and Clarence Daters made a business trip to Lon.. don on Wednesday. Canadian S rviee—The finest line of Xmas. Greeting Cards.' See em before you buy. —Hess, the Jeweller Hay Council. niet on Monday . for the first Deceinber meeting, and a - large amount of routine 'business was transacted as is always the case near the end of th4 year., The next and final meeting will he held on Mon, day, December. 15th, which date is -al so the last day in which to pay the taxes at par, ,after this date a pen-, alty of four per cent. will be added. A goodly ntirnber • of wells in the village are running quite low at pres- ent, and the deep artesian well put_ clown by the village, a few years a- go, and which was considered .by some as extravigance, is now helping out sone of the villagers, who would otherwise be obliged to go to the lake or some distant place for, their water supply. Only Three more weeks from to- day is Christmas, the merriest time of all the year. And just a word to with the low prices the farmer is re - the shopping public, don't wait too Fairing for most of his produce. So long and then be dissapionted in the xf You are obliged to sell cheap, here the variety still to choose.' The early is an opportunity to also buy cheap. shopper always gets first choice. Our Tell your friends and neighbors about this gigantic scle, and come real of - merchants are showing a most ben utiful array of articles .along this ten yourself. line, and the prices, you will find very reasonable. Old Kim,. Winter sure *.as taken a good holt on his job during the past week or so. November was not- ed this year for a record for warm weather, but' we thing the last week is also nearly a record for cold. Not rcry often we have it just quite so cold in this month as during the past week. The auto lidd to be set aside and old Dobbin and the sleigh tarought into action; and then it was at places difficult to get through. lIany carr oat away from home had to wait till the. roads were opened the beginning of the week. It is said the pavement from Hensall to Day 32. • Exeter has again got its annual dose of snow, this however we expect will be plowed off in. the near future. Messrs. Ev. Hoist' and Ward Fritz Motored to London, on Tuesday. Miss Helen Foster of Detroit, vis- ited with her parents over the week- end. Mrs. Harry Gellman, left for St, Thomas to be with her sister, who is ill in that city. The fine shower of rain during early Sunday morning came as a great relief to many people who were praetically oa of water, and yet while the earth should have several tunes as much rain, .yet we are glad for the small blessings. Mrand Mrs Samuel McBride an- nounce the engagement of their only daughter, Ileta Mary, to ls'x. William Taytor, only son of .lVl.r. and Mrs. William Taylor of Cromarty. 'marriage to take place early in Dec- ember. Beginning on Saturday of this we- ek, December 6th, the general .store W. Merrier will commence an .unusually low priced sale of good Staples, and groceries, just the time of year when the winter goods are meant in demand, the public will be able to bay their supply at these re- mark -able low ,prices, which will he a big saving to the public. Be sure and visit this store during this big• sale and put in your supply. These prices are set so low to correspond Hensall Bird Shoot The annual live bird shoot was held at,Hensall on Friday, and was well attended. The weather being some- what cold and stormy, but did 'not mar the ardor of the shooters; as the best scores for years were made. Samuel Vance and William Vail were tied for the silver cup, but as Vance had won it before he gladly gave up his chance for winning the shoot -off and cup,. by presenting the cup to William Vail, of St. .Thomas. The score: P. Kerr 33; J. Vance 30, Dr. Banghart 26, W.• Vail 33, Dr. Bice :6, S. Vance 33, C. Millman 29, R. ;foci i9, 1' Howe 28, J. Hill 23, R. Mr. and Mrs. Christ Erb of the Bronson line entertained to a sump- :nott.i cowl dinner the other evening. .;eecliess to say everything was of the -ery best and in abundance. This ;•athex°ing evidently occurred as _ulfillment of an understanding when a auto deal, was inaugurated • earIi 'n the summer, and somehow the lo' :ell on Mr. Erb to supply a fowl din :er to a neighbor of his and a pop - Jar auto dealer of town, who are .roth noted to be very ' heavy eaters" The astounding result however wa: that the man from the country had a greater capacity for this meal than the 'man from town, although much :mailer in size and "corporation" but is plate after ptate of the big repast •.vas consumed, it soon became evi-; lent that the smaller man was gain-, Lig and could stand the pace longer,' which indeed was very humiliating tc the "big fellow" to be outdone. They iowever have both fully recovered from the contest and look none the worse. Reith's S4TURDAY SPECIALS Cream Buns, Cream Puffs and Cream Cakes. full line of other fancy goods. i;,eich's Bread "Nuff Sed". Still the most for the monew. r hone 75 Zurich. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ''A Changeless Christ for a chang- ing World." Everybody Welcome to all Setvises. Tuerkheim, Pastor. Friday, Sh: Luther League. Saturday -Choir Practice. 10. a, m: .German Service. I I i 5 Sunday School 7:30: English Service.. • N•••••••••NN••••••MNN••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••N•••• s • • • • • • . • ••• • • , 1931 W estinghouse:,.IZadio • • • • SEE AND HEAR SUPER -HETERODYNE, POWER DRIVEN DYNAMIC SPEAKER, AUTOMATIC • VOLUME CONTROL, PUSH PULL AMPLIFIER. TONE CONTR ,L, MICROMETER TUNING, SUPER II• SENSITIVE, SUPER SELECTIVE RADIOS. ,..,,,,,l'.1...7,11,7,11%1 11110111111111111..111 %i5111:11pk11 ii11111111211JhHil iliiiii. r'jirl".dr��ll;�il�l;rf Vitanihi.znir4D.Armwl lea F� wry;:WORrvs w 1 MODEL 80 Io HESS In i RADIO ELECTRIC .tmtottmoitsocoaevatogoosoacs*068446660600$500440.06.600.1NAMMWMMAMMMAMMMARAWMIn iltflIOOOMOt • i • • • ••• • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • i • • • M • • • • • 1 • PACT MI •r •.:.•.,•vlrw•..,,.ri.►•!t•••••••••••♦••• •+••fi ••FarmImple.ments.., • WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND • WILL BE GLAD TQ SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE KIND O* • MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST, AND THAT WILL, • • CARRY A FULL LINE OF PUMPS; PIPING AND FITTINGS„ AND BESIDES WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS. • LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL • We have the Agency for this District. •• • • • GARAGE STJPPLIES • • WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE' SUPPLIES, AND 'o • CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO" • • •PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAME DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON R :PAINING AND P.E. BUILDING BATTERIES YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Tires, Tubes, Gas, Oils and Greases., GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR OF COST. • • • • • 0 • • • ,• • • L. A.ran • .. - Zurich f.••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .4)*************4-4 eh.vo44;,:. • 1 4.44+4444.4444.44+++++++444,4* ,...r.+4.4.444.4.4444.4-1.4•••-•1,44 $ CEtAE O1HLESTS + 4. 4. :AT $8,75 + . 4. WHY NOT BUY ONE FOR STORING YOUR FURS, BEDD'NG, .I'I, ETC. THESE CHESTS ARE LARGE SIZED AND WELL + FINISHED AND WILL ADD TO THE BEAUTY OF ANY ROOM. 4. CALL IN AND LOOK THEM OVER. i ' Lr e Ce �t 69 PHONE .9. a..}, g 3 3••f a awF F a s... ._ Els ZUR cH FA w r S' WEEK 'at our store THE new Dr. Hess & Clark Catalog, mailed out the other day, should be in your hands by now. Just look at that cover! Research Farm all over. 'And inside, filled with interesting tests and experiments with cows, hogs and chickens. They are doing a lot of experimenting and testing for you on that Research Farm. Stock Iike yours. Tests you can understand. Results you can get. We .have the goods, the Dr. Hess line, complete stock. And get this: Beginning Saturday, we are having a Special Farmers' Week, featuring all the Dr. Hess Products. Call in and see the goods. Let's talk it over. Remember, it starts this Saturday. L. Schilbe & Son pwwwwwahlemimeffihmamiwaiamiwil Zurich Drug Store 1 WE'RE GIVING AWAY GILLETTE'S New Razor with the purchase of any one of these at PALMOLIVE SHAVING. CREAM COLGATE'S RAPID SHAVE CREAM COLGATE'S HANDY GRIP STICK 1 (L / ISS ,AND FILLS Dr a AJ MacKinnon, Zurich