HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-11-27, Page 8• • • • V rl r TIGHT fT 1E STORE WITH THE STOCK Bweeping Reductions ON SEASONABLE FALL AND WINTER GOODS, WR CAN O1'LY LIST A FEW OF THEM, BUT ASSURE ,I,rptf OF REAL VALUES IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF OUR STORE All Wool Santoys, all colors, Reg. 81.15 for 97c A ; Wool Queen's Cloths, all colors, Reg. $.1.35 for 97c l'. •i ; Dress Velvet in shades of brown, navy, scarlet, Greens, Reg. $1.25 for, yard 98c T':rL.ed' Suitings, new, 36 -in width, at yd. 75c Ste Our plain Rayon, in all leading shades, suitable for many differ - things, very appropriate for Christmas presents made up in Cushions, Doilas, Runners, etc., at only, yd. 39c Si), tial prices on heavy Sweater Coats for Men and Boys. :Men's dark grey mackinaw shirts at $1.00 31„ n's fleeced Underwear, suit, shirt and drawers $1.75 Groceries nod walnut, lb. 48c Sin .'dded Cocoanut, lb. .. 28c Lt ;.;on Peal, lb. l8c Oi ange Peal, lb. 18c Cit_on Peal, Ib. .... . ... 29c Icing sugar 3 lbs for ....25c C:::•cede Salmon, 1 lb. tins 15c Rio Coffee, Ib. 25c i Corn Flakes, 3 for 25c Rolled Oots, 5 lbs. for 19c Canned peas, 3 for 25c Cocoa, per lb. 15c Fig Bar Cookies, Ib. 19c Tapioca, best, ib. 10c Grape Fruit, 6 for 25c New prunes, 3 lbs for ....25c COMPARE OUR PRICES WITH OTHERS. WE GIVE YOU SPEC= I L VALUES, ON STAPLE LINES WHICH YOU NEED EVERY WEEK, J. GASCHO SON r ODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 If THE HURON AND ERIE MORTGAGE CORPORATION AND The Canada Trust Company COMBINED ASSETS OF THESE TWO COMPANIES ARE NOW OVER $75,000,000.00 PAID UP CAPITAL AND RESERVE FUND IS $7,700,000.00. THE HURON & ERIE WAS CHARTERED IN 1864 AND IS ' IIOLDER THAN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. BOTH COMPANIES ARE SUBJECT TO GOVERNMENT INSPEC'- TION AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTICE. HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES ARE AUTHORIZED INVESTM- ENTS FOR EXECUTORS AND TRUSTEES APPLICATIONS FOR DEBENTURES FOR $100 OR MORE RE- CEIVED AT ANY TIME. FIVE PER CENT PAID HALF -YEAR- LY WILL INCREASE YOUR INCOME AND RELIEVE YOU OF WORRY. APPLY TO LOCAL AGENT: Applications received at any time by: Andrew F. Hess, Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? aoess•e/Me•se i4ere4Q4B014r S N O We Is the Best Time To Plan Your Summer's Program of Work, Repairs, And Improvements • Let Us show You the best kinds of Fencing for the Field or the Home Lawn Fences. We handle the best Money can Buy. If you decide todo some Roofing or Eve -Troughing this year, we invite you to call and see us and get our estimates, as well as show you our goods, A Nice New Piece of Furniture in the Horne will be always appreciated. We can supply anything in this line, and the prices aro very Attractive. L. If in need of new furniture, don't forget; we have it! e 0 ISTADE ZURaCH -- ONT imasmemalissomelooposiemiooirnommmomiimmoisestimial ZURICH HERALD .1 eo,,tobex 2i0410.If11' .. .� r. ..T Pelf , +II• +f+4+ +'k+444 +4.__14,444Ik.l„l,4«Q•�r-•._. i ..: ,.r a.N-�4 DO YOU SHOP AT THE SUPERIOR. STORE? If you don't, this information is for you. There are close to sevens hundred Superior Chain Stores—Our tremendous buying power keep prices constantly lower. Each store• is owned and operated. by exper- ienced grocers—men who know the business. They offer a persona& service that cannot be excelled. Ea'h store owner lives r;gjst in the community he serves—his prosperity. is your prosperity. Support localenterprise and benefit yourself:. WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS BULK SEEDLESS RAISINS 2 lbs. for 21c. Hawes' Wax, 1-1b. 43c Lawrason's Snowflake Am- monia, .2 pkgs. . 15c Lawrason's Flusho, per tin 23c Gillett's Magic Baking Powder 6 oz. tin 18c. 16 -oz tin 36c P. & B. Sandwich Pate, tin 14c Borden's Chocolate Malted Milk, 8 oz. tin 30c Oxo Cardinal, 6 -oz bottle .39e 16 -oz. bottle .:. 99c Sta-on Liquid Stove Polish, per bottle 18c CHOICE TOMATOES 2's,'2 Tins 19c. Chipse, large pkg. ... 11,1c Royal York Tea, i/ -lb. pkg 28c 1 -Ib. pkg. 55c Manyflowers Soap, 4 cakes 25c Aylmer Chili Sauce 12 -oz 23c Ellmar Orange Pekoe Tea, per lb. • 63c Muffets, Shreded wheat, Pep, Rice Krispies, 2 pkgs. for 25c Lemon and Orange Peet, Ib. 19 Citron Peele, lb. 29c Bleached Sultana Raisins, per lb. 20c No. 4 Sieve PEAS No. 1 Size Tins per tin 5c. Singapore Sliced PINEAPPLE 2 Tiniis''25e. ,Candied Pineapple Glaced Cherries 112 lb .... 29e New Greek Cleated' Currants 2 lbs 45c Fancy Pink Salmon, lc 's 10e.. is..... ... 15c Brillo, for, cleaning pots and Pans, small the, 2 pkg. 25c Hulk clothes Pins 3 doz ...10c Cotton Clothes lines, each .20e Large Size 'prunes, 40-50's, 2 lbs: 25e Libby's Soueic Kraut, 2%'s, Per . tirr: .. .....15c Ingersoll cream, of Pimento ' Cheese, per pkg...14c PANSHINE Best liar 'Cleaning 2 Tins 15c. Willard's Assorted_ Chocolates, 4 lbs. box $1.23. I/2 -lb. 19c Satin Mixed Candy % lb. 10e Assorted Cake Candtes, pkg 10c New Hallowi Golden Dates, 2 lbs. 23c Pumpkins, No. 2 tins, 2 forl9c Campbell's Tomato Soup 2--25c Hand Picked white beans, 3 lbs., for 15c Blue Boy Golden Wax beans 2's per tin 15c Royal Yorke COFFEE 1,2 -Ib. tin 25c lb. tin 49c GROCERIES AT REDUCED PRICES, THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY SEE OUR MEN'S HEAVY OVERCOATS AND NAVY BLUE AND BLUE STRIPED SUITS AT $22.00. J. W. MERNER PHONE 140 PHONE 140 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Western Farmers' Mutual Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pfile of Aub- urn called on friends here on Thurs- day last. The engagement is announced of Edna Louise, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Thompson, Bruce - field, to Mr. Lorne Douglas Manson, son of the late Mr. John A. Manson, Zurich. The marriage will take place quietly the latter part of November. Do we realise that Christmas is exactly four weeks away, most of us do not, owing to the nice warm wea- ther we have enjoyed, but just a lit- tle tip, to the early shopper, you will of course get first choice and besides avoid -the rusn. So fall in line and do your shopping as early as you can. Thursday, November 27th, is the big National Thanksgiving Day with our neighbors to the south, namely the United States of America, when that large country will observe this annual event similar to how us Can.- adians celebrated it two and ,a half weeks previous, on November 10th. Somehow we think it would be nice if both countries could get together and hold this National Holiday on the same day, as it would seem much more universal. • Old Man Winter, accompanied by Jack Frost made their appearance on Tuesday morning, as the ground was covered with snow and frost was in abundance. We experienced one of the finest weeks' weather the past week in history for the time of year. And surely we will not grumble if we will be called upon to now endure a little more seasonable weather. The auto' however is running fine, and we occasionalnotice an cutter gliding over the smooth white snow. The Literary and Social Committee, Miss OIive O'Brein, convenor, had A meeting to complete the orgari- charge oI' te E' L.Q, E, meeting ation of the Clinton hockey teams Friday owning: Miss Lylyan Martin for the approaching season was held led the meeting. Sentence prayers we - in the town hall, The managing com.. re offered by a few of the members after Which Miss Hazel Utticy sang a very pleasing solo. The scripture lesson, was read ' by Mr. Garfield Witmer. Rev. Dreier then conduct- ed a discussion on "The Church" This was veryinstructive and interest ing. The meeting ale lcd with the Le- ague benediction. This week we are having the regular monthly ibnsiness Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk on Deo. 31st, 1928, $22,208,276, Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $160,378.74 Rates—$4.50 per S1,000 tor $years. E. F. Klopp—Zurjch Adam, Also Dealer in Lightning Hada and all kinds of Fire Insurance Perth and. Huron .counties under the plan so successful in Denmark, was advocated before the Seaforth Farm- ers' Club last Thursday by Mr. Lar- sen arsen of Burford, a native of Denmark A co-operative plant suchas advo- cated is now in the course of constr- uction at Barrie at a cost of 3250,- 000, all capital being provided by the farmers of Simcoe, Peel and Grey. Mr. Larsen's subject was "How the Fanners in Denmark Hari'dle Hogs and Pork Products." The gist of his address was an explanation of how the profits which now go into private hands could be diverted to the pock- ets of the farmers, It had been ac- complished in Denmark, where not one private plant existed today. ,nittee was 'much encouraged by the good attendance. Reginald Reid, St- ratford, who has been engaged as tra- iner, was present and gave the boys a talk on how to become fit and how to maintain that condition. Fa mem Urged to Build Own Plant A co -Operative packing plant, own- ed and operated by the farmers ofand social. 'Come!: ,�,�. + Seasonable � SUPPLY THE PU,,, BLIC ABLEHARDWARE AT MODER A. r -• :.',:ICES + 4 • 4 i Let • ids Bho I, OUR FULL LINE OF GRANITEWARE AT I..®WEST aF h PREVAILING PRICES. i f • Good Supply Of Kramer Snnoke Cure on Hand {d + FIJRNJTIJRE + + + Full Line of Furniture, in Living Room Suites, Dining Roozn des- t ,Reed Room Suites, Kitchen �ableaets. t We also have the Famous Simmons Bed Springs and $ Mattresses, a Guaranteed Article- Best on the Market To Day. WE ALSO HAVE SOME USED FURNITURE FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. Johnston c Kalbflejsch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 UIIU11111 111111NlNE01~Eills INL1,¢tI1I1lIHIIfII ' I N!!MMIIIIIIIIIIII(111111111!tl}llRL 11111!111KII18lE IIS?I UNNMllllilli!iUI1111I11!li;1BEllL' 11@;illillllllllf 11111' ak. NOTICE! Auto_ Tops Buggy Tops Wagon Repairing, Fainting, Etc. Second Handed Buggies HESS - ZURIOH UlA!li"miNGIIIIIINIgiIiNIIIIN{Nl rgmom42 Y1'l;::ia1111111111fl11fl11111.1::Will;itil11,'1P,1';I]N;NU]ili.i l;Stlli9; iiP!II011111111111111Iliii1M I1111111@IGi 1iiiill df ATTENTION! TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS WE ARE NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SbJ$'PLTf ALL USERS OP GASOLINE IN LARGER QUANTITIES WITH A GOOD STAND- ARD GRADE OF GASOLINE FROM OUR DELIVERY TILUCIC AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, WITH QUALITY CONSIDERED EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK, AND OVER- HAUL JOBS 9N ALL MAKES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VERY REASONABLE, BI, ' •;;xcs4rl� d I GAS OILS G-REA.SES t i. 1 1+ R f++44+444+4+f++44+-4444+44L 444.44.444+4+444++++44.4.4.+4,Z• T H. Moasseau Zurich + + + + • THAT WE SUPPLY:AND PRINT WEDDING INVITATIONS + AND ; ANNOUNCEMENTS, ALSO CALLING CARDS„ t BUSINESS CARDS, ETC. THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK, AND ALSO PRINT, STATION- ERY SUCH AS BUSINESS LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES STATEMENTS, . BILL HEADS, • 'MEMORIAM CARDS, } s : :,,.w,... SAPPING TAGS, ETC„ TRAT WE CARRY IN mom .T dm GbOIa' 1VxaTTNo1lp � ERs CUT + TO ANY SIZE, ENVELOPES IN MOST CALLED FOR '4' SIZES, CARD PAPER, BRISTOLS, CARBON OR TRACING ' PAPER, BUTTER PAPER, !IMMORTAL ENVELOPES + AND , MEMORIAL WRITING PAPER. THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE WITH: A GOOD WRITING INK FOR 5 CENTS. `EARGER QUAN. + TITIES AT SIMILAR REDUCTIONS. .1. • THAT WE PICIT POSTING HILLS, AUCTION SALE POSTERS+ HERALD OFPICE Do You Know? ,r i " THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FIRST CLASS JOB , P1f IN'I'ING1 • MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL PRINTING **• +f4# ; i