HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-11-27, Page 4�L1 ZURICH l I.ZRALD .DASHWOQD 44, ened Mrs, William Kuntz of Ex atrtear geed daughter,. Dorothy and son 40-m114 *d Windsor, visited at the home '1f Mr. and WS, John Kuntz of Dash- aautrt 'on Sunday. • :q.fee AD, 'Pedersen attended the Win- r Voir at Toronto last week. Aftlieeet Marie Allemang and Alice 'tuns spent the week -end in K.it- ecitenttii lead Elmira. '.Kxi. E. Flynn of London, visited eeeela7eitree in town a few day last and Mts. Herman Felt of In - en -IA nvere Sunday visitors with Mrs i'1'ir. and Mrs. Wni. Hooper of Exet- r eft Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. NF1, Guenther. ' ir. and Mrs. 0. Res temeyer and if'.. Mcisaac visited in St. Marys torr Sunday. day. "Mrs. J. Schroeder spent Saturday Olaf lifter hamburg. Dashwood Puhlie School Concert e4.1 be held on Friday evening, Dec - .,=,ib., . 19th in the school. Mee 'Verna Birk is att:'ntii•ng the •a uyal './utter Fair at the expense of. 'l.'1e.'pt,:trltnent :.i: :1gr➢i:niturc'. Ver- -rt. eleue da F t ,. t! .. .L jUt:;:;in vun- ' d:T.: T, 'this tiuniral' i . •bls is t;_nr:.-. t ♦; vl.,•t:ng trkn- ;_ere will be a Ifesteere oa Negro ro o- .;. fie in Zion LLcherar Chtu•ch on ' r r ➢-`l t:.ti➢ Noe. 'eth, tt elu e w,lieii ➢ illesteated with 7.4e„➢._.••La aleg,Y,S Will be given }:y Rev. II: Wil, carom!! of Mitchell. Everyone welcom. . STANLEY .TOWNSHIP .91.r. and Mr.. (.res: ;•.. 1 i ,and Dowson of :"t lel th sprint • itnta,, at the home of Mr. and airs. Dow on. r' -1T. Ed. Lowden of Hamilton visit- ed et the holne of Mr. and Mrs Henry Erratt over the week -end. Mr. D. J. Stephenson has dispose of his tears of black Percherons to IVlr. Dow of Exeter, fora handsome price. On Monday, November 24th Mrs. S. McBride, Sr., celebrated the Both anniversary of her birthday, when a large number of her relatives gather- ed at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. Hayter, where a very pleasant evening was epent, Mrs. Meliridi enjays fairly good health and is quite smart for her yours and her many friends extend congratulations and wish her many returns of the day Miss Beatrice • Gascho of Zurieh, spent the week -end .with her ,friend ' Miss Grace Robinson, The ladies of the Goshen W. h'I. S. held their November meeting at . l the home of Mrs. D.', Stetphenson. The attendance was good and an ac- tive interest is being taken in the missionary work. After the meeting a social hour was spout and lunch was served. Miss Varlyn Thiel of near Zurich; spent a few days with her friend, dispose( Miss Minerva Reichert. , The young people of the Hllsgreen chureh held their annual Fowl Sup- per on Tuesday evening last with a splendid crowd, After the supper a delightful programme was. given con- sisting of a singsong. Solos, by Mrs: McClymont_ and Mr. Poulter of Var- na, Violin selections by Mr, W. Ste- phenson; accompanied by Mrs. Geo,. Anderson, readings by Mrs. Jrio 3r ll of Kippers, and an address by Rev. Poulter of barna, !which " were all very much appreciated, Rev: Connor 1 acted as chafe n. ' • Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Kyle and fam- ily spent Sunday at the home of their daughter, Ml ,and,, Mrs. A, Meier and family of`'Dashwood. HILLSGREEN • Misses Annie ael Agnes Cochrane of C1intan spent a few days with 111r. iuid Mrs. J. H, Cochrane. Mr. and Mrs. G. Love tint! fancily and Miss Dolly Hagen spent Thurs- day in London. Miss 3,gneie Love of Kippen spent the week -end at her home. Mr.' Wm. Jarrett and daughter Annie spent the week -ruin with relati- ves in Putt Huron and Prigden. Me. Clarence ence Reichelt of London, .pent the week -end at his home. We are plea-rl to hear that Mrs. R. McAllister who underwent an op- eration ttion last Thursday in Victoria Hos pital, London, is getting along as well as can he expected. - • 4er , .e.eiesese e+e- e- :. 'i•++ •1 ksti• 4—.1, >wa.444•4.4ele .6.++++++.++rr+.+4.4 - ▪ , 4 __55 w 4. • 4. 8- •a,. 1 - 'ii. -3. 8• 4. i`- tiICTOR R?;DIOS Selectivity! Sensitivity and Value You Get Them All In the New 1931 VICTOR RADIOS It had to come—but only screen -grid micro -synchronous balance could bring it, only the t; new 1931 Victor Radio gives it. d' Everything about Victor's lat- est radio is new, different, new . in design, new in performance new in tone, and better. •` If you want clean-out separ- e• ation of stations, if you 'want 'F the thrill of distant broadcasts, a- il you want the radio of to- :1 morrow in your horse today— you want a VICTOR. BEFORE PURCHASING, A MACHINE ANYWHERE BE SURE AND HEAq. R THE VICTOR -I- -FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN BATTERY MACHINES BE SURE 4 • -Te COME IN AND HEAR THE NEW R. 10 MODEL—NO BAT - h. • TERY CHARGING WITH THIS POWERFUL MACHINE. ar a Wm. C. Wagner, Agent.Zurich , '...•:".34++++44•++++++.:.4..}.±-:-.÷.i..+++ •...o•b: :•:,+ y,;.+.,..:•4•,;..:.o.•iz+-:•.i, Thomases, IlVelaalaleer 2th, 1980e HENSALL' Misses Tarn and Stevens of Lon- don, were gu':t,ts with Miss: Ethel Murdock On Sunday last. Mrs. Margaret S'.afr;, of Toronto, accompanied by a lady friend snent: a few days ,with her mother, :Mrs. R. llouthron, and had .the misfortune, when near Dublin, to collide With a- nother auto, but fortunately + aliart r from a few bruises escaped injury. lir. and Mrs. Chris Yager and chit dren of Kitchener, Wore visitors :. Fut the home of Mrs. ;A. Sainiciercoek. Mrs. J. Short. and daughter, Mrs. Forest of Windsor'swere''receni'.visit- ors with Misses Mary and •I :!tuna Johnston. Clarence Munn, of Aylmer, Mich., was a recent visitor at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, Munn. John Carmichael has returned from Detroit, after spending two weeks at that place Dr. and Mrs. Dougall and children of Petrolia and Alice Dougall of. Tor- onto were visitors at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Dougall. llr. and Mrs. Jas. Smith and fain= il.y of Kincardine spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Consitt. Mrs. A. Saundercock and faintly; were recent visitors 3vith friends at Shakespeare. A reception was held at the hone of Mrs. Chas. McDonell in honor oof Mrs. Gauld, a missionary from.For- mosa. Mrs. John Roweliffe was sufficient- ly recovered from her accident and illness to return from Seaforth hos- pital recently and is convalscent ni- cely. George H. Gram was curing the past week quite ill; from a severe at- tack of pleurisy, and his many frt..: ends wish for a speedy recavery. Mr. Hemphill is having the finish- ing touches put on his garage, one.,of the finest in the villager Jas. Sangster' is the skilled carpenter.and Alf. Tay- lor, the mason. Allan Solddan, after spending a week here with his parents and frien- ds, has returned to Burlington, to re- sume his position in a bank there. Mrs. Jas. Sparks, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Belle, of Brant- ford and will spend the winter mon- ths in Detroit. A live bird shoot will be staged at Hensall, on Friday, November 28th, -Programme:-1st event -10 Iive bir- ds, entrance $5. Surplus divided, high guns, 2 moneys for every five entri- es. 2nd event -15 live birds, entr- ance $8. Surplus divided, high guns 2 moneys for Every five entries. This; t` 00 0111••••V!i•••••••Ile IMO 01100••N••!••N•N••MMN•••N•NM 000••••••e0•1' i 1931 Westinghouse Radio . I if Ato r144) SEE AND HEAR SUPER -HETERODYNE, POWER DRIVEN DYNAMIC SPEAKER, VOLUME CONTROL, PUSH PULL AMPLIFIER, TONE CONTROL, MICROMETER TUNING, SENSITIVE, SUPER SELECTIVE RADIOS. AUTOMATIC 1 SUPER 1 1 I' •• • • • • MODEL 110 HESS RADIO ELECTRIC p3r6& 'tla•+••••••••••t e•••+Ylil1•*••li•••••1r5lgi•aMlJsee 9 9000iil$0 is 51° • liaiIl1111111'll:laitl;t11111E tt11.111111!I 5;iUl(!ii,J ii .hf null.! l.iC'i;d'' �'i',li'tiJ11 i I➢rI' tlr lliM rr. MODEL 80 • •. r. • BANK OF • MONT Es fished 1817 A presentation, in easily undsttn.'em,, of the Bank's ANNUAL ST ATEME . 3lst October, 1931 LIABILITIES LIABILITIES TO THE PUBLIC Deposits . . . „ $697,395,,742.34 Payable on demand and after notice. . Notes of the Bank in Circulation . a a n 39,724,,450.50 Payable on demand. - Letters of Credit Outstanding „ . . Financial r..soonsibili es undertaken on behalf of customers ;i,r com- mercial'transactrons free offsetting amount ixl in t ‘Resources'). Other Liabilities . „ Items which do not come under they»egging headings. • Total Liabilities to'the Public • ., . „ ,, r• $750,211,837.16 LIABILITIES TO THE SHAREHOLDERS Capital, Surplus azid .Undivided Profits & Reserves for Dividends . . • 4,757,700.45 This amount represents the shareholders' interest in the Bank, over which liabilities to the public take precedence, Total Liabilities . . • 826,969,537 61 8723,863,50 4,367;780.52 RESOURCES To meet the foregoing Liabilities the Bank has Cash in its Vaults and in the Central Gold Reserves- Notes of and Cheques on Other Banks . • Payable in cash on presentation. « Money on Deposit with. Other Banks „. • Available on demand.- Government & Other Bonds and Debentures. Gilt -edge Securities practically all of which mature at early dater.' Stocks - - - Railway and Industrial and other stocks at or below market value. Call Loans outside of Canada Secured by bonds, stocks and other negotiable securities of greater value than the loans and representing moneys quickly available with no disturbing effect on conditions in Canada. Call Loans in Canada. Payable on demand and secured by bonds and stocks of greater value than the loans. • TOTAL OF QUICKLY AVAILABLE RESOURCES (equal to 59.32% of all Liabilities to the Public) Other Loans To ,manufacturers, farm• ers, merchants and others, on conditions con- sistent with sound banking. Bank Premises - Three properties only are carried in the names of Dodding companies,: the stock and bonds of thesecompanies are entirety owned by the Barg and appear on the books at $r.00 in each case. All other of the Bank's premises, the value of which largely exceeds $14,500,000, ap- pear under this heading. Real Estate and Mortgages on Real Estate . n 1,803,352.09 Acquired in the course of the Bank's business and in process of bong realized upon. x Customers' Liability under Letters of Credit . . Represents liabilities ofaustomers on account if Letters ofCredit issued by the Bank for their account. Other Assets not induded in the Foregoing . Making Total Assets of . • . • P00,047,419.79 41,634,155.54 35,118,848.74 181,3392.,6 10.56 1,037,042.59 .60,921;712.69 • 17,840,690.03 • V438,192,479.94 o 359,703,279.35 o 14,,500,,600.00 , ,'723,863..80 . v 4;04.6,562.43 to meet payment of Liabilities to the Public of leaving an excess of Assets over Liabilities to the m'i'lts PROFIT and LOSS ACC'OU'NT Profits for the year ending 31st October, 1930 Pneuuum ort new Stock . , Dividends and interest ori instalments paid or payable to Shareholders . Credited to Rest Account Provision for Taxes Dominion Government Reservation for Bank Premises . • . . Balance of Profit and Loss 31st October, 1921 .' e Balance of Profit and Laws carried forward • j CHARLES B. GORDON, President 0 026,969,537.61 750,211.857.16 4 76,757,700. }5 • O is 5,047,586-9R 51,.459.50.1 43907 9.45 300.000.00 :51.439.14 211.6 aj • • o ' 3S.SRt.3t • $ 9049:58 W. A. BOG. iACIaSON bOD1, Mot 4ae°e°at .MManeanr i 4 4 - • She strength of a bank is determined by its histb'ry, its per%y, its management and the extent of its resources. For 113 years the Bank of Montreal has been in the forefront of "Camsersarr finance. is the championship event and in ad- dition to first money .the winner will receive a beautiful silver clip, valued. at $26. This cup being won on two ! different occasions becomes the prop-- erty of said winner, otherwise it has to be returned for annual competit- ion. ompetitio31. The death occurred at her late • ' hone in Toronto, on Sat. Nov. 15th, of 1VIrs.. `Phos. Drummond, a former resident of Heneall. She had boon troubled With hart trouble for some time but only confined to her bed for a few days, and was found dead in , her bed. She was born in Wingham, 38years ago. Mr, and Mrs. Drum - A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Manse in ,Hensall on Saturday morning last at 10 o'clock when Rev. A. Sinclair united in marriage Pearl E., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mousseau, of Grand Bend to Mr. Thomas Richard Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Taylor. of Chisell. hurst. Following the ceremony Mr.', and Mrs. Taylor left by motor for Niagara Falls, and on their return, will reside in Chiselhurst. Nellie Boyle of London, is visiting at her home here. John Passmore returned on Sat- urday last from his hunting trip to New Ontario and had. the ,luck to- se - i mond and family moved to I.lensafl, so a deer.. 10 years ago fr gni. Wing/nue) and a- Bout 2 years ago they moved to Tor- onto. •• Besides her husband She lcnv- Wg 4e inourki Lout" „ones klid :.i ti. ig- Lem it si 31r➢isse1s girl, has recently won a $100° gel larship at the University of Chic-. ago, .here she is at present taking a special course in English. Miss Broth— ers spent several years in India and recently .received her appointment for work In Cocoanaua, India, and re turn, to her work there,. next Sept- . ember. Wee. M. Doig, who taught school ine- Ontario for thirteen years, and hay practised law in Michigan for the past thirty years, and has owned a., faros since he was nineteen years of age, and bas also been been engaged in farming most of his life, has de- tided e-cid d to discontinno his law practicer, . and expects to '' hbs 1 uriness in Port Huron clo:sod by Christmas, and COUNTY 'NEWS I will spend the remainder of lis tiara int %.,a and horn;;' 1 ✓;ir m in Tut :,.-. Muriel Brothers, M. Al a aorai r e umith tio., 5,; ' .ra born, 1