HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-11-20, Page 5.:1.1 ;5+ yry,1)l?uVerdie• 20lrl'ik •?l,' d.: stool RUMNESS CARDS DUDLEY E. HOLMES ,I*YERISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE ---Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, GODERICH, Ontario. .$ pecial Attention to Councel and Court Work. 'Wonts, F'or Salo, Lost,evo nom LtKAL NEWS 'Founds Notice, Etc. Ads • Mr, George Gram of Hensall was in the village on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. E. Oesch motored to London, on business on :Friday. Mr. Jos Hagen of Hensall, called in the village on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brand of ,Lon don, were Sunday visitors at the home of Miss Anna Hess. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Weido, and daughter Dorothy, were Sunday vis- itors at Godorich. Miss Myrtle Weber, 'who is taking a course in Art, at Toronto, visited at her home the past week. Rev. and Mrs. Albert Daters, of Desboro, were visitors with the form. is parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Daters Sr., during the past week. Mr,.Edwin Brenner, and Miss Car- rie Bre,C nner, of Kitchener, were weer incl visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Brenner. :111'1i114111,i+ 1211 MOM L'!DL'CMU For Sale A limited .number of choice young pigs for sale. Apply to Aaron Oes- Mr. Holmes may be consulted at treichex; Bronson Line, HAY. derieh by Phone, and Phone c3iarges reversed. Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH .Eyery Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and - Wednesday k. -C •'I'. I.O-N-E-E-R OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones National School of Auctionecring. Try me fon Registered Live Stock, (All Breeds.) ";!','Tins in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice Farms for Sale. Will sell anything. Anywhere. Phone 18-93, or write. Zurich. enscd Auctioneer FOR HURON & IVIIDDLESEX 1 .AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless ;as to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services Ron tiered. ARTHUR "WEBER—Dashwood Phone 13-57. STORAGE BATTERIES SEE US FOR NEW LOW PRICES ON; THESE BATTERIES OF "QUALITY" 11. S. Weis. DASHWOOD -- ONTARIO >MNMB•NNN•NO•••NN• Zurichs' Popular MEAT. MARE.E 1 ANNOUNCING CHAT WE HAVE PURCHASED .'IOM THE FIRM OF YUNGBLUT &+DEICHERT, THIS WELL ESTAI- LISHED MEAT BUSINESS, ANI SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Yunghlut & Sou ilereeeeeetoessoglSeeellee a e COAIJ 1930 Announcement WRING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT titillate .r _<, FOR Boonton Coal Colne Alberta Coal and Soft Coal A SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 50 Cis. ]F•er Toa will be allowed for cash. Drder Early as prices will advance on Jane 15th. Case & Son !!bone 35 HENSALL LIVE POU L. T R V WANTED ,SCkcen every Day till 3 o'clock, gaol. Do not feed Fowl same nnorxxing LOST A two-year-old roan steer, marked in right ear, has short horns. Finder iotify, Ben. Price, R. R.1, Dashwood NOTICE MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the •Corporation of the County of Huron will meet In the Council Chamber, Godexich, at 2 o' - 'clock in the afternoon of. Tuesday, the 2nd day of December 1930. All accounts against the County must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Saturday preceding the meeting of Council. GEO. W. HOLMAN, County Clerk. Goderielx November 15th, 1930. NOTICE Beginning Tuesday, Nov. nth we will operate our: chopping mill on c'uetictay, Thursday and Saturday all lay instead of half :days as formerly. Zurich Milling Co. FOR SALE 2 cows ,, !i Ii,nd is 2•3,r. -old A th t Aa r FOR SALE Ford Coupe in A. 1 condition, the :ar of late C. Eilber. For particul- ars apply to A. G. Edighoffer, 18-3 FOR SALE A six-year-old Durham cow in alf, for sale, apply to ;d. Haberer, Zurich. 18-3 FOUND A pair of kid gloves in Zurich. Owner can have same by paying for his adv., at Herald Office. NOTICE J. C. Salmon & Son, Teamsters, wish to advise the public that they r_e still in the same business, with prices as usual. Your carder will be much appreciated. Phone 94-16. NOTICE Having taken over the Service end if the Ford Agency, Zurich, I am in ^a position to give expert service to give expert service an all New Ford cars sold by Mr. S. Elliott_ We specialize on the following: Lord Transmission Linings. Ford Rear Ends; Ford Springs; Ford Valves Grinding; Brakes re -lined on di makes of Cars; We give special attention on oiiing and greasing al) nakes of cars; Radiator anti -freeze attention, Tire Repairing; Have your springs oiled. Leonard Prang, Zurich. NOTICE TO all new subscribers to the Her- ald for one year we will give the balance of this year free This is open .to new subscribers only and must be a year's subscription, cash an advance William 11 }Brown A. S. P. Graduated Foot Speciatist AT Brown's Boot Shop CONSULTING ENGINEER 1 14. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Tor.) 1 ).L.,S., Registered Professional En- ! sineer and Laaatd Surveyor, Associate 1'lerulier: F5sairieering Institute of ;'atiaaada_ 6 f+ee---Seafortb, Ont. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran ran Church wheaa brought in. A Changrileee Crit Ior r� acne - ' Cask Prices —CASH i ui — and Evac Snag' Fedi!." rverylbsody. Welcome to all Services. Tnarlskeini,, Pastor. +'riday, fah Lather League. Cream tY317 Satardaer—Choir Practice. •� •,, d3. a., me . Goo a ate Service. WA O'Brien t.".: S Sunday Soho!: ' r?3r,t Innos, 9.-4 :4nriesh Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Franks of Lis- towel, were Sunday visitors at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. G. Jacobe of the Parr Line, and Mr. arid Mrs. S. iacobe of the village. Don't forget the Grand Concert of Merit, in the Town Hall, Zurich, on ?riday evening of this week, when a .iighly recommended musical prograrn be rendered by artists of high :tending. The admission fee is small !ompared with the class of program .hat is being presented. The fishermen at St. Joseph, known as the St. Joseph Fishery, are at pres- ent fishing one pound net, and are meeting with splendid success, as their daily lifts with the one net are somewhat above the average of the ;very second day lifts in the spring and summer with the four nets. Messrs 'Wm. O'I3rein -and C. Fritz. .tire away to Camlache, on a wild goose' shoot, and upon their return. we anticipate that the price of fowl ,will be lowered in Zurich, Owing to hig bag of fowl that will be put on the market for immediate consum- ption„ A very appropriate birthday party was held at the home of lVIr. John Decher on Saturday in honor of Mrs McDougall, who celebrated her 70th birthday. Some twenty guests, incl uding all of Mr. Decher's daughters were present, also some other friends. The evening was spent with an abun- 1ance of music, singing and merry. ,:laking. A snitable birthday cake with many other good things to eat was enjoyed by all present. Mrs. Mc- iousrall was the recipient of many admirable presents. Another new brand of gasoline has made its appearance in town, namely the Sanoka Gas. Co., who have placed their pump in charge of L. Prang & Son, who have heretofore handled the Hnperial products, which they however still continue. The new San- oka gas sells at the ordinary price, and is claimed to have all the Ethyl and Antiknock qualities found in gas only of higher price. You cannot help but know it at sight as its color is a dark blue. Mr. Prang invites the auto users to try a filling of this !)rand of gasoline: Rev. Bright of London, Field Sec- retary of the British and Foreign Bible Society conducted the morning services in the Evangelical church on Sunday, and spoke along this line of work, which was rather interesting After the service the election of offic- ers took place, where Miss L. Faust was re-elected as President, the past- ors of town as Vice -Presidents, and 1VIrs. L. Prang was elected as Secy- `I'reasurear in place of Mr. A. F. Hess resigned. A canvass, of the district will again be made as in former ye- ars to help along financially in this big and noble cause. A goodly number of the kiddies, and some who were slightly beyond the kiddie age, were at Hensall on Saturday morning and had a short. .;hat with Santa (Maus, as Pio ,;ourney- ed down on the morning train to Lon- don, on this train of butter and eggs tame. A number of the children made their little contribution, and old Santa gave every child a pack of candy,, whether they made a donation or not. The object of this campaign, which is staged by the London Free Press, is to provide suitable Christ- mas cheer to those kiddies who are in unfortunate financil circumstanc- es, and considerable funda are tieing raised each year in this way': Mr. Bruce Klopp, who owns the largest poultry farm in this section, advises us that lie has had a very suc- cessful year with his venture, and is wintering som thing• around 400 hens .nany of which have already commen- ced laying for the winter, that is the >ullets, the. !lock being all of a good laying strain of White Leghorns. Mr. Klopp deserves much credit for what he has so tar accomplished when we consider only a short time ago this productive little plant was only an ordinary field, and now the fine equip ment Mr, Klopp has is remarkable, :1(1 we wish him every success, The 'ery appropriate name of this hen- ti 1ery is "'fwinmaples" 111111 if you will I Pn�ee �aee ,ek at the back end of the little farm • Check and double check C. Fritz is Son's Add. for special prices on Rubber Footwear. Mr. and Mrs. Herb, Kirby and ion's of Walton spent Tuesday at the some of IVIrs. L. Geiger. Mr's. Dawe of Port Huron, Mich., is visiting her friends, Mr. and. Mrs. P: Koehler,. Mrs. A. Rose and son, Mr. Harry Rose of town, attended the funeral of a relative at Brodhagen on iVlonday last. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Edighoffer we- re recent visitors with relatives at Waterloo and Kitchener. IVir. Edigh- ,)iier also assisted in barbering at Mitchell for a few days the past week, • Mr. Valentine Gerber of the Bron - on Line, Stanley, north of Blake, las disposed of. his 100 -acre farm to rr. Noah Ging, i ich of the some line. immediate possession was given. Mr. Gerber and family will likely move to the United States. t'ies,srs. Herb Mousseau, Welling - .on Johnston and Gid Koehler, were .0 ;ienlache the past week on a 'pant for wild geese, and they sure tat)ac 1 with the ))aco) as they heel he nice bag of nine big fellows on heir et.tui,a, end they now don't need :o worry where the meat comes from for a day oc two. Mr. Ev. kiai�+t, proprietor of the popular Heist's Ltakery in town ad i vises us of the modern machinery he has recently had installed, be the addition of a flour sifter, which takes all the foreign substances out of the hour before it goes into the large sanitary bread mixer, and after the dough leaves the mixer it is put into another large machine, which shapes it into right size to he cue, ori for loaves ready for the pans. Mr. Hoist advises that with this modern mach- inery, it is a great labor saving, as well as the best of precaution in sanitation is being exercised, From St. Jacobs • The visitora at the Evangelical par- wnage St. Jacobs over Sunday and. Monday of Thanksgiving were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCutcheon and daughter Marian of London; Mrs. Lydia Geiger aiid daughter Miss Eul- eine of Zurich and son Newell of Vic- ;oi'ia University, Toronto; Miss Eli^.n- . w v w ..4+.0eleeelr!'111111e.i►e411'IA•9s'iwM rn Implements r • WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND GLAD• TO SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE 4 • WILL BE KIND OF M MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST, AND THAT WILL •y GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR OF COST: t CARRY A FULL LINE OF PUMPS; PIPING AND FITTING aAND BESIDES WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS. o LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL I ✓ We have the Agency for this District. '~ on GARAGE SUPPLIES • • • e WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES, AND 3 o CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO n PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAME s c DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND RE• 4 O BUILDING BATTERIES s YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED e Tires Tubes Gas rillsand treassi. . ea 5 5 d 6 L. A. Fran -- Zurich Hvti4.*04ii, 40,6i4.4n.t.4,+fa9aC+R ..64000.4.04.2•.0+ 4.444,44,0 0 e0.ieo A 4 *4+.441-i-+++++++.14+4•44++++++ 4 4. CEDA' OrtiES"S 44++++ 44.+1.i.i. F44 r i•÷+9•111 AT $8,75 4 4 4 4 WHY NOT BUY ONE FOR STORING YOUR FURS, BEDDING, ETC. THESE CHESTS ARE LARGE SIZED AND WELL FINISHED AND WILL ADD TO THE BEAUTY OF ANY ROOM. CALL JN AND LOOK THEM OVER. C. I(ALBIL f IS l 1 4 s i PHONE 69 - ZURICH! F'I $++++++1.44.+•44.•i••I..y.+++a..I.q.{-4-4.++++++++++++++++++++441 - -•eth Rennie, formerly of Zurich, and 'caving this week :COI California to pend,the winter with her sister, Mrs need Southcott. The above visitors' 7it'1 Mrs. Knechtel gave a splendid ?rogram of sacred songs in connect- ion with the evening services at CaI- •'ary Evangelical Church, St. Jacobs Mr. MrCutcheon sang: "Open the gates of the Temple," Miss Rennie and Mr. Newell Geiger gave a duette "It Was for Me". A ladies' quartette sang: "I Love Him", Miss Rennie, a solo: "The Lord is My Shepherd". se these selections • were beautiful rendered and inspiring. Both organ and piano were used simultaniously. Miss Rennie officiating at the organ and Miss Geiger at the piano. The pastor, Rev. S. R. Knechtel gave an address on "The Duty of Thanks- giving." At the services of Heidle- berg Evangelical Church in the morn- ing, Miss Elizabeth Rennie gave a olo, Miss Rennie with Mr. Newell Geiger a duette, and Mr. Frank Mc- Cutcheon with Miss Rennie and Mr. Geiger, n Trio. Miss Euloine Geiger officiated at the piano. The program of song was highly apprec- iated by the attendants of both ser- Zurichvices.—Kitchener Daily Record. DiuStory 1 WE'RE G IVI N G AWAY BEFORE YOU BUY SEE THIS SET AND SEE WHAT OTHER RADIOS GILLETTE'S New Razor �N�V:'ItYYi'VY1'1YWY►LVVYYL tiM1fYVYy YVhM1IYI YVYVYt L4YVY, YY3� NewSonora Radio GIVES YOU AS MUCH FOR YOUR MONEY. i.+ill :;otic a ,"ilei, 'wb-v1`0 1;alian 111s It7 e j e,1 Jrli;iti••1Wed X.1"o2it4 cyfy;?r' with NEW Blade with the purchase of any one of these at . PALMOLIVE SHAVING CREAM 3 COLGATE'S RAPID SHAVE CREAM c COLGATE'S HANDY GRIP STICK 5 ......,... K S .AND F'II.,IMS „_., Dr. Aa J>, IViacKinuon, Zurich st chi - Cuy., piiMMAMM �>rhl�`` )t+ash 1A� FAQ ERS' • WEEK mat our store THE new Dr. Hess & Clark Catalog, mailed out the other day, should be in your hands by now. Just look at that cover! Research Farm all over. And inside, filled with interesting tests and experiments with cows, hogs and chickens. They are doing a lot of experimenting and testing for you on that Research Farm. Stock like yours. Tests you can understand. Results you can get. We have the goods, the Dr. Hess line, complete stock. And get this: Beginning Saturday, we are having a Special Farmers' Week, featuring all the Dr. Hess Products. Call in and see the goods. Let's talk it over. Remember, it starts this Saturday. L. Schilbe & Son �N�V:'ItYYi'VY1'1YWY►LVVYYL tiM1fYVYy YVhM1IYI YVYVYt L4YVY, YY3� NewSonora Radio GIVES YOU AS MUCH FOR YOUR MONEY. i.+ill :;otic a ,"ilei, 'wb-v1`0 1;alian 111s It7 e j e,1 Jrli;iti••1Wed X.1"o2it4 cyfy;?r' with NEW Blade with the purchase of any one of these at . PALMOLIVE SHAVING CREAM 3 COLGATE'S RAPID SHAVE CREAM c COLGATE'S HANDY GRIP STICK 5 ......,... K S .AND F'II.,IMS „_., Dr. Aa J>, IViacKinuon, Zurich st chi - Cuy., piiMMAMM �>rhl�`` )t+ash 1A�