HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-11-20, Page 4eae aro eto Art Ito imOot Ut'.4H HERALD cAn ACKNOWLEDGMENT and an INVITATION 1.0 THE Bank of Mori- treal, now in its ii4th year, regards it as a great privilege to have co-operated over so long a period in the development of Cana- dian business. Head Office Montreal `SM j�ilCba •�,e9 �i,�'�M I6'I T_6�j All 0 0,1 The Bank has kept pace with the growth of Canada and in each of the hundreds of communities where it is represented it has been an important factor in local progress. If we have had the privilege of serving you in the past we are glad, and, if we have nor had that opportunity we cordially place our facilities at your disposal—at whichever of our offices is most convenient to you. t • TREAI Established 1817 TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS OF 0800,000,000 Zurich Branch: C. H. JOY, Manager. 00080eseeeoeeeeE9eeeee•seeeeesesesee.•••l•seest • erosee••••••••••e••••O••*40• •• • 1931 Westinghouse Radio ;SEE AND VOLUME 2 • HEAR SUPER -HETERODYNE, POWER DRIVEN DYNAMIC SPEAKER, AUTOMATIC CONTROL, PUSH PULL AMPLIFIER, TONE CONTROL, MICROMETER TUNING, SUPER • • • • ••• • i • SENSITIVE, SUPER SELECTIVE RADIOS. rnrlin,h0te191 l ftj tI i' iltriiue 'ip3Fliuir tiri+n+ rr+ini•ririrl' i„�•„r iia „t :�b li.,., ,,�.'• • MODEL 110 • ihlG1181111h UiIUI11U1i!11!!Ill$JIIINII11Iru,, i�I111lr,IlliJi�Ilft 1llllh1 llflWllll ilfli J UiIIIIl I 14 MODEL 80 HESS RADII) ELECTRIC • • ••i • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • Iiiteit•fiele•••••••ce••••e••••••••e•.•.••••8•N•M••411•NN••••meesemese***y .4.••Oa BLAKE Miss Margaret Tough who is teach-. ring near Shakespears. spent the week ant under the parental roof. Mae John Thirsk spent a few days llat week with friends at Egmond- irin . Mr. Gordon Johnston left last week for• New Ontario, whore he intends gending a few months with friends. shifts Margaret Sparks Left last we +:e'lc for Toronto, where she will spend 'ilei winter with her sisters. Mr: and Mrs. Ross Johnston re- •irrsierd on Saturday after spending a &w days with friends in Zurich. Mike Jean Carnie of Hen=iaii, spent lithe week -end under the parental Woof. Airs. Oeseh has returned home of '13i. r spending the summer with Miss e)Metrataret Sharks. •.;;e'ite a number from this vicin .rttended the entertainments at inewwail last Thursday and i'x•iday "31'ne.i2, rt,, HILLSGREEN Miss Minerva Reichert has return- ed home after spending several days with friends in Zurich. Mr. John Cochrane and Mr. Alfred Philip have returned home after . a very pleasant deer hunting trip to parts in Northern Ontario. We are sorry to report that Mrs. IL McAlliser was taken to Victoria Hospital, London one day recently. We hope she will soon be able to in - joy her, usual good health. Mr. and Mrs. George rioiley and children of Tavistock and ai'r•, B. Jarrett of Toronto, spent. Sunday at the homes of Mr. and Mrs, J. Coch- •:'ne and Mr. W. Jnrrott end Annie. Mr. Arthur Broderick hes been en- enged with Mr. ltobt. Mousseau. at Exeter. Miss Annie Consitt of Hensall, sp- ):” tr few days with her brother, r..13% i . ). :l *,• 'el: alfa: A+xld3 .i,uht,,:Y,,,' tr yl 131 14.4 '.t V ili.- ship spent a few days with her fri-1 end Miss Annie Jarrott. Mrs. Gould of Formosa gave a sp- lendid address in the Hillsgreen ch'- urch on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Harry Fuss and family spent a fewdays with friends in Clinton. Quite a number from this commun- ity attended the reception at Kipper in honor of Mrs,. Gauld, STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr. Wilson Campbell and sister Miss Campbell of Seaforth, were thr ++•ucsts for a few days last week, of` their sister, Mus. R. McKinley, and. their nephew Mr. J. E. McKinley ane•. fan -lily. Mr. Roy Lamont, accompanied by Mr. C. Fritz of Zurich, took a trii:: '::;,t °Thureday to Ridgetow..n and oth• placc5 of interest, Ma. teed Aire, "j, T. Stepheneon £lile. a end M.N. lien. -ell Erratt took trip to nonden fast natuxday. Rev. 3. M. Gale, of hayfield took thecervices at Goshen Church hast Sunday morning. He gave a very earnest missionary address in the in- terest of our W. M. S., and a liberal thankoffering was received, Rev. Mr. Poulter of Varna is or- ganizing classes of the young people at Varna and Goshen. For instruct- len in music, on the violin and man- dolin, Mr. Poulter has had some ex- perience in this line of work and his services will be greatly appreciated by the young, people of our commun- ity. Mr. Colin Campbell visited the Goshen S. S. last Sunday, his teach- ing of the Bible Class and his address to the school were much appreciated and we hope he may soon visit us a- gain. Mr. Val. Gerber has sold his farm on the Bronson Line to Mr. Noah Gingerich, Mr. Gerber and family intend moving to the States. The 0. R. E. C. Convention will be held in St. Andrew's Church, Hay- field on Friday, November 21st. there willbe an afternoon and evening ses- sions. The fine weather of the past week has been very acceptable to the far- mers giving them an opportunity to get their plowing and other work finished. HENSALL Mrs. English spent o few days vis- ising friends in Ripley. Alex. Hildebrandt and sister Viola have moved ..into one of 0. Geiger's houses on North Richmand st. Orville Twitchell, Alex. McIntyre and Jas. Kilpatrick returned after a hunting trip to Bog Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Drysdale and family spent a few days visiting with friends in Saginaw Mich. Hazel Morenz spent a few days in London: Mr. and Mee.. Al Gibbons, Earl Burger, Sybil Eecrett and Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Berger of Detroit, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs Robt. Eacrett. Ada Ireland of Burlington and Al- len Soldan of Hensall, received sever- al injuries in an accident at Seebach's Hill early Tuesday morning Last, when two cars side-swiped. Jack Stacey, accompanied by his mother of Detroit, spent the week- end with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sheffer are vis- iting for a few days with friends in Port Rowan. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Case returned home Friday after visiting friends in Detroit. Laird and Harry Joynt of Toronto visited at their home here. ,a, On Sunday evening last as an auto party from Exeter was ' returning from Goderich, they had a narrow escape from serious accident a mile south of town at the bridge. It ap- pears that just when entering on the bridge, a tire burst, causing the driv- er to lose control and the car was suddenly thrown on its side right on the bridge enbankment to the south, and had it not been that the roadway had been ever so much wider at that spot during the past summer, nothing would have prevented the car from going down the steep bank at the creek. No one was seriously injured but the party badly shook up. DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Calfas, of Detroit, spent a few days in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kellerman .lave returned from their honeymoon and are now comfortably settled in ,:he Commercial. On Monday even- ing they were serenaded by the Band. Mr. Mark Brokenshire spent Mon- day in town. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Reid of Varna and Miss C. Rcid of Bayfield, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reid. Miss Sara Reid, of Bayi+ieid spent a few days with her cousin, Miss L. M. Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Hoffman and family visited friends in London on aunday. Mr. J. C. Reid made a business trip to Toronto on Tuesday. lvtl rind .....1..;-. ,a. , ,Id Irene and Mrs. Austin of Detroit, were ,,LLllu.ty • V1$]tu,.., wit41 iYt.. aim a..,CS. has Guenther. On the eve of November 12th, the .aerirliers of the Lutheran Ladies Aid )f this village took Rev. and Mrs, gess by complete surprise. The door bell rang about six o'clock and open- ing the door the ladies and their hus- bands Walken in with baskets, pans, and kettles filled with good things to eat. A long table was set and decor- ated and all sat down to a most delis. Ions goose supper. After supper wa. over andthe dishes clearers away an enjoyable social evening wan spent till ten o'clock when a short business'; meeting was held. All went home satisfied that everybody there had spent a real pleasant evening. Preparations are being made for a skating rims which will be an advan- tage to the town. We lope' the people of town and, community will •o -overate with the l oys and eel) them along to mel,.e thio a success. A very painful aecidnirt befell Mi, 0,40.1.1i.3 iso Nl r � r who ie nue inpeeeee a, • the planing mill, on Wednesday, Viecodicy, ofn n r 20th, 1939,. when in some way his. hand: Became' presenting bliss •I ,h :s leathers club:• lin. contact with the planer., with the bag and address, result that fifteen stitches were Te- i I guared to close tIp the dash„ in hissennse ehitise notice of thine! Comntatte. s �n ^charge of hockey in gets,„ Clinton this season that there is an Mr; Milford Koch, and, sister Anna abundance of good material for both Mr. Clarence Tucker frena Detroit, a Junior and ;an Intermediate. team Miss Rose Koch from Windsor, Mr. and Lhat with {good training and co- alnds Mrs, Elmore Thiel and family of aching �botla. ^ch,n 'male aa real showing•. Blake, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Dale and in the t3..Ii * ':race 'this veal.. son Melvin. of Glendale, Mr. and Mrs Russel Pitt and daughter Alma from An aeroplane flying from Stratford 'lhorndale, Mr. and. Mrs. Louis Kraft of town, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Koch_ . ford for repairs, after which it again Kellerman—Beaver (;. took off .for Saania. A quiet but pretty wedding was soli emnized at the Main St. Parsonage, K A pretty wedding took place at the • Exeter, on Wednesday, November 12, ,Thames Road .Manse when Anna Ag - at 8.30 a.m. when Myrtle Marie, el- I nes, only ,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. dest daughter of Mrs. Ida Beaver of ' Geo. Jeffrey of the Thames Road was. Usborne, was united in marriage to ; united in marriage to Harry R. Coats Alvin J. Kellerman, son of Mrs. L. ) eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Co - Kellerman of Dashwood. The bride • ates of Usborne. was becomingly gowned in a blue georgette dress and.carried a bou- Chas• 13iislrfiel3, of Logan, met quet of roses. After the ceremony with a sever;'- rceident recently and as a result the happy couple left on a short trip will be laid up for several thr- to Kitchener, Niagara Falls and oth_ weeks. Be was the owner or a I er points. On their return they will ash.ir?g outfit and had completed thr- eshing rare a farin, and was in the act. of moving the separator out of the barnwhen it got out of control and he fell no, one. of the wheels passing over his left arm .resulting in a conr- poundfracture. to Sarnia developed engine trouble> near Exeter, and after making a land. ing the mechanic went back to Strat- Ireside in Dashwood. COUNTY NEWS The contractors liave completed their work on the North pier, God- erich harbor, and are making good progress on the south pier section which soon developed into pneumonia they have under construction. i and he rapidly .sank. Deceased was Mr. and Mrs. Latimer Grieve and born in Chepstowe, Bruce Co., where family, who have been conductiny a the greater part -of his life was spent drug store at Grand Bend for the About a month ago in company with. summer have moved to Exeter for his mother and brother, he moved to the winter_ Seaf>orth. :He is survived by his mo - Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jowett, of thee, one sister and two brothers. Hayfield, left last week to spend the winter in Florida. Last Sunday evening fire destroyed. Wm. H. Bender, of Detroit, has st- arted to build two more large cottag- es at Grand Bend, which still adds to , the summer resort. o clock. 'The alarm was given but, One night recently William Nichol- nothing -could be saved, as the inside• son met with a. slight accident to his of the building was all in flames. The car near Bluevale. He left it on.. the Clinton .fire 1/r?gade answered an ap- roadside until the next morning, and }real for ;help, but all that could be -Chen he went to get it found that done was to keep the fire from spre- the battery and tires had been stolen ceding to other buildings. Fortunate The farm of John Hutchinson, on t el y there wasno wind. Mr. Weston - Highway No. 4, just north of Exeter crried a shall insurance on the build- Highway been sold to Carman Cann, son ing and also lost on the furniture.Mr of John Cann, of Usborne, for $8500 and Mrs.E. Webb, the tenants,,. The new owner gets possession Dec— ember 1st., bout $800 worth spf effects on whicht • The death occurred in Seaforth of"' Edward T- Burns in his 29th year.He suffered a heavy eold two weeks ago, the brick reeidcnce on the main St.. of Hayfield, belonging to G. geston.. The fire was discovered about nine. A new company known as the rat -air there is nn insurance,.3.ft, ;t can Manufacturing Co., with h. F." At Wfngharn the other day Victor Carman as man )i ager. and bed Ward Whndat iy of .i.ucknow, was fined $25 as Superintendent is starting up bus- ,a eases or in the alternative one iness in Lucan. Ie is an up-to-date :;month in jail for cruelty to dumb ani - foundry and machine shop and will also repair farm machinery. This in- dustry is sponsored by the Lucan Chariiber of Commerce. In consequence of thereceipt, of telegraphic instructions from Justice Logie, John Staples of Wroxeter and mals.. The C.P.R. agent at Belgrave, testified that Whitley brought nine 'horses to Bele eve station in a truck.. •Tway horses were down in the- thud: and it was diffculty to tell whether• they were dead .or alive. Witness Alex. Clark of Walton, were. released. 'said he saw 'W:iitley and others put - from the county jail Goderich, on. .ai:a rope around The neck of one of the horses, the sides being taken off the truck and the horses dropped to the gravel three or four fet below. The station agent ref -used.. to ship the hoe-•• bail of $5,000 each, provided, by rel- atives and friends. They had been in custody since the previous. Wedn- esday when they were committed. bye Justice Logie on charges of perjury ses without a veterinary's certificate.. They were not shipped from Belgrave• but later from Wingham, the two. sick animals being fenced off in a. :sep.aa a onempartment in a box car allegedly committed intheir eviden- ce at the Grieves trial. Unless they elect otherwise they will. appearfor trial at the sessions before Judge Lewis on December 9th.. Two Auburn young man. who had become residents of Detre.t have re- turned +e, home and secured farms. Ciar- LOCAL MARKETS ence Doer is- preparing to occupy the (Corrected every Wedaeada Doer homestead purchased by auction y9' by his .father, Henry Doer; Geo. Hail --Butter, lb. „- am has purchased old John Mills ho -J Old. Hens„+ mestead from the Reid estate.. Chickens On Oct. 31st, Frank Bishop, who Eggs .. 28-45+• had been connected with the car de- : Wheat ... _ .. , _ , , .... .65e1 partment of the C.N.R. in Goderich Oats . _ - • .25 for 24 years, retired from service. Barley - 39e His retirement was marked by about Flour .................2.75-3.2� 25 fellow employees of Goderich me- Shorts . ,. , . 22.001 eting at the depot in the evening and Bran . _ . ..... _ .... .. 21.00+= 37a- 8-12. e ne++3++++++3+++++++.+f'a++•34+ff++++ +.•44+ ” ... ...il 4. 4. VICTOR RADIOS 4.. 4.. 4. 4. + .1- + i' - 'I+4. a. You + - -- -- ' - ---- 3+ ,�''toil!I'I�IIUiIII�Ii�t":"I!;�!!i'IIII!tl��14 _ . , + s —,. X, , ` — In the New 1931 el. . 4.�� VICTOR RADIOS '1' 4. .l. It had to come—but only Ii11 L •I y screen -grid micro -synchronous •..• is III ` 511th is it I. balance could bring it, only the +, ., (; .:.� ,l.1 ' (: new 1931 Victor Radio glues it. •[ *Everything r �• ♦ ♦ v v. ,. f . + f aq,i yt�a s ( gtlzing about Victor's tat- *; I. 4.;il,,�` TT ; ;� est radio is new, different, new -e .4. d.i' .l in design, new in performance o'- .; mt! I I new" in tone, and better. in 'I' If you want clean-cut sepal.- fir" ÷ 7 ^' , ; . `. ' 1; ation of stations, if you want 4" ." ••' - the thrill of distant broadcasts, I, fry; ! " = ' if want the radio t o - 4- =_. youo of o 3• 3 � _- _ is morrow in your home today— .1- 0. I..wantes 'p' you a VICTOR. ee •,EF: ,RE >" :l`,... � O PURCHASING A .�. �� SiACHIN ,, ANYWHERE e t NI' A2tlYWHERIJ BE I�- i s SURE AND HEAR THE ?* ' 0 VICTOR .1.: FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN BATTERY MACHINES BE SURE TO COME IN AND HEAR THE NEW R. 10 MODEL—NO BAT- t* TELLY` C# A'i.RGING WITH. THIS 1 OWE.RFVL. MACHINE. '1 W l6. 0l... Wagn,eli% A ��.en t • Znr h 1 tit.. , + > i olet + R '.. +C. �,. 1.l. .. , #+'i' , .1.,,;,,g..l.� $+� , x •l 'k'3't.3,,l++h�i° a'i^ ,c ,� � .;^ �",�'�„';F:r ir�+l•a . ;4+4444 - Selectivity! Sensitivity*. and Value