HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-11-20, Page 1H Vol.XXX No.,22 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING HER NOVEMBER 20,1930. Chester L. Smith, PVIrlioleeer. g1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in tedentease #1.50LNALREAIS,$2 MAYBE MU -UMW Advertising in the Herald goes in the homes of people who buy in Zurie STEPHEN COUNCIL The Counci/ of the Temati* oar Stephen convened he the Te441:11t•thI 'Crediton, on Mand. Nevember 3rt1l„ .at 1 pan. All members wire present Minutes of the previons, meeting we- re read and approved.. The report of Geo. el. MeGubbirt, M.E.I.C., en the peoposed Scott Municipal Drain.. dated Octob- er 14th, 1936e, was. read, notices of ewhich had been d'uly 1/10e:elite .the interested parties, -Therebeing no petitioners present. wishing to with- daw their names from the petition, the report was adopted and on motion of H. Beaver :and E. Gill, By-law No. 445 was eu•oVisionally. •adopted, end the Clerk was instructed to give due notice to all interested persons that a Court of Revision will be held at the Tee.vrs. Ball., -Crediton,, lifonday, December ist„ 193.0, at 1 o'clock iri the :afternoon.. That jnhn. Hirtzel, 1etd Inspeetor 0••••••••••••••••440-44040404•••••••••••••••++..oee. Harness, Etc. WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF CHOICE HARNESS, TRUNKS, TRAVELLING BAGS. VALICES, ETC., TO CHOOSE FROM, AND ARE OFFERING THE SAME TO THE PUBLIC AT VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES. Pianos Pianos IF YOU HAVE BEEN THINKING OF ADDING. A FINE NEW PIANO TO THE PLEASURES OF YOUR HOME, BE SURE AND CONSULT US, AS WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE POPULAR SHERLOCK MANNING LINE. ALSO AGENTS FOR THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE ± FRED THIEL - ZURICH • • • • PHONE 1024, •••••••••4404444•4444•4444.0440444444444440040040444* • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 44• • • • • • • • • • 0111404.000411110**411414410•0411000.••••••••••4•6041041)**0••••• • 4111 ai Shoes and Beauty i FALL FOOTWEAR FEATURED I • 1 1110 - -N • ..:‘• -• ) I •r: ,.• ...... : 0 0 1 1 1 1 IN BROWN TONES WE INVITE -YOU TO SEE 'THE .7NEINVEST SHOE :STYLES NOW . ON DISPLAY IN .017R STORE • MEN: Here's Value, Unmatched' Speedy 55:Shoes: are :built to :our high quality standa.rd a genuine CnTE-Lenthers and oak tanned :soles Black or Brown.. Wernen,'s. Strap, Tie rand instep, Pomp Models finest glavz...,L kid 'leather, B& -er Brewn..at :$3.: to Vette. The latest Creedeef;.n in Featherweight Rubber FOotvvear Children. Shoes that last and Lead in style, and: we present Footwear that measures up to your liigliest standards-andedown_ts .sour .low- est levels in prime 'That, meet.ns the best for 'the lens, Si bo !IMPAIRING 'NEATLY DONE t• ,1 t.. Brawn's o t Shop SIM OEM WINDOW DISPLAY tosommoseaostoesoaciersopmetaeowasveasio. 1 a 0 • 0 0 • z to 0 615**41094000•60400441 ••04#4,043•04,4*-4Av<944,raa+O-O • 40404•4•0 Oa.* .0044 44144 • 0 • our suit OR 0 T TAILORED TO 11EASIT AN WHAT IT MEANS "IT MEAN SILLX„ COMFORT AND wiLUE 'GUARANTEE ,OF N,SHIP, THAT EACH SUIT S. INDIVIDUALLY CUT ANN TAILORED BT EXiliNTS WHO MAIZE 'THE FINISHED GARMENT Your Snit ci Overeat ElliSALMERIS AMR filreMERAL IEDIRECl/M35 44•4101#11k******•••••••44**AAA4••••*******4******4440 be paid $3.04 for cutting weeds on Village Lots 6 and 11 in Centralia arid that the amount be charged a- gainst the said lots and collected with other taxes. . Thae By-laws No. 443, 444 and 445 having been read three times be signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the Seal of the Corporation be attach- ed thereto. The following accounts were ord- ered paid. Otto Willert, road No. 12, $148.20 Roy Ratz rd 13, 15.50; Wm. Bowmen rd. 24, 349.65; Earl Gaiser rd. 25, 240o60; Frank Triebner rd. 27, 166.- 50; Otto Willert ed 12, 90.00; Henry Shenk rd 6, 7.50; A. Baker rd. 5, $5. and 32.50;A. Latta rd 18, 162.45; W England rd 14, 13.00; G. Eilber rd 16 293.68 and 347.40; W. Baker rd 21 44.50; Geo. Eilber salary 96.40; W. Preszcator gravel, 14.00; F. Tri- ebner gravel 60.75; J. McKeever gra- vel 3.00; J: Preszcator gravel 18.50; Jos. Guinan inspecting Dearing's Sheep Loss 2.00; Jos. Guinan Select- ing Jurors 4,00; R, Goetz 41141 i,Eil- ber ditto, each 4.0; P. W. Morlock postage 35.00; F. J. Wickwire, print- ing account 17.50; ditto printing Smith Drain Debentures 5.00; ditto printing Link Drain Debentures 2.50; Sundry persons allowance re Smith DraM 143.00; Sundry persons re: Gaiser Drain 257.00; G. A. McCub- bin and others, 'fees re Sharpe Drain- age Award 52.20; Hay Stationery Co Check writer (half cost) 22.50; Can. Bank of Commerce, Bank Coil. 2.25; Sundry Persons, allowance' re Link Drain 67.00; John Hirtzel, weed In- spctor 3.04; Leon Dearing, cleaning Haycock Drain 34.00; W. J. Lovie part payment Lovie-Gill DraM 75.00; Saron Vincent, part payment Link Drain 350.00; The Council adjourned to meet a- gain at the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, December 1ct, at 1 p.m. Henry Eilber, Clerk. Z. P. S. SCHOOL REPORT Zurich Continuation Schooi, for September and October. FORM I: Quimbe Hess 78% , Ruth Church 69, Hazel Uttley 63, Rosa Zettel 62, Margaret Haberer 60, Beatrice Hab- -erer 60, Beatrice Gascho 60, Alice Decker 58, Grace Gelinas 56. FORM Marie Laporte 82, Ruby Church 79, Earl Fleeboard e 75, Byron Due febarme 69, Ellen Turkheini 67, Mar - eery Gascho (i4. Leonard Denomy • -62, Claude Gelinas 59, Viola Sreen- an 58, Gordon Howald 57, Gordon Bloch 56, Albert Heideman 53, Al- bert Deichert 47. A. P. Rowe, Principal. Many young people to -day are get- ting the imwession that hard times means ,only one car to the family and attendance at the movies reduced to three times per week. Cause of Hard Tines (Ailsa Craig Banner) What makes hard times is one high- ly artificial and foolish standard of living. The best practical farm build ings were built and the most stable business of the country were establi- sh.ed When wheat sold for 50 cents a bushel, when oats were 20c. a bushel, and dressed hogs sold for $3.50 per hundredweight. But on those days folks baked their own bread, killed and cured their own beef and pork and ,diditheir own work. They rose at early dawn and were snoozing soon after sundown. In the winter Mr..Jack Park of Hensall, called on Zurich friends on Monday. Mr.. and Mrs. Gid • Koehler were Sunday visitors at Bayfield. Mr. -Edward Bedard of Detroit, is spending holidays at his home in the village. Mrs.Henry Volland, of near Hen- sall, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Louis Schilbe. Mr. and Mrs. E. Oesch, accompan- ied by Mrs. E. Church, were Tuesday visitors at London. Miss Jean Eickmeier, of Brodhagen is visiting with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mr. Harry Eickmeier. Dr, Au@ Mrs, A. J. MeeKineenIVIrs, Mrs. 'Albert Ralbfleisch, Mee Win. Johnston were visitors to London one day last week, Mr'. and Mrs. Ed. Beaver and fam- ily were visitors with relatives at Mor riston, a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brand of Bel - grave, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Horner. Mr. and Mrs. C. 0, Smith, of St. Joseph, were recent visitors with re- latives at Baden and Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Bd. Wilhelm and family of New Hamburg were Sun- day visitors with relatives in these parts. Mr. and Mrs. T. McAdams and son Harry were to London on Tuesday, to attend .the funeral of the former's aunt, 1);:es. -Sarah Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kellerman ,of Dashwood, were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz. Pleased to see Mr. Kellerman able to be out again after his recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Kock of Con- estoga, and Mr. Hovey of Hespler, were Sunday -visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Brenner. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Deters, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Didels and Mr. Clar- ence Datere were week -end visitors at Desboro, returning by way of Kit- chener, where they visited with fri- ends. Do not fail to hear Master Taggart the musical Marvel, supported by a cast of First Class Artists in Music, Laughter and Song, at- Town Hall Zurich, on Friday evening, November 21istt Mr. Elmer Krueger of the 14th. con, accompanied by his father, Mr. Henry Krueger, were at London on Monday, where the former was ex- amined by a Government Specialist, for his ailments.. Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Hartman, of the Bronson. Line, Stanley, and Mr. and Mrs. Kuno Hartman, of the Gosh- en Line, south of Zurich, spent a pl- easant week -end with friends at De- troit and Windsor, having availed themselves of passing through the new vehicle tunnel, which was just opened sonar tine ago. The Evangelical League held an open meeting. last Thersday evening. Rev. Dreier occupied the chair. Mr. Garfield Witmer geve an address on Evangelical Missions in Africa. Mi. Rowe favored us with several musical selections and a mixed quartette composed' of Misses Olive O'Brcin and Ida Routledge and Messrs Gabel and Garfield Witmer rendered a ple- time they cut wood, did a good stunt asing number. During the remainder at teaming, fed cattle, stayed home at of the meeting lantern slides on Mis- sions in Africa were shown. These slides were interesting and instruct- ive. Are you a Member?: Come night, read good books and studied the weekly papers, their only diver- sion 'being an occasional party. There were those, it is said, who hit the primrose path, but they are long since deed and :forgotten. All that's the matter with us just now is that we're, paying the piper' who was invited in whoa there was lots of easy morey. We got into the way of eating both butter and jam on our bread and are now 160:Mg.,. ourselves because we rnust eat pease brose three times a day for rarity. If some of the good Mk who make this sectiqn of the province proverbal for its prosperity were to return they'd laugh themsel- ves sick as some folk complain about thein income. It's not the incomo. that's et fault, Jt' ,$ the outgo—that'e the rub, The sad intelligence was received in town on Tuesday afternoon, of the passing of Mr. Erastus Rennie, of Hensall, and a prominent merchant, of that place. Mr. Rennie is known by practically everybody west of Hen sall, as a man of sterling qualities, and the village of Hensall loses one of its outstanding citizens. He was only a short time and was taker to Seaforth Hospital where he passed away very suddenly, The funeral is being held on Thursday noon, from his late home at Hensall, privately to the Hensall 'Union Cemetery, A more complete obituary will appear next week, BRIDAL WREATH WEDDING DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RINGS - ,---e--e'' .1,9)(iii \ al 7^ ?)t? .1/4....%r4 • WITH FANCY WEDDING RINGS TO MATCH tiless, The Jeweller Yes! You will Find a. DIFFERENCE IF YOU' aumm ••,r,74:f 045).0 D LAW THE STANDARD ANITHR SCRANTQN MONEY TIGHT YOU SAW Tighten up then on that Fuel RRT Br Burning Our Semet Solway Coke; or N'o 3 &en;n4 Pocahontas and Bank thatfiarreewet with our Small Pea Coat.. We tee se in stock Nine Different Varieties atr Fuel. Come in and let us- talk:a-ow^ your Fuel Problems with you: For Cash Payment a Discount 0E5014 per Ton wil be AlTowea, Caratel.:7,3m Phone lOw or 103 HE.NSAMTPZ Rubber Specials.,4 + 0 BOY'S LU1VIBERMENS, RED SOLES, ROLLED EDGES $2 to. + MEN'S LUMBERMENS, Black and all Red $2.25 to $•3i.00.:: + T. MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS AT $3.50, $3.75 and $4.Sie• '41-, 1." MEN'S LEATHER TOPS 12 -in, Red Soles, Pair $:4.5 40.• ;:i; MEN'S LIGHT RUBBERS, Pair .u..eie WOMEN'S LIGHT RUBBERS AT .... 45c ancl'75e2. WOMEN'S OVERSHOES, Pair $ CHILDREN'S OVERSHOES, Pair ..41.t545 v WOMEN'S ALL RUBBER GALOSHES, + Zippers and Dome Fastners ------------2.90, $2.25, andeeleetV 4- + SPECIAL Boy's Light Rubbers, red soles, rolled edge, pair.....$7.Lat + + MEN'S SOCKS, at Pair ... ......,.........enes + os .1'. REMEMBER, ANYTHING YOU REQUIRE IN FOOTWEAR. A,"K REDUCED PRICES. SEE US AND SAVE MONEY.. ALL FIRST QUALITY, WE DO NOT HANDLE SECONDS + ..1•11111•••••• USED CAR DEPT. 4,4•4111.1{... WE STILL OFFER YOU THE BEST BAR'',3.KINS IN QUALITY USED. CARS, 1928 Chev. Coach, looks and runs ,,quippen, aed wheel brake. You have to see end drive this carte appreeiane 1930 Ford Model, a coupe at A BIG REDUCTION 1927 FORD TUDOR, finish and 'Upholstering 'Like new, a geed eae• for very little money 1927 FORD COUPE, good upholstering and runs fine. 1923 Ford Touring, this car has had wonderful care and Is good!far many thousands of miles. 1929 MODEL A COACH, at a real Bargain. 1928 ESSEX SEDAN, original tire 4 only $3'25.06. 1925 FORD COACH. 0 FRITZ & SON Phone 82 or 115 Zurioh +44 +÷÷4.4-14++++++•rr++4,44**e.-0X-;144÷E-11.4,+i!++tf..+++*1-64-i-E-3- • :maIrroxewrroufto.r.v......marsta.TovoenA anataaaanalaaaaaaaaraaaaasaaaawaaae° Special B ing In order to reduce our Stock we are offering at and below cost the Men's and Boy's Sweater Coats and Wirt6 Breakers, Also Girls' and Childre is Sweat- ers, Shoes and Rubbers, Etc Etc. Fresh Groceries lways on hula UGLAS GeERAL MERCHANT PHONE tit —97 BLAKE ar810.../PM01.1WO4g;GRar• ".0 '•••111. rA; 1 • 4