HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-11-13, Page 4•
lCorseeted every Wedneeday1
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"Miss Alberta Finlay left for Lon -
'don on Saturday \\herr' :•ltt' will ,pend
flew weeks with f t i a ti.s
Miss Lydia Gingerieh and Miss
Gladys .Douglas of the Seaforth Hos-
pital, 'spout Saturday ai x moon and
.Sunday at their res Peet .\ .' hoaa,t's,
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Johnston had a
t rrniiyl renunion on Thanksgiving
31,iss Jean Hey returne.i homy att-
spending a few weeks with fri-
imds near Zurich.
Mr. John Thirsk who spent a few
..gays with friends in L.,.an, returned
-.Lome on Monday.
The Misses +G\ventiol tie and Mary
Y.Iaa<rkt, of Goderich. spent the holi-
t , y- under the parent: roof.
'Mr. and Mrs. Edmuu+t (teseh ent-
1:rrtaiord a number of their friends on
'Thanksgiving Day.
Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Turner and
:son Grant, of Goderich spent the
...;eek -.end with friends in this vicinity
.Miss J. Johnston of Zurich, spent
?tlie holiday at the home of Mr. and
'Thos. Johnston.
4Ir. and Mrs. Jos. Brenneman of
_Detroit, Mr; Alvin Gascho of ICitch-
mrrer,, Mr- and Mrs. D. Gaseho and
laus;lttt.r Beatrice of Zurich; Mr. and
yrs. Autos.. Gascho of the Bronson
ie„ were Sunday visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bren-
aaac zrran, Blake_
Roy Lamont and family, vis -
'Med Mr_ and Mrs. Wm. Braun and
*amity of Forest one day last week.
Mr_ and Mrs. Len Talbot and babe
aeiat Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W.
.Mrs. Annie Reid and daughter
Wary of Seaforth spent the week -end
the home of Mr. Art. P. Keys.
and Mrs. Ruskin Keys of Ford
Way and Mr. Stewart Keys of Toron-
%Ito.:spent the holidays with their par -
omits, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Keys, of
Babylon Line.
Ms. Lloyd Keys of Parr Line un-
rtcent an operation in Clinton Hos-
al lass Saturday. She is progress-
ang -favorably.
Miss :Zetta Merner, of New Dun-
wits:...spent Thanksgiving with her par-
n"ts, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Merner.
Miss Marjorie Gascho of .Zurich,
.> I?ent the week -end with her friend,
/Miss .Margaret Robinson.
IA...pretty wedding was solemnized
*a Saturday, November lst, when
"11'hebna Mae, daughter of Wm. H.
ifimwsea of Stanley was united in
stursatege to Percy M. Workman.
ter The ceremony the happy couple
r tor Michigan and other points.
4032 ''their return they will reside in
0, t t ea ley Township.
0 -
lo 1
III:r, and Mrs, John Turner of the
Blue Water Highway held a most
enjoyable party at their Hoare eye
evening recently in which a number
of the young people of the neighbor-
;'twd partit'ip.ited, i+,vervbotty pr'c+s-
;•nt had n most enjoyable time,
Mr. and 11:, 1'r.'t4 'Turner anti scan
t\t' Goder'i.h, .,tt'Onapaalieti by Mrs..
M' ,dgt', \\•t'rt, !'tit"at Vitiators with
an.",.\irz. i.tt'o' „. Campbell.
lir, and Mrs. 1.,,,o laenoatttni' of
Detroit, were week -end visitors with
the fornat'a•'s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Philip Dt'.nontme.
Messrs Dennis and Gerald De notntna'
of Detroit., are sly: nclirg a few weeks
holiday, with friend: anti relatives
in the \.ttia:ity.
Miss Kath, (Minas of Hamilton,
and her two b, t?th; a s, 1 z ancts and
Stephen of j''t i , tint., \vc're holiday
visitors with iht:ir ,grandparents. Air
and ':Ills. Jos Gorillas.
Air. and 3I 1;t ,icy Laporte o
Detroit, wr ry e,•t t is -earl visitors with
their pax -cats
A very pleasant ev Jin;; .was spent
at the home of Mr. .and Mrs. Oscar
Ducharme, Thanksgiving. evening,
when they cntt 3 t at tial a large nuin-
her of their i
Mr. Rodolph torriveau has engag-
ed with his ' a i:. r Dennis near
Blake for ploughing season.
What makes Mr. Noel Laporte
wear such a pleasant smile? Why a
baby boy has come to brighten their
Mr. Fred Waters and girl friend of
Hamilton, spent Thanksgiving with
friends in tnis vicinity.
Mr. W. West, Mrs. Brightrnore,
and sons, Lawrence and Mervin, of
London, spent Thanksgiving at the
home of Mrs. J. H. Cochrane.
Mr. Clarence Reichert of London,
spent the week -end at his home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dick of Toronto
who have been spending a few days
with their parents, returned to their
Quite a number from this vicinity
attended the reception on Friday
night for Mr. and Mrs. P. Workman.
Mrs. John Stacey and son John and
Mr. Dick O'Connor. spent the week-
end at the home of Mr. W. Jarrott
and Annie.
Miss Minerva Reichert has been
spending a few days with friends in
• Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane have tre-
ated themselves to a new Spedika
Miss Letta Love of London Nor-
ormal, spent Thanksgiving at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Miss Rena Stephenson spent a few
days with her brother, Mr. ands Mrs.
Geo. Stephenson of Walkerton, and
also made a trip to Ottawa.
Miss Helen Anderson of Clinton
High School spent Thanksgiving at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. D. Anderson.
Mr. Joe Hagan of Hensall, spent
Thanksgiving Day with friends in
this vicinity.
Miss Mary Forrest is spending a
few days with her friends in Forest.
URlCH Ht.It,A1-C
Mrs, Gxaul& r returned Missionary
from Formosa, will address the . Lad-
les' athe fillsgreen Church on Sun-
day afternoon, November 1.8th at
2.30 .p.m.
The Y. P. S. are holding' their an -
mull Fowl Supper on Tuesday novem-
ber 18th at 0.30 p.zn.
Alex. Hildebrandt and sister Viola'
have moved into one of 0. Geiger's
houses on North Richmond.
Miss Hilda Robbins of Brucefield,
has accepted a position with Dr. Col
1r'm. Smith and Bruce Mitchell, of
Crediton called in town.
Mr. iwobt Green of Chatham, was
a recent visitor in town.
John Ito\\ Cliffe is busy. erecting his
new home on the London Road south
of Hensall.
Mary Farquhar, young daughter
of Mr. :md Mrs. Chas. Farquhar,who
was recently operated upon .zor ap
;?endzeitis at the Seaforth Hospital,is
iraprovilig nicely.
:air. and Mrs. George Grain were
recently visited by their sons, William
and Percy and Miss Ada Gram of
Lansing, :Mich.
The Hydro Commission have a
gang of .men putting up new poles
where necessary also a heavy wire to
take care of the power situation at
Hensall and the local commission are
hoping this will improve the service.
Alex. McIntyre, Orville Twitchell
and Jas. Kilpatrick are away on a
hunting trip to New Ontario.
The Oddfellows of Hensall Lodge
had what might be termed .a "red
letter night” the middle of last we-
ek, in their lodge room on Main. St:
the occasion being the 50th anniver-
sary of the local lodge and the pres-
ence of Grandmaster Mr. Lockett, of
St. Catharines, on his first official vis-
it to Hensall Lodge. There was a
very fine attendance, both of local
members and visiting brethern from
Goderich, Seaforth, Clinton, Bruce -
field and Exeter, all of whom were
much pleased.
Wedding bells are ringing.
Mr. Czar Steinhagen of Guelph,
spent the • week -end with his parents.
Miss Nelda Fassold of London, vis-
ited her parents over theweek-end.
Miss Myrta Hoffman of Kitchener,
spent a few days with her parents.
Miss Anna Tieman and Mr. Leon-
ard Birk, of. Guelph, spent the holi-
days at their home here.
Mr. Lorne .Tiernan of London, ,.sp-
p-ent Thanksgiving with his parents. • -
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dultz and Miss.
Margaret Merner of Detroit, were
Sunday visitors with Mr., and Mrs.
George kernel-.
Mr. and Mrs. Baumgarten left on
Saturday for Detroit, where they will
spend the winter with their daughter
Miss Myrta Taylor and Mr. Lorne
Taylor of London spent Thanksgiving
holidays with Dr. and Mrs. Taylor.
Mr. Southcott of Exeter, gave a
very interesting address on temper-
ance in the Evangelical Sunday scho-.
of on Sunday.
Miss Grace Guenther of Stratford,
visited her brother Mr. and Mrs: E.
Guenther over the . week -end.
Mrs. Jane Guenther leaves on Wed-
a� NiNN•NN•••iN••••1•NN• �•••NNN•N•N••NN••0+
1931 Westinghouse Radio
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nesdt y for California where she will
spend the winter with her sister,
iVlisses Alice and Myrta Hoffman
spent Saturday in London.
Mrs, E. Bender of Blyth, spent a
few clays with friends in town last
Miss Rath Weber of London, spent
the holiday with her parents.
• Mrs. Granger and Mrs. Magwood
of Sarnia visited their another Mrs.
Bender over the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. P. llaarnhlo of Sarnia
were Sunday visitors with Mrs, Fink-
beriner and Cathern,
Mr. Ira Tiernan and friend of Hain
.Ilton spent Thanksgiving with Mr.
and Mrs. E. Tieran,
Mr, Jacob Kellerman is on the sick
list. We hope for a speedy recovery
Mrs. A. Musser of London is visit-
ing her daughter, Mrs. A. Haugh,
Mr, McNevin and daughter of Lon-
don .were visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
A, Oestreicher over the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Stadelbauer and fam
ily and Miss Clara Kraft of London,
were Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs, P. Kraft.
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Stade of Zur-
ich spent Thanksgiving with the for-
mer's mother, Mrs. Stade.
Mrs. Fritz and daughter Mrs. Cow-
an and. Miss Pearl Wurtz and Miss
Anna Hess of. Zurich visited friends
in town on Monday.
Master Willis Mclsaac spent Thanks
giving with his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs: Hartman.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zimmer of
Windsor, spent a day with relatives
in town.
Mr. Robt. Hayter is on the sick
Mr. Henry Schade of London, visit-
ed with friends here last week.
Mr. Eugene Tiernan of London, sp-
ent the holiday with his parents. '
Birthday Party—On Wednesday of
last week the children and grandchil-
dren of Mrs. Catharine Kraft of town
paid her a surprise visit on the occas-
ion of her 84th birthday. A dainty
lunch was served which was follow-
ed by a sociable time during the even
ing. We extend congratulations to
Mrs. Kraft and wish for her health
and happiness to celebrate many
more birthdays.
Lucknow will have its municipal
elect -ions the first Monday of De-
cember this year, a by-law having
been passed fixing the earlier date.
Garnet Fee,- son of Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Fee, Seaforth, met with a pain-
ful accident while playing in the scho
olyard, he 411 off the slide and frac-
tured, his wrist.
On° 112onday, Ocrober : 27th, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Elliott, of Lucan cele-
brated their sixtieth wedding ,anniver
sary. This was the first diamond
wedding in the history of the village
of Lucan.
Daniel Truemner of Crediton, has
returned to his home, after a pleas-
ant visit with his son and wife, Dr.
and Mrs. Truemner in Chesley.
The annual fowl supper of the
Brinsley United Church was held the
other evening and was attended by
over 600. Following the supper, a
musical and volal program was given,
including talent from London.
Robt. Orr, W. Westlake, Wm. Mc-
Dool,. Harold Stinson, and Robert
Penhale all of Bayfield, left on Wed-
desday last in the Iatter's truck on a
hunting trip to the Manitoulin Islands
Mrs. • Ida , Beaver, Exeter, announ-
ces the engagement of her eldest da-
ughter, Myrtle Marie, to Mr. Alvin
J. Kellerman, of Dashwood, the mar-
riage to take place early in Novem-
Mr. and Mrs. H. Zapfe, Brucefield,
have returned home, after visiting
friends in the State of. Michigan and
attending the funeral of Mrs. Zopfe's
brother the late Mr Lehman
The surveyors of Cleveland are at
Grand Bend surveying the Marantett
property.. .
Harry Lewis of Crediton, 'suffered
a bad accident the other day, at Fred
Kerr's saw mill, while cutting lumber
with a circular his right hand carne
in contact with the was .severing the
second and fourth fingers. •
The Guild of the Exeter Presbyter-
ian church went on Monday evening
last to the County Home at Clinton.
Music by the orchestra, with some
• solos and addresses by the Rev. Mr.
Rhodes, Mr. J. G. Stanbury and insp-
ector Govenlock, who was present,
were enjoyed. After a treat of oran-
ges, candy, etc, the evening was voted
a great success. _
Edward Stafford, a highly respect-
ed resident of MclCillop committed
suicide at his home on Friday last,
and his lifeless body was found hang
ing from a rafter in a shed. Relativ-
.:s of deceased are mystified as to the
eason for the rash act. He had been
in good health and the same day was
In Seaforth making a deposit in the
bank, was 49 years old and was born
and had lived all his life in McKillop
Since his father died about two years
ago he, had lived .alone.
Tragedy entered the farm horns of.
Arthur Howald, 16th, con., of Ste -I
phen Township the other morning,
when their fifteen -year-old son died
iron the effects of falling into a bo- `
.her of cold soapy water. The accident
occurred while the child was playing!
about the hoist. 'Ilse had been miss -1
, t, .
mg LUt;
4 a�+.r✓ »t..rartwrc Wlalrllale WfXa
,liscoverctl in tit:: boiler,, Medical aid
Thor a INTosiondrer 13th, 19:3B, •
it.04el•+++.poi•+4+++++++++44.1 i*3•'F+,+++++++4++++$4i+++4++4w
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Everything about Victor's lat-
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If you. want clean-cut separ-
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if you want the .radio of to-
morrow in your home today--
oday—you want a VICTOR.
m4 C. Wagner, .Agent, Zurich
4.44+.1.11 •i --s . *+++ >•;.::..orb -o :-.r . • : z••f' 3.1-1.41.•3 :++'v«:. r' 4.
"My dear, I'm always punctual
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Meru' Strap Watches:
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FashY«'r demands beauty ,in
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Hess, the Jeweller
was immediately summoned;. hutto
no avail, and death occurred. immed-
iately. Besides the`'parents, there are
three other children in. the Howald
family. .The tragedyhas cast a glo-
om over the entire community where
the family is well known.
The other day Charles Daimage,
lineman for the Rural Hydro work
out arf Clinton, Came within a very
sort distance of being• fatally injur-
ed, when, whileworking between
there and Brucefield, he cane in con-
tact with a live wire carrying 4000
volts. At, the time he was alone, his
assistant 'being•, some distance .from
him, and noticed he was hanging
from the pole by his, belt. He was
quickly taken down and rustled . to
Clinton Hospital, where le was found
that his left arur,, leg and; side; were
badly burnt., also, some burns. abount
:he "lace. '
1,1c -Gr I
Mil's.: �; ti♦ A/+LWi e�,"pa•, ,1 i�e:ri,aci::..axl»�:,, •
died after au heart attaekt. lie had
naot lbeen in good health for a year,
was born 465 years ago on the home.-
steas1:0 years ago he was united ins
marriage to his now surviving partner
Besides his widow he is survived by
one son, Rol, at home, also four sis-
ters_ Dr. McGregor was a skilled.
'veterinary and as a young man pra-
cticed with Dr. Sweet of Exeter- FOP -
a number of years he shipped live
stock to the Farmer's Co -Operative
front Seaforth.
The sympathy of the Kippers com-
munity is extended to Robt. Dytrinip-
Joie and family, in the loss of Mrs..
irymple who was a great sufferer
for years, Having undergone a num-
ber of operations. :Born near Exeter •
53 years ago, she lived there until
bur marriage to her now bereaved
husband. The funeral was held from
St. Andrews United Church, conduc—
ted by her pastor, Rev- R. Connor,,..
;lbu: xeuiwiils being lard to Exeter cem—
etery. etery.