HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-11-13, Page 1V'.r,'I XX L`fio,, 19 n sing in ZURICH THUR e l DAY MORNING, NOVEM BER 13, 1930a ceero . .0 SCHOOL REPORT Of U. S. S. No.. T, Hay and Stan- , ley for the month e Octobear. Sr. 1V—Florence Geoffrey; y; Lotdse Sreenan, Geraldine Laporte. Sr. III --Franklin COW' a,71/11, Law- Ayotte, Realm Dent}rma Jr. 1II--.ItooeLa fi+'>1.1•iSe.,•tl,. .1,r„ to •Denomme., Geraldine (Geoffrey, Una. . jeane Albin, Thomas. Dl::tittnirxi .„ 1.Ialr- ry Denomme, Louis Denommo, II. ---Alfred De.nernme, Verna Sre- enan, Alexine Ayotte, Clarence Geo- ffrey; Regis Ain, Mariie irarrell. 1 --Doris Ayotte, .Arnellda Aubin, Charles Sreenan, Tddy Geoffrey, Ar- nold Dcnomme, Loftus Denonime, Patrick Aubin:,: Grace Snyder; Irving Snyder. 1,r. --Andres' 1. euomme, Eldon De nemrne, Avalon fenomme, Alvin Ay- otte, L. E. Rose, Teacher. 000414* 0,00430,04k'Q•,4,00 004;04 00.00.4 0OG* t,.* 04,0 4m, •• 41, -41 Ni 0 1' • .s, G y, 0 0• • 44 4 4 4 q! 44• 3 HrnSB3 Etc WE HAVE A. LARGE STOCK OF CHOICE HARNESS, TRUNKS, 0 TRAVELLING BAGS. VAVLICES, ETC., TO CHOOSE FROM, AND ARE OFFERING THE SAME TO THE PUBLIC AT VERY • ATTRACTIVE PRICES. Pianos Pianos 0 0 9 IF YOU BANE Bg..EN THINKING OF ADDING. A FINE NEW' p PIANO TO THE P'LE'ASURES OF YOUR HOME, BE SURE AND CONSULT US, AS WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE POPULAR : SDIERLOCK MANNING LINE. 0 ALSO AGENTS FOR THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE F PHONE i0 aSfd ' Wig` 1-4 Ili LL _dr 1.' IN MEMORIAM Chester E. Smitli P:1035Aialki V..26 a year, U.S. y1,60 ix+i Adrivrate $1,40 L ARJ5} ARH,$21:1AY J3,E boz.n0nio Lomas. of - people who b Wurm—Anna M. Wurrn. ,Ln ford and ever loving memory of our dear- ly bele ed Sister, who passed away five :years ago, November 10th. liow strange it seems with so rnueh gone:. Oflife and love, to still live on, Look where we may, the wide earth o'er Our d4ar Anna's face miles no mole. Loving Sisters and Brothers. HAY cduNc!L. The regular monthly meeting of 0000010110.,010 0.1610.04.410010,41.10•00.0000411000 .11111 ••••• 00::60..1.0101.00..111 Air. and Mrs. L Do1id-, of Kitchen- .: l:'itors with Mr. and Ars. a r i,aters,• fir. and Mrs. Alex. McConnell of v. Thursday visitors with i:. Alvin (xasuho o l',i..ci ener, i:itcd with ilia parents over the we- .Messrs. e- d. the Council of the Township of Hay 'J ;r . Leiuiis and Wesley Capias was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, e atchener, were. Wednesuay vis - on Moliday, NOV. 3rd, 1930: All the 11--').F' in, town. members were jresent. The minutes i.. Ld I3ossenberry of Hayfield of the October mooning were •adopt- ! ' `1 on Zurich friends on Vecilres- cd as `read day. He was accompanied by Mr. Leach, also of that place. A comrlunlcation was laid' before "i•: L. H. leader, Reeve of Hay -Tp., the Council showing that the amount at ,ldc;d a' meeting of the County of Government subsidy towards file , ,,.,: Beards Ctll*llnlssion, held at God - Black Creek Drain amounted to et atll last week. $49i,1;.00 'anti town hip .treasurer. st: }grin. Ii. Braun and ated that cheque had been received i t1.o N., a. of ;'orest �vei Monday vis - A (0'_rt'nflora th -ication flora Bell , ,. ;li. the 1101111 of Mr. William Telephone Co. advised that the cop-- Laoleit.t. 4. pci' line from Dashwood to Grand! _<! .1 <' 1.;. Fred 'Tur n:;r` and son .Zurio BRIDAL WREATH WEDDING DIAMOI•JD ENGAGEMENT RINGS N e w Low Prices ces Now 'e'+j r•ri E1`,, VI G YO1a17 N .._.I: ILWE. TH a i. (1L.v 71..c.E D. L. & W. r• < .F,> ;v, ,. COAL "The Standard Anthracite" STOVE, NUT AN"Iv ._..._ .,_ jPEA. SIZES,. SEMET. so •V »: �e tp COKE. IA discount of 50c per tors CASH �°`-on s, all + i„ fne C 6v+3! dam. r I �' iu,< a+Yae xtl SS; The 1-1ENSAS ._• Jewelled Office Phone 10w House Pr, t ..v'ia'l" WITH FANCY WEDDING RINGS TO MATCH • ' 4.144 L+ 1{E•'i'. "§I' +'I'ti:'.€+I"+.5++1+ .Fi'Oa'h,' 44. •!,.4.7 ,7 +474,, ,,14 .4,,+,(,44 S4f:t%:di fiend -1_'1d then.'' to !.Tieka Road was : f ., of t)' ..1, rt w. 73:nul j• vis- 4' t)1 aro. Clerk wt,... instructed to ad- 1 11 t`?:., :chic- of .:ii. and .,LYS, i , T, V....• (hon! 0.1.n that <.11 off, 1• of$)20• L. •..11111, per •c. r(`' :it Milt be made. for all wires l J, ^ , 1.a: 'T L. (' tY .oi„ ti,n ,sc.re pa,, . clo ,v +recalled to Exotics ch last •ffi•dPv,641kr4,41,44,64144)4434444 4444 044, aea,4,1, 6..0.060 iii the high court. '1 q n.fr) Treasurer be a i L -k: 11 <. •I .. Yr nth• 6 w € hctilsivru`atc(aoIearoma tes4, 5,a46,G tavelit'files i,o , LanJ to into 1 ....tett nialctc t Black Ce ek Drain lrthe <,. a a,'+J n F A ,r .r odioan'i.::Suct:uiL. iNSURE YOUR HEALTH IN BU'I INN Cr Dol a r •, r-rGo >rr!ne L • parent,.., and Mrs. 4 124 a ,,red C, lsaibfieisch OR KAUFMAN'S RUBBERS l�, 9 i .W, 6 and the: sum of '37236.76 surplus 1,r NOW IS TII1± TIME TO�f r < CHECK AND a -�r T,_1F. ell a;."1-: , !; -.A. constxlle:tion. r MIS: i «u 1,. ,. Le,.-il$ U'.prt:)i, 8.m. "s-'" s,. til 1 t 1 y € i Hay Township 38% of their assess- and Mrs. • 4.i YOU A PAIR '�E" e B ?1 ' e9 t f s "That To isiiip .Treasurer ei be auth- family of Clinton, spent. the week- T NEEDS IN WARM ' AND ' Dila. 1,00 ,e R. LET US ;•!,.”..21,.b e orized to refund to assessed parties in end,with the fo)•1ncr• s parents, Mr. Wm. O'Brein. OF OVETNS}XOES ?';;i3O 1 ' '"' I:ITI1DER. LUMi 1. MEN'S LIGHT RLTIiBERS, OR I.(E'A'TIIEI: TOPS. AE COMP.;;;: ,yy ® Hay portion of Government subsidy 14111 con. FIa , 4Lr. and Mrs., Garnet �' ® s , y 1 LINE ALWAYS CARRIED IN STOCK, NO RDERING Op 5� i i".. <pp J2'o1)e, e tnt I ace Line, tr,:r(' Sun- ,4 • ® �,.�• That John ,.alstc.r inent on Black Creep Drain, being i\1r. and Mrs. Urban Pfile of the and surplus of construction Moneys. G be appointed In - 0 4100 8 8 2 8 lkti BROWN TONES (firn 8 s91 WE INVITE YOT.T. TO SEE TIKE NEWEST SHOE S'E �''I;ES NO'V' til ;a:y ,I?aih1Y°I...:1.`i AN OUR `aLL�I:�.€.i i MEN: Here's Value, liornatcl1ea Speedy $5 Shoes, nns hidit to our • 0 high quality standard of nurse Calf Leathers and mak tanned :soles 2 Black or Brawn- lll'or een's Strap, Tie and Iclstep, Pomp Models in VIP finest glove. Icia lealtlxer., BIk. or Brown at $3 to $7.0.0. - sit The latest Creation in Featherweight Rubber Footwear 0 Children Shoes that hist and lead in•style, and we present Footwear 04 that measures up- to your highest standards Anil (k wn.to.your .low - 0 est levels in price.. That means the best for the least, 85c to 1+3.00 Ca IMPAIRING'NEATI>�'• DONE ! Ss'", TUE. • a S. Sint SheWINDOW DISPLAY day visitors with friends at ListowelI °`I. ING.. specter of Zurich Drain South and QUALITY HIGHEST ---PRICES LOWEST r that he , ? 111 proceed to put said drain Mr. C. H.Beard, of the Bell Tele,- p; phone Company, London f,lu,1 a 1, .-ocl j' l'11„t accounts covering payment the Hay Council on i o,Y(4.. l,1.. i on on Toa.•n laip' Roads, Telephone and the matt' -r of .'r'iliil, the Beil lint' fie- i I C •n.'ral Accoliilts be paid as per tweet Dashwood and Grand -r,ond to I t • voucher. the 'Hay ' n . ,1 1 r'Y•1 - :i. Oosch, rd.S, $7.00; '•1. Daters,rd. An otrc-r will lie 1�1�1 fe :'�3 .. .,,, i< "., - T. .1 .--0-4•, l 10, 4.77f).S. �, 1 .ate. and 1 4'l P. 1:Y_.' 1.-.i 2 YV; J. .;.inti' r.:1',..1., e ') i-.. ,. c;.(,,, ; 1,. .,;1,. rd 1(1. .,;0 . 11 -1' ion and naught, . Mrs. M:,..1^: In nud! Fisher rd 11, 219.70; W C. Bell rd. her dauc;lltc r .,_ ,1 Y.. 1 .111 0l' .:t , Y n vl <, 62.G0 • B. Ma'.+ins r 0„ 103.17 ; G. _�Icl_«o�"cll, rd :.i-14, 18.85; (r. Arm - strew,. , rd 2', '',2.50;•W. G3.3nier, rd 8 u (1.00 ; R. Tinnily rd 14,18.50; S,I3off- 0Y man rd 8, 41.111; S. McArthur, thur, rd. 1, q 52.00; S. Roiin rd 2, 150.49:: J'.Qesch rd 8, '32.55; J. M. Richardson, rd5, e 115 ti0; C•. Aldsworth rd 2, 47.75; D. 0 Oswald i 0 23.80; S Martin tin r i G -e A• Y�' jj� .sls• I in repair. i)air. • • ' � ' J,1 ter 1' t(t1.c. J ',170 tel' ,1., est to 8 Cwt e 70irGY, 430tS4s88li;i9e6S�1'rli7•:€0-99064t'S t. .r�•4.pa;y.,. �.�•c, :Ggrzl�+ v ;� •i•4,4)4r0*-4,.&'0,4,04,0- Q'a.R.G>a�• 4,-0S .01 tir 1 a irk%" !�"OR It .t�,a xlx i - � £� .' J�Y D TO '� ASIMI ,t:�._lL..r t�.l, ��..1.�.5 T� .1L AND .b IT' MEANS IT MEATS STYLE. COMFORT .AND VALUE A GUARANTEE. OF •i l`f7S>fi°1(£:IVI.A.YNSHIP,Y THAT EACH SUIT IS INDIVIDUALLY '.�" CUT AHD 'TAILORED Hsi'" EXPERTS y. were Sunday v'sitors at the home 0:. ; sg Mrs. C. Eilber. Mrs. Gibson will vis- j it with Mrs..Eilber for some time. .'r;. At a recent meeting of the L `dies' ./.. Aid of St. I'et,'r's Lutheran church, it M was decided to donetc . • '.7'• ,,l1;; .; the building fu;'.d of 15, church and sv..., rc , . c this amount added to the pro('l,( Yis of 309.80; F.J. -Flaberer rd 7, 101.20;:the Rawl supper hc_id a few ,,. a- 1„ J. Parke rd 1. 6.00; ;:I. M. Rrc se11 rd go, will cover the e'nt'ice debt t to- 1 1, 2(3 1.0; W. J. Jarrett, salary 217.00 rlfoctellin thr t11 Yr,l, n1-1 1 b-lu:; 4. A. Foster on c 1u( .lt;vork 100.00; the fine shed that thct toll 1:'gacl.m 1.- J. Punkin, bal. on bridge, rd. 15. 157- now. enjoying. .40; (1, -iteral Ar.ce. at ; ' , ieh Hy- Firs. I (,c.:•,•E 1 us: , , . ,,, ,.., ,11,'.:, 1 t`; r(`,. i^li ._ �� `� a l? .'It 11 .. 1 c,1i,:,1,i,t t:71.'fc"+ • (I'aat 20.00; ., tyle home ,r P 1,' 'r 1 T i:•.''af?Ce. ilr,trl'anCe {)T1 Itnechtel, of SI. .;c0 .. '.ra , •. f )! "r , ,. 11' E !.93; try.. ' Fiber: r Viae` tl•, t! J Il c laTfrY: 1,.,!1,,, a t +;, 1 •l' Y .21 `•, let,(' f <a 1 uuihr „il!)rl lra,. '.,i! ! t!, i. 1� i , ' ! �^ t f ?' ` (,1. and .1T 1,-..1:/.:.i:,&.1 r. :io:f'ehY 3 i, x'1714: CO". '. AlrL 111'1^ t. e.l'.,.ia 12'.,10-; Since the•10-; Since .1' 1 i1'...•;1<%Yli...., i 1Sa 1: Municipalities, i:ef.lnd saxr:'111>; eon tr- Ontario IVlotoi Vohicl,: Act en:pt C•1g action Bik CI eek 1590.10; F. I•l, Pn- insurance ••became oporyti,t' ,o,h !it. hrti`tn', fee-, S^laool Attendance (affi1st, last, over a score 01 alrtoul0;.ile cer 7.40; T. Kyle, pay list, Stephan markers have been seized. in Huron Pra,in 230.00; S. Huron Plowman's county as a sequence. of accidents. ` association, grant. 15.00. Telephone These markers, with the operators' Accounts ---Zurich Hydro, lights cen licenses, are not returned until the tral office 2.57; 1'. Mcisaac, batteries convicted person has complied with 15.50; E. R. Gnenthel; cartage 8.23; the iiew law requiring him to carry 'Northern Electric Co:, supplies 264.; uo.,cl 1,auiic haoilits> and property 26, ;Can. Telo. . & Supplies, material damage insurance, and, sometimes 1.8.25; Bell Co directories 108:75; not then, depending on the serious - Bell Co. tolls Aug to Slept 207.60; ness of the offence and at the dis- Economical Fire Ins. Co., insurance creation of the Department,, In the telephone office 25.00, Zurich Cen- opinion of court officials and insur- tial, switching 4 weeks 68.00; Post- ance agents it will take fully a year age on directories 13:00; R. J. Tay- for the new provisions.to "sink Koine" A motorist can run merrily along un- til he has an accident and then, unless he is able to submit proof of financ- ial responsibility, where the damage is over fifty dollars, 1 ath operator's license and motor 'vehicle permit are I� suspended. 4 WHO MAKE "THE ;FIIIIISI[ED tG & %4.F.:FitT • 0 YearSuit •"Or Overcoat• 0 ; 1ttir, error on rates 12.00; H. G. Hess, lc ° I. labor, batteries, etc 117.85; L. Schil- r Inmi , , eIIoff3athr Connell adjourned to meet ti gain on 1\llondaty, December 1st, at EIVIRALAREIRS AAP liiiiEHEAL VAIRECTiglIFS. 1.30 o'clock, 11,111. A- F. Hess,' Cierk. REPAIRING OR RUBBER FOOTWEAR A SPECIALTY' USED C vp DEPT '.y vSIs..i,. OFFER. IOU a.,7...,..:_41..1,1i3 IJP `•E #.,_ 111428 Chev, ('oaeh, looks Iiid r11116 eK('• ;U..! f2171:‘," s.V11,7`el brake. You. have til 1:1 aY'b..<.I1. w.... 1927 FORD TUDOR, finish and Upholstering Like new, a ;o•=•: for very little money 1:127 FORD COUPE, good upholstering and runs rine. - 1:123 Ford Touring, this car has had 1,,vt1n(k•rful care and is many thouson,ls of r•^i?,:s, 1928 MODEL A COACH, at a real 1.92$ ESSE-Si SEDAN, original tires only 1:1.5 FORD COACH. 10.0011.11.1010.000.1.1000.. 00010.•1011.0.....00,1010,104 FR r z :ti '1 r non e 82 or 115 1,) 93 C.3 t.r W. ayi" 4. v J{ar U arec�7 !•fir A e of l�11 tt ?, and 1t: p t r � v A' ii d 1. fY � P {� lf. 4 Lr L i. i..� i;.y 4.:.� `} }% ii following: Men's and Boy's Sweater Coats and 'Wm!. t!. Breakers. Also Girls'and Children's Sweat- ers, w aters, Shoes and Rubbers„ EtcEtc.. Fresh Groceries always on!mac a, N. DOUGLAS f lE tli+lE$i', 1L MERCH.AA it'N T PHONE 111 -97 E3L.AKE CO'S.1 1wr r. es, ri"i•- r• 4, ar• •i• l4