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Zurich Herald, 1930-10-30, Page 8
PAnr ToI(RT• r1r FIE STORE WITH THE STOCK Special Bargains IN SORTING OVER WINTER GOODS WE FIND QUITE.A NUM - Er OF BROKEN LINES AND SIZES IN SWEATER COATS FOR MEN, WOMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS, ALSO WINTER UND- LRWEAR TIN COMBINATIONS AND SEPARATE GARMENTS.: HAVE PRICED THESE AT AWAY BELOW. REGULAR.: VAL UES FOR QUICK CLEARANCE.. SEE OUR CENTRE TABLES.' Groceries CANNED PEAS, 4s., 3 for Cuseade Salmon, 1 lb. tins, 4I Cade Salmon, Half lb, tins • i io coffee per ib. 25c: '15c 10c 25c Super Suds, pkg. ry Circle brand Coffee at lb. CELERY! CELERY!• - FRESH FROM OUR OWN GARDENS. ORDERS TAKEN NOW, FOR CRATES PACKED READY FOR WINTER USE Everything in School Supplies 9c 45c J. GASCHO SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 Your Money is Safe When invested in HURON and ERIE DEBENTURES INTEREST IS PAID REGULARILY* ";TWICE A YEAR ,!NNP YOUR PRINCIPAL PAID IN FULL, WHEN 'DEBENTURE FALLS DUE. NO PREMIUM' OR EXPENSES PAYABLE QI!I RENEWALS OR' NEW INVESTMENTS ,. WHY NOT SECURE 'ME GOOD -RATE ot: '• U� f 5% 'PER ANNUM ON YOUR MONEY :,ANY AMOi7•jT OVER $100 CAN BE INVESTED`FROM 1 TO b ,YEARS ,rrry4Aalr STARTS ON DAY YOUR 'CI E$Ul IS RECEIVEIJ AT. LONDO, ii CANADIANS HAVE OVER $22,000,000 INVESTED *.WO I HURON A ERIE DEBENTURES Applications received at any "time by: Andrew F. Hess, Zurich:. MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY - ' ' • Have You MADE YOUR WILL? 1 Wommemomniaso •••••••easees• seesees® _. NOW! Is the Best Time To Plan Your Summer's Program of Work, Repairs, And Improvements Let US show You the best kinds of Fencing for the Field or the Horne Lawn Fences. We handle • the best Money can Buy. If you decide tado some Roofing or Eve -Troughing this year, we invite you to call and see us and get our estimates, as well as show you our goods, A Nice New Piece of Furniture in the Home will - he 1 always appreciated. We can supply -anything iu this line, and the prices are very Attractive. If in need of newfurniture, don't forget; we have it! 1 STADE WEIDcI ZURICH — ONT. M 41.0eS11Mi 111►AM►AIRsaii8i01i+i110 _ Rel*,caw `•w ifA,L'.d. •F FOR.. HALLOWE'EN QR ANT OTHER TIME • The Superior Chain Stores will 'supply your needs better. These' Stores are Canada's largest and strongest group of Independent' Merchants. Your regular everyday needs or specialties far any occasion, are imported and stocked in abundance...The best quality purchased in. tremendous quantity, snaltes'prices.,lowertban those of just ordinary goods, so if you want' your Hallowe'en to be a real success let the Superior Stores supply your melds. WE .SELL THE BEST FOR LESS SUNLIGHT SOAP 7 Cakes 39c Giilett's'Lye, "Eats Dirt," Per pkg. 15c., Vi -Tone, "Drink Hot or Cold" 8 oz. 33c. 16 oz. 53c Kara Coffee, "The Secret Blend • 1's 31c. 16 oz. 59c Ivory Soap, Medium size, 2 cakes, 19c Guest Size, 12 cakes , 50c AYLMER SOUPS All Flavors Except Chicken 3 Tina 25c Borden's St. Charles, Evapor- ated Milk, Small size 2 Tins for 15c Large tall size, each 14c McLaren's Olives, Plain 19 -oz. each 25c Stuffed 8% oz. each 25c Manyflowers Toilet Soap, 3 Cakes and 1 cake free 25c . Wagstaffe's : MARMALADE' 40 oz. Jar 229e... PUMPKINS Large 23( Size... 2 Tina 23'c Spanish Valencia Basins (Fin- . • est Selects): 17c ib, 2 for 33c Sea King 14ew` •Pack . Lobsters, '23e„ ifi'a • 35c Standard No. 4 Sieve Peas, 2's, 3 tins for . , ..... 25c Siiandard Tomatoes 2%'s, Corn 2's 2 tins 25c Pumpkin's, Z's, 2 tins 19c Popping corn pkg. 10c Clark's. PORK & BEANS 2's Squat .2 tins 194 Clark's Orfard Mincemeat, ' 2 lbs. for 35c Lemon • or Orange Candied Peel',: pe'r lb. 19c Citron :Candied Peel, Ib.. _ 29c Peanut butter, Ib. • ... 23e . Derby Loaf Cheese, lb_ 33c Crabapple .Jelly, 44.oz tin 37c White' handpicked beans, •• 4' lbs. for'........... 25c :;R INS N S•O•I•1i' "Washes Clothes Whiter" - •' -Large Pkg. 21c GROCERIES AT REDUCED F tIc.ES, THUR$DAX. FRIDAY AND , .... . I -,211:\ 3 UIt 7. C ONLY �. ; 'i.` kT\. \'fit Y <. SEE OUR MEN'S' HEAVY OVERCdATS AICD' fiiAVY BLUE AND BLUE STRIPED SUITS AT $22:00. la • PHONE X140 ■ NEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST • The ,C.P.R. eastbound train out.,of' Goderich the other; morning was bro- ught 'to a full stop, between McGraw and Auburn; the' crew alighted to shoo a deer off the. track. The same deer, it is. thought was seen by the section men, the .same day in a field alongside the road. It is a full gro- wn buck and the largest ever seen in, the Auburn section. • It' is believed this and. other deer came from the Saratoga swamp. Much Unemployment in the West and prices Low Mr. P. J. Cantell'in, of Clinton has recently returned from a trip to Re- gina, which he took in company with Neil McKinnon and reports much un- employment in Winnipeg and Duluth where he saw many despondent men. The crops in the West he found were light and prices low. Barley ,at , 9 cents a bushel, oats at 16c, No. 1 Nor- thern wheat at` 59e. a bushel and, eggs at 17c were some of the quotations he gave as prevailing at Regina. They went by way of Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota and North Dakota and had a. pleasant motor trip with good roads Mr. McKinnon remaining at Moose, Jaw while Mr. Cantelon returned to his home at Clinton. • BUSY FARMER NEWS Commercial fruit production ' last year in Canada had a value of $19,- 501,240, of which Ontario accounted for $8,656,097. • , ! • Plowing Match Winners W. O. Grenzebach," R.R. 7, Wood- stock, is the • plowing champion of Ontario. He won that title on the last day of the international plowing match near Stratford, when he took away first honors in the jointers in sod, open. This is the second time he has won the # the having first cap- tured it in 1927. Tri !'king first *),,:ace this year, he defeated a classy field,' including John R. Hargreaves of Bear chville, who won the Honor in the last two years. The intercounty championship this year was won by Fork, with Brant second. There were 14 cntrmts in this competition and the battle was keen from start to: finish. "The :trophies :were presented �; Western Farmers' Mu Weather Insurance Co ,OF ..WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario- Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 21st, 1928, $22,206,276. Total dash in Bank and Ronde =161.578.74 Ratio -•44.10 per $1;1111e for I yam. E. F. Klopp—Zurich Agent, Also Dealer in Lightning Rods and all kinds of Fire insurance euir at a largely attended bauquet- in Str- atford the;'f tial -night of the match, at which 'the:':chie.I. •Speaker were the `;Hon. 'Robi"1' Weir; .federal minister of agriculture,' andiron. 'T.' L. Kennedy, provincial minister of agriculture. O;A:G''Team's Good Showing Competing against dairy cattle m fudging teains' fropractically every agricultural college in the United, States, students representing the O.A. C. ranked 11th in the international dairy show in St. Louis; Mo., Harold Goble of ' Woodstock attained the highest standing in Holstein judging and he won• a $500 scholarship for his effort This is . the first"time . the prize, ever came to O.A.C. Other me"rnber`s of the • tram were: THltou Hartley land' E. .11„; Innes of Woods- tock, and Gordon Engle: of Elmwood. Big Attendance at O.A.C. Registrations at the Ontario Aeric- uitural College this fall have mount- ed ounted to It higher figure than -during any Year since 1910, when discharge from war service released many men to complete their college coarse. The biggest :increase is in the freshman year with' an enrolment of 150. The total increase in the agricultural co- urses is 73. This :attendance is tak- ing the dormitoi-7 aur. ,ilhningroom ac comodati"ten to the limit, especially since the glow residence ;ia titili ;>x da r construction. ThurTcl.'sy, 9 ' „S x .•193, `'' wo.m.44 44;4444 +1!+• • '>R'rFi' N1"►�illii� '�h +fi 'H'I' e1M► Beas�nahlc. Hardware WE CAN SUPPLY , THE PUBLICPUBLIC�'Vx'i'�' �i0 ABLEHARDWARE Let Us Show Yin 0E,TR FULL LINE OF'GRANITEWARt^ AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES.. , • Good Supply Of Kraueer Smoke Cure on Hand }4 FURNITURE Full Line of Furnibure, in Living Room Suites, Dining I. Room Suit Bed Room Suites, ICitche.n C,abianeta, IW also here the Famous Simmons .Bed Springs and Mattresses, a Guaranteed Article. Best on the Market To Day. WE A -s HAVE SOME USED FURNITURE FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. . Johnston. dc Kalbfleisch Hardware & Fnrnit.tire- phone 63 " f>iikC�Illllfq#l�ll�flt�((IIHNIINIiiBfllli{Iil✓f�k1l�!!!!�!NNNkl1{p!�Juln . �5�.lidl(tDIAIIIINIiIIIII�IIfIll9!llN9luk tL,"',,IGi NOTICE! Auto Tops Wagon Rep i t; E,•� > Buggy Tops .i nig, � t. r - Second Handed Buggies S •SS • `��?�`Lf:l'I(itplkllUBlf♦II�I1111�11IIt�i6"i�+4'�illll�'��flN�dllllflNltnl}�itN P++.444+++.444.4.+1++++.1,44.4.4-1440+44444.444•• +++++*+.4` + ++++4+++++++•,.. ZVAICII �AR4�E ATTENTIONI• s TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS WE ARE NOW FULLY FQUWPED TO SUPPLYt©gERS OP Yh 7 ... GASOLINE; IN LARGER QUANTITIES WIT! A: GOOD' STAND- ARD GRADE OF GASOLINE FROM OUR DELIVERY TRUCK AT LOWEST -PREVAILING PRICES, WITH QUALITY CONSIDERED EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK, AND OVER HAUL JOBS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS' WITH; CHARGES VERY ' i REASONABLE. GAS OILS GIE A•SE.S '4.40usseau Zurich :. ••6 ++++i+++4;4.++1+ 44044++++++ 444444444 + ' HERALDPTTICE 1 ,ors, t • ‘ Do You Kno+wr? ,- : U I THAT WE ARE ....•-... . AT YOUR -SERVICE FOR FIRST' • • a� CLASS 'JOB PRINTING! • THAT WE SUPPLY U FLY.AND D PRINTA'WEDDING INVITATION= M GALLING CARDS„ BUSINESS ',CARDS, ETC. THAT WE CARRI I 1 rsTOCKA AND ALSO PRINT, ;STATION - HEY SUCH AS BUSINESS LETTER READS, .ENVELOPES .i '$'TATEMENTS, BILL HEADS, MEMORIAM +DARDS, +' SHIPPING, TAGS, ETC. '8 THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK GOOD WRITING PAPERS COT ee TO ANY SIZE, ENVELOPES IN MOST CALLED FOR SIZES, CARD PAPER, BRISTOLS, CARBON OR TRACING PAPER, BUTTER PAPER, MEMORIAL ENVELoPE3 AND MEMORIAL WRITING PAPER • • �a► t THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE WITS. A GOOD WRITING INK FOR 5 CENTS. LARGER QUAN- 4.`4'" TITIES AT SIMILAR, REDUCTIONS. . THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POSTERS 4' MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL PRINTING CUR :SPECIALTY. l ii fa al at to 444444444-4i44444444444-4i� 143 44 4414444 44