HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-10-30, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS Dummy E. HOLMES /BARRISTER,. . SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC, ETC. •i?FFICE—Hammerton Street, Just :orf the Square, GODERICH, Ontarie. Special Attention , to Councel and Court Work. " Xr. Holmes may be consulted at /Gvderch by PhonP. and Phone , charges reversed. Dr. H. H. COVEN ' L. D. S. D. D S. DENTAL SURGEON • At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday At IIARTLEII3'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones National School of Auctioneering. Try me fo Registered Live Stock, (All Breeds.? 'Terms in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice Farms for Sale. Will *tell anything Anywhere. Ilion 18-93, or write. Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless Its to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will ata;ake no charges for Services Ren - altered. .ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood 11)hone 13-57. SEE US FOR NEW LOW PRICES ON THESE BATTERIES CF "QUALITY" IL S. 'mein MI TOOL Wants, For. Bell, L•st, Fond *nice, Etc. Ade ng WON COW= NOTICE J. C. &taxon & Son, Teamsters, wish to advise the public that they are still in the same business, with prices as usual. Your order will be ninth appreciated. Phone 94-16. DASHWOOD ONTARIO issietwo••••••••••seeiemosse Zurichs' Popular NEAT MARKE ANNOUNCING WHAT WE HAVE PURCHASED FROM THE FIRM OF YUNGBLUT DEICHERT, THIS -WELL ESTAB LISHED MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT. YOUR PATRONAGE - Yungbtut & Sou li•i•••• ••4g•@1600®••6.••+e•ee COAL 1930 FOR SALE A slightly used International Two - Furrow. Tractor Plow, at a Bargain. L. A. Prang, Zurich. For Sale A number of good choice oabbage head's; at. 5c.'per head Phone 117;. L-IensalL Milton Lovee hard For ' •Sale A number of Shropshire and Lei- cester rams; Tamworth pigs, both sex; Also a few young Carriage or General Purpose horses. Apply to. Manson Bros.—Phone 23-96 Zurich, Ont. A1311011D cement ZIP RING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR - For Sale Two double barrel Eaumierless 12 Gauge Shot Guns W. G. Hess & Son, Zurich. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF CHRISTIAN F. EILBER, tette of the Village of Zurich, deceased, who .died on or about the 13.th day of September, 1930, are here -by notified to send in. :o the undersigned Executorix, on ar hefore the First day of November, 1930 full particulars of their claims. j ex the week -end • Hay Council will hold its Novem- ber meeting on Monday afternoon next`Only two more regular meet- ings after this one, and the year's activities in this capacity will be prac- tically done. 01 auton Goal 'olIe Alberta CoaJ and Soft Coal SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 50 Cts. Per Ton will be allowed for cash. ardor Early as prices will advance on June 15th. Case & Son Phone- 35 HENSALI. LIVE POU LST R V WANTED *IDA ID I M .. Miss ltfatilda Johnston is ° yieitirig friends in Kitchener, • ' Mr. and Mrs. John Albrecht and daughter, Miss Lulu were Wednesday visitors to London.. Mr. and Mrs. C. L, Smith, Mae, and Mr. D. Smith motored to Lon- don on Saturday. Miss Merle Rau, wino spent a few weeks with her parents in r Zurich, has returned to Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Eilber ,of De- troit, e troit, were weekend visitors with friends in town. Born—At Hay Township, .on. Oct- ober 21st, to Mr. and Mgrs. Harry Fuss, a son, Mr. Harold Klopp of. Detroit, vis- ited at his home for a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Edighoffer have moved into the residence recent- ly vacated by Mr. N. E. Siemon. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Truemner of Toronto, were visitors with relatives in Zurich and vicinity the past week. Mr. Herb. Wein, the popular gar- ageman of Dashwood, made a busin- ess call in Zurich on Monday. ifr. Ward Fritz made a business trip to Windsor the beginning .of the week, returning with two used cars. .Mr. and Mrs. H. F. •Weseloh had as guests during the past week, their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Meinger, of Dearborn, Mich. Rev. Gruhn and two sons, Lincoln and Frederick, of Stratford, visited with Rev. and Mrs. Turkheim during the past week, Mr. Harry Weber, who has been confined to his ben with illness, is not progressing as rapidly as his friends would like to see. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jeffrey and fam- ily, and the former's sister Mrs. E. Lague, of Detroit visited with the former's mother, Mrs. D. Ayotte, a v- `nunediately after the said First day )± November, 1930, the assets of the leceased will be distributed amongst .he parties entitled thereto, having •egard only to claims of which the I-:ecutorix shall then have notice. hated at Zurich, this 9th day of Oetoberr 1930_ Mrs. Dora Edighoffer, Executorix. FOR SALE A limited quantity of Winch dry hardwood for sale. Apply to Stade & , Weidoe Taken every Day till 3' o'clock, pan. Do not feed Fowl same morning whenbrought in. Highest Cask Prices CASH FOR-- Cream a n C;i ,, ggs W ' r t I` - �q{ ' NOTICE Having taken over the Service end of the Ford' Agency, Zurich, I -am in a position to give expert service to give expert service on all New Ford cars sold by Mr. S. Elliott. We specialize on the following: Ford Transmission Linings. Ford Rear Ends; Ford Springs; Ford Valves Grinding; Brakes re -lined on 'all makes of Cars; We give special attention on oiling and greasing all makes of cars; Radiator anti -freeze attention, Tire Repairing; Have your springs oiled. Leonard Prang, Zurich. William B. Brown A. S. , P. Graduated Foot Speciatist AT Brown's Boot Shop CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. Ali CI-IIBALD, B.A.-Sc. (Tor.) O.L.S., Registered• Professional En- •^ineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Amber Engineering Institute of Janada. Office—Seaforth, Ont. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church 'A Changeleea Christ for a chang- ing World!." Everybody Welcome to all Sos.ices. E. Tuerlthei>m, Pastor. 1 F riday, 8h : Luther League. h<iturday---Choir Practice. 10. a. m: .German Service. i 1.0 5 Sunday School, 7:30: English Service. Mr. and Mrs. Reith, who have been in Zurich for a number of weeks, as- sisting their son William Reith, in the Bakery, left for their home in Glen- coe. Theo shocking news was received at 3ruce.field of the death of Allan Mc- Kenzie at the hands of an assassin in manes, Oriente, Cuba. He was the ,nn of the late Roderick MacKeneie :nd' Mrs. .MacKenzie of Brucefield. as horn May 2nd, 11394, at the old bcacKcnzie homestead at Wino. He 1ttendod public school in the village and 'Eater th% Clinton Collegiate. He eft home for Cleveland and spent verat years with the Lincoln 1i1ec- ric Ca., of that city. It was while t Y [y Wk..r L.,. C�� .fit., .yj L lfy LL .. NA .Y.t WI 'il•' 'oreilto lir t Cabo. a ... ..... . Mr. Gordon J'au of Detroit, spent the week -end with his parentsin the village. Mr. Leonard Rau, who has been visiting here for some titpe, re- turning with the former to Detroit. Mr. C. Fritz & Son have during the nest week disposed of their fine plot of celery at the east end of the village, to a wholesale buyer of Lon- don, who has lifted the same, andis putting it in cold storage. Mr. Fritz advises that regardless of the dry season, the quality of the celery was good. NNeri►•44•444•444•444a n►a Farm .Implements Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Hess made a business trip to London on Tuesday Messrs.. Ward- Fritz and Jacob j Haberer, are to London on business Wednesday', New rubber boots, Guaranteed at • $3.50 a pair. Women's rubbers at • 45c.—C. Fritz & Son. • • Rev. and Mrs. E. Turkheim are visiting friends at Kitchener and St- 2 ratford the past week. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pfile of Aub • - urn, •aa,e sleuding a week with relati- ves in the !community. 4 Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Stoskopf of Kitchener, attended the fowl supper ; 4 of the, Lutheran church on Thursday t evening. Mrs. Jul. Block left for Toronto to visit Mr. Tallie .Wurm for a week. Also her brother, Mr. Ed. Wurm at 4 11iarkham. Mrs. Wm. and Mrs. Edgar Rupp, a and Mrs. George Rupp all from De- 6 troit, visited at Mrs. John Fuss and took in the fowl supper last Thurs- p day. v Mr. Clarence and Miss Anna Dat- ers and Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Haberer visited with friends at Kitchener ov- er the week -end. Messrs. Herb. Mousseau, Welling- ton Johnston and Gid. Koehler were up north on a wild goose hunt and were fortunate in capturing eight of these fine game birds. County Educational Meeting Notices are out announcing the an- nual convention of the Huron County Educational Association of Trustees and Ratepayers to be held in the auditorium of the Collegiate Institute Clinton, on Saturday, November lst commencing at 1.30 p.m. sharp. In addition to the public speaking com- petition, Mr. A. E. Anderson, Lanark county (a rural man with tile rural viewpoint), who took part in the de- bate' on township school boards at the O. E. A., convention of 1929, will address the gathering on "The Finan- cing of RuRal Schools". Mr. E. C. Beacom, I. P. S. will speak on "Fifth Classes in Rural Schools," and Dr. J. M. ?field, I. P. S., will speak on the new basis of grants to public schools recently announced by the Minister of Education. Let everyone present be prepared to take part in the discus' dons. The boys and girls of Huron, county are entitled to the best to be i had in the line of public schools. Members of Parliament of the county of Huron, inspectors, members of township and county councils, as well as teachers, trustees and ratepayers, are cordially invited to attend. A special invitation is extended to lad- ies to be present. Serious Charges Laid When the cases of Henry Bieber, of Exeter, and John Hughson, of Parkhill, charged with the theft of seventeen bags of oats from the preen ises of Horatio Reynolds, Hay Town- ship, on. October 13th, were called in Police Court, Goderich last Thursday morning, Crown Attorney Holmes an- nounced that the more serious charge of "breaking and entering by night"' would he laid. Before this announc- ement was made Mr. Newton of Park hill, counsel for accused, intimated he was ready to enter a plea of guilty on the lesser charge, but he withdrew his statement when informed of the ��� Crown's intended action. The trial will take place at Credi%on on Octo- Rev. and Mrs.. Karl Gretzenger, of Port Elgin, were visitors at the home of Mr. slid Mrs. C. L. Snaith on Thurs day night. They were on their way home from the General Conference of t:1:: Evangelical Church, which onvenes every four years. This year .he conference was held at Milwau- .ke, Min. Rev. and Mrs. Gretzenger made the trip ,by auto. Miss Helen Foster, of whom men- tion was made in last week's issue of acing in an auto wreck in De- troit, has rc::overed sufficiently to re- turn to her home hi Zurich, where ;,he is convalescent. Miss Foster was injured considerably on the leg, at the knee, but again left for Detroit on Wednesday,' where 'she will try and resume her duties, as she has a good position in that City. Mrs. John Hildebrandt Passes The death occurred at the Ssott. Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Thursday, October 16th., of a well :crown and Most deservedly respecter rte..per. ' X11 e in the resident of ,..,,,nor.cl 1 ,1 -fon o' Mrs. John Hildebrand. Dece- ased had been in poor health for ov- er a year, and the Tuesday preceding :ter death had been removed to the hospital. The deceased whose maid- nt name was Chriscinda Meidinger; was born in Germany on July 13th, 1859. In 1868 she carne to Canada with her parents, the family settling in Hay Township, Huron County. In 1884 she was united in marriage to John Hildebrand and they resided in Zurich till about .eleven years ' 'ago when they moved to Egmondville, where they continued to reside ,'until her death. She leaves to mourn her loss, a husband and family of four -ions and five daughters, William of Wallaceburg; Arnold of Wyoming, u.S.A•; Louis and Bernard of Sea- 'orth; Mrs. A. Foster of Hensall;Mrs. Woods and Mrs. Moss of London,and alis. Vincentr of Preston. One dau- ;hter, Mrs. Harding, predeceased her :ome years ago. She is also survived .y fou; brothers, and two sisters: Jacob, Michael, Joseph and William Meidinger of Zurich; the Misses Han- nah and Bridget;Meidinger, of .Moose ,a -v, and by thirty-five grandcMildren :hnc1 ore great grandchild. The fust- e:al ,.<a,.1 held Saturday mornzng tr, WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND WILL BE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE KIND OF MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST, AND THAT WILL GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR OF COST. CARRY A FULL LINE OF PUMPS; PIPING AND FITTINGS, AND BESIDES WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS. LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL We have the Agency for this District. GARAGE STJPPLIES Ana WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES, AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAME DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND RE. BUILDING BATTERIES YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Tires, Tultes, Gas, oils and Greases; L. A. Prang - Zurich •.......4094.•4,•.#4 .....0 4444444446 4•442+44e•e•.a444, 4 CEDAR CHESTS AT $8.75 WHY NOT BUY ONE FOR STORING YOUR FURS, BEDDING, ETC. THESE CHESTS ARE LARGE SIZED AND WELL FINISHED AND WILL ADD TO THE BEAUTY OF ANY ROOM. CALL IN AND LOOK THEM OVER. F. C. K PRONE 69 LBFLEI6C • s • 4 • •• a - ZURICH 4$444..+4444.4+++++'i+++++++++++i. +3.4++++++++++++++++++++W FARMERS' WEEK at our store THE new Dr. Hess & Clark Catalog, mailed out the other day, should be in your hands by now. Just look at that cover! Research Farm all over. And inside, filled with interesting tests and experiments with cows, hogs and chickens. They are doing a lot of experimenting and testing for you on that Research Farm. Stock like yours. Tests you can understand. Results you can get. We have the goods, the Dr. Hess line, complete stock. And get this: Beginning Saturday, we are having a Special Farmers' Week, featuring all the Dr. Hess Products. Call in and see the goods. Let's talk it over. Remember, it starts this Saturday. L. Schilbe & Son �Ctvwmvm�+wa. Zurich Drug Store 1 YYYVVRYYt ber 28th before Magistrate Reid. ram Nearly all witnesses live near Credit- on. It is alleged Bieber and Hughson ;aroke. into Mr. Reynolds' barn by ./reakin • a door and after stealing the seed sold it ct various places. One .auspicious rueichant refuses! to buThe and informed the authorities. accused pair were arrested in London at the instance of the Provincial pol- .. e. falciaer has served various terms 'n jail; reforntatoey and penitentnrv, although only twenty -fou year; of age, Hughson's record is clean. -God - ..rich Signal. AUCTION SALE The First Annual Auction Sale, of 30 Registered Shrapehire Sheep, at Belieloydon Farm, Bayfield. Road, 114 miles East of Varna, Ont. on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4th. at 2 p.m. o'clock. it is my intention to offer to the public by Annual Auction Sale, the hest Shropshire Breeding Sheep of Importer' and Domestic stock that I can produce. This year, my offering includes: 17 Ram Lambs; a Ewe lambs; 8 choice breeding ewes. An assenilily of splendid individuals, pro- ven in production, and of good type. This fall my sheep won firsts at Zur- ich, Blyth, and Bayfield Fairs, also class. „ A Mitchell, they won in their The lambs are of outstanding quality including show prospects, sired by Imported Butter and Gibson .Rams. The ewes, by :such well known sheep breeders as, Shields, Knox, Hammer, 13etzner, Cowan and VanLoon. Reg- istration papers for each sheep on hand on day of sale. l3uy a Register- ed Purebred Rem to head your flock also some foundation stock. Good roads all directions, TPIRMS--4% straight discount for cash er 12 months credit on approv- ed joint notes. . f, Jame,' Ch'.ueh, Seaforth, of which Georgi Elliott, Auctioneer. -.. F +.,, 1. .:t :ii174 i, A.0 .C'rY4 ,"„ya w. C . •,, .... ..�:......... .- .. ,. 1 ii. St." James' cemetery. w rietor. E GILL R G Ne°u } aP with NEW Wad 1 with the purchase of any one of these at PALMOLIVE SHAVING CREAM COLGATE'S RAPID SHAVE CREAM COLGATE'S HANDY GRIP STICK KO LIES AN D HUMS 50 r, AnMacKinnon,Ziohr