HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-10-30, Page 4t.
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Bring New Rooms
to Your Home
with Gyproc
A WORK -ROOM for you
—a play -room for the
youngsters in the basement.
An extra bedroom or two in
the Attic. These are now
possible in your home at
little expense.
The new Ivory coloured
Gyproc Wallboard that does
not burn and needs no decor-
ation (when panelled) will
give you additional space in
your present home.
Easily and quickly applied,
structurally strong, it pro-
vides fire -safe walls, ceilings
and partitions.
Your dealer's name is
listed below. Consult him
today and ask for full infor-
mation regarding Gyproc
Wallboard or write for in-
teresting free book "Build-
ing and Remodelling with
Highway, 'laotne six` -Weeks ago,. is able
to be out With the help .of a cane. •
Entree a La Radio
A wife asked her husband to take
down a recipe coining over the radio.
He did his best but got two stations
at once, one of which was broadcast-
ing physical exercises and the other
the recipe. This is what he took
down; "Hands on hips, place one cup
of flour on the shoulders, raise knees
and depress toes, and mix thoroughly
in half cup of milk, repeat six times,
enhale quickly one half teaspoon of
baking powder,, lower the legs and
mash two hard boiled eggs in a sieve,
enhale, breath naturally and sift into
a bowl. Attention! Lie flat on the
floor and roll the white of an egg un-
til it comes to ' a boil, in ten minutes
remove from the fire and rub smart-
ly with a rough towel, breath natural
dress in warm flannels and serve with
fish soup.
and family returned to Goshen Line
last week, after spending the summer
at Exeter.
Mrs. V. Meyers left last.week .for
Zurich, where she will spend the win-
ter months with her son, Mr. Thos.
Quite a number from this vicinity
attended anniversary services at Bru-
cefield last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Johnston who
spent the week -end with friends,in
Fullerton, and Mitchell, returned on:
Monday, accompanied by Mrs. Edith-
offer and -Mr. and Mrs. Yule.
Miss Jessie Tough, -who spent a'
couple of months with friends in dif
ferent parts of the country, returned
home last week.
1Vir. and ivies. Amos Gascho and
family, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs..
Peter Brenneman, enjoyed a pleas-
ant motor trip on Sunday.
,Mrs. E. Clarke of the village, ac-
companied by Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
Weido, of Zurich, called on friends
in .Goderich on Sunday- .
Mr. and Mrs. W. Kelly, of London,
spent Sunday with friends on the
Goshen Line.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bechler and
family spent Sunday at the home of
Mrs. John Bechler in the viilage.
A very beautiful wedding was sol-
emnized at St. Peter's church on
)Monday, October 20th, when Min.;
Louise, ,daughter of iii:r. and Mrs.
Edward. Etue, was united. in marriage
to Mr. Lawrence Ii. De Lafranier, of
Chile, South America and son of Mr.
l and Mrs. Charles De Lafranier, of St-
ratford. The bride was assisted by
her sister, Miss Emma Etue of Wind -
26 2
ind-262 sor, while Mr. Alvin De Lafranier of
Stratford supported the g, oom. Af-
ter the ceremony the immediate rel-
atives of the two parties returned to
the Bride's home where a wedding
breakfast was served; after breakfast.
the ) oung couple left for their home
in Chile, South America, where
De Lafraner has for some years been
Cival Engineer in the mining of nit
rate of soda. Their many friends
join to wish than peppiness and woo'
perity and a safe journey.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Denomme, of
Windsor, are spending a week's holi-
days with friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Denomme,
motored to Detroit over the wee). -end
Their daughter MissLeona, who had
been in Detroit for some tine, re-
turning with them.
We are glad to report that Mrs.
Chas. D. Bedard, who has been so ill
fora long time, is nicely l;ecoverrng.
Miss Marie Laporte was a ,guest at
the home of Mr. John Geoffrey, on
Sunday last
and Mrs, Fred Papi:neau has
returned to their home, here, 'after
spending a couple of years in Detroit
We welcome them to our burg.
1VIrs. Peter Corriveau has returned
from Detroit, after' spending two
weeks with her daughters.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Masse,' and
ersary serViccs at 1:3rucafield last Sun- family of 'Detroit, are spending a
day when excellent sermons *ere de- few holidays here with the latter's
'iver'ed by - Rev. Mr. Scobie of Bel- parent..; Mr. and Mrs. Prank Cofri-
l"raive. ,•eau.
'hiss Jean Turner of Seaforth, vis-. J% e. John Oatlomme'spent last we -
.k -end in Wi..nllser and Detroit.
on Sunday at the home. of Mr.
"bid MI% Robt..Mct ::?",Y. Mr. L'enoinme, wno was
Mr. and Mrs 'Gullet McClinchcy Injured L', a car on the Blue Water
Andrew Laramie of Detroit, attend
ed the funeral of his brother-in-law,
Mr, George Case.
Win. IV1cKay, of Hagersville, a for-
mer resident was in town last week
visiting relatives and friends.
Dr. Case of Toronto, was here at-
tending the funeral of his brother,
the late Geo. Case.
Master Harry Armstrong, who un-
derwent an operation for appendicit-
is at Simcoe Gen. Hospital, is impro-
ving nicely.
Hazel Morenz visited at her home
in Dashwood. -
Thos. Welsh, Fred Hess and David
Cantelon, have purchased a piece of
iand at the Pinery Inn and intend
erecting a couple of houses on the
property. Mr. Hess and Mr. Welsh
were there last week erecting the first
Helen Smith of Detroit, is .here
visiting nu,: parents, Mr. and lYirs.
Alex. Smith.
Donald McKinnon of London, sp-
ent the week -end at his home here.
Mrs. Etta Miller, who has been
here visiting her father, Rich'd Blat-
chford, has returned to her home in
H. 0. Dayman, recently of Exeter,
has opened out a very attractive gro-
cery store in the west store of Joynt's
block of three stores. The painting
and decorating generally is much ad-
mired and with a new stock of goods
Mrs. Callis, of Santa Barbara Cali-
fornia, who had been here fox some
time, left for her home, accompan-
ied oy her sister, Mrs. Fred Simmons
and son Jack, also by their mother,
Mrs. J. Dinsdale, where the three lat
ter intend spending the winter mon-
ths in California.
• A largely attended meeting of the
executive of the South, Huron Con-
servative .Association was held here
on Friday evening last, Every part of
the riding was well represented.
Margaret McLaren, who is attend-
ing the Western University at Lon-
don, spent the week -end with her par
ents, Mr..and Mrs. R. Y. McLaren.
Mr. Smale, of "our village, number-
ed among the successful horshoe tos-
sers at the recent provincial plowing
match near Stratford.
. Mrs. M. A. Ormiston, of Brooklyn,
is visiting her cousin, Mrs. T. Mur-
dock, Mrs. W. Lammie and other re-
Robt. McLaren has had a very suc-
cessful show season with his beautiful
registered driving mare, "Little Tip"
she w on. 12 first prizes and in addit-
ion the R. Simpson Silver Cup valued
at $12.50 for the best light horse in
._arness shown at -Kirkton.
A very interesting event took place
Tn Peffers recently, the marriage of
r Loyd 'N. Smith of Detroit, son of
air, and Mrs. Alex. Smith of Hensall,
to Miss Muriel Hurst, daughter of
,tr. and lVirs. D. R. Hurst of Morn-
ington. The ceremony took plcae
at Trinity church in the presence. of
a large assembly, Rev. Neil, of At-
wood officiating.
The funeral of the late George
Case was held' from his home here on
Friday afternoon last and was held
privately. Tho pallbearers being all
relatives. The funeral service was
conducted by the Rev. M. Parker,
rector of St. Paul's Anglican Church,
whe made very feeling reference to!,
;,he fine Christian life of the deceas-
ed and the sympathy felt for the be-
reaved wile and sons. The floras
,Tributes were many and very beauti-
ful. and among one was a fine trib-
ute by the bowlers from Hensall.
There were a number' of relatives
present from. different places, some
coming from ; quite ' a distance. In-
terment was made hi the Exeter cern-
For Sale By
red C. Kalbfleisch
de VII
Zurich. Ont. •
Mrs. iaust and Miss England,
visiting relatives in Clinton.
lir. and Mrs. L. Schroeder and
":firs Theda Hayter of Windsor, sp-
vent 'ate 'week -end with relatives.
)Bili. and Mrs. D. Tiernan andfam-
w*ritod in Guelph on Sunday.
/Nan Routh Iileinstiver spent a few
s es with her sister in Stratford last
'tea k.
tars. V. Schatz visited her parents
ils4 Myth last week.
I+ila.. Hard Mrs. E. Bender of Blyth
-,ntratte Sunday visitors in town:
Llfr•. and Mrs. Hy. Hoffman visited
Zan Ingersoll, on Sundfiy.
Diss Lxseitr, McIsaac of Detroit sp-
/* nt, the wcck-end with relatives.
Mrs. Mosenthal and Mr, and Mrs,
lleiterieh of Kitchener, visited
Mr, 'T. Woltiii. on ;Sunday.
; ,r» and Mrs: Salter aro visiting
u►.;,�xit,lidtn for a ft:w .i4y:'.
14 Ir. Carl Allenrang and sister Ger-
trude of Elmira, spent a few days
with their sister Miss Marie Aliean-
anv last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Wilson Armstrong,
spent the past week with thein dau-
ghters in London,,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stogdill of
Sutton, spent a few days last week
with their friends in Stanley.
Rev. E. Poulter of Varna, condu-
cted anniversary services at Benmil-
ler last Sunday.
Large crowds attended the anniv-
That,Nix1„ 9c#n'ber
interest coupons
When your .interest cou-
pons become due, or
when yourelceiwe cheques
for interest on registered
bonds, deposit thea in a
Savings Account in the
Bank of . Montreal. The
money you receive on
your investment will then
earn interest for you.
Established Asa
Zurich Branch: C. H. JOY. Manager.
The Hydro-Eiectrie Power Com-
mission, having, taken over the pro-
perties of the Foshay Ca, and Pub-
lic Utilities in Bruce County, will
shortly commence negotations for the
purchase of' the Mildmay, Formosa
and Cargil lighting plants.
On Monday morning• last, death
came to Gordon. MacDonald, of the
Thames Road, near Exeter, with stet
artling suddeness.. The. deceased. was'
engaged in taking a somewhat. fract-
ious animal to the local beef ring
when his strength left him. Friends
hurridly came to his rescue; but de-
spite all that good -will land•medical p
aid could do for him. Friends hur-1
riedly came to his rescue, but despite
all that good -will and. medical aid
could do for him he expired in a
few minutes,.
Kincardine Agricultural. Society is
carrying, a shortage of.dver $500.
This' is made up ofa deficit of $175
carried forward from last year and a
further deficitthis year. The prize
list this year was $488, the largest
in the history of -the show. The fair
was a good one but was notwell at-
Charged. under the Highway Tra-
ffic Act with. failing, to. return to the
scene of. an. accidentand give all pos-
sible assistance, John. Sprule of God-
erich was fined $50 and costs or 30 Radio,
days in jail. add. had. hia driver's lic-
enses cancelled. for fi0 days by. Mag-
istrate Reid. Not. having: the neces- •
sary funds Sprule went. to. jail.
Alexander• Cowan, a well' known
resident of. the: Bru.cefield district for
many years, passed. away, in Clinton
on Monday last at the age of 98
years. He was born near Bayfield
but for many years resided in Tuck-
ersinith and Egmondville. He is aur
vivcd by one brother, James Cowan,
of McKillop. Interment was made
in Maitlandbank Cemetery, Seafarth.
Capital Theatre
West Street—GODER ICH
Northern Electric Sound System
Now i laying William Powell
in: "For the Defence"
Mon., Tues_, and Wednesday
Claudette Colbert in the sensat-
ional drama of a reckless woman.
You will like this nerve -tingling
News, Reels and other Sound
Thor's-, Friday and Saturday
A rollicking tale of the big top
Thrills and .Action galore in this
\svonclerful circus story.
Watcia for :our next .program!!!
Two .Shaws each night, 7.30--9.30
Matinees Wed. and Sat. at 3 p. m.
Taken ill on Sunday last, Wesley
J. Bissett, constable of Exeter„ for
the past 30 years, died at his home
last week in his 76th year. Born. 21,6
,.piles south of the village, the deceas
ed lived on the farm until he came to
Exeter. He was a member of the
James Street Church and a regular
attendant. Rev. D. McTavish ofiiciat-
ed at the service:
Clare Baechler, 16 -year-old son. of
J. E. Baechler of Goderich Manuf-
acturing Co., and the Clinton Lum-
oer Co., suffered a nasty accident,
while dusting off some shavings froxn
a power planer his hand carne in con-
tact with the planer and the tip of
nis sedond finger on the lefthand
was cut off and the third finger some-
what lacerated.
A one -ton truck, the property 01
Wm. Mitches of London, and a large
touring car, owned by Robt. Frost of
Seaforth and ariven bf his son John,
were both destroyed by fire after a
crash on the road between Seaforth
and Clinton the other night. The
truck was being driven by George
Zimmerman, London, with Mitches
and Robt Donahue of London as pas-
sengers. Frost was coming down a
small grade, and crashed into the
rear of the London vehicle, which is
alleged to have carried no tail light.
'The senders locked, and • the truck
burst into flames, which soon spread
to the touring car. Both were com-
pletely destroyed. '
A 'hear fatal accident occurred on
•s? riiday last on the :Clayfield road 8
Miles west. of Cl .ritorl at 1Vloon's Hill,
when a ear driven by John Taylor;
collided with a heavy truck is +oil: w ; i J c with fiypg
d with KpPless oWned and uriv-
she raw loose the aye,,
Anniversary services will be held
in the United Church, Grand Bend,
on : November 2nd, - and the annual
Fowl Supper. ;will follow on . Nov.
5th- on the church property.
Mrs. 3. Parsons of Exeter, had the
misfortune to stili on her verandah.
the other evening and in falling she
fractured her left arm at the wrist.
John Gill of Grand Bend has pur-
chased the' 180 -acre farm front Robt.
{"agleson . This is a good farm and
in good condition.
The 100 -acre farm of R. N. Bowe,
m Highway No, 4, Exeter, has been,
.0.urchase4•:l,y Ed. )Rundle for -4;55U0.
.11r. rtni6ii. gi lr$+ :inimediate jit):itess-.t•
^:,wrerly occtr,p- lyt,i,
•on,. ^� tom&
Price Complete $169.54'
*Desch - Zurich.
en by A. R. McMath, HaTmesvifle,
Apparently Taylor had the crest o:
the hill before seeing the truck .and
had then applied the brakes. The
road showed the track of sliding Who- •
els for - 100 feet or more... Both.
vehicles were badly damaged, the
truck having the bumper, fender,.
headlights, springs and front axles
blunt and ;broken. The passenger cat
also, damaged. A lady passon.
:r -W n the car, Mrs. P. Shannon, sus-
tained -serious injuries and was cut.