HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-10-30, Page 1ERAL Vol; XXXI Pia. 17 ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNINCip OCTOBER 30, 1930. Chester L. Smith, Thalfasiefeto $1.25 a year, U.S. $1.56 in *141 INARREARS. $2 MAT $Z 41a11111,110 Advertising in the Herald goes in the homes of people who buy in Zurich. .1, OUR , CORNER. Did you save your antiefreeze Donn last 'winter? Ilea* Exactly eight more eveike 'Christmas- -Iss-elh- • - The American wonizes bm'utr 'bill Is $750,000000 at yease and it Is evl- elent that some or theme are not get- ' ting their meney'ss wee. NO \wonder this is a. rale of indiff- erence. The sum of the figures 1-9'- 340 'ingiirteen. This honey that works so well as ;to ranthffeeeze—where do vonput the bee -batteries? 11.2ew La good wife has helped her husband to the top of the ladder— and then decided to hang the picture +elsewhere_ 40•••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• **Ir. • b -II • •4 4 .41 WE HAVE A LARGE sroca OF CHOICE HARNESS, TRUNKS, • • • • K410 3 Harness, Etc. ...I' TRAVEIWNG VASS. TALICES, ETC.,. TO CHOOSE FROM, AND -10 ARE OFFEIHNG THE SORE TO THE PUBLIC AT VERY •• "e• . : &ATTRACTIVE PRICES. 41 ' 3 ' Pianos Pianos • .. .. . .1. IF YOU HAVE BEEN THINKING OF ADDING A FINE NM e. PIANO TO TM PLEASURES OF YOUR ROME. BE SURE AND a CONSULT US. AS WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE POPULAR 3 SHERLOCK MANNING LINE. 3 -m• ALSO AGENTS FOR THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE -40 it FRED THIEL - ZURICH --.....* • PHONE M. 7 -.."111::...:. • . : • :r . •-•".'" : ... ...••••••••••••••,....****••••••soloot!************4, . -. •••••••••wmmosto1ocessersiteessimmtatiii•••••••••.••41 • 1 • • • • • • • It seems it -will be a cold winter, if it isn't an open and fairla warm win- ter. +-eh H you desire to operate a rushing business, try starting a gas station that extends credit. 4---+ The plow is the oldest of all agric- ultural instruments and it still appare ently is first, according -to the attract- ion it created during the recent plow- ing matdhes. The thought of the whole empire is turning to ernpire trade, even if protectionists and free traders can- not agree. Agriculture seems to be in a bad way the world over. Even in Japan, there is a Government proposition to devote 835,000,000 to farm relief. A contemporary is distressed to think that the people of Ontario con- sume so little fish that the home mar- ket is a poor one. But the trouble, probably, is that • so many Ontario people are anglers and scorn to eat fish they no not catch, FALL +••• AN BROWN TONES WE INVILlfal TRE :NEWEST SHOE STYLES NOW ,01•1 DISPLAY IN OUR .STORE MEN: Harare Iraihtee;ISarnsatelseil.SpeedyS5 :Sho*e. are heat to e'er high sioaRlaa-standloodaloPerealliae Calf :Leathers aetil oak tanned eaks Sleeker •Birowne. Viiteans Strap, Tic and Instep, Peelle Maelees TourstAktv4ellir leatliee,„ eer 'Brown, $3 teVIM- The:latest Czeatien in Featherweight Rubbte•• FOotwea.r 'CliildreirShoes deetiasteentliead "in style, and we present Footwear that measures atee tateatilw gheat • standards !arkiLtdalaut evnur . I ow- esteleveLS ire peke, That =emus the 'beet for ',the 'least, S5c. to 83.00 KERAIIHNG NEATLY DONE ewes Bog Shop NEB OUR WINDOW DISPLAY 1 4•••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• , Sjiit t• AT ' '• They are having "hard times" in South America, but there the react- ion is somewhat different. In. the North we have a general election and turn the Government out. Down South they put on a revolution and chase the Government out. ;Protect the Farmer In pioneer days short shrift was given to horse thieves and Cattle rust- lers. We have law and order to -day and farmers .should not need to take thea.adyninistratiem 'of justice into ;their o*n 'hands:, They ought. to- • be, abh to depend' upon the authorities to ;eland up, weong-doers and punish them. Farmerin *many -perts of On- tario are not receiving the protection co which they r re entitled. Chicken thieves operate. on a large scale, show ing no 'little daring and ingenuity, J,nd are seldom caught. Most of these sally forth from the large centres of population. Others, with smaller am- eitions, are located in- the country and their identity sometimes suspect- ed. But the neighbors tolerate their depredations because the police do .aot seem to be on the job and any move by the farmers themselves, bas- ed on mere suspicion, aright result in the mysterious burning of barns at STEPHEN COUNCIL The minutes of the Council of the Township of Stephen which conven- ed in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, October 6th, 1930, at 2 p. m. All members were present. The .ninutes of the previous meeting we- ,* read and approved. That by-law No 442 being a by - am to levy taxes for the year 1930 naving been read three times be eassed and signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the Corporation Seal be ettached thereto. That Freeman Morlock b appoint - el Collector of Taxes for the year L930, at a salary of 8100 and post- Ige. The roll to be returnable by Jeceniber 16th, •1930, and the bond del with the Clerk be accepted and ,led. That the Clerk request 'the Town- '+) Solicit -Ors .to. demand .a detailed .staternent from the ToWnship of Mc- Gillivray for the cost of construct- ion and other •expenditures with ref- ,• ' ' 'deuce to the Aux Sables Drain. . .. That the Cleric mail the communi- . .....&& oi. eds. Nancy Ravelle to the TAMORED Tg..1gEASURE 17MAT IT MEANS • Fr MEANS SPY LE. COMFORT ,-AND. VALUE d ttriouvNTEE elflIORKMANSHIP, TFIAT. EACH Suer S INDSTIBRIAEEE MT AND TAILORED • far EXIMRTS `WNW 'MAKE 12SE, 'FINISHED TatMENT • Yogi *Suit or Overcoat offraan okr Bon I IntRALiciMetAl AIM tin/NERAL •11E- 4 4 4/441,06404**00011~0~740:~4M0404000.00•04,044414.40 00* ewnship Engineer with the request &at he ..naike an inspection and re - ort -to the Council. That the Clerk . notify Netball' enceat to start the construction • of ae cement culverts, otherwisethey relet and also to notify tlie Con- zaetor for the construction of the Jill drain to hav,e this drain comple- zed forthwith, otherwise the Council rill have the contract cancelled' by heEngineer and relet. • Tenders were opened for the cone truction of the Link Drain. The ontract was awarded to the lowest Adm., Saron Vincent. A large pay sheet of accounts was Assed and cheques issued for the lame. The Ceanail adjourned to meet a- -ain at the Town Hall, Crediton, on denday, Neeember 3rd, 1930 at 1 p. ilianeanilber, Clerk. Mrs, D. Ayotte is spending a week or so in Detroit. Mr.' and Mrs. Wm. Reith and fam- ily were week -end visitors in Glencoe Mr. and. Mrs. W. H. Frank of Wat- eel:do were Sunday visitors with fri- eaele. in town. and Mrs. W. Y. Dreier were Buff- •aisiitedas. tVith their daughter at aid; during the past week. Mr. and Mm, E. E. Weido and daughter,, • Dorothy, were Sunday visitors at Blake and Goderich. Mr. -and Mrs, J. E. Gascho, are getting nicely settled in their new hme recently purchased from the. BRIDAL WREATH WEDDING DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RINGS WITH FANCY WEDDING RINGS TO MATCH Hess, The Jeweller COAL 1930 New Low Prima Now in Effect WHEN BUYING YOUR F6E/M. WHY NOT HAVE THE 2E3E? GENUINE D. L. & W. SCRAlfaiTeGir COAL "The Standar l Asthma:be' EGG„ STOVE, NUT AIM OM= PEA. SIZES,. SEMET. SOLVeldre. A discount Of .50e rel. teric-sdlieeseM Awe • CASH oss, all flak, HEN13ALL ONT. Office Phone'10er• „Mem Phase; Mt Rennie Estate. d- 0 ri*..,Y; earned wMe er.ks-eRn do y vOi sl iivtoe rrofL s at tt 3:t hornes of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weber 1: and Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Eickmeier. + PLAY SAFt--- t Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Heist, of .T. Petroit, were visitors with the latter's + d-.. •. .. . patents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Klopp, a t. .• A N D feW:days this week. + &I. ' Mi88 Doris Meyers entertained a I ., + . . . . number pf glee girl friends to a party it being 'Doris' ninth birthday on Tu- esday evening. Some very tasty re- freefirnente were served during the evening. • ;‘,1 'Mrs; Heywood, who vent the summer' oh a farm near Hensall, moved back tb the Goshen line north on Tuesday of • this week.. Their many Zurich friends •welcome them back to the corhmunity. • ' The auction, sale of the .farm stock implements, etc., of Mr. Oscar Klopp PAY LESS INSURE YOUR HEALTH IN BUYING P PAIR OF DOMINIOM OR KAUFMAN'S RUBBERS * NOW' iS THEtTiVE -T0,-C'HEOCLA,14,1) DOUBLE CHECK IN I NEEDS 4AND Y FOOTWEAR. LET 11'S SH6 + YOU A PAIR OF OVERSHOES CLOTH OR RUBBER, WilfillEfie- + MEN'S LIGHT RUBBERS, OR LEATHER TOPS.: CUILVLEM - • 4rf • LINE ALWAYS CARRIED IN STOCK, NO ORDEAING. 11'4177:- ING.. QUALITY HIGHEST—PRICES LOWEST was held on Tuesday afternobn, and a was a big success as a large crowd + • REPAIRING OR RUBBER FOOTWEAR A sPECIALIT gathered and go -Oct prices were real- ized. ,The November meetinv ot the t Zurich Branch of the Women's In- + stitute will be held in the Council Chamber on Monday evening, Nov- + ember 3rd, at 8 o'clock, when the 1; motto of the program will be: Be ye faithful in all things; the topic will be .j. Thanksgiving Meeting, and the Com- mittee in charge are: Mrs. W. Y. Dreier, Mrs. 0. Surerus, Mrs. J. E. Gesell°, Mrs. R. Denomme; the Roll + Call: Donation • of soap for public schools. Every lady is invited. The annual fowl super sponsored 1; by the members of the Lutheran + church last Thursday evening was in t every way a decided success, as there - were about one thousand people who + partook of the sumptuous meal, and + of course the proceeds were large. The program which followed the sup- per wus. indeed interesting, as each number did their part well. The Wainer Orchestra was enjoyed by all present, and the play put on by the young people Of: the congregation was very creditable indeed. And we • cannot help but mention of the ap- preciation of the numbers given by the Zurich Band. . David Mero Passes There passed away on Tuesday evening, October 21st,• •hishome in Zurich, Mr. David lifer° in his 74th year. Mr. Mero had been up and a- round as usual, during the 'day, and after finishing his supper in the even- ing; he had lajn down, where he pas- sed peacefully away, without hardly any 'commotion. He -was a highly es- teemed resident Of the Drysdale dis- trict, having resided on a farm north of that place, 'on the. .‘ Blue Water Flighway, where he has many warm friends, antil a few years ago, when Mr. Mero and family, moved to Zur- ich, where they have indeed been very desirable citizens and good nei- ghbors. Mr. Mere was a man of a rather quiet disposition and of good and sterling character and was high- ly respected by all who came in con- tact with. ' Surviving him is his sor- rowing widow and a grown up family of sons and daughters. The funeral took place on Thursday morning last to the R. C. Cemetery, of which hurch was a devout moth t‘, Re:v. Father L, Power officiating. 111.•••• USED CAR DEPT. WE STILL OFFER YOU THE BEST BARGAINS IN QUALITY - USED CARS. - 1928 Chev. Coach, looks and rums Bite new, fully equippecr seat fnr wheel brake. You have to see and drive this car to appreriateit„ 1930 Ford Model, a coupe at A BIG REDUCTION` 1927 FORD TUDOR, finish and Upholstering like neva, a kali vases for very little money 1927 FORD COUPE, good upholstering and runs fine. .1923 Ford Touring, this car has had leorederfuI care and is gond-fie- many thousands of miles. 1929 MODEL A COACH, at a rev./ Bargain. 1928 ESSEX SEDAN, original tires toady $375.00- 1925 FORD COACH. • 0 FRITZ & SON * Phone 82 or 115 Zittricht Special Bargains In order to reduce our Stock we are offering at and below cost. tie fOnowitig: • Mees -and 'Boy's Sweater Coats and Wind Breakers: Also Gilds' and Children's, Sweat- ers„ Shoes and Rubbers, Etc., Etc., *Fresh Groceries always on ha, • Rig N, DOUGLAS co aRtgit. ftehEROHA,VT PHONE IF 97 BLAKE