HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-10-23, Page 4volojit;ft point
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f . A MArM. �►
Westinghouse Radio, it
in The fifty-third annual conventio
of West Huron Teachers was liel
• 0in Victoria School, Goderich,
Thursday and Friday, October 9 an
• 10th. In absence of the preside
• (kris,; Annie Consitt, the Vice -pies
dent, Mr. P. A. Kilpatrick preside
e The opening' exercises were take
• by Revs. R. C. McDermid and G. W
• , Butts, Inspector Beacom spoke i
• ' befitting term.., of the late J. E. Ton
• who for the past fifty years contr
= 1>uted to the educational uplift o
.N I if jH� - 'a l�ad. :i l `' .t �h9 f3 (I 3iI .F ';he' province, first as teache1' an
{ rtk,.:! later as inspector of the Schools •
i E - icl 1 4 ; p; lI West Huron. During^ the: forty-thre
Rl ' Ass. ^o, 4+i l' c ° • years of inspection his foremost th
gents were for the betterment o t 1
• schools and teachers under his ;upe
• , eision. The minutes of 192;) sessio
o ' were read and adopted.
• Mayor W. MacEwen addresse
• words of welcome to the teachers an
• commented on the nobility of thei
calling. Announcements were mad
• '' y the Inspector and Secretary rega
: ding books sent for inspection an
• the luncheon to be held at the non
• hour. Rev. G. WI Butts addresse
• a few words of appreciation to th
• work of the teacher. Miss Anna M
Donald gave an excellent paper o
• Domestic Science—Hot lunches i
, j Rural Schools -Many children in thes
®® schools are unable to return home fo
�c"�!e? Eek+rt�Eitr,ie�os'f tw}�fP tY sg s soEn�ry(a@® ��Soa®eyesqee® �gpty®0• dinner, and as a consequence, ai
flu .ke 1 runt ,.T
atal ii i'ii r inino tutu
li �llluf 1111111 II lin (1611111111I„ It �u11111
A very bleasont day was spent on
the White hornestead on Sept. 13th,
'kth Con„ Stephen at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. William White when their
family with the exception of one; al-
so many friends gathered there to cel-
ebrate the occasion of their 40th an-
� f le
abliged to carry a cold meal with
them. This has proven a detriment
- - to such pupils in their afternoon
day of the funeral by the large as- work. Many comments were given
sernbly of neighbors and relatives to by other Teachers' who have under -
show their last respect to the deceas- taken the se1'vice. Mr. Beacom ex -
ed. Rev. Mcllroy of Hensall, azid plained the grants given for this
Rev. Bremner of Brucefield, took work $40 is paid the first year and
charge of the services at the house, $20. each succeeding year. Mr. H.
and grave. He was a member of the J. Lockett, M.A., of the Normal Sch-
C. O. F., who had their services at ool, Hamilton, took for his topic.
the grave. The sympathy of many "Rural Teachers Problems and Op
friends and neighbors is extended to portunities. Mr. P. A: Kilpatrick
Mrs. Sparks and family hi the loss of delegate to the O. E. A. gave his
a kind husband and father. report on the proceedings of that
teachers' parliament. Mr. Beacons
9 a .•:3t. feLA ;F
&Qnrrec€ed a Very Wednesday)
xi ,ttt'-I• lb. 350
seat o..- .... .. .... .... 65c
{Ord kilns 7-17
Chickens .. • . 12-22
407.- tee .,.., 25
anent.; 20-28-32
�li',erles; 39
'Moue . .... .... 2.75-3.20 daughter, -accompanied by Ir. and
'Shorts ................ . . . 22.00' Mrs. Peter Gingerich and sons, sp-
.33sa.n ,,.. ......... . . . .. 21.00 int the week end with friends in El
i1•Ir. John Thirsk returned home,
cuter a pleasant visit with friends in
Lusa n.
Miss Emma Dinsmore is spending
holidays at her home on- the Town
Miss Alberta Finlay spent a few
days with friends in Varna.
Mr. and Mrs. Menno Steckle and
Established 1900
COUNTY NEWS' under "Observations" drew the
t tendon of the teachers to many
Miss A. La.e1low of Blyth, is vis- eros of interest. Additions should b
iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. One of Exeter's well-known cit- made to the school libraries ea
J. Tough.. izens, Stephen Powell; celebrated to Books no longer presentabl
Mrs. SIater of Seaforth, is visiting 80th birthday. Born on Oct: 10, or readable should be removed an
at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Thos. 1850, on the 10th Con. of London Tp.new ones added. - Grants are allow -
Dinsmore. on the farm now occupied by Mi'. ad on aril purchases of ten dollars and
Miss Jean liey returned home aft- I Herbert, Mr. Powell was the eldest fiver. m. attendance report Cauls
er a pleasant visit with friends in Zur of a family of 13.
ich. A pretty autumn wedding took
Mr. John Thirsk and Jim Johnston, place at the church of Our Lady, at
accompanied by Mrs. E. Clark, spent Mt. Carmel on Sept. 24th, at 9 a.m.
Herald Printing Office Monday with friends in Goderich. I when Mary Catherine Hogan, eldest
SUBSCRIPTION RATES—$1.25 a Mr. Harold Johnston of Zurich, daughter of J. Hogan and the late
za<x strictly in advance; $1.50 in spent Sunday al his home in the vil-' Mrs. Hogan, of McGillivray, became
matinees or $2.00 may be charged. U. lage. the bride of Joseph F. Ragier, son of,
STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs. John Ragier with Rev.
:..�"�. ni Z0 in .advance. No paper discone Fr. Corcoran performing the cerem-
inttnued until all arrears are paid un- There passed away at Flint, Mich., ony.
at option of publisher. The date on Monday October 20th, Mrs. Eliza A. J. Tyndall of Clinton, had a
rsf which every Subscription is paid Johnston, a former resident of Stan- great crop of tomatoes this season
doslated on the Label. ley. She had been a sufferer from having several hundred plants. He
ADVERTISING RATES cancer for several years and her began picking .1ipe • tomatoes on July
Display advertising made known death was not unexpected. Her hus- 29th, and every day since he has been
ern: application. band, the late Samuel Johnston pre- picking some and at present there a
Miscellaneous ,articles of not more
`fin four lines, For Sale, To Rent,
wanted, Lost, Fourier, etc., One inser-
tion 25e, 2 ins. 4bc., 3 ins. 50c.
Farm or Real Estate for sale $2.00
'a first month, $1.00 for each fol-
lowing month.
Professional Cards not exceeding
?ee inches, per year $5.00.
In Memoriam, one verse 50c, 25c
'neer each additional verse; Card of
'tthanke, 50c.
_Auction Sales—$2.00 per single
:oasertion if not over four inches in
address all communications to:
Miss Merlyn Thiel of near Zurich,
e sited her friend Miss Minerva nenamet.
!Miss Lizzie McAllister of Hensel',
:wank 'a few days with her sister, Mrs.
. Walker,.
T 1r..Lawrence Brightmore of Lon -
fano spent the week -end with his aunt
:*xitiT ;unpile, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Coch-
IMr. ,and Mrs. Thos, Coleman, who
eenet1t :several ' days at, the home of
li rs. L. Troyer, . returned to. their
"wale near Seaforth.
Dan Cupid .has captured another
lanize on Sauble Line, when his arrow
xvrrally wounded J. B. Laporte, who
maturated last Saturday with a charm-
ing bride under his 'arm. After a
et.1asant honeymoon in the Border
"lies. We wish him happiness in
Zen, new adventure.
Also, according to dame gossip,
a'iinien Cupid is again apparently+ end-
4eneeniuriti,g to cast his magic spell up -
moo a few fair widows and galliani
eirt�idove-ers on Sauble Lino s.
We ho
netta.in,' in his conque.:,,e,
should be Blade out each month and
cases requiring attention should be
reported` to the truant officer. This
closed the forenoon session.
At the noon hour the teachers as-
sembled at Knox Presbyterian church
where a luncheon was served by the
Ladies' Aid. Miss Alice Hoffman ren
dered a solo which merited great ap-
plause avid Billy Joe Johnston •deligh-
ted the audiences with his recitations
Rev. R. G. McDermid gave a short
humorous, address. Prof. Kingston of
Western University(, London, gave
an illustrated talk on Astronomy.
The Convention returned to the scho-
deceased her 20 years ago. A fauuty plenty of tomatoes and hundreds fol and continued the program, Miss F
of 2 sons and 2 daughters remain: blossoms. Lr -e, of Crediton, gave a paper on
Davin of Pilot Mouns, Man., William A new company, to be known as' Primary Arithmetic and showed her
of Flint, and Mrs. C. Dunkin and Goderich Mineral Waters Ltd., is i., method in introducing wedbwith a aMper
Mrs. John Reid, of Flint. 'Mrs. John- process of being formed for the per- Ada Webster (allowed with a paper
stop was well known in this vicinity pose of acquilinb th b• on First Baok arithmetic. To break
where she had a host of friends,who
extended their sympathy to the be-
reaved family. The funeral will be
held from Varna United Church to
Bayfield cemetery on Wednesday,
October 22nc1.
Mr. and Mrs. Ruskin Keys of Ford
City, spent the week -end with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nel-
son Keys,
.,..• ewe/lard Robinson left on Mon-
day for the West after spending two
b e panne,t of the the monotony at this time a spell of
Goderich Mineral Water Co., which l open discussion was given after wh-
was conducted by P. Walton, The 1e;h• Miss M. Wilson of Goderich de -
new company is being sponsored by lighted the Convention with a solo.
R. Hutchinson, in association with miss M. Rowe, of Exeter, followed
prominent local business men and wil with a paper on Second CIass arith-
be under his direction. uletic: Miss M. Horton, of Exeter,
A quiet wedding was solemnizedgave a paper on Third Class Arith-
at St. Paul's Anglican church, Clin- luetic. • Mr.. R, Stonehouse of God -
ton, on Sept. 27th at high noon,when erich followed,: with a paper on•Fottrth
Mrs. Vern. • Crittenden of Hillside
Mary Almelo, daughter of Mr. and Book arithmetic. The 'Fifth Class
Arithmetic was presented by Mr. 0..
Kalbfleisch of Bayfield., Mrs. ' D.
Koehler of . Zurich, gave a paper on
Primary Reading using the Beacon
Chart. She suggested a combination
of the "Look & Say" and "Phonic"
methods and the use of several read -
Farm, Stanley Township, become the
months in Ontario. He has sent out bride of George Franklin Elliott, son
five carloads of apples which he will of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Elliott, of
try and dispose off to the Western Clinton: The ceremony was perfor-
farmers. niied by the Rev. L. C. Harrison.
spr. ent Frank McClinchey, who has George Baxter, who for .the past
1 the summer at the Sea- two years has been in charge of theforth ers to be taken as supplementary
hone Creamery, has returned to his retail lumber department of the God- work..
erich Manufacturing Co., 11 -
Late John Sparks as accept Friday
ed a position with the Gray Music A nominating committee reported
On Saturday, October 4th, there Store at London; which is controlled the slate of officers as follows: Pres(-
passed away at his home on the Bron- by the T. Eaton Co. In future the dent, Miss Adileen Geiser, Crediton;
:on Line, Stanley, Mr. John Sparks, will devote his full time to the sale r
a lifelong resident of the Bronson of radios and pianos. He has been ,ice Pres:, Mr. Claude Blows, Henn
Line, being the oldest man on the
hie, he having spent practically all,
nis life there. He was born in the
Township of Blenheim in February
1861, and moved to the Bronson
Line in November of the same year,
with his parents, the late Alexander
and Mrs. Sparks, and had spent the
a resident of Goderich.for 1.13 sail; Secy-Treas., G. S. Howard, Ex••
years, 'eter; Councillors, Miss Mary Tl onip-
The other afternoon the high wind son, Marne Pridham, Gordon Keeler,
from the south blew a spark from the Auditors, P. A. Kilpatrick, W. Brok-
cupola into the upper story of the enshire ' Resolution Committee,: Elva
main part of the Bell Foundry, Sea_ J sale McDonald, a
forth, which ignited a number ofpat- Anderson, • o , Oral Fitt -
terns and n ligan. Evelyn R. Clark,. T. S. Beatte
papers that were on file. ;Watson Davis and inspector Beacom;
The fire brfwade w
as promptly on the Delegater to O. E. A., Miss A.'Gaiser°
remaining years on the same farm: scene and with the assistance of the
in the year 1897 he.was married to employees succeeded in extin uisl , sol Mr. C. Blot es. A number of t
Miss Salome Cowan, daughter of the the flames before a g inn'(,
'solutions .were then presented. After
late John and Mrs. Cowan,f the damage great deal of. this Miss Helen tiavtee rendered a
age had been done. :pleasing solo which broke the =mot -
same line. They had a family of two The real estate continues to change . • r
daughters and one son, the eldest da- hande at Grand -Bend• g orifi of the meeting. Mr. H. G.
Joe irles'trd- Lockett, M, A of Hamilton ave his
ughter dying when a little girl. Mr. ine having bought the store 'from'• „ + g
nael b,een a great sufferer from rhe- Nelson Ravelle, alsoment in per on 7 he Forward rigaret
' the stock of talent in Education." Miss Margaret
umatism. for the last twenty years, Emery Desjarcline who has keen in splendid
and the last eight weeks was bedfast. business for f3 A. Pentland gave a pleCro Paper.' on
• tie years, taking over the work of the Red Cross winch
He leaves to mourn his loss his wid- ,ossession et ,�
once, Wm. Elsie has .sines 1854 has meant kindness
ow, son and daughter., who are both ought three lots from Mis • lemma and
S llnnma
tt home also one brother Alex a ark: . ll' �. ; , helpfulness to soldiers hi distress. N1f
p len and also 1111. Ld, li.iclher;on, or" ., acorn introduced t'
Ileasall and one :,isf , . , Ue Y he . snob:jest of
,ocrs, iy. rrrrtnn ay has bougant a lot fromIis ,, , nnform l'ronrotrot E. a
e; ;l en Drnicelie,e. pill :nnm< ,'1�.:tier an( 1 wi'-1 mild hors- l n .. -it . l x ntw,aith>Ens•.,
d the communityed a hos and tm•nted dnsrnssiny ns to whether'
, v r... en tri n the .(ear future.
too meati the or discontinue them. ,Al: •
bout half of tite province uses them, ,
while the other half do :not, After
considerable discussion a vote was
taken with the result that the ma-
jority favored . their retention. Miss
Esther Hume, of Goderich took a
lesson in Arithmetic with the Jr. III
Class on Bilis and Accounts.
question drawer was taken by insp-
ector Beacons, The auditors presen-
ted their report which showed a
good balance to the credit of the As-
sociation. A vote of thanks was
tendered the School Board for the
use of the building, and the conlmitte
of ladies' of Knox church wino cater-
ed to the teachers at the luncheon.
The First Annual Auction Sale, of
30 Registered. Shropshire Sheep, at
Belieloydon Farm, Bayfield Road,
1.14 miles East of Varna, Ont. on
at 2 p.m, o'clock.
It is my intention to. offer to the
public by Annual Auction Sale, the
best Shropshire Breeding Sheep of
Impporten; and Domestic stock that l
can produce. This year, my offering ea.....
includes: 17 Ram. Lambs; S Ewe
lambs; 8 choice breeding ewes. An
assembly of splendid individuals, pro-
ven in production, and of good type.
This fall my sheep won firsts at Zur-
ich, Blyth, and Bayfield Fairs, also
at Mitchell, they won in their class.
The iambs are of outstanding quality
including show prospects, sired by
Imported Butter and Gibson Rams.
The ewes, by rush well known sheep
breeders as,,, Shields, Knox, Hammer,
Betzner, Cowan and VanLoon. Reg-
istration papers for each sheep an
hand on day of sale. Buy a Register-
ed Purebred Rata to head your flock
also some foundation stock.. Good
roads alI directions.
TERMS -4% straight discount for t
cash or 12 months credit on approv-;
ed joint notes.
George Elliott, Auctioneer.
Lloyd A. Moffatt, L.D.S.D.D.S. Prop-;
ftp leer f234, .1930=
Capital Theatre
Wed Street GODERICH.
Northern ]Electric Sound System
Now 1Playi;ng:Animal Crackers.
Mon., Tues,.,, and Wednesday
Winnie Lightnes
The upreario:us "Spirit of the
he of the . Cavernons mouth
Idolized Freneh heavyweight in
the funnies(, ,of all laugh pictures.
Thur's., Friday and Saturday
William Powell
With :Kay Francis in the sensteion-
al courtroom drama, rated as one
of this year's best pictures.
Two Shows each night, 7.30--9.30
Matinees Wed. and Sat. at 3 p. m.
Auction Sale
M1•. George Elliott hasreceived' sae- t
s tractions from WILLIAM M. D 0 LG, i.
to sell at Public Auction on Let 14, 1
Concession 2, L. R. S., Tuckersnnith, i,
a mile and a quarter east of t ip'tain
and half mile south, on e ---
at 1•.30 p.m., Farm Stock, Implem-
. ents and Household Furniture.
HORSES—One matched team of
Percheron Brood mares, both of whi-
ch have been bred, a splendid team,
the finest I have ever owned.. One 3 -
year old Percheron Filly exception-
ally high quality. Two, two year old
Percheron Geldings. One yeas old
Percheron Filly and pne spring colt
CATTLE -One two year old Reg-
istered stock Bull Plate (195075)
One registered shorthorn cow Mary
Queen of Scots (131290) with calf
at foot One Registered Shorthorn
cow, Seaforth Lassie 6th (194799)
with calf at foot. One registered 3 -
year old Shorthord heifer, Evangeline
(224574) with calf at foot. One five
year old cow With calf at focit One
three year.old. heifer with calf at
foot. One baby beef steer choice
duality. Three yearling steers.
SHEEP—Thirty-eight ewes and
lambs and one Registered Oxford
i11M$LEMENTS-Qne seven foot
Massey -Harris binder nearly new; 1
six foot Massey. Harris mower nearly
'new; One International Hayrake ne-
arly new; 1 seed driIi; plow; 2 sets
of harrows; land roller: wagon; hay
rack; disc; fanning mill, pulper, cut-
ting box, and a large ndmber of oth-
er articles toe numerous to mention.
TERMS OF' SALE—All sums of
ten dollars and' hander to be cash.
Six months- credit will be given on
all sums over ten dollars by furnish-
ing1 approved' joint 'bankable notes.
Discount at the rate of 6 per cent per
annum or .3:.percent straight on all
credit amounts' will be allowed :For
cash. • ! ' •
George Elliott, Auctioneer.
William Doig, L.L.B.,.: Proprietor.
Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock, Implements,. Seed
Grain and Household Effects, on
At 12.30 o'clock, sharp.
On Lot 21, Con. 14, Hay Tp., 2
miles west of Zurich:
HORSES—Bay horse 11 yrs old;
gray horse 7 yrs. old; bay horse 7 yrs
old; Chestnut mare 11 yrs. old; 2
Percheron colts rising two.
• CATTLE -3 fresh cows; 3 cows
to freshen, in February and Meech;
1 :farrow cow; 1 steer rising 2, 2
heifers :easing 2, 3 calves 1 yr. old; 1
Shorthorn bull, 1 young calf, Collie
dog -
PIGS -4 pigs 8 weeks old; brood
•sow, York hog 0 months old, Tam-
worth hog:
GRAIN, rTC•-1000 bush O. A.C.
No. 144 seed oats; 500 bush. O.A.C.
No. 3 early oats, quantity potatoes,.
quantity' hay, split beans, quantity
actor, almost new; John Deere tract-
or plow, tractor disc Bissell; spring
tooth levet harrows, stiff tooth
Bli , iarcl cutti
cult -
eaten f meg box, roller
usher, t,IcCotehick • Deering manure
epreader almost- nein; Mali.•. Fertilize.
Price Complete $169.50'
E. Oesch - Zurich.
er;. side delivery rake; M. -H. beard.:
scuftler and puller, No. 8, corn cult,-
ivator, L $- C. spring tooth cultivat-
or; Chatham fanning mill and bag-
ger, 2000 Ib. scale, John Deere dou-
ble plow foot lift, M, -H. single rid:
ing plow foot lift, walking plow, bre-
aker plow, 3 drum steel roller, 3`• sec-
tion drag harrows, 4 section dlag.hat-
rows, lever harrow, single section.
;wagons, 2 hay racks; sliding rack,,
14 ft. wagon box, 2 gravel boxes;.
bolster springs, 2 pair bob sleighs,
one almost new, sleigh platform,auto.
seat cutter most new, buggy, cream:
separator, Ford coupe, trailer, Ford
touring, numerous Fiord parts, large•
apple peeler, extension ladder„ bag:
holder, bag truck, sling ropes., coin
she:ller, clipping macliine,: 2' grass:;
,seeders. Wis,. incubator, Brooder,.
dump cart,, ice cream freezer, grind-
stone; • `wlteelbai row, ; 'root puiper;.
stone boat, one horse scraper, black-
smith vice amu. forge, 2 'iron kettles,.
scalding trough, quantity wood, bags
forks, shovels, hoes, chains, double -
trees, tstofse-2: pipe'wrenches, 25 gale
gas bbl., 4-0 gal. oil' tank and` pump,.,
2 shot guns, rifle, 2 lanterns and,
many other articles•.
HARNESS—Sett , blase mounted
hprness, with britches, almost new,.
2 sets heavy harness, single harness,.
chimes, blankets, robe.
Rains piano, Icing radio, Victor Vic-
trola over 100 xecords; 2 beds and
springs, book case and writing desk
combined, -buffett, kitchen chairs,
Kitchen ,cabinet, New Williams se -w-
ing machine, Old Honesty range for
coad or wood almost new, 3 burner
coal oil stove, 2 coal oil heaters, kit -
Chen range, cupboard, 2 tables, sink,,
refrigerator, ice tongs, large flour-
box, •wasbing machine, 2 cider bar-
rels, 2 vinegar barrels, syrup barrel,..
100 lbs. syrup, Alladin lamp, hang-
ing lamp, other lamps and numerous
Everything goes to highest bidder -
idderis farm is sold.. Promptly at 12.30' ,
Ten Dollars will be given away. Au.
TERMS—$10 and under cii,eli, ov-
'r that amount twelve months credit
will be given by furnishing approved
oint notes, r, r4 per annnum llIlowesk
for cash on credit amounts.
)scar LUopp & Son, Proprietors,„,
•ind >'raie 4-411, " 'heeeien yes ,.t„r, Wm. $. Johnston, Clerk,
ng mower, steel @, load- ..-Lot, r asG Yii'a:ouxy o.uccieneers:-