HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-10-09, Page 81 1 1 1 fr • r PACP 1.rHT Q.11E WInf II THE STOCK • i?dal .ins 3OLT1NG OVER WINTJrA 'GOODS WE FIND QUITE A 1VU1VI .EL!.; OF BROKEN LINES AND SIZES , INzWk.AT+w:.�-. SER COATS. MEN, WOMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS,•ALSO WINTER tFND- s g � rARr HN COMBINATIONS AND SEP,ARA!FE" ARAtixTh.4 >'Ve HAVE PRICED THESE AT AWAY BELOW. REGULAR VAL- UES FOR QUICK CLEARANCE SEE .OUR. CENT[%ir TABLES.`:= Groceries Canned Peas, •4s Standard Brand, 3 for Mixed Tea, per pound l . & G. Soap, 6 for Sugar Crisp Cookies, 2 lbs. for C :•ape Fruit, each Ti•y Circle Brand Coffee, at lb. CELERY! CELERY! FRESH FROM OUR OWN GARDENS. ORDERS TAKEN NOW, FOR CRATES PACKED READY FOR WINTER USE Everything in School Supplies 25c • 430 25c 25c 5c, 45c J. GASCHO SON FRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 NOW Your Money is Safe When invested in HURON and ERIE DEBENTURES INTEREST IS PAID REGULARILY TWICE A YEAR AND YOtiR PRINCIPAL PAID IN FULL WHEN DEBENTURE FALLS DUE. NO PREMIUM OR EXPENSES PAYABLE ON RENEWALS OR NEW INVESTMENTS: WHY NOT SECURE THE GOOD RATE OF % PER ANNUM ON YOUR MONEY. ANY AMOUNT OV} R $100 CAN BE INVESTED FROM 1 TO 5 YEARS. INTEREST STARTS ON DAY YOUR CHEQUE IS RECEIVED AT LONDON CANADIANS HAVE OVER $22,000,000 INVESTED IN HURON HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES Applications received at any time by: Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? 1 I asenamooMMaaaimINHNOSINNIMIMINOasatoarnaINDOMORINIO00011411 NOWI Is the Best Time To Plan Your Summer's • Program of Work', Repairs, And Improvements Let Us show You the beat kinds of Fencing for the Field or the Home Lawn Fences. We :handle the beat .... • Manta; Mt Buy. ...' ; If you decide todo eoriie;, Roofing or Eve -Troughing: this gear; -ire invite .you to p11 and seeus and get our •y ,e4.. 'estimates, as well 'as. you our goods. Mart NSW,' Pial .et ham*w. R1 that ;House will las RiwaYlKappi'1Ciatat O011 . ,.'4.N -pries* ►• �s newtint/tiro, don't ley ititsY, .t! • ZURICH" dt it Alp V.I1IrIW _.. «• Genera • gods nd Groceries J. W. MERNER PHONE 140 PHONE 140 Thursday, Odolier, 96f .A36 TT.....o"'t�' i�..+p!h�H'i�....i„'J,rF. F.�I.......,'",.,�","' x,. ';.f. Seasonable Hardware ,: +WE CAN ,t SUf2PLY r THE �F`:E:.BLIC WITH' SEASON- tri: ` LE H$iRL WARg{AT MODERATE PPICES_ , • ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. Herb Miller of Detroit, calle in town on Monday. BORN—.At. Goshen Line, Hay Tp on October 3rd, to " Mr. arid M Harrington Finkbeiner, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Orville , Gascho o Detroit, were Sunday visitors wit the former's grandparents, Mr. an Mrs. John Gellman, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Keller, and Mr and Mrs. A. Keller, of Dashwood were Sunday visitors at the home o Mr. and Mrs. Jul. Block. Mr. Samuel Schoch, Mr. and Mrs Wm. Truemner of the 14th con., an Miss Ida Brill made a motor trip t Kitchener and Preston the past week Mrs. (Rev,) R. Whitesides of Tor onto, is visiting with her brothers and sister, the Williams Family this week Mr. Calvin Williams of Buffalo, who is visiting relatives here, his sis- ter, Miss Ethel Williams, and Mrs. Louis Weber. are visiting friends in Detroit this week. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hoffman, Mrs. 'W. H. Hoffman and Miss Jane Lam- ont. motored to Forest on Friday; calling at the home of Mr. and Mrs Wm. F. Braun. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heinmiller, of Chesley, were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Melick, and other friends. Mr. Heinmiller was the. speaker of the Rally Day services in the, Evangelical church on Sunday, and was very interesting with his chalk chart talks, and brou- ght the message not only in words, but on charts where everyone could read them. d Mr Constable Jul. Block and Mr. Sam Schoch of the 14th con. motored to Stratford on Monday, where a charge was against Mr. Schoch which arose out of an auto accident, a tow days previous, on the highway between Mitchell and Sebringville, as Mr. Schoch was on his Way to Kitchener, a slow travelling car in front of him made a sudden turn to the loft, and as Mr. Schoch was at the time turn- ed out to pass this car, it pulled in front of Mr. Schoch with the, result that a collision took . place Mr. Schoch agreed to pay all costs, but a charge was laid for not calling an official, but this charge wA.s with- drawn on Monday. Emanuel Evangelical"church shed Dining Hall, will be a basy place on Thursday Oct. 16th, when the annual Fowl Supper•.takds place. `A etre.ftt of communication is flowing in from our out-of-town friends, telling us to expect a veritable • army of hungry people from the surrounding conimun ity and from. distant towns, villages and cities at` this'tit4ieLof reunions -of. old time friers+ uNii effort is being spared to Make tlafa pair's`Tiow1 Sup- per the best ever. All we ask you is that you bring a good appetite a- long and depend upon' it we will fix it, And when your appetile,io repair- ed, snake war for at1i.I+l.i► we''a>s.atii is watering for the b.et..nr:'ths land. that ladies can set before you. There will be a booth of faney and usefd'l hon, made aewlne, oleo j.He wade candy;and other awe,te, 'fishing pond:" The program by the Peerless Entertainers will create !miles and miles of laughter. by Ibtil-S416I9dy, hum ii;us singing and readings. They will also bring te• gog /lief closed music instru4ae.lal * * staff. is G uartetts, Trios, ' Duette. and Glee. i os will net rare* forget the content ,,of' this program which alone is worth the. price of the knpper. Adults 75c emir ren ander 10;'40c: And to fill cbp brimming toll, the Zurich 4.d' w'dlir so be 1flt to delight' W y^ :+r••�D'l�a1Nt +i MK4M Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co O -F WOODSTOCK The -Largest Business of an; Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario - Amount of_Insurance at Rink on Dec.. 81st; .1928, $22,206,275. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $160,378.74. Ratee— 4.50 per 81,000 for 3 years. E. F. Klopp—Zurich Adeni Also Dealer in Whining/ Bads anxi all kinds of Fire Iasnrence • LOCAL MARKETS Co in tl. ovary Wednesday) Butter Ib. .. ...... ... , .35c Wheat ..:....... .. .... .... . 65e Old Hens 7-17 Chickens'" ' 12-22 Oats ............ .25 Eggs ........ ........ ..20-28-32 Barley 39 Flour ......... «.... 2.754.20 Shorts ................. ... 82-00 Bran ... ......... .. 21.00 .Mr. and Mrs. Morley Witmer and family of Detroit, visited with their parents the' past week. " ' About forty-six of the relatives friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. John Decker, Sr., on Wednesday evening, October 1st, tea celebrate his 76th birthday. During the evening Mr. Decker was, present- ed . with many useful giftsi whish he appreciated very much. The evening was spent, in singing, and music. Special mention should be made of the Stelck, Denomy and MKerner Or- chestra,. After an . elaborate lunch- eon including a cake with , 76 cand- les thereon, all retired to their ro- spectiyes homes, wishing Mr.. Decker ezany more such occasions. Needless to say everybody enjoyed themselves to the very best. J. Elgin Tam Paso. • F One of Goderich's foremost citiz- ens, in the person of J. Elgin Tom, former inspector of public schools for West Huron, passed away suddenly at his home late Wednesday night of last week, Oct. lst. Mr. Tom who was in his 78th 'year; had been well active' 'right up' to the last and his sudden passing came as a great shock not only to n.mbers sf the, family but, to the whole; wunmunity. He retired as ;usual Wednesday night au t' shortly' before 'midnight he ired with very little warnbig, Thip late Mr. Tont, was' born near b '' viile. ' He followed Ids profession ae a: teacher jot 't gnaw o 'year f, �•'aeh. ins in , the. pudic schools at Carlile?d and Georgetown and: the High Scho- ols at St. Marys and, Strathroy ltir the year 1886 he was appointed in- 'Spector of West..Huron, which posit:, ion he sherd' for 42 years,'7rdtiriug 1:128: Slsrtirin4f rive hie trite ;find three daughter* and two sonae•:3tisa Mabel Z Tow, of •Peiping, Chhia. MissdJeaen B. Tont, of New York; )r. Mali I.Tom, •J. Archie Tem and Dr. P: I1' Tom of Toronto. • Two sisters toed two brothers also survive; Miss Mary Tom `orad "Mrs (t eeti Let itTs;:Show;You f',:t owl FULL LINE RANITE''XPE: AT LO W EST :. PREV. ILING• PRICES; ., {,F,lit IES:: Good ' Sd' ,: � .. • . f r .ICY ','Of-:Krauser Smoke Cum on Hand 4. 4. FURNITURE 4. Ful! Line of Furniture, in Lim Room Suites, •� Room Suites, DiningBed Room Suites, Kitchein Calriene#s. f f iWe also have the Famous Simmons Bed Springs a ng's nd Mattresses, a Gamianteed Article. Best on the Market iF t To Day. .WE ALSO HAVE SOME USED FURNITURE FOR SALE VERY CHEAP.. . Johnston& Kalbflejsch� I Hardware :� -Furniture. Phone 63 f ffffff ffff+fo+44441+f44+ +'off ++f f f ++riff .s�, fffff�4i+Itt+,+Fiin RIRMUSININIIIIIIII U IEINI INWIIIN'1EIMIii(111i1Tfi" 11111110111110111111 ;'!llGllINI!Il1R ','NIM111IIIIIIIIIIIQI•1611111 1111kP fti4l.'6` .d'B!!lli9lllGM NOTICEI.. Auto Tops EuTo gg3�.. Ps Wagon Repairing, Painting, Etc• Second Banded Buggies HESS — ZTJRICU igiaIa aRI IE!)1 Gaga ilgRHlll ;'aglyyl} llaiY laN.+II!M; .t' ,`bx °n^ `'.wlflhNlt1 11t lllli111 a ZVRICS GARAGE ATTENTION! TO WS ARE FULLYRS AND TRACTOR OWNERS, k GASOLINE NOWIN. EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS OF i LARGER QUANTITIESWITH A GOOD STAND.. +t ARD GRADE OF GASOLINE PROM OUR DELIVERY TRUCK AT LOWEST PREVAIWIG PRICES, WITH QUALITY CONSIDERED_ • EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORE. AND OYER_ . HAUL Joss QM ALL MUMS OF puts WJTH CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. t i GAB. . OILS GI ICASES Mousoau , PHi1NNN1+Mf111N+*#+ lNdl1' t adios We have recently received the Agency for Zurich of the following r opular makes of Radios: Kolste r Fada Senora• More buying, a Oesch sitir P. • e • r. 4 r • .v