HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-10-09, Page 5Thursday; October; 'Jth, 1931e. AURZCM HERALD >o OBB BUSINESS CARDS Warot Four Salic, Loot, D iuDLEY E, UQLMES Found;, Natice, Etc. Ada of, mg. CQLliI ix ARRISTRR, . SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY O FARY PUBLIC, ETC. OFiFICE—Hamilton Street, Just of the Square, GODER1CII, Ontario. Special Attention to Counsel and Court Work. Mr- Holmes may be cons ted at ;oderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ 13LO17K ZURIG 13. EyerY Thursday, • Friday, SetnrdaY At HABTLBIWB BLOOE, DASIIIIWO(}!>..li Every Monday, Tuesday ana Wednesday LOST A dark yellow Collie Dog, 'white breast and bob taiL Findes kindly notify, Mrs. Sam Miller, Dashwood. For' Sale A number of choice young, Xorkk pigs for sale, apply to: Henry Clausbas, Zurich FOR SALE -- In the Village of H.ensall, a desir- able brick 2 -story dwelling, with Kit- chen attached, head and soft water, 'fruit trees, etc., everything in good condition. For particulars apply to Wm. Beaver; Proprietor. WANTED A middle aged lady to do general housework, cook for one person. For OSCAR 1 LOPP particulars apply to Box 15, Ilensall. 'Graduate Carey M. Jones National Try rare for School of Auctioiieering•AllBreeds.) Registered Live Stock, ( reyaids.) Terms in keeping with: p prices. Choice Farms f or Sale. .Will sell anything Any' Zurich. Phone 1S-93, or write. Licensed AuctioneeT FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX I AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit ,your business, and if not satisfied will eke no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone 13-57. Over z OC 29x4.4: Tires, Tulles, Low Prices O114�a a S. 'Wein 1CA4Iiw1111 e,00000000009,•••••••eeeN Zurichs' Popular MVMEAT MABEE T ANNOUNCING THAT WE HAVE PURCHASED >FBOM THE FIRM OF YUNGBLUT & DEICHERT, THIS WELL ESTAB I1SHED MEAT BUSINESS, D SOLICIT YOUR 1, Yunghlut & Sou �seeeeeeeeee•e•ee®eoe•�e• 1930 GOAL Announcement SPRING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR nn. antQrl Goal Cote Alberta Coal anal Soft Coal SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 50 Cts. Per Ton will be allowed for cash. Order Early. as prices, will advance or • Jung 15th. rase & Son HIENSALL Phone 35 L 1 VE P-0 U 1 R WANTED FOR SALE A quantity of 14 -in. cut rails, at $3.00 per cord. Apply to: Phone 13-88, Zurich, J. S. McAllister ' MISS MILDRED GEIGER INSTRUCTOR IN PIANO AND THEORY - Terms Moderate l3ox 17 Zurich, Ont. STRAYED Unto the farm of Robert McBride, Goshen Line, Stanley, about the lst of June, a one year old steer. Own -4 er can have same by proving prop- erty and paying expenses.. Robt. McBride, R.R. 1, Zurich. WANTED A lady housekeeper„ between 30 and 40 years old, to care for four children, and do general housework. Apply to: Henry McCiinchey,It R. 1, Zurich. HOUSE FOR SALE A very desirable frame dwelling house in Zurich, good garden, fine location, .also garage. For further particulars apply to David Gingerich, Zurich, Ont. FOR SALE A limited quantity of 16 -inch dry 'hard'wood for sale- Apply to Stade &. Wegdoy Zurich.. FOR SALE 1 oil. stove. 1 Quebec heater and pipes. 1 large mirror. 4 tables. V. V. Siebert, &urich. FOR SALE A couple of fine sows for sale, due in October. Apply to Aaron Oestreicher, Bronson Line, Hay. NOTICE, Having taken over the Service end of the Ford Agency, Zurich, •1 am in a position to. give expert service to give expert service en all New Ford cars sold by Mr: S. Elliott: Leonard Prang. CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. ARCHIB.ALD, B.A.Sc. (Tor.) EEtegistered Professional En- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member Engineering institute of Canada. Office—Seaforth, Ont. NOTICE. amin a position to dosgood repair 'work on ov'erlaauliizg Cars, Tractors, Etc:., at very. reasonable charges. DAVID ID FUSS,`'� t/41.5 Moue 1--$&' Zurich Taken *yell Day till 3 o'clock, 11F -m- • 'NOTICE toot teed Fowl same Morning We .ape line on the following: Ford: Transmission Linings. Ford when brought ire... s 'Beat Ends; Ford Springs; Ford hest Cask Flues Valves Grinding; Brakes relined on Mt makes of Cars; We give special —CASH: MIL—. analces of crafts � attention, Tire Repairing'; Have your attention ore oRanand greasing al' Cream anti Eggs y Radiator anti -freeze w.►'`r springs oared. Leonard Zu h. ; 'lig, ' ; ° ' k • I rte j Mr. Ward Fritz is away on14 bus' bless trip to, Windsor this weela Mrs. E. E: Weido is spending a few days visiting friends in Yale, Mich. Mr. Harold Klopp, of Detroit, vis- ited his home Isere over the week -end Merrsr. C. Fritz, J. P. Rau, and R. F. Stade made a business trip to Lon.: don on Tuesday. ' Our local celery growers are now, putting some of their early • peeduct on the market, and are getting things in shape for the harvesting of the same, which is a fairly good crop this year. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Smith, of Zurich announce the marriage of the- ir daughter, Thecla, to Mr. Bill Speed of San Francisco, Calif. The marriage to take place on October 11th. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Papineans who have been residents of Detroit, for some time, have roved back to their farm. on The -Blue .Water Highway,. where they will likely stay for • the winter months. Miss V. V. Siebert has moved the balance of her millinery stock into the quarters occupied by Miss Anna Daters as a dressmaking department, Miss Siebert advises that there are still some real bargains left in the line of ladies hats, and. Miss, Daters will gladly show these and sell then. Miss Helen Thiei*je,f$,, for. Water- loo where, she will, be' for 'Some time.. Mr. and IVIrs. A. aG.. •. dighoffer and son Grant, who have recently moved to; the village from, Grand Bend, were, week -end visitors at Waterloo. ZURICH SCHOOL FAIR Continued from page 1) . ner, Edward .Schroeder, Della Smith. Supplementary Classes Commercial potatoes: Ivan Reich- ert, Velma Truenrner, Louise Wiliest Wheat winter, any variety: Elroy Des jardine: Mildred Haberer, David Bla- ckwell; Sheaf of winter wheat any variety: Orlando Battler, Albert Hoff man; .Coll. of garden vegetables: Le- nora Haberer, Audrey Foster, Louis Willert Live Stock Bacon Type hog: Belva Truemner, Claude Gelinas, Margaret Gelinas, Orlando Battler; Feeder hog. Orlando Battler, Ross Walters, Belva. Truem-• oer, Beatrice Manson; Spring colts: Laird Jacobe, Beatrice Manson, Or- lando Battler; Halter' broken colt: Inlet Jacobe, Beatrice Manson, Orl- a rdo Battler; Market lamb, Margaret (i1ines, Orlando Battler, :Beatrice .,.:,on: beef calf, ptt.t., bred or gr- ade : Orlando Bettler. Fruit Winter apples: Belva Truevnner, El roy Desjaidine, Edward Schroeder; The potatoe trop is being harvested of assorted fruit for ta:iie use and some are marketed, .while the Audrey Foster, Lenora Haberer`, Mar - quality of -some fields, are not so good, ie Bedard;( yet others are showing a fine sample. Domestic Science The price asked for at present . is Oatmeal macaroons: Mildred Hab- erer,$1.50 per bag, which a'local dealer Beatrice Geuber, Audrey Fos- $1.50 us is 35c a bag: higher than good ter, Elsie Schilbe; Ginger snaps; Edna quality potatoes on the London mar- Kochems, Vera Decker, ' Winnifred kcal; but this boost in price will pro Battler, Grace'Moyers; Iced chocolate bably make up for some other things cake with dats filling: Alice Decker, Margaret Haberer, Marie Miller, Dor- which are altogether too low. is Horner; Chocolate fudge: Marger- A goodly number of. our citizens et Haberer, Winnifred Battler, Doris are putting in their winter supply of Horner, Grace Weir; Breakfast for apples at present, some are going to 8 -yr. old child on tray: Ellen Turk - the few orchards in Goderieh Town- heim, Archie MacKinnon, Doreen 0' - ship, while others go to the Thadford Dwyer, Kathleen Kochems; district, and .while nearly everything Sewing the farmer Inas to sell at present is Canvas Mat: Ruth Brown, Dorothy extremely low, yet good apples are \ Dido, Jeanette Salmon; Wash cloth from $3. to 37 a barrel, just what- ",urkish towelling, Mildred Haberer, ever one can get for them. The crop Dorothy Weida, Doris Meyers; laun- dry bag, machine made, Winnifred Battler, Edna. Kochems, Grace P�Iey- ors; Thre buttonhole-, Lenora Hab- erer, Doris Horner; clothes pin gluon machine made: Beatrice Thiel, Win- nifred Battler, Lenora Haberer; • Farm Mechanics Any model in wool: Quimbe Hese, Fred Hess; Window stick, 3 notches: Fred Farwell, Archie MacKinnon, Lawrence Bedard; Plain book ends: Leland Schwalm; Model of sawhorse: Gladwin Melick; Scrap book, wild an- tl basal clippings: Harold Stire, Floren- ce Mittleholtz; Ruth Brown; Model of hay rack: Earl Flaxbard, Leland Schwalm. Nature Collections V Collection of 10 leaves: Archie Mc- Kinn.on, • Doloris Mittleholtz, Fred :.less; Collection of 10 native woods: Fred Brown, Wm. Brown; Coll. of 8 injurious insects: Orlando Battler, Martha Foster, Grace Wein; Coll. of 12 worst weeds in S. S: Quimbe Hess, Orlando Battler, Martha Foster; Drawing, Art and Writing Mass drawing of Teakettle and sa- ucepan: Dorothy Erb, Dorothy Weido Margaret Gingerich, Elva Hey; Draw- ing of Collie Dog: Kathleen . Hey, etoeueef name 'uouusesease slats;d Marjorie Gellman; Landscape in trees and water: Beatrice Manson, Louisa Hartman, Mildred Hey, Winnifred Battler; Poster, "Control of Weeds": Doris Greb, Lenora Haberer, Hazel Uttley, Lee Oesch; map of Huron Co. Alice Beaver, Marjorie Galiman, Mil- dred Haberer, Lawrence Bedard; Map of Soutrrrn Ontario: Winnifred Battler, Wm. Brown, Edith Deichert, Beatrice Meidinger; Map of Dominion of Canada: Ruth Church, Margaret Haberer, Leona Haberer, Hazel Ut- tley; Map of Europe: Violet Schwalm Ruby Church; Writing, "Our Flag": Grace McBride, Chealsea Thiel, Earl Oesch, Vera Flaxbard; Writing "The Rainbow", Florence Mittleholtz, Ruth Witmer, Theresa Miller, Edith Ut- teley; Writing, "The Rainbow", Alice Beaver, 1VIarjory Gellman, Gertrude Turkheim, Kathleen Hey; Writing, "Thre Maple", Winnifred Battler, Theresa Zettcl, Edith Deichert, Hoe' er Sahnon; Writing, "The Song My Paddle Sings", Leona Haberer, Eph- riarn Giegerich, Margaret Haberer, Quimbe Hess; Writing, "0 Canada" Violet Schwalm, Ellen Turkheim, Ruby H. Church; Essay, "A Fall Fair Fred Brown, Margaret Schwalm, Grace Meyers, Edith Deichert; 'Weed Control' measures essay, Quimbe Hess, Beatrice Gacsho, Grace Gelinas Essay, "The Early Settlement of Huron Co" Violet Schwalm; Competitions Bicycle race, half mile: Harry Fos- ters -.Quimby Heyy, Donald Manson; Live stock, (b5ef cattle) judging competition, Claude Gelinas, Clare Surerus, Dennis .,Masse; Poultry jud- ging eompetition, girls—Winnifred Battler, Olive Witmer, Alice Erb; Spelling match, Violet Oesch, Doreen O'Dwyer, Mildred Haberer; Spelling- mateh 4th Class and under, Susie Oeseh, Doris Greb, Edith Deichext; Weed teaming competition, Martha Foster, Winnifred Battler, Della Smith; Public speaking, Dorms orae amend these parts is practically a failure, • Last Friday evening the choir of the Evangelical church ga• thered and held an appropriate presentation and address to Miss E. Rennie, who has been their dir'•etor for the past ten years. A very suitable address was read rend the presentation consisted of a handsome ladies' leather bag and a purse of gold. Miss Rennie is leav- ing shortly for California, and 'il;be missed by this body of churc ers. - What might have proven an even more serious accident occured the other evening west of Zurich on the Zurich Road when two sees were me eting and in the mixup Mr. Dan Os- wald of the Bronson line was ening home with a load of lumber on the wagon, and of course the wagon was hit and turned upsidedown in the ditch, with Mr. Oswald getting bad- ly ad Iy shaken up. But as no one suffer- ed injury to the extent of $50. there was no reason to call in an officer as the parties mutually agreed to set- tle out of the bonds of the law. The Zurich W. I. held their mon- thly meeting on Monday eve, Oct. 6,, in the Council Chamber, when the Institute were hostesses to the grand- mothers with Mrs. H. Galiman presid- ing. The meeting was opened by singing the Institute Ode and repeat- ing the Lard's prayer in unison. The President, Mrs. E. Klopp then took the chair and led the business part. A number of items were brought up and discussed. Mrs. E. Klopp and Mrs. H. Gallman were appointed as delegates to the convention in Lond- on the beginning of November. This brought the business part to a close. The roll call "Things our grandmo- thers missed" was well responded to by all 1 embers for when we looked at the old oil lamps and candles bur- ning and think of our wonderful lighting system of today, we should realize what they really missed. A special program in honor of grand- mothers rand mothers was splendidly carried out. Which included old time community songs and other interesting numbers on the program were instrumental by Miss Ida Routledge "The Old Oaken Bucket" a chorus by the grandmoth- ers "Silver Threads Among the Gold' Readings by Miss Pearl Wurtz, "The: first Settler's Story" and a Grant( - Mother Explodes were well given. A solo by Mrs. Ivan Kalbfleisch entitled "Mother Machree" and a duet by Mrs. E. Klopp and Mrs. J. Hey, Jr., "When You and I were Young,Mag- gie". Who sat at the old spinning wheel of many years ago, which we- re both heartily applauded. Prizes were then given as follows: To the oldest grandmother present, Mrs. J. Gellman Sr., the youngest grandmo- ther, Mrs. J. Hcy, Jr., youngest moth- er, Mrs. H.G. Bess. The prize for the grandmother having more Than 25 ,grandchildren also went to Mrs, J, Gellman, Sr., she having twenty- seven grandchildren /and eighteen great grandchildren. There were many old,photos and relics passed a- round which were very .interesting. The meeting closed by singing the ti .� National An them. I,.eire i • •i f 4 4 • 4 4 4 • 4 s 4 4 4 0 • 4 e M 9 04. 91.4 .9664.ri 44,9"AS-9.4,4 b.G.#,:; .e .• .40.04.43.'0'3 •"J0.Cr%4 r e.: 4.t -G 1-0.• 1444.4.++++++++++++++++++++4.• 4.•EPA'•• . PACS irrra v.-. vrr•►vvvsrailtv.r ry ••••••••••••••••••••••••••#' WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND WILL BE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE KIND O. MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST, AND THAT WILL GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR OF COST. CARRY LET A FULL LINE QF PUMPS; PIPING AND FITTINGS* AND BESIDES WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS. YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A. DE LAVAL We have the Agency for this District, GARAGE SUPPLIES WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES, AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO PARTS, AND BESIDE$ CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAME DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND RE- BUILDING BATTERIES YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Tires, Tubes, Gas, Oils and Greases; L. A. f rang — Zurich • • 4 • • • • 4 • a • 1 r4.4.•44.4.4•�!44.4•••➢••'r ...�4.4..t.# �z i ��_ �l erl '. -,1.K 3 1 0 8 75 WHY NOT BUY ONE FOR STORING YOUR FURS, BEDDING, ETC. THESE CHESTS ARE LARGE SIZED AND WELL FINISHED AND WILL ADD TO THE BEAUTY OF ANY ROOM. 4- CALL IN AND LOOK THEM OVER. es KALB 'I, ISCH PHONE 69 ZURICH Sv•$•4.4'3"y,i••!••5*- 4 i�.,w,�.? .�'h.+�.i h•�HMFs.•i•Y•S•.F'+•i•$•,-•F•S•4•+.P3"i..td..�.. $ tib ". 44 F3Seette#1'8r' Q.0 e£P *r�` 'wR 3Pr 003+9*d.`t�,li;S£�+'�EBL�e it31:014650tign0& rJ 0 1 I 3 Your rtiik.sfua , NOW IS THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO PUT IN YOUR SNPPLY OF COAL FOR NEXT WINTER. OUR SPECIAL IN_ DUCEMENT FOR CASH SALES IS WORTHWHILE, AND BE- SIDES WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES FOR SUMMER DELIVERIES ACT N O W Fertilizer WE CARRY IN STOCK AND ARE SALESMEN FOR THE BEST GRADES OF FERTILIZERS ON THE MARKET, PRICES CON- SIDERED. LET US QUOTE YOU OUR PRICES DELIVERED AT YOUR DOOR.- BE SURE AND CONSULT US BEFORE BUYING L. Schilbe & Son •000/000,0®!•1!•0/C+4SLaiseiiii0a ®!•s•E*0i'MOIr0600doi1*ea•!•e ?' nail WY4�V1h'AWlh"diVihrY4'Y!� WYy'61e1NY�'L"gYMWYeVYI� x Zunch Drug Store WE'RE GIVING �► It GILLETTE'S New Razor with NEW Mad Iwith the purchase of any one of these at PALMOLIVE SHAVING CREAM iA COLGATE'S RAPID SHAVE CREAM COLGATE'S, HANDY GRIP STICK .KCB KS AND FILIMS 1 1 011 SIG o▪ r INC It Ma se ,a 44 R • w sr Si et se iP rt ' 47. : r. . er Beatrice Manson, Mildred Hey; ' w TillaciCm Zunobe were. then served and a soda' half` School parade • No. 4, Ne. 8, No, 6, hatat enjoyed. a ah 1'1Ua r], No. 12, J;.brc 7, �,'��� - .!. C } • ��� • • �if1r114