HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-10-09, Page 4ZURICH : R*ALD Wise Ouzel :Masse o 'Windsor, vis- ed with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, aistes% 'Iasse, 14th cone over the week-±e.nd. Tine 'West Huron. Teachers' Assoc- :ii€rtitete will hold its annual convention fin 'V e°t•oria school Goderich, on Thurs t i iy °ani, •Friday, October 9th and 1,0th 'Mast Ouron teachers will convene at '?lWinun on October 16 and 17th. °',this mittens two days holiday for the kirl,i tee, which are always appreciated Nita are in receipt of a communi- anithere from Mr. Maurice E. Neil, of 3eti.'xstt with the good news that Mr. `Neil has by the bank officials been agivi the horor of being branch ,.nxanager on the east of that city.The ihsa'a.iexh is one of the largest of 27 'ad the Detroit Savings Bank. Mr. Nfiil L. a son-in-law to Mr. and Mrs. . elick .of ;Zurich, and we sincere- ly congratulate this fine young pian on this appointment. HILLSGREEN Mr. and Mrs. • J'as. MVlaxwell, of Grafton, N. Dak., and Miss Marion Munroe, of Brncefield called on many of their old friends recently. Mr. Thos. Walker and Mr. Thos. Hurson of Marlette, Mich., are visit- ing friends in this vicinity. Mrs. L. Troyer returned to her home after spending a few weeks with her friends, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hyde, Mr. and Mrs, W. Dignan and Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Troyer all near Hensall, Mrs. F. Farquhar of Hensall, who has been spending several days at the home of her parents, returned to her home. If Mr, and Mrs, 3. Cochrane who vies ited with their daughter, and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dick and. other relatives in Toronto for a few days, returned to their home, 'Quite a number; attended Anniver- sary Services held in the Goshen' Line church ou Sunday last. The services will be withdrawn in. the Hillsgreen chureli on Sunday, ow- ing to the Anniversary Services in St. Andrew's Church, Kippen at 11 A.M. and 7.30 pan, Conducted .by Rev. K, Beacon of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs: P. Campbell and son of Hay Township, were Sunday vis- itors at the home of Mr. and Mit. N. Love. Miss Muriel Carlile of Hensall, sp- ent the week -end with friends in •this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. _Coleman, of �8 ou are near a Post lox You are inTour_ with ell stair , w f '.max � yql' r, t. «.. Dan `fie.. 4 � -� A c' i pad i. -��-�� lr >~ � .�, =—mac � t� �. x {- 11tar i IfF--..fto---,:, -�yi 'ia »,t ; • -- 1 T mss! li 4 ff.ii.1 .11t!i(1 IIPit(iiiillilnitl ;' , w' ( h" .4.,, An 7, r lass �'!�''dy�, ".44 t lla"f ilf ,,. .14 ` 4 ii�ll� • ii B it suits you better to do so, you may do your banking by mail. Your money i& safer in the bank than at home. Send it, in. any shape most convenient for you, to a Branch of the Bank of Montreal. Cash should be sent by registered mail. - Write to any Branch for our booklet "Banking by 1VIai1." It may save you many a trip to town. r ONTREAL Established 1817 TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS OF x$800,000,000 • Zurich Branch: C. H. JOY, Manager. l0YfZ16Yp4.1.T. 1M2gUIIPLI M..=.:Y=A!M'Yt §^..wYC.94 K`M1?3a..61L®IMEIWY+.a-s-+.r... Seaforth, are spending a few days at the home of Mrs. L. Troyer. School Report S. S. No. 11, Hay. Honor Roll for September: Jr, IV—Leona Lafromboise. Sr. IIT—Cherrie Jeffrey.. II—Norman Leierling, E, Webster, Teacher. 1,11 DASHWOOD • Mr, L. 'Birk of Guelph is visiting at his hame for a few days:. - Mr. and Mrs. Gordon ' Callfas of Sarnia spent a few days in LtOwn al- so attending the fowl supper. :Mrs. I+inkbeiner and Cathern are visiting in Sarnia. Mr, and Mrs.'Wm. Ehlers, Mt. and Mxs. S. Schab, Miss Myrta Hoffman Mrs, Mary- and Mrs. Schoeder, • Miss Gladys Guenther and Miss Sitter all of Kitchener, called on friends and attended the fowl supper: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein of Hensall, called in town on Wednes- day. ee.? McKenzie of St. Louis, is visiting at the home of Mr. A. Birk. air, 0. Soldan of Michigan, is vis- . iting old acquaintances. • itlr. and Mra. D. Pfaff of Sarnia, called on friends in town on Wednes- aaY" :%Ir. and Mrs. R. Armstrong and son Herston, Mrs. Armstrong, Sr., and Miss Armstrong of London,. were Sun day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. 0. 1<etemeyer. Donald Restemeyer underwent an operation for the removal of his ton- sils on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fleischauer of K.itch- ener called on friends and attended the fowl supper on Wednesday. l -,. r. and Mrs. R. Goetz and son Albert motored to Sarnia on Sunday. ;Ir. and Mrs.' Schenk visited in Rostock on Sunday. Mr. and i'1rs. Hy. Kraft. and Mr. and Mrs. E. Geiser spent the week- end in Toronto: Mr. A. Birk and family and Mr. D. Haugh are visiting in Michigan. Mr. b'red Guenther's cow was stru- ck by a car on Tuesday evening fra- cturing its leg. The cow had to be killed. The annual fowl supper put on in Calvary Evangelical church sherd on October 1st from 5 to 8 p.m. was a splendid success, While the guests were enjaying a sumptuous fowl sup- per, the Dashwood Brass Baud furn- ished several numbers of bright music. After the numbers of the hand had dined the program was put on ' with profitable and pleasant eff- ect. The Hawaiin Quartette consist= -ed of Gordon Sauer, Sheldon Sauer; ,,, ' z ,eery Sauer, and Billy Hauck of •'s �•ara Falls, was very Much 'Miss Ruby Finkbeiner of "6Iediton gave a very humourous reading and Mr. T. C. Houck of Chippewa gave a very interesting address. ~ guess►seo®sssssossssneseoesoesesssssssesiaessossesooesssosssseesoseeosoass 434 1931 Westinghouse Radio SEE AND VOLUME HEAR SUPER -HETERODYNE, POWER DRIVEN DYNAMIC SPEAKER, AUTOMATIC CONTROL, PUSH PULL AMPLIFIER, TONE CONTRO., MICROMETER TUNING, SUPER SENSITIVE, SUPER SELECTIVE RADIOS, . urmit�wne,rirts�iir nr ::1111S4;w M rt y�l��hinluniiitttllixlsiHftihlw"difiRitljiitt luuroiruitril�,io,umn,dpiir+:r ' a MODEL 110 HESS MODEL So R 4D10 LECTRRI HENSALL . Ferris Cantelon, who underwent an. operation for appendicitis a few we- eks ago is. able to resume his duties as principa 1 of the Continuation School. Mrs. Tratt, after a few week's vis- it with Mr. and Mrs. E. Drummond, has returned to her home in Berm- uda. The many friends of Mrs. Rnchard Blatchford are sorry to learn that she is confined to her room through ill- ness. • The ladies of the United Church in- tend holding a fowl supper on Wed- • a nesday, Oct. 22. After the supper a • fine program will be given by out- • side talent. • • The Hensall public school held their • annual school fair on Friday, Oct. 3 The exhibits took place in the morn- ing and the contests and games in the Afternoon. The day being ideal for the occasion, henrce a very successful A fair was held. • • James S. Tapp, B.A., a 1930 grad- •' uate in Honor Chemistry of the Ifni- ▪ versity of Western Ontario, a son of • Mr. and Mrs. J. Tapp, of Hensall, O left'to take up his new appointment A as demonstrator in chemistry .at Mc- * Gill University, Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sheffer were at Toronto, the past week, having re- ceived the news of the sudden death s of their eldest son, Norman, who died a Monday afternoon from a heart at - f' tack. He had been doing some elect- •rical work and stepped outside to a get some air. Workmen found him • dead beside the running board of a • car, A coroner decided that 'an in- quest was not necessary. He was Iborn in Hensall where he lived for some years, leaving for Toronto lat- er where he lived for many years, "be- • ing an electrician by trade. He was O 50 years of age and besides his par- "ents there are surviving his wife, one . brother William of Toronto, and one sister, Mrs: Reed of Port Rowan. Mrs. John Pope has returned home I after a few weeks visit with friends in London. 1. Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Southen and Percy Southern, of London, visited in town. The'many friends of George Case regret to learn that lit, is under the doctor's care confined to his room. with illness, • • s s • 0 COUNTY NEWS Garfield Bender, of Listoevef, who teen 'been Urn^i ,at at V. -et. ' .twrel1 0000000000000000,0 600,0000.000000000000000041.4.6000.4014•40004010. 14000 $ United Church has: zesiglied v1301 ition as he bas moved to the Jule perigi Bank at Essex., Rev. 12„ B. Gracie, who has been pastor of the Clinton and Auburn ehlrches for the past three years has handed in his resignation and will ac- cept a pastorate at Pembroke. Hydro Power was turned in in. the Dungannon District. The new' line comes 13 .miles. • An election petition under. which it is sought to unseat Hon. James 'Malcolm, recently elected member for North Bruce, was filed at Osgood i Hall recently. Thos. Sturdy of Goderich, was the victim of a holdup on Wednesday night 1 tsaweek. He' was taken out the Bayfield Road by two xnen in a car and relieved of $4.00, all the money he had on him at the time. The police have the. matter in hand.. The South Huron Plowing Match will be held on the farm of John Hodgert, five miles east of . Exeter, on the Thames Road, on Thursday, October 23rd. Goderich tug-of-war- team, holders of. the Huron Old Boy's Trophy, whi- ch they successfully defeated at God- erich fair this year, again were vic- torious at Lucknow fair; winning in two straight pulls and adding still another trophy, the Foster Moffat Cup, donated by the gentleman of that name, ex-M.P,P'.. for South Bruce. George Box, Stratford railwayman was sentenced in Police Court, et Stratford to three years in Ports- mouth Penitentiary an charges of converting brotherhood moneys to. his own use. Box was Secretary of 04o r, OM, 1930. • , Capital Theatre West Street—GODERICH A Sheet Drive for an Evening of Real Enjoyment' Iow laying: ' K•.he Way of all Men Mon., Titan., and Wednesday Broadway Raid 415.00 to see LINGER :ROGERS an the great Laugh and music riot g‘tiit1EVir :HIGH alriz ;,s., Friday and Saturday "TOE DESERT SONG" Music Drama ,S npreme With John Boles_ and Jeanette IVIcDonald and by way of a lot of fun ,Louise Fezenda and Johnie Arthur Coining: ANIMAL CRACKERS Two Siiows each night, 7.30--9.30 :Matinees Wed. and Sat. at 3 p. in. Evening Adults 40c,, Children 20c Matiaiees, Adults 25c Children 10c He liday Matinees at -evening prices NOTICE TO CREDITORS . :i IN THE ESTATE OF, JOSEPH SURERUS, ?ate of the Village of urich, deceased, who died on or about the 16th day of November, 1.t)-28„. are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Administrator on or before the 25th day of October, 1930 fidl .particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said 25th day, of October 1930, the assets of the the Grievance Committee of the Bre- f testator or intestate) will be distrib- therhood of Locomotive Firemen and nteal amongst the parties entitled Engineers. thereto, having regard only to claims Amid a profusion of autumn leaxea of whit:', the Administrator shall there and flowers a pretty wedding took have,. notice. place at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Dated ,it Toronto this 4th: day of" Cephas Pym, 4th Con., of Usborne on October 1930. Wednesday, Oct. 1st, at high noon, when their daughter Myrtle Loretta, National Trust Company, Limited, . - was united in marriage to G. Herbert? 20, King St. East, Toronto, Ont. Hunter, only son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Administrator.. Hunter, also of Usborne. Bone & Teskey. 171 Young St. Tor-• A very sad message was receiver tanto,'their Solicitors herein,. at Varna recently, when the relatives and surrounding country were shock -- ed on hearing of the death of one of' Stanley's very respected citizens ir-rt" the person of Allan McKenzie, Iate of'i Cuba. Much sympathy is extended.to.;l his new bereaved relatives, especially,r All persons assessed under Wild - his young widow ami aged mother. ifong Municipal Drain, North Branch. The track and field meet of Huron' of Black Creek and West Branch Athletic Association was held in Ex- Drain, who wish to pay assessment in eter Agricultural Park, on Oct. 3, in cash. •can do so on or before October the afternoon. Six schools particle- 20th 1930. After that date alt ated, viz: Mitchell, Goderich, Sea- amounts unpaid will be included. in, forth, Clinton, Hensall, and Exeter. ascnntina - This meet created keen competition �.. Ih'. HESS;, for the students. 'Treas. Township of Hay: NOTICE MOM A Mother's Work is Never Done - 040. but it can be lightened con- iiflexably by the installation , u Empire Duro Water Snpiily System in the home. A kitchen sink, laundry tuber both with Emco faucets—and best of ell a modern bathroom. otnpletely Burnished with Fixtures and Fittings of guaranteed Emco construction. Such a bathroom is st toy and will give lasting satisfaction,. An Empire Duro Water. Sys- tem will serve alt these improve - meats with a constant pressure• water :supply Models for deeps or she i!ow %mil operation, suitable: for farina suburban or country Rennes with a capacity of 250+• gallons or more per hour. See q•sur lon: l dealer and he *di be ghui to show you the system most salted to your tweeds. For Sale. By: STADE & WEtao JOHNSTON & KA1 FLEISCH Pressure Water Systems and Bat data*