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Zurich Herald, 1930-10-02, Page 8
l'Aar 'r"TCTTT rj' FEE STORE WITH TELE STOCK T Arriving S. :7, US ABOUT NEW WOOL AND FLANNELETTE BLANKETS RUGS AND BED SPREADS NEW FIGURED SILK AND WOOL DRESS ENDS NEW WOOL DELAINES. NEW QUEEN CLOTHS NEW SANTOYS NEW SERGES BOY'S WEAR OMPLETE LINE OF BOY'S LONG PANTS, BLOOMERS, KNICKERS, SWEATER COATS, SHIRTS, BLOUSES FOR SCHOOL WEAR. Everything in School Supplies J. GASCHO & SON F ODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 1 -.velaam.acv+uxn.A71.41Pelowcarpauc.uarpnictiCid,y1.1mvrr ....., .. ..: ...,.. _.. ... our igloney is Safe When invested in I; .-n:.ON and ERIE DEBENTURES IN'T'EREST IS PAD REGULARILY TWICE A YEAR AND YOUR PRINCIPAL PAID IN FULL WHEN DEBENTURE FALLS DUE. NO PREMIUM OR EXPENSES PAYABLE ON RENEWALS OR NEW INVESTMENTS: WHY NOT SECURE THE GOOD RATE OF 5% PER .ANNUM ON YOUR MONEY. ANY AMOUNT OVER $100 CAN BE INVESTED FROM 1 TO 5 YEARS. INTEREST STARTS ON DAY YOUR CHEQUE IS RECEIVED AT LONDON CANADIANS HAVE OVER $22,000,000 INVESTED IN HURON HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES Applications received at any time by: Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY 114OTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? obse4ME-GOOSNIV,D 60.1c.* 6.1;00 diNimsWg**41161.00400444404¢.0661MOMS is fi4 , ` 9 1j 6w ai PrIT.e,:7.1-,•:::.m of Work, Repairs, 3 rtS >t c rf ife o decide y todsome some�a Rouring or Eve -Troughing this year, we invite you to call and see us and get our estimates, as well as show you our goods.: A Nice New Piece of Furniture in the Home will be always appreciated. We can supply anything in this line, and the prices are very Attractive. If in need of new furniture, forget we hz,ve it! STADE & WEIDO ZURICH .. - ONT. don't J i! G ZURICH UUUERA1. D umepsiguem.....sge,mirer e,m, erne For. eral Dry Goods d Groceries J. WMRR PHONE 140 E.R PHONE I40 TES OF LOCAL INTEEES Miss Susie Johnson is visiting f ends at Mitchell at present. Mr. and Mrs. Ev. Haist are to To onto on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Stoskopf of Kitchener spent the week -end at the home •of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hoffman, and Mittl' Marjorie, Mrs. W. H. Hoffman, and Miss Lydia Faust; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hofrman and daughter Vera, all visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Clarence Hoffman, Galt recently. Mr. E. O2sch wisher r to advise the public that he has recently received the agency for the following popular mikes of Radios: Koester, Facia. and Senora, and invites the interested parties to visit him. Miss Vera Siebert wishes to advise the public that she has still a few nice ladies' hats which she is selling at a bargain. And also that anybody oweing her accounts are to come at once and settle the same. T Western Fanners' Mutual ri- Weather insurance Co r- OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business -.in Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk on De©. 31st, 1928, $22,206,275. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds 4160,378.74 Ratee--$4,50 per $1.000 for a years• E. F. Klapp—Zurich Adeaf, Also Dealer in Lidlatnind Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance Who'll be the First Seed fairs are a good thing, of course, but the best kind of a seed fair would be one at the schoolhouse where every farmer in the section would exhibit a sample of the seed he intends to sow this spring. That is getting almost personal, but it would surely be effective. What School section will be first)—Far- mer's Advocate. Makes Good in Canada. Hearken to the story of Charles .London, of Peel County, another British immigrant who has made good on a Canadian farm: "Canada has been good to to me. When ten years of age I went into service in England, as chore boy, and remained! with one man for 21 years. •Seeing no prospect for much advancement. I came to Canada and was in the employ of one man for ten years and with another for three years. I rent• ed a farm of 50 acres, and boy and I own 150 acres. BIG CROWDS AT BAYFIELD FAIR now my •ld's fair day and an ipvitint c:..hibit•ion atoned::: in tho lake- 1, a rl1 asr. The exhibits in almost -11-e.••,. were n ro -• and of ex- •,y.t.hor tat, 'fair I I . •.., . Y,,,-, ., aei ..t ,.. ,. ...lc, • :ma;,, ;lig contest was R.°. Ely 1'.fi i •• lel ]T -17 - )un! OI I;en:•ell. tute x,.e, other Llensall team t(,01, t:y. The first team won allof their games and the second team lost only one game and that by only one point A softball game between Port Huron and Clinton teams was won by Clin- ton with a score of 7-5. This was Clinton's second victory over the sante team' this season, the former game having been played at Rayfield on the, 12th of Jniy. Wilfrod Mg - Lean tool; first prize for gentleman's driving outfit; E. 3. Willert of Hen- sall, second, in the 1 yaddriver class the ?ryfogel (Wingham) entry took first, and H. Truemner, Zurich sec- ond. Several special prizes were aw- arded as follows: T. Eaton Co— Harry Crich, Seaforth. N. W. Tre- wartha, special—Nelson Keys & Son Wm. Scotuhmer. Gunn. Langloise Special—Nelson Keys & Son. West- ern Canada Flour Mills Co., Special ak..ltdhnstorr. & Son Zurich,. , rrch. LOCAL MARKETS f,Corrected every Wednesday) Butter Tb , 35c Wheat Old Hens Chickens 7-17 12-22 Oats...... ...... ... .25. Eggs 20-28-3•2 Barley 39 Flour ..,,2.75-3.20 Shorts 22,00 Bran ... .......... .... 21.00 "THE DETROIT CLUB" (Goderich Star) , Thursday, 0040ber 2nd, MO�„ ■ +114** s• +++$+f+ .++ ++++,g, • • r+ •+.s.++ ••a•++++++__ _' + 4. Season b1e H,rdware ,,,, . WE CAN SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH SEASON= ABLE HARDWARE AT MDERATE PRICES .„ ik Let Us Show You OUR FULL LINE OF GRANITEWARE AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES.. 1 Good Supply 4. pp Y Of krauser Smoke Cure on Mand + Full Line of +l~'�x 'niter e, in Living Room Suites, Dins ng s 4.4. Room Suites, Bed Roam Suites, Kitchen Cabienets, 4 We alga have the Famous Sores Bed Springs and j Mattresses.; a Guaranteed Article. Best on the Market To Day. FURNITURE 1 WW ALSO HAVE SOME USED FURNITURE FOR $S LE VERY CHS. Johnston & KalbHgjsoh T. Hardware & Furniture. Phone 68 •�. 4.++ + .4+4-4.4.3:4.4.4. '•e++ 4+++'t . '• .1, •'Yy. a qtr TV Auto Tops Buggy Tops Wage Repairing, Painting, Etc. Second Handed Buggies HESS - ZURTjjC YIl>fIIflII11NI111111NINIIIII111I1i11fi>G"tthott�;;GL16i��ill�h'iii'u�1A�711111n['.d'11�1�U16'�?�`.,."ttt?'?Im.d�«IIBi!!N!INlltlllhl!11111i!i�`?tf�t..ay�}� °i8•k• h''~•1"?i'••i+•t•t•�t••I••�••b•>x•I••�••�•i•3•.c•:••g•.F•ff�.RR^i.-�•�.c.I.tio.g..;..g,.P,l• E••£•�F•c •F•Q••f••Y••1�•]w��da a' a" Sixteen gallons of beer for a party of twenty-one wasn't very much ac- cording to some of the members of a lil' party which took place in a sum- mer cottage at Grand Bend, known as the "Detroit Club" on the night of August 30-31. Apparently, the party was progressing pretty well for com- plaints of the noises of the party reached Provincial Officer Whitesides and he paid a visit to the place in the lv hours of Sunday morning, .Aug- ;31st, ug- 3tst, and found what he found, in- _lucling the two quarter kegs of beer ..,.ting to 1(. gallon , anti a police et rase, which occupied a whole Tue.,dor i . the hearing, re- ,--ulte i. Among the witnesses were several of those who were at cl••' em ty. The ch arge; laid were agn_nst one Jas. G. Murray, of Windsor, who .as charged with h.aving iicluor in a a , as a , nar btiaz, .l,ruculr.t of c oa+: i i= .rta111u I,anunts, enough to load. the (1%.o,,,,,1 tc t1 ne y, who prosecuted the cake, to .1a1.1—• that the magii-trate had a right to prosecute sale. A man named Lindeburg, a distant relative of the famous flyer, we understand, figures in the case as the advance agent so toa thepreliminaryn speak who m de arrangements by which Murray rent - ,d the cottage, 450 _a week, but ov advice of council, Lindeberg did not appear at the trial. Magistrate Reid ocok the view that Lindeburg was the ..sal man behind the whole affair and that Murray was simply mace his tool and in the absence of any positive evidence of sale declined to convict Murray on that count but imposed a line of $100 on the charge of having, in a place other than a private resi- dence, and costs made it $8.50 more, or in default n term in jail, A hur- ried trip 40 Grand • Bend and hark. while the accused remained in court prevented default and the $108..:At v'as paid in United States money. r. e.Ste ¢� 'i> E. L. it cs ATTENTION! t t F TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS . WE ARE NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS OP GASOLINE 'IN LARGER QUANPITIES WITH A GOOD STAND- ARD GRADE OF GASOLINE FROM OUR DELIVERY TRUCK AT f, LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, WITH QUALITY CONSIDERED * ee EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK. AND OVE- R: HAUL JOBS ON ALE. MASES O2~ CARS W Tial CHARGES VERY 3, REASONABLE,. 3, I. 3, fi• I<+,•s���•�^5��,�.'.�,^g..w.g,.r^.�•�,.1.yR,>B;.I,.�.g:,z..•.. , GLS OILS d• d• OF THE ,POSSIBILITY OF LOSING YOUR 41. Driving License and Motor Vehicle Permit ° f • 416 4. ,. i'' WHICH CAME INTO EFFECT 4 1. . SEPTEMBER FIRST, 1930 • f • E. Qi''� f1 Zurich 's' ep CSESGRE rself m I 4A •qa UNDER THE NEW Safety Responsibility Law SERVICE with SALES