HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-10-02, Page 5' liturscl'ay; October. clod,T°:lilQi ZUR1CH HR*ALD 1rfQQ$ BUSINESS CARDS +Wants, For Sale, Lost, U'7LLLY E.oLME$ ! Found, Notice, Etc. Ads 'BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, KNOT'- IN 'VMS COMMIS ARY PUBLIC, ETC OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Just of the Square, GODERICI•i, Ontario. Special Attention • to Ccauncel and Court Work. tdr. ?Holmes may be consulted at 4.:iorlerich by Phone, and none charges reversed]. Dr. II, H. C O E N L. D. S, D. D S. DENTAL SURGEON DEITZ BLOCK—ZUR IG l day yary Thursday, Friday, At TIARTL•E1WS BLOOT :, DASHW 00D SSP 'every Monday, Tuesday and l ednasaay FOR SALE In the Village: of I,ertsail, a desir- able lvrick 2 -story dwelling, with Kit- chen attached, bard :,snd soft water, fruit trees,. ,etc., everything in good condition. F;or 1artictilars apply to Wm.. Beaver, Proprietor: A -U -C -T-1-0 N -E -E -R OSCAR 1{LOPF Graduate Carey M. Jones NatiQuil !, Scheel of Auctioneereing• Try me foe ?Registered Live Stock, (All Breeds.) Teves in keeping with prevailing, prices. Choice Farms for Sale. Will sill anything Anywhere. Zurich. ,Phone 13_93, or write. .Ucenseil Auction r , VOR HURON AM' IN A POSITION aO1' - TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, .43 to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will riiake no charges for Services Ren- dered.Dashwood ARTHUR WEBER-- Tlione 13-57. �veT rte 29x4.40 . 30x3 Tires, Tubes. Low Prices NOW! $. Wein DASIIHLWOOD Zurich's' Popular MEAT MARKET ANNOUNCING WT WE IIAVE PURCHASED Ft.'.OM THE FIRM OF YUNGBLUT 'DEICHERT, THIS WELL ESTAB VISITED MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Yungblut & Son 00 soloslolol000loolioslose1t cies cOAL 19 30 .Announcement ;.$RING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR Boraflt011 C Coke Alberta Coal and. Soft Coal SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF rill Cts. r Ton will be allowed for trill. *ease Early as prices will advance on June 15th. +base & tilaesteit s$ Son HENSALL LIVE POU LT RY WANTED A middle aged lardy to do general housework, cook for one person. For particulars. apply to Box 15, Eensall. FOR SALE A qua.utity of 14 in. tut WO. per coed. Apply to: Phone 13-8.8, Zurich. J. Z. McAllister rails, at Mt5 S ' ILDRED GEIGER INSTRUCTOR IN PIANO AND THEORY Terms Moderate Bog 17 Zurich, Ont. STRAYED Unto the farm of Robert McBride, Goshen Line, Stanley, about the ist of June, a one year old steer. Own- er can have same by proving prop- erty and paying expenses. Robt. McBride, RR. 1, Zurich. NOTICE NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES The subscribers of the Hay Mun- icipal Telephone System can now sec- ure the New Telephone Directories at the Central Office or; from -the 'township Clerk. A. F. Hess, Clerk, ' WANTED A lady housekeeper, between 30 and 40 years old, to care for four children, and do general housework. Apply to: Henry McClinchey, R. R.' 1, •Zurich. HOUSE FOR SALE A very desirable frame dwelling house in Zurich, good garden, fine location, also garage. For further particulars apply to David Gingerich, Zurich, Ont. FOR SALE A limited quantity of 1G -inch dry hardwood for sale. Apply to Stade & Weide', Zurich. FOR SALE 1. oil, stove. 1 Quebec heater and i niiptee. 1 large mirror. 4 tables.. Vt. V. Siebert, •&iurich. FOR SALE A couple of fine sows for sale, due in October. Apply to Aaron Oestreicher, Bronson Line, Hay. NOTICE Having taken over the Service end of the Ford Agency, Zurich, I am in a position to give expert service to give expert service an all New Ford cars sold by Mr. S. Elliott. Leonard Prang. CONSUiL`I'I:NG ENGINEER. S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Ton,) Registered Professional En- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member Engineering Institute of :Canada. Of ee--Seafarth, that. NOTICE 1' IPam, irs zP positiesa 'ISO do good repair ;wok on Cars, Tractors, l+r at very' minable charges. DAVIDFUSS, .M tN15 'Phone i.---S'd, Zurich WANTED token ty4er7 Day tilt 3 &clock:, p.m. spot feed Fowl same morning when baoUgbt ire ` ` hest Cask rifts —clam 1 f13fi Cr earn and Eggs O'BrienW. We splb"se• on the following: ,Fordl Transmission Linings, Ford Rear Ends; Ford Springs; Ford Valves Grinding; 1$ra'lces relined on all makes of Okra We give special xttene"asa on oiling and greasing 'all makes of cars; Radiator a extr-freers attention; Tire Repairing; Have your ,attention, odea~'. Leenala•.r l: Prang, Zurich. LOCALNEWS Mr, Fred Kerr, of Credit*n, ca - led in town en Tuesday. Mr. Ed. Flemming of Tbedford, called on Mr. C. Fritz on Friday of last week, Miss Anna His, aeeonpanied 'by. friends from Flint, Mich., were, Sun. day visitors at Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. Milo Snell of 'Ex- eter, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McConnell of Varna passed through the village, they were returning from a .week's visit at the former's .old home at Tharnesville and vicinity. The result of the Golf Tournament between Exeter and Zurich players at Walker's golf links Iast Wednesday afternoon resulted in a win by a small mal:gin for the Exeter team. But the locals think they can do much better next • bine. Mr. Newell Geiger delivered a'very inspiring message in the Evangelical church on Sunday evening. Newell has left the beginning of the week to continue his studies in the Toronto University, where he is preparing himself for the great work of the church. The Zurich School Fair was held on Tuesday on the Agricultural gro- unds, and regarless of the rather in- clement weather, with cold and rain, a large number; of exhibitors were present and practically every class was well filled. Time and .space are not available to publish the prize win- ners in this issue, but will have them in our next issue. Infantile paralysis cases have mul- tiplied so that the Department. of Health has seen fit to issue public warning in many places, and the pub- lic are warned to beware of it. Par- ents should watch theirr children closely and at the sign of any illness medical advice should be sought. It is better to be safe than sorry..The city of Stratford is reporting a goodly number of cases. .Mr. Wm. Heinmiller, a prominent layman and Young People's Leader, in many cases owing to the dry sum- o! Chesley Ont., will be the speaker mer, was sown rather late. The far - at the "Bible School and League Ral- ly" next Sunday morning at 10 a.m. and also at the evening worship 7.30 p.m. His messages are illustrate:I chalk talks, fulf of interest and most impressionable. He will also speak at the bible school's opening ex4r;'.is- es at 11 a.nr. Special musk will' be given. You are invited. •Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein of >:Icnsall, were Monday visitors at the home of Mrs. Lydia Pfile. • MIs. E, H. Voel•Icer, Mrs, E. C.. 'Vallett of Flint, Midis., spent the week -end at the home of Miss Anna Mr. and Mn, Milton Hey, of De- troit and ilt. Taylor of Combrn, were week e ilii visitors at the home of the, former'= parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Hey, Sr. Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Bender, Mr. and Mrs.• Eldon Bender and Miss: Lil- lian Bender, all of Listowell. Ont., were Sunday visitors at the 1 vangel- leal parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hey of Lon- don, were Wednesday visitors at the euese of the fcrmer's father, Mr. C. Hey, Babylon Line, they also called on Zurich friends. Miss Meida Surerus of Toronto, was a week -end visitor with her mo- ther, Mrs. G. Surerus,, of the Bron - eon Line. On Wed. Oct., 8th, one day -only W. H. Hoffman dei Son will give an extra pair of Trousers, (absolutely Free) with every made to order Suit or der:'efl that 'day. . Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stricker and infant daughter, Mr. J. Aulerich and Mr. D. Aulerich, and Miss Elizabeth Truernner all of Detroit, were guest at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. L. Prang having attended the Prang—Auler- ich wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Brubecher and sons Rusco and Lloyd of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Oestreicher of Crediton, visiten with their old-time pastor, Rev. and Mrs. W. Y. Dreier, on Saturday last. Special'Rally Day services were ob- served in the Lutheran church on Sunday in behalf of the Luther Lea- gue, when in the evening service the pastor, Rev. Turkheim gave a suit- able address, and was assisted by members of the League. On the coaling Sunday Harvest Honie Ser- vices will be observed. The fine rains over the week -end have been a great help to the later crops, as well as the fall wheat which The bean .farmers are apparently hit hard this fall for the sale of their product, and we are advised that the buyers are offering considerable less than $2.00 per bushel, and we cannot see that farmers can raise there for that price. Then When we turn to fall wheat at (i5c:a bushel, which is the lowest price for many years, we cannot help but wonder where farm• ers are going to make ends meet. It taxes and other commodites were coming down correspondingly, then going would be better. True enough hogs are a good price and live stock. is not just too bad, but every farm- er is not just established to do much hog raising at present, and an over- production of these will also ruin the market. But we must just try and make the best of it and wait for "bet- ter times in the future. After Big Game. We have been advised that a local popular young lady of town while a- way recently purchased a rubber rat, and after placing it among the flower pots, it looked like a real one, and upon the advice of friends this young lady was iridueed to call in her father who is a renown hunter and sports- man, and whose given name starts with "C", to horridly bring in his riffle and shoot this unwelcome visitor who was damaging the flowers, but upon his arrival the program was somewhat changed as the rifle shot would do damage to the i urniture and thus Mr: 'C' volunteered to gill' this unwelcome visitor with a stick, and after a heavy clout with the same, the "near -rat" only bounced up and the big laugh followed. The earth in the centre block of the village was somewhat torn up during the past week, as the water from the big supply tank was being piped into the various homes and places of business, who had applied for the same, and these people are now prac- tically all hooked up, and insteadof using the water sparingly, and going a considerable distance for it, now only are required to turn oped the. tap and let it run. The people of town who have; availed thentselves of of this privelige are: Mr, Norman Gascho, Wm. Keith, in bakeshop and residence upper story; The Deitz Block residents Dr. Cowen and Lee O'Brein; Elmer Desch; Ev. I•Iaist in residence and bake shop; Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, and Herb Mousseag's residence. With the revenue the vil- lage receives from these customers should easily take care of the expend- itures of keeping the pump p in shape and payy for hydro, etc , and when , other citizens Ma? by find out the big convenience thi:, water piped in their homes is, probably more will have it also put ixi> . p niers are busily engaged in doing the fall plowing, which now goes consid- erable better since the recent rains, but it would take considerable more to soak down as deep as the plowing Miss E. Rennie and Mrs. J. Guen- ther, have during the past week va- cated the Rennie home, having moved most of their effects to the summer cottage at Grand Bend. Mr. J. E. Gascho and family are taking posses- sion of the house, while Miss Rennie and Mrs. Guenther are staying with relatives for a few weeks prior to go- ing to California to visit with their sister, Mrs. F. Southcott, where they will likely spend the winter in the sunny south. Miss Euloine Geiger is taking charge of Miss Rennie's pupils. Apples Are Scarce Few apples will be shipped from Huron County this year, according to those who have made a survey of county orchards, the scarcity being attributed to frost and drought. The Sloan orchard will ship about 1,500 barrels and the McGuire orchard 1000 barrels. These two Goderich Town- ship orchards are the largest produc- ers, apparently having escaped ex- tensive damage from frost by reason Of their proximity to the lakc.Huron's veteran apple shipper, Mr. Dave Cantelon, of Clinton, is in the West at present. where most Huron apples will go this year. We are advised from Mr. N. Lever the 'Traffic Officer that the two auto accidents that occurred the past week near the fair grounds were heard be - ford Magistrate Reid at Goderich on Friday last, and the one case where the Hensall car took the ditch and ,snapped off a hydro pole, as well as • few fence posts and then part of n hedge force. This young man was fined $10. and his driver's permit can celled for 30 days. In the other case where the two cars collided, the Mag- istrate reserved his decision for one week. The public is again warned that in case of an accident where per- sonal or property damage amounts to AI $50 or over, that you must call an authority to the scene of accident, and'the party to call is Mr. N. Lever Traffic Officer, Clinton. .On Wednesday evening, Oct. 16, the annual Fowl Supper of Emanuel Evangelical church, Zurich will come to pass. Old time boys and girls from near and far look forward to this enjoyable occasion os: reunions with happy anticipation and are writ- ing and phoning re: the date, saying we are organizing an auto procession from out town that will take you by storm. Well; we can assure yeti that deliciously palatable spread of good things is awaitinb yol; 150 geese have been purchased and are talking to one another daily about the event 'on October 1(ith. The Peerless Entertainers, featuring the Bachelor's Quartette, Comedy and Humorous Readings by Dave P. Sal- vage, E Solos,Duets Trios, both vocal and instrumental will bring you a program clean red wholesome, but 4 i i •• • WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND • WILL BE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE KIND OF A A 4 A • CARRY A FULL LINE OF PUMPS; PIPING AND FITTING% • AND BESIDES WE INSTALL ObIR PUMPS. LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL We have the Agency for this District. e.447.!I rtv *MY 1vlk••f• Farm Implements MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST, AND THAT WILL GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR OF COST. 7 • G-ARAGE SUPPLIES e WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES, AND oCAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO 4 PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAME: e DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND REs 4 s BUILDING BATTERIES B R YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED r Tires, Tates, Cas, Oils arta Greases; : L. A. 4-. rang - Zurich 4* 40+00 101041.41/44. e.pa a ..d:.-1,11 .490416104,06 01*104oa oo-.A4.ao4' 4'G 4' iff++++++++++++++++++++++++ -. +.2.4--,+++41 e s er 4 + + 1 CEDAR OHESI' AT $&75 WHY NOT BUY ONE FOR STORING ETC. THESE CHESTS ARE LARGE SIZED AND FINISHED AND WILL ADD TO THE BEAUTY OF ANY CALL IN AND LOOK THEM OVER. YOUR FURS, BEDDING, WELL ROOM. C. KAL FT4 ZURICH +++++++++l4+++4+,+a.+++4,4+.+a ++a•..++++..+o+++++++4.-I: 800.11,0$10149110,000.04100eftite cello++$itatootilmoAesteciossnaae esy NOW IS THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO PUT IN YOUR SNPPLY OF COAL FOR NEXT WINTER. OUR SPECIAL IN- DUCEMENT FOR CASH SALES IS WORTHWHILE, AND BE- SIDES WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES FOR SUMMER DELIVERIES ACT NOW PHONE 69 1 Your 193 Coal Fertilizer WE CARRY IN STOCK AND ARE SALESMEN FOR THE BEST I GRADES OF FERTILIZERS ON THE MARKET, PRICES CON - 1 SIDERED. LET US QUOTE YOU OUR PRICES DELIVERED AT i YOUR DOOR. BE SURE AND CONSULT US BEFORE BUYING + it + • L. Schilbe 8dt Son i flololo40111loeasaaaaa*60i *Metestoer paseeseeimeelmeoe.,0e1060 WrIANVEVANAMMIWIaliWiWiMAAMMAINWAI Zurich ]JrugStore oft., WE'RE GIV! NG AWAY GII GILLETTE'S New Razor with N>EW �lasfo briinnring with convulsing laughter. with the purchase of any one of these at PALMOLIVE SHAVING CREAM COLGATE'S RAPID SHAVE CREAM COLGATE'S HANDY GRIP STICK EWES AND FLIMS 5 1 eft: sit et OE or ea or eel etNor 011 Mk ri )r,i. A. S. MacKinnom2urioh! So be along. iiiionktntwmmitv „ d ,,mmoo;mevs.,��'