HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-10-02, Page 1Vol. XXX C No, lit ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING. OCT -OBER 2, 1930. dyertisirig in the He ald goes in the :comes of people who OUR CORNS The farmers who need the must 're- lief are the one who live too fay :a- way away from the '.main. highway to sell gas and oil. There is proha1SFy no. way e•f alniFek- er to destroying civilization than the away we have at per. e..nt. arta/ruing out our young folk xviithauil any -thing to do. • 0 • s • .40 .4 IPE 1• PHONE 102., Aa o • s m► A' a�eaoa.••a• ��,•�ra400*.oQ�oco®a�emaaaaa�r� wa�oo�m •tte.020 4:41)✓ff 0110 1 s'"•6b illelLStlitelt'e000e0000000wet e414ti'iisAia0000 A lot of week -end wrecks are eau - sed ,by "weak -end"' drivers_ Wheat has made a new low record. This is ,one record the Western farm- ers are not en'thuse.d over :seeing bro- ken.. .-* A great advantage at 1nimiture golf is that in cast-' of losing the ball you can always flick up the course and :wake it. y'6•aiva oo,e,a•-•ipe[+•i••••••••••••to 6....kaaaa .a as 0.4,4,a b0da, fo4D: Harness, Etc WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF CHOICE HARNESS,TRUNKS, TRAVELLING BAGS, VALICES, ETC., TO CHOOSE FROM, AND ARE OFFERING THE, SAME TO THE PUBLIC AT VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES. PianosPianos IF YOU HAVE BEEN THINKING OF ADDING A FINE NEW PIANO TO THE PLEASURES OF YOUR HOME, BE SURE AND CONSULT US, AS WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE POPULAR SFIERL€OCK lVIANNING LINE. ALSO AGENTS FOR THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE THIEL HI L mZURICH E • 0 O . • • • • A • • • • 4 O v • • e 4, 4, . 4, a 411 i 1 3 .® 3 e Do More Than Just Sell Shoes THE STORE OF REAL SERVICE GIVES YOU NOT ONLY THE •st sa FINEST OF SHOE?, BUT INSISTS UPON A MOST CAREFUL FUL . ;gfl s• • FITTING. MEN WOMEN AND CHILDREN }LVE LEARNED THAT TO .PURCHASE, THMR. SHOES HERE INSURES PROFES- SIONAL SHOE WTI:MG AND ;GRADUATED FOOT SPECIALIST AT A. REALLY .MODERATE COST. REMEMBER WE GUARANTEE EVERY SHOE WE SELL TO ER JUST AS REFRESEN'IL.D. 1 ..v=AIRENG NEATLY DONE ETc its f3 k �r rt u 4i �Irrao, e:a eta+ SEs OUR WINDOW DISPLAY • 0 1 1 • • • • • m gw 6 • • a o • 4 • • 0 ^. i� l' _1.d:C as Mrs t `fiaBotiA�F J :."?aSale Gt;• ilages13egg Q;iLiii576ti1�:+�}��ac...}v.�u..'v.,;,, i ..d :..7e .:3'..43 "1. ('.<13":7o- k14 434 44 v sa, L, c ke;# SMART DISTINCTIVE STYLES! nt GUARANTEED "TO FITn FINEST. ALLAIFOOL MATERIALS HERR IS A CHANCE, Tkid.SEGURi WARM A,L;I 11, VALUE IN YOLThL NEW PALL SUIT' OR ':OVWBCOAT Sults 24- WCeats .AND UP T.A 11,0 REg7;;'T€#.-MEASURE • t' itSona a•? EMBALMERS AND tiSit.NftiNAL ITISIECKONS x.41,40 Nt►O4 .:suit'oratpF ***** N** The bankers, who should knoW, say that times are improving. 0-0 We do not want to have a gener ation that is good for nothing but Pressing buttons. In those times, a holiday is a day when prudent peoplt stay at home and keep out of automobile accidents A surgeon declares that stomach ulcers are caused by worry, but While this may or inay not be so, there 'is no doubt at all, that stomach ulcers cause a vast deal of forry. 0-0 The wheat market on Monday last reached its lowest level in. 24 years. Russia is said to be putting large st- ocks on the market. The Canadian National and Can- adian Pacific Railways co-operated in a special week -end excursion between' Toronto and Montreal, giving a fare less than half the regular rate. The railways might profitably do more of this sort of thing. A "bargain" now and then might help to popularize the railways. 0-0 Manitoba is asking for $2,000,000 of the $20,000,000 voted by parlia- ment to be used to assist ulhemploy- hent. Nothing like putting a bold face on it. -Ex 0-0• "What we need" says an exchange "is more girls who can make a man out of a fool." That may be .so. What we seem to have at present is a superabundance of men whom al- most any girl can make Toole of. 0-0 A shall but observant boy remark- ed that when the family went motor- ing his mother in the back seat did the driving and all the chauffeur did was steer the car. There is a good deal of that sort of driving, and it is usually fairly safe driving. The per- son in the back seat is not nearly so likely to exceed the speed limit, or w z� Mr. Harry G. Bess made a busin- esstrip to Stratford on Tuesday. Mr. Wm. Beaver of Heznsali, made a short visit in Zurich on Tuesday. Mrs. Peter Koehler is spending a week or so with friends at Port Huron. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pfhie or Aub- urn were visitors for a few days at the home of Mrs. Lydia Pfile. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Merner of De- troit were week -end visitors with the former's brother, Mr. and Mrs. ; J. W Merner. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Smith, of De- troit, were visitors at the bonne of Mr.. and Mrs. A. Melick and: other relatives the past week. Mrs. George Brenner, of Midland, Mich., is visiting with her sistei,'Mrs. L. Schilbe, and other relatives for a few weeks.. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bossenberry of Kitchener, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wagner the past week, Mrs. (Rev.) Lloyd Kalbfleisch and children of Elmira, were visitors at the home of her mother, Mrs. E. F. K1opp, the past week. Mr. John Spath who spent the summer at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Koehler, left last week for Al- . bany, N. Y., from which place he will r-etur to his home at Cleveland 0. 'Priscilla Alma, the 7 months and ten days old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Grigg of the Babylon Line Hay Township, died from convulsions on Saturday September 27th, inter- ment taking plaice in the Zurich R. C. Cemetery on Sunday, the funeral be- ing officiated by Rev. Father L. Power. The parents have the sym- pathy of their friends in the loss of ST. PETER'S Chester L. Smith, INgl. ads $1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 ix/ f IN 2-15 w x1.,50 It A.R1iiA3S. $2 MAY BE OEL.BIGI ouy Evangelical Lutheran Church "A Changeless Christ for a chang- ing World." Everybody Welcome to all Services E. Tuerkheim, Pastor.: Friday, 81i: Luther League. Saturday -Choir Practice. 10. a. m: .German Service. 11:..5 Sunday School, 7:30: English Service. r r June„ Ste COAL 193 New Low Prices Now in Effect WHEN BUYING YOUR P1 Z. WHY NOT HAVE THE 8E S11 GENUINE D. L. & W. SC:I1 -'. ;rte' COAL "The Standar-I Anthracite"' EGG„ STOVE, NUT AND sitaz. x. Y V illi .1 Y�. ,H e Brown PEA. SIZES, . 6;SEOKE. �'T. SfilbT' m A. S. P. Graduated Foot Speciatist AT Brown's Boot Shop A discount of 50c per ton, allazvrecif4lar CASH on all fuel HENSALL ovr. Office Phone lOw House Phone :AZ ';' :^,g. ,.�;.•i•.3.'r i•dr•i••i•3•.•I•.E••1••k•7•�••i•�4�•€r�•��l!oo.f••k••i••k•i• k �• :•: •k•�•k•�•k•il��+�'�4+sln+,�', Every Day is getting better and to dart out, impatiently, to scoot a- their loved one. 4• head of the car in front. Anyone 'i• who rides for uorsiderable distances, Mt. Wm. Reith has made consider - in the back seat of a car is almost able improvements to his block, re- 1' sure to percieve that the driver, while cently purchased from Mr. W. J. • i.aost critical of ether drivers, himself Mei°r,cr, :the lower story has been ::amnits the very offences he Gond- put into shape for his baking business �• full: the upper part of the block will be used as. living quarters. They in- tend moving therein on Saturday of this Week, and it will indeed be a tri:lt convenience to be located up- town. em ns others. He ::ees that it is Safi., to pass another car and he does it - but when somebody else does a. Sim-, ilar thing it does not look safe to him The real Fowl Supper of the season Oven by the members of the St. Pet- er's Lutheran church, will be held on :)etober 23rd. Good hot dinner will ', served faotn e to 9 o'clock. A plelhdid pro;;ramme will be furnished the in 'n i.S of the Luther Len .1,-i. ...•.kin 111a. ]::had i nat- tend:ince. Colne oin, Colne all! The Mars Dust -cite for men We are showing a number of new, smart models for men in Mars dust -the watches. They are stylishly masculine and are noted for their precision ---both ,points to please the wearer. Examine our sock now. The range includes a variety of case and strap designs in 1/4 gold, 14K and 18K solid gold. • Ness, no Jeweller •i• * 4 4. + The ZurichBranch of the Women 'Ts + 1. Inscltute will hold their October int t:i 1 . ing in the Council Chamber on _Owl. ' fi• d•:y i.vefling, Oct. 6th, at S o'clocn. The Topic for this meeting is ••t;r:.hd- •. i. nci to t r .4 Meeting" and ill . ; ! .l. .Weld-, of the coinlnunit re cold- 'i' ,alit L:vltad to attend, as wen till, 4. ot.let ladies:. The coinnLtteC, 111. era g :t_.,: ..s. H. Gall/ran, .1`,T.,.:....t • H. s -i ., .,:. ,, .-. -:.., l otiti,:aitt:, iii: .. - Sii_;s ,i,i,? e la,.aoni; awl 3v11R. 1't.1 , 'Y• 1'!ilt,. The.. boil .Cali -Thr.. _.,,! Cil:andhnothers missed, I i ..,.3e gbu.11 .itlt Wet: ,. t_,t erd .0, - 'tae :,:l,_ N 1 :A+. -_..' 0.1.1'ri d a beautiful bouquet, of tier:: nue luies and wore the groom's gift a pendant of white gold set with .,tarkuisetto. The bride was attended by her sister Mrs. Ivan Kalbfleisch who was dressed in a peach chiffon ..rock and wore a corsage of butterfly roses. The groom was supported by ,he bride's brother -in -la*,, Mr. Ivan ,aalbfieisch. After a wedding 'dinner .he happy eouple left for their home in Detroit, and from thence on a honeymoon trip' to points in North- ern. Michigan. For travelling, the bride donned a dress of silk tweed of various brown shades, brown shoes and hose, a brown lamb skin 'coat, and felt hat and gloves to snatch. The *ride's gift to the matron of honor Was a cameo broach, an the groom's gift to the best man was a silver pen knife .i. better. People are gel .in: l-1; W w t Thats why they come erre r Shoes & Cars MEN'S TAN OXFORDS MFG. BY SCOTT McHALE GENUINE $7.00 VALUE $4.85 WOMENS' PATENT STRAPS WITH BUILT IN ARCHES Reg. $5.00, At S2.95 MISSES PAT. SLIPPERS SIZES 11 to 2 Reg. $3.00, At $2.00 SHOE REPAIRING No. I SOLES Men's Half Soles $1.00 Ladies' half Soles 75c USED D C A .l TWO 1930 BRAND NEW MODEL A. COACHES, AT A SACRIFICE 1925 FORD COUPE BALOONS NEW DUCO FINISH Shoe R? T F: WOMEN'S PUMPS ldURRAY MAKE' BLACK, TAN OR WHITE= Genuine $6.95, At MIS ARCH SUPPORTS • Dr.. SCHOOLS' REGULAR $5.00 Now $3.00 Pair. RUNNING SHOES BOYS AND GIRLS' 65c 90c. $1.15 MEN'S WORK SHOES You Can't Beat Ern at gay, Price.. Theyre Wonderful at. This Price $3.25 1927 FORD COACH ORIGINAL TIRES AND Fi~:s-- ISH, RUNS LIK1 NEW 1929 MODEL A. COUPE 192P- FORD TOURiNC:. . 2.. {: Wa t.•. S V v pries 01.1: W :� Summer Dry Good: of a 1 .i ALSO SHOES, HARNESS IEIEEA:„ HARDWARE, OILS, AND OTHER STAPLE EWES, TOO NUMEROUS TAT IN1. 1930 GARDEN AND ROOT :LEEDS JUST" OPENED urLTi GET YOUR SIIWPLV NOW, F"A+I•.�''�.. Vit, R. N. r ,+ LIGLAS GENERAL 'AL MJ ENC 9. 1 `T PHONE 11-' 7 SLA• ,