HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-09-25, Page 8PACT" TT -TE STORETHOK WITH N E Arriving s SEE US ABOUT NEW WOOL AND FLANNELETTE BLANKETS RUGS AND )3ED SPREADS NEW FIGURED SILK AND WOOL DRESS ENDS NEW WOOL DELAINES NEW QUEEN CLOTHS NEW SANTOYS NEW SERGES BOY'S WEAR A c'OMPLETE LINE OF BOY'S LONG PANTS, BLOOMERS, KN CKERS, SWEATER COATS, SHIRT S, BLOUSES FOR SCHOOL WEAR. Everything in School Supplies GASC I �T ODUCF, WANTED i PHONE 59 .sm z•�.; ers:�rart r^r rswm•�+5n�m,an ,rw�m.,sY+�:.�+rc ' a p pµ 1/1 , �s ;v evis When Invested in and ERIE DEBENTURES :N`=,..- :,..ST IS ' '.x) REGULARILY TWICE A YEAR AND YOUR PRUNCIP... :AID IN FULL WHEN DEBENTURE c• - I' -= : 3'1IUM OR EXPENSES PAYABLE ON RENEWALS OR NEW INVESTMENTS: WHY NOT SECURE THE GOOD RATE OF 5 PET. ANNUM ON YOUR MONEY. ANY AMOUNT OVER $100 CAN BE INVESTED FROM 1 TO 5 YEARS. INTEREST STARTS ON DAY YOUR CHEQUE IS RECEIVED AT LONDON. CANADIANS HAVE OVER $22,000,000 INVESTED 1N HURON HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES Applications received at any time by: Andrew F. Hess, Zurich Ib1Y MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? civ ;5 ronPetitiYtiiioto3 teCCP0610444301411&00FssFitl4 01(49:9Si 1 Is the 4 To Plan Your Summer's And Improvements e i Thursda', +zlepte",r bel* 25th, oak.. - � I +4444+.04.++++++++++++++++++444+4,4-0++++++++++++++404** Seasonable Hardware Merner's For General Dry Goods • and Groceries J. j E ER P i-IONE 140 PHONE 146 a T EMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Western. Farmers' Mutual Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith and dau- Weather IIlsurauce Co } t M were Sunday visitors at g i er Mae, ti London. ' ' OF OODSTOCK Messrs. Leonard Masse, Edward The Largest Business of any Thiel and Gordon Schwalm were Sun- day visitor, at Hill green. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Amanns have moved their effects to Stratford, wh- ere Mr. Amanns has secured a pos- itiori. I a � c I �Ien T .'.'L r. I Brownlee of Detroit, spent the week- end with the formers parents, Mr. all I '`+1r Alex. Foster. Canadian Company doing Business in On-tar°io- Lmount of Insurance at Risk .on Dec. 31st, 1928, $22,205,276. Cash Total Cashin Hank and Bonds $160,378.74 Rater•- r • 4 -;:et ,eoo for 3re . c E. E. Klo--Zu °' c . ?Amongf:.1) a 'who'who,:•econtly attend- p eel the i .mi1y re'm'iol ^t the borne of gT Dealer S 119 end nd ;rias. .RICO() 0r't\L111 aA 'Lae 1RCn , !I o Dhi. ealer in Lidhnr Rod Bronson Linc were: Nix and Ivlrs. arzd .nce,45 I f, Fire instsra>r m Iaiiton Goetz, frit. .i.nu Iwixs. 't'viliiam. Morris and Mrs. Louisa McIntosh, all of Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nel- see, Mr. and ?1;s. 11..e ,.iiursull. Gertrude and Mildred Ortwein, and IIIc. CIa Stec Cerra, all of Detroit, was never better, and the showing in and Jinn A dei on of Hamilton; IV Tr. all lines was exceptionally good. and Mrs. M. G. Deitz and family of Fruits and vegetables were a little Zurich. A pleasant time was spent light but the quality was up to the by all present. - usual standard in spite of the dry we - Must Report Mishaps ether, the ladies classes were nearly In the future every person in all filled. } f a motor vehicle -olio is The community of Brucefield was WE CAN SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH SEASON- . ABLE HARDWARE AT MODERATE PRICES 4* ediv I Let Us Show You • OUR FULL LINE OF GRANITEWARE AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES.: Good Supply Of Krauser Smoke Cure on Hand FURNITURE Full Line of Furniture, in Living Room Suites, Dining t. Room Suites, Bed Room Suites, Kitchen Cabienets. ▪ We also have the Famous Simmons Bed Springs and Mattresses, a Guar. Article. lit on the Market •F" To Day. WE ALSO HAVE SOME USED FURNITURE FOR SALE VERY CHEAP.. .1> J�hnsto.i tk KalbiJeisch I Hardware Furniture. Phone 63 ' • ‘e e +-E:Kte04- , a •'�z H..+ie er.., •Z Y e .iIrk r ^ •ai eft.T •4.4-^fet.:. ,:leiew+ l4-4el X thing doing every minute to enter- tain those present. The indoor exhibit I 1; L i:I�Ltai�i... charge of directly or indirectly in an accident saddened by the death of Duncan will be obliged to make outs, a report Colin • MacDonald, which occurred himself of the accident for submis- early - Tuesday morning last at his sion to the Motor Vehicle Branch of home on the London Road. He was Public Highways. Reports are to 42 years old, and had been in poor be filed provided the accidents result health for several years and recent - in personal injuries or in damage to ly his condition became serious. Was property exceeding $50. Persons who barn and lived all his life at Bruce - fail to report such accidents are lia- 'field, where he will -be missed by a ble to a fine of $10. In case of an great many friends. He is survived accident in Huron County, Phone 91 by his mother, Mrs. Jas. MacDonald Clinton, for Highway Traffic Officer and •three sisters and one brother.' N. Lever, l The funeral was held on. Thursday, interment in Baird's cemetery. COUNTY NEWS On .Tuesday afternoon of last week drew Hard was } a quiet wedding was solemnized at The funeral of An y Wesley -Willis Manse, Clinton, y held from the residence of his dau Rev. J. E. Iiogg, when Florence Gra- nt, titer, Mrs. Albert King, Crediton, to nt, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brtnslsy attended Anglican Cufrtery, and was Robt. Scotehliier, of Bayfield, was qU, ply attended by friends and ac- united in marriage to Albert Dunn, ario nte�na cam :from all parts is Ore- also of Bayfield. The young couple ario who camel to pay their last re -,were unattended and left immediate- ,petis to a pioneer off McGillivray ly by motor .for a trip through the Program of Work, I'' epairs, 8 i s ' Let Us show You the best kinds of Fencing for the Field or ttie Home Lawn Fences. We handle the best Money can Buy. 8 If you decide todo some Roofing or Eve -Troughing this year, we invite you to call and see us and get our estimates, as well as show yotl our goods, E AutoTops Wagan II I Buggy T e',� kir' kri .,� Paintin Etc. Second Handed Buggies IIESS - ZURICH (IIIIIiIQti1Ui!!IIDIBil3f F �Iu1".Illi i !1.. �! .i ., i <<.i,b'.urd,; nla. rPiL i I! C ' ! x Lu"l fel.:.:,illitflilpn!II!1!Ilil�lill!FI•.' `: il'"', * ,'9n51: 1 stifle ip h e esteem ce j Niagara district. Upon their return testified to the. e,t,um in which he they will make their home on the Bronson Line, Stanley, on the farm: recently purchased from the bride's father. The Avon Chests Ltd., of Stratford have purchased the Sandford factory from the Seaforth Holding Syndicate composed of business men of the town, and as soon as alterations and improvements are made in the build- ing, will commence the manufacture of red cedar chests and other novel- `. ty furniture. The Avon Chests Ltd. have been manufacturing in Strat- ford for several years, but were un- able to secure the larger; accomodat- ion in that city, which their expand- ing business requires. The company have employed up to twenty men and the factory in Seaforth, is exactly suited to their needs With a record breaking number of entries, namely 2,500,, and an increa- se in attnedairce the 1930 Exhibition of Goderich last week, passed into history.The weather could not have been more ideal, elear skies, sunny, even hot, with the result that a big crowd turned out from both town was held. Officials of Oddi'ellows Lod- ge, Ailsa Craig, of which deceased was a member for over 50 years, we- re present. Dar. Hardy was born in 1840, in York County, and was a man who settled in McGillivray over 80 years ago. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. H. W. Hagelstine, pastor of the United church, Crediton. Mrs. John 'Turner, for many ye- ars a well known aiid highly esteem- ed resident of Scaforth, passed to the great beyond on Saturday last. Mrs. Turner had been in delicate health for a number of years and three ye- ars ago suffered a stroke. The engagement is announced of Mary Gladys, only daughter of Mrs. Harvey and the late J. S. Harvey, of Exeter, to Norrnan W. Stacey, elder son of Mrs. John :Stacey, at Willow Grove, Ont., the marriage to take place quietly the latter part of Sep- tember. J. C. Scott, son of James Scott, both former residents of Seaforth, was recently appointed Inspector for Victoria District of Dominion Fisher- ies. His district takes in the salt, water area between Race Rocks opt } and country. The big covered stand rhe southern end of Vancouver Is was filled when the program was at land to Cowichan Bay, including Sa- anich Agin, and all islands south of Active Pass to the American bound- - .'1;.1e. duties connected with l) )1 lt:i r are wee numerous. The Exete=r Pair on Wednesday lost, aS oe CIL0. it::'t [ ' •:'i °'I'!f C as n. 1.) ce ewci and there was saline A Nice New Piece of Furniture in the Home will be 1 always appreciated. We can supply anything in this line, and the prices are very Attractive. .�, If in Reed of new furniture, don't forget; we have it! STA,'E WEIDO 1 ZURICH ONT. 6•A+•E^t+•4••0• £••g^•F•c r S••b•f• ••I••r•;•+++ eieir ++++4 f Fel0.++fir+•d••8-•S••F•i••k+¢+• efetp 4• oa ATTENTION! TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS P' WE ARE NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS OF GASOLINE IN LARGER QUANTITIES WITH A GOOD STAND- ARD GRADE OF GASOLENE FROM OUR DELIVERY TRUCK AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, WITH QUALITY CONSIDERED t- EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON E;'AIR WORK. AND OVER- HAUL JOBS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. AS OILS G-REASES f. isIIMouseau 1: its peak andas many more swarm- ed the grounds. As for the entertain meat, the committee this year was particularly fortunate. There was not n dull mer[wr t all afternoon and townspeople and visitors alike went 't hone highly pleased and loud' in their praises' 044++.0.40++444 +114 iatefeHeIret +4-,444444,0444,410•14.04 4F, ifteep Yourself - • :r OF THE POSSIBILF6Y OF LOSING YOUR Driving License and Motor Vehicle Permit UNDER THE NEW Safety Responsibility Law WHICH CAME INTO EFFECT. . SEPTEMBER FIRST, 1930 e` "w sEE._: .Oeoh Zurich SERVICE with SALES �•3• ' 4 :$•.1444'r.H^^F4. 4^^•E•+1t^ • E'3x34+ 4-iete:.lr*-i+'fr^ ++++ .114 •