HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-09-25, Page 5't"irantsd'ay, E'tepteva ►ex 2rith, 193D- IS S*NESS CARPS DUDLEY E. floi ns 1. ' 't, RRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUELIC, ETC. OFF'ICU '+ ,__ I•ianiilton Street, Jest off the Sgtmre, GODERICI'(, Ontario. $peeial Attention to Counvel and Court Work. 3ilr. Holmes may be consulted at Goelerich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. .31.11.46....Mtnelltil.1/1.1414,47.11111.1.1. ...110.14941411 Or. H. H, COWEti L. D. S. D. D S. ENTAL SURGEON At DOT Bit OOE—ZURICH i;yery Thursday, Friday, Saturday At BARTLEIB'S BLOOII, DASHWOOD 112onday, 'Tuesday and Wednesday Ever, • OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones National School of Auctioneeeing. Try me for Registered Live Stock, (All Breeds.) Terms in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice Farms for Sale. Will • 1i anything Anywhere. 'Phone 18-98, or write. Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - educt any Auction Sale, regardless as tosize or article your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services Rem. {dered. ARTHUR WEBER --Dashwood Phone 13-57. rerstoak 29x4.4 3Ox3 Tires, Tubes. Low Prices NOWT na S. mein DAstrivo 104,1110100060004111000006011#4,0111411 Zurichs' Popular MEAT MAT{ ET ANNOUNCING THAT WE HAVE PURCHASED TROM THE 'FIRM OF YTJNGPLUT & DEICHERT, THIS WELL EST AB t1 I,LSHED MEAT BUSINESS, AND :SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE If. Yung -Wilt, & Son:, VIM TOUR. '1.1 It HERALD Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads TH•Ij3 COVt1i q MISS MfLDRE'D 'GEIGER ?INSTRUCTOR, IN PIANO AND THEORY Ter ns Moderate Box 17 Zurich, Ont. MilWaguised•alfWftsitli1 ,11,10=4,1.11.0011, STRAYED Unto the farm of Robert lVIeBride, Goshen Line, Stanley, about the 1st of June, a one year old steer, Own- er can have same by proving prop- erty and paying expenses. itobt. 11c'13ridr., R.H. 1, .Zurich. NOTICE NEW. TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES The. saibsci.ibers of the .Hay Mun- icipal. Telephone System eau now sec- ure the New Telephone Directoriee at the Central Office • or from the Township Clerk. A. F. Hess, Clerk, WANTED A lady housekeeper, between 30 and 40 years old, to care for four children, and do general housework. Apply to: Henry McC]inchey, R. R. 1, Zurich. CARD O F THANKS The bereft family of the late C. Eilber wish to greatly thank the nei- ghbors and friends for the kindness and assistance shown during the fun- eral of deceased. And also to those who loaned their ears. HOUSE FOR SALE A very desirable frame dwelling house in Zurich, good .garden, fine location, also garage. For Anther particulars apgely to David Gingericb, .Zurich, Ont. FOR SALE A limited quantity of 1B inch dry hardwood for sale. Apply to Stade & Weido, Zurich. FOR SALE Property consisting of three acres 'et'. land, situated half mile south of St. Joseph, frame house, stable,good water, fruit trees, etc. For particul- ars apply to Mrs- E Papineau, R. R. 2, Zurich. t11 FOR SALE 1 oil stove. 1 Quebec heater and pipes. 1 large mirror. 4 tables. V. V. Siebert, &urich. FOR SALE A couple of fine sows for sale, due in October. Apply to Aaron Oestreicher, Bronson Line, Hay. 0OeN®®*COVegeBells ]MISS Set j• _ COAL 193Q Announcement SPRING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR Scranton coal Coke Alberta Coal and Soft Coal =A SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF IA Cts. PerTon will be allowed for cash. Order 'Early as pricer will advance June IStb. Case & Son Visite 33 en HEN3ALL. LIVE '' O U LT R WANTED Taken every Day till. 3o'clock, p.m. po not fedi Fowl same morning when brought in. r highest as Prrices = 11 snakes of Cars; We gave special FOR SALE A two-piece mattress in very good condition, a bargain. Apply at Her- ald' Office.. NOTICE Having taken over the Service of the Ford Agency, Zurich, I a position to give expert servic give expert service on all New cars sold by Mr. S. Elliott. Leonard Prang. enden am in e to Ford CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. ARCHIBA:L D, B.A,Sc. (Tor.) O.L.S., Registered Professional En- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member Engineering Institute of 1Canada. Office—Seaforth, Ont. NOTICE r am, in a position to els good repair work on Overhau3iirg Gars, Tractors, :Etc.„. at veer, reassemble charges. DAVID FUSS, -4. 0715 1PhoneeiT —83t Zurich mince We specialize on the following; Ford, Transmission Linings. Ford Rear Enda; Ford Springs; Fora Va1Ves. Grinding; Brakes re -lined on 1:, -CASH FOIL.--• attention on oiling and greasing al' Cream and Egigs makes of cars; ,Radiator ants -freeze attention, ho Repairing; gave jour W+e U Brien 'Sittings oi7'ed. LZama 14141,4 VA% 1,* 1eanarrl; Rirzrrtg,, Zurich. LOCAL NEWS Mr. Ed. Bossenberry of Bayfield, was a Tuesday visitor an town. Mr. Wm. Brown, and father, Mr. Jacob Brown were Sunday visitors at Thedford. Mr. hasty Talbot of Bayfield, cal- led on Zurich friends on Thursday of last week. Mat, Wm.Dumart of I itchsne,, was a visitor at the hone of Mr.. and Mrs. Hy. Yungblut this weer. Don't forget the home Made Candy sale Saturday afternoon aria evoning by the "I Serve" S. S. Class. Ari aeroplane ...circled around the village on Monday, and done a 'few stunts. J%lrs. H. Rupp, who has been for some time at Detroit, has returned to Zurich where she will remain for the winter. Messrs Albert Hess, and David Fuss were to Sky Lake duck shooting a few days the past week, and re- port as (laving got some real trice ones. During the heavy windstorm winch passed over this section on Saturday last, the smoke stack at Kaibiieisch's planing mill was blown down. Mr. Kalbtleisch hal had it put up again Word has been received here of the appointment of Mr. Fred Thiel as the new bailiff for Zurich. The vacan cy was caused . by the passing of Mr, C. Eilber, who held this posit- ion for a gooclly number of years. Mr, and Mrs. Ed, Rupp and Mrs. Sohluchter of Detroit, were recent visitors in Zurich. Mr. John Brenner is at present spending a few Weeks with relatives and friends at Kitchener, iVlr. and Mrs. Harry Steele and sons Cameron and Jimmie, Mrs, Ray Howard and children, Phyllis and Billie all of London, Sunday visitor; with dr. and Mrs. H. 1? 'Gu ess loh and iclr. and tire„ 'l`h.c1 Miss itilizal, th '1'rueinner and Bliss: 1'iang, both Qi' Detroit,, who have been visiting at the Moine of Mr. and Tars. Louie' Prang, have re- turnee( to Detroit. ares alar 0 • s s'ss..„,..,,, ,..........,...................... • ci, Parrn.Implements : • WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND o • WILL, BE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE KIND OF te 1VIACHINEI2Y THAT YOU NEED THE MOST, AND THAT WIL.I. GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR OF COST. • • CARRY A FULL LINE OF PUMPS- PIPING A1JD FTr • 4 I as a The Zurich Jubilee Band, that has given such ample service on Fair nay, has been re -organized, and is go- ing forth with a determination to be real outstanding in the future. A. nuiiablt: hall has been secured to lord practice3 in, namely the tipper .tory of Mr. r'arweil•s block, and y.e all bcost for Zurich Band, They viii also give services at fowl suppers and. such events this fall. STANLEY TOWNSHIP eir, t:obt. i. tuner and son Bert, of 'sale, Mich., visited Itionds in atan- tcy, over the weee-end. Bruce .a;ci:linchey, son or Zzir.Robt tilt its s -, taken suddenly ill twitn appendicitis on Tuesday Dr. Brady was ,sled in and he was rush- Wodnesday afternoon of this week ed to Clinton hospital. f 4 im 0 6 AND BESIDES WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS. FINE LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL We have the Agency for this District. GARAGE SUPPLIES WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY .KIND OF AUTO PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAME: DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND CSE. BUILDING BATTERIES YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Tires, Tithes, •rtE, Oils and CrEases, L. A. rang - Zurich tlette4&4.4e44.este' agtet.'S 4as .03.0 0.00.4.• t.41> .;•�•0..•an4, 'SVr 4. is the last of the half holiday for this Mr. and Mrs. Milton Steep and t $ season, and hereafter the places of family of Goderich Township, accotee 3t eusineee in Zurich will be kept ,open 1>Uul]ed by Mrs. W. J. 'l'ougn. ox: tile. 4, jai Wednesday afternoon of each 1iro11'Ui1 lino, w't2'e recent 1'iz togs In . week. Sarnia. WHY NOT BUY ONE FOR STORING YOUR FURS, BEDDING, Me. and Mrs. Rudy Schwartzen- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Manson and WELL ETC. THESE CHESTS ARE LARGE SIZED AND WL truber, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Oesch Mrs. J. A. Manson wore at r' terboro f • of the Bronson Line, motored to Lon- the past week, attending the .unetat : FINISHED AND WILL ADD TO THE BEAUTY OF ANY ROOM, don on Thursday. Miss Ruth Walpex, daughter of Mr. Manson's brother-in-law, Mr. 4' of ills. Cathcart. °' CALL IN AND LOOK THEM OVER and Mrs. WIn. Waiper, of Windsor, Mrs. J. 11. C. Tough of Bayfield, and formerly of Zurich, visited with and sister, Mrs. J. A. Douglas oe I her grand parents, and other friends Hyde Park, visited their brothers, J. !Co during the past week.A. and Will Carnie the past week. Mr. Moses Bock of New Dundee, Mr. Chris (;ingcrich had the mis-I PHONE 6 spent the week -end at the homes of fortune to meet with an accruent on 1 his nephews, Mr. and Mrs: C. O. Saturday last as he was opening the .�.�..x.I, ,ni� �„4 Smith of St. Joseph, .and Mr. and earn door to let in a truck during g the Ig ��' ` +4.4 nee, ses,e'.w,'sens .;,,sens.nnnenielenn4 , rens MC. L. Smith of town. storm. He was struck by the door ���t''044tSfEisee?."fQsy®4fItit73.ii�taosciao M'. and Mr:•. A. G.Edi;;hofc .;ane' and sent against talc: truth striking sort Grant of Grand Bend, 117r, andnis need on the fender. He was un- n2rs. and it'irG. W. H. Frank and two io'"4ints for some time, bue we are pleased to say is Mei: roved.. -7N ° x u � t AT $8.75 iSC}J ZU C children of Waterloo, were week -end visitors at the home of Mrs. C. Eilber Mrs. Schneiker of Milverton, and two sons, Oscar and Clair, were Tues- day visitors at the home of Mrs. Schneiker's sister, Mrs. John Bren- ner. A sale of home Made Candy will be put on Saturday afternoon and unto and Ottawa. evening, September 27th, by the "I „nee Grace Guenther of Stratford, Serve” Class of. the Evangelical ch-- %1sasing with ner brother, fir. ane urch. The sale will be held on Main nes, oast eseenseer, St., beside C. Fritz's shoe store. Try ie,.ss zjelda 1'assold of London, sp- a 'box! You'll want another. ent the week -end with her parents. DASHWOOD Next Wednesday is the data of the big annual 1'owi supper. Don't for- t get to come and bring others wan 3 you. s Dr. and Mrs. Taylor have returned alter spending their holidays in 'I'or- 9 A golf tournament has been staged ClMiss Ann Taieman has •returned to for Wednesday afternoon when ten luelpn to resume her studies at Mac - of the locals are matchen against the 13oixaia Gall. same number of players from Exeter. ids. and Mrs. Sam Witzel of Tor - This popular game is taking well with onto spent a few'days with his moth - the sportsmen of the various villages er, Mrs. Witzel. in the community. air. and MVirs. Jacob Schroeder and family of North Dakota are visiting Mr. and Mrs•er, er s . GeorEdi Kge ofi th latter tt ' g e parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. of Mitchell, and Mrs. Edighoffer, Sr. Weber. of FuIlaeton, were in town on Tues- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fassold of day evening. The latter Mrs. Edigh- Crumlin, spent a few days with Mr. offer, who :.ome weeks ago fell and and Mrs. P. Fassold. broke her arm, is improving nicely tar. ig. Weitin spent a few days in 9.1MgertteaSt80900ctolsegia.Me considering her age. Kitcaener this week, visiting his dau ea'soaBat°�A►aqgot�aia�t,�eoonr�® Worklnen are engaged in digging ghter. W�6i1Wq W W M1�� f�t' t aid It3In xeashwood Brass Band furnished ,R' ur 193 NOW IS THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO PUT IN YOUR •SNPPLY OF COAL FOR NEXT WINTER. OUR SPECIAL IN„ DUCEMENT FOR CASH SALES IS WORTHWHILE, AND BE- SIDES WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES FOR SUMMER DELIVERIES ACT NOW Fertilizer WE CARRY IN STOCK AND ARE SALESMEN FOR THE BEST GRADES OF FERTILIZERS ON THE MARKET, PRICES CON- SIDERED. LET US QUOTE YOU OUR PRICES DELIVERED AT YOUR DOOR. BE SURE AND CONSULT US BEFORE BUYING L. Sane & Son the trenches for parties interest - the ed in having the water piped to their homes and places of business, supp- lied by the town's water tank, and a big convenience it will be to these rather fortunate citizens, who, when a pail of water was wanted, were ob- liged to walk quite a distance for the same. After this is init will be only only a matter of opening the tap. A sitting of the Tenth Division Court was held in the Town Hall on Tuesday afternoon in which Judge Lewis listened to a case of interest, Spatlx--Neeb. The former having a claim for wages off the latter, for a few months the fore part of the summer. Mr. George Morley, solicit- or, of Exeter, represented the defend ant. The judge reserved his decision till some future date. Rev. Rapp, of Germany, delivered the message in Evangelical church ox3 Sunday evening. It is some time since a german sermon was delivered in that church, and was indeed a real treat to the older people, who understand the german better than the english language. Mr. Rapp can relate some very heartrendering stor- ies as to the conditions in Germany, and advises that a 11 year old dau- ghter of his died for want of nurish- Ment. A combined surprise party, birth- day party and Silver Anniversary was celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Kercher, Dashwood; on Sat urday, September 20th. It 'was in every way a great success, as Mr. and Mrs. Kercher have had such a busy season that the date of their Silver Wedding anniversary and Mrs. Clara Kercher's birthday was so close at hand, were entirely forgotten. Friends from Detroit and Garden City. Mich,, Mrs. Janes Orr and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gosstnati were among those present at the event, who brou- ght along the birthday carte, the tans nits asui a1L the music at Ilderton Fair on Wed- -118 nesday. Mr. Lorne Tiernan returned to Lon don on Tuesday where he attends Medical School. Quite a nuinber from here took in Zurich Fair on Tuesday. Goiig Out of Business AS THE BUILDING T AM: AT PRES- ENT OCCUPYING. HAS BEEN SOLD TO Mr. W. REITH, I AM FORCED TO VACATE IT, SO I AM OFFERING THE ENTIRE STOCK ON HAND AT 'A GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. ALL CHILDREN'S HATS AT $1.00 BALANCE OTHER HATS AT $2.00 FLOWERS AT 20c. Everybody should have a hat stand on which to hang new hats. When not in use I ani offering all table stands at 15 cents each. Keep one in your becl room or clothes closet,. Where it will be handy. COME IN ANI) LOOK OVER THE 1 STOCK. EVERYTHING MUST GO. V. Y. Siebert i -Mt Zurich Drug 1AIE'it E G N GILLE PE'S ow . 3 az "r with NEW lade 7101 with the purchase of any one of these at PALMOLIVE SHAVING CREAM COLGATE'S RAPID SHAVE CREAM COLGATE'S, HANDY GRIP STICK Dr KCI? I<S AND HUMS