HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-09-18, Page 6Midget Golf Popular in Lonon Course Makers Work Overtime Cion. --Midget golf, which has • been all the rage in the United States far some time, quickly conquered Lon- don on its inauguration here last week; Star golfers played on the min- iature course opened by the Kit -Kat Club and another widely advertised course attracted a record number of Londoners, all eager to try the new genie for themselves. Designers and makers of baby golf courses are working day and night. because the promoters are eager to take advantage of the public's present interest. The fact that it is an indoor as well as an outdoor game is. regard- ed as a considerable advantage and it is believed that the rapidly multiply- ing Bourses should draw some of the large crowds that thronged the ice. skating rinks which were so popular last Winter. The green fee for an eighteen -hole round with the use of a putter and ball varies from the equivalent of 25 to 50 cents, Doctors Declare Tropics Again Hear Turk Is Only 100 Roar of Hurricane Official Records Show 111 Years As• The T+rrP�'on's Brother Is An 'neva- Extreme Case of Longevity—TtsrVs b":a d'ie'ts°:- in Southern Regions, 156 Years Disputed. a .� n •tip the :error of the illtl'ri- Is Zara Agha really lir' yeas. + w- n.� ::, - 3t 11-::+47 Ti'S in the doldrums of the daily papers tell use He wel 'nee :e .h A, t ",tic has been roused to a hard time proving it thinks. ` e e +rk: •.s. -a- that it period^ News -Letter, a Science Se vi,: i cation (Washingtoiin Says .s* > * , visiee. The great storm that "The old Turk, Zero a iia. 'ti `eerack an Domingo last week and birth certificate showing 15fi yctL ; otz ee ed heavy loss of life had entered age, who is now being proeltmeei t+ lra Caribbean Sea earlier in the week, credulous New York as the oldest hu i,ain n rth of Martinique, touching man in the world, will have a hard P ` g time convincing scientific skeptics that he bas lived so many yeare. "Old he is, 'without a doubt, but those who have looked into such claims in the past are laying their scientific wagers that he is not much. more than a hundred or so. "In fact, the most extreme case of longevity that medical records show fully autheaticated was not quite 111 years. That record was substantiated by the English investigator, Dr. T. E. Young, who in. the early part of this century considered close to a million cases of supposed centenarians and found only thirty persons who from other outside evidence could be shown to have lived a Hundred years or more. Of the thirty, 21 were women and 9 were men. "Medical statisticians hold to their idea that extreme old age is a rare phenomenon although in the million or more deaths annually in the United States at least several hundred death certificates show ages ot over a hun- dred and occasional ones will show such startling records as 120 years. "When such cases are looked into it is often found that mistaken iden- tity confers upon the supposed cen- tenarian eptenarian his remarkable record. Re- peatedly instances like this are no - covered: John Jones was born and his baptism duly recorded, but he died at the age of fifteen years and through an oversight his death was not regis- tered. In the same year that he died another male child was born to the same parents and named John Jones, . perhaps in commemoration of his de- ceased brother. The second John Jones was never baptized. When be reaches the age of 85 or 90 his appear- ance of extreme senility attracts at- tention and the baptismal records ap- parently show that he is a hundred Dominica and moving in a northwest- erly direction along a path that;luir- ricanes have traversed many times before. September is the great month for the hurricanes that time and again have cost hundreds of lives and mil- lions of dollars in property losses. The season begins toward the end of July,, and usually ends in October, although there are November hurricanes. As to the path they take, these brothers of the typhoon are capricious. Some= tines they spend their ful' force harmlessly at sea, and only scientific observers in their recording laborator- ies and captains of stray ships who observe the portents afar know of their existence. At other times they run the full course of those Caribbean islands that stretch like a by-path of stepping stones from South America to the North American coast. LONG PATH OF DESTRUCTION A. hurricane moves along its course like a gigantic tumbleweed rolling across a prairie. It is a whirl of wind with a usual velocity of from 80 to 100 miles an hour, though higher velocities have been recorded. The +whole storm moves forward at a rate of from 10 to 15 miles an hour. Within the centre there is a partial vacuum. This is usually about twenty miles wide. The storm area roiling around it is often 300 or 400 miles wide, cut- ting a swath with its furious power of wind and rain through the country it traverses. How does a hurricane originate? The absolute answer to that question cannot be stated. Bat most scientists believe that in some small sea area below the paths of the trade winds the equatorial heat causes a central plass of air to rise, starting a vertical circulation. Eventually the rising air Interesting photograph showing an officer tent -pegging at mounted police tournament and horse show, held recently` at Gordon Fields, Ilford, England. blow themselves out quickly and cause little or no dainage. Although the weather man cannot control the hurricane, he has, with the aid of radio, so perfected his sys- tem of reporting any tropical disturb- ance that the storm is plotted almost as soon as it makes its appearance. When a hurricane develops in the Caribbean the news is promptly broad- cast to vessels at sea, and the path is traced day by day. Due warning is given to all ports likely to be involved. SAN DOMINGO RAZED BY FIERCE HURRICANE or over. The aged gentleman basks in I reaches a level of sufficient cold to his seemingly well authenticated re- change its water vapor to drops of cord of extreme age. water. This produces what is called "America has had its claimants to , heat of condensation. age records. Uncle John Shell, of Ken- tucky, who was exhibited as 'the old- est living human being' with a claimed sea of 131 years, was pronounced at - If the rising air mass is small, a thunderstorm is formed, but if the developmentis of sufficient magnitude hurricane may be on its way to crea- ter a careful investigation of his case tion. The heat liberated establishes to be `about one hundred years old, i relatively high temperatures in the Possibly a year younger or older.' rising mass, accelerating the circula- "Despite the fact that authenticated tion and the rate of condensation. This cases of human longevity to over ai recurring process is probably the man - hundred years are few, man is nearly ier in which the hurricane, revolving the longest lived of all mammals. The! i in a counter -clock -wise direction as it common idea that whales and e1e-' travels, maintains itself. phants attain many more years than/ The devastation that the hurricane man is not credited hi scientific f leaves in its wake is a phenomenon circles. But some species of fish may known to all who have lived in its re- live to over 260 years according to the best evideace and reptiles are report- ed to have lived 175 years. Birds may have a life span of a few years longer than man in some instances." WHEN MEDICOS MEET One of the most famous organiza- tions in the world ---the British Medi- cal Association—has just recently finished its annual meeting. But not anywhere in Great Britain—this year the "Doctors' Parliament," as the five- day meeting of the Association is sometimes called, is being held in Canada. This isn't the first time that the R.M.A. has met in the Dominion, though it has not gone there wince 1906. Some of the greatest doctors in the Empire attended the meeting. To the man in the street, the meet- ings of the B.M.A. are always very Interesting, btcause the discussions cover n wide range of subjects, many of them of a kind that appeals to everybody. The human side of the gathering also iiterests the general public, Last year, for instance, an enterprising gion. Last September a hurricane visited Nassau in the Bahamas that damaged practically every building on the island. Many lives were lost. For days the city was flooded and in Bare- ness. Telephones were out of commis- sion, and it was some time before com- reanication could be established with the outside world even by radio. The sea wail was broken in several places by the force of the wind -driven sea. Many vessels anchored in the harbor were wrecked. Boats were swept up out of the water and carried across roads to land near the steps of resi- dences. Florida has many times •felt the force of the hurricanes that sweep through the Caribbean. The disaster of 1926 is still vivid in many menior- iest It was first noticed on Sept. 14. The nex4 morning it was north of Porto Rico, and on the afternoon of the 16th it passed over lonely Turk's Island. Twenty-four hours later the storm had crossed the Bahamas, anal) on the morning of Sept. 18 it was bat- tering the Florida towns at the end of the peninsula, By the afternoon of the next day the hurricane had crossed y'ournalist discovered that the doctors, $he northern bight of the Gulf of Mex Santo Domingo, Dominican Repub- lic—The city of Santo Domingo, most ancient setlement of the white man in' the new world, was almost totally destroyed by a hurricane that swept over the ett'tern eetti of the island of Haiti. The hurricane struck Santo Dom- ingo at 2. p.m., Sept. 6, and blew for four hours. Houses in the aristocratic quarter wore razed to their founda- tions. Dwellings of the poor disap- peared on the wings of a wind esti- mated t. be blowing around 150 miles an hour. Scenes, whose horror exceeded any- thing witnessed here in ten years, fol- lowed its passage. President Rafael Trujillo took personal charge of the relief work The entire army was called cut. It is believed that 900 persons were killed or injured. Who, knew all about the benefits of a light diet, were consuming large q'tan- titiee of beefsteaks and similarly "solid" eatables.—Answers. Will Oar Chair Leg One of the strangest wills on record will soon be filed for probate In Paris. who It is that of M, Auguste Pas qu%er r had it engraved on a leg of one of his dining -room chairs. leo and was approaching Pensacola, where it renewed its havoc. AN INEVITABLE VISITOR The hurricane is a part of life in the West Indies The natives look for it as practically an inevitable occur- rence during the hurricane months. And, more often than not, they are tation. f� annual inthe 1 exec correct To have their houses blown down, their crops ruined, and much of their persosal property destroyed is a part LONDONERS WITNESS $5,000,000 New Device That "Hears Light" Will Overcome "Fog" Danger BLAZE Chicago, Ill. --A new aid for air- plane pilots seeking to laud on a fog- bound airport, a device that "hears" light, was revealed recently, It is the invention of Earl C. Han- son, Chicago scientist, who disclosed the development to a group of aero- nautic experts attending the national air races, including Major James Doo little, noted for his blind -landing work last year for the Guggenheim fund. Hanson utilizes inVibihle magnetic waves emanating from a bank of neon tubes, intercepting them with a device in the cockpit that causes a steady hum in earphones clapped to the pilot's ears and activates an electrical altimeter that shows the number of feet the plane is above the ground. Impurities Give Glow to Radium Radlethorium and Mesothorium Com- pounds. Used to Produce. Luminous Paint. Only impure radium is luminous, according to a report made by Paul M. Tyler, chief engineer of the rare met- als and non-metals division of the Bureau of Mines, Department of Com- merce. The fact that a faint glow often comes from tubes of radium salts is explained by the fact that the salts contain impurities, Mr. Tyler said. "Radium alone is not luminous," Mr. Tylers statement reads, "The faint glow that sometimes is Exhibited by tubes of radium salts• is owing to impurities. By mixing radioactive material with phosphorescent sub- stances, notably with zinc sulphide, a paint that will glow in the dark niay be produced. "According to one authority, it was a shoemaker of Bologna who noted more than 300 years ago, that heavy spar heated in charcoal possessed the property of glowing in the dark after it had been exposed to light. Other phosphorescent powders, mostly blends of zinc sulphide and alkali sulphide, were discovered subsequently, and were used for producing temporary stage effects, for example, long before the discovery of radh.m made it pos- sible to maintain the phosphorescent glow for an indefinite period." Mr. Tyler said that the ingredients and formulas for producing luminous paints change from time to time. In the United States, he said, paint used on watch dials had consisted mainly of crystalline zinc sulphide mixed with various proportions of radium, meso- thorium and radiothorium to obtain the greatest degree of luminosity. At first zinc sulphide was made luminous by radium alone, but later cheaper methods were found by using meso- thorium and radiothoriuni. "As reported by Dr. Hartland, the paint used by girls in a New Jersey faetory contained chiefly zinc sulphide, rendered luminous by activation with about 20 to 30 per cent. radium and from 70 to 80 •per cent mesothorium containing radiothoriuin. He quotes other authorities to the effect that these paints may contain all the way from 7 to 3 and even 4 milligrams of radium element to 100 grams of zinc sulphide. Impurities may be added to the zinc sulphide as follows: Cadmium, .05 per cent; copper, .001 per cent.; manganese, .0002 per cent." Mr. Tyler describes the British prac- tice of using luminous paints, saying that they are of great military signifi- cance. Iii England luminous paints are used for the illumination of watch dials, gun sights and compass cards and any other forms which would not betray the presence of the, military to the enemy. During the World War the British .government bought eighteen grams of radium for war purposes. 2,000 Flee From Tenement Homes in Wapping District. Loudon.—Two thousand persons fled frons tenement homes before flames which broke out in Wapping, London East End district, recently. Three huudred firemen used ten miles of hose in fighting the, fire. It was estimated that the blaze which started in a spice warehouse, did damage of about £1,000,000 (about $5,000,000). SPANIARDS FIND JOY IN SILENT FILM Madrid.—Old silent films, made and shown in the United States 10 years ago, and in some eases more, are hav- ing quite a rnn•in Spain this summer. The programs of most of the movie theatres here just now are made up of reels that Hollywood ground out long before the talkie era. This is to fill the gap until a sufficient supply of Spanish-language talkies can be pro- duced, whether in the United States or in Spain itself, to give a steady run of talkie programs to the Spanish theatres equipped for them. There are 74.,800 agricultural work- ers in Great Britain; this is 28,500, or nearly four per cent., less than last years Aviatrix Honored in Wales World's Airmen Iegin Congress Boss --- "You're sacked!" Clerk — of the implacable scheme of things. In 413014, Vve done absolutely nothing." some years, however, there are no vie- I3ollM-"That's why." lent hurricxres--n'erely gales that Thousands watched unveiling of 'nommen t. to aviatrix of Boston, et Burry Port, Weles, UnelanJ, to of '.crogsing the Atlantic with Wilmer Stu s iu 1025. Port, Sir Arthur Whitten 13rewa, r" -pilot wi h late ."*1• - Amelia Lighting of Routes As Aid to Night Flying and Insurance of Fares on Program, The Hague.—Since 1918, when com- petition between nations in aviation turned to the scientific and commer• cial side, four great international con- gresses have taken place—in Paris, London, Brussels and Rome. A fifth is being organized at The Hague. The meetings, except for the first, which is being held in the Arts and Sciences Building, which accommodates 3,000 persons, are being held in the Binnen- hof, famous in recent years for the Reparations and Peace Conferences. Some idea of the magnitude of the work may be gained from the fact that 500 experts in various branches of aviation, traffic, science and technics,' legal natters, medical questions and tourism, have inscribed their names as members. Twenty-one countries aro represented.. .TO DISCUSS NIGHT TRAVEL A number of papers of great gen. eral interest in natters will be entered and read which directly concern the airplane passenger. On of these is that of the lighting of air routes for night travel. On this subject mem- bers of three different nationalities are presenting papers. P. van Braam van Vloten, a Dutch member, deals with the subject from the scientific point of view; W. H. Hampton and' C. E. Ward, of the British Air De- partment, discuss "the requirements for aerodrome and air route lighting at the present time,' and two Germans, P. Born and H. Strahler, discuss the effect of large neon tubes by which the loss of power resulting from filtration of red lights is avoided. To the business roan who either travels by air or uses the airplane for consigning goods, the paper by Herr Wrongsky, director of the Lufthansa undertaking on "Co-operation between the airplane and other means of trans- port" will be of exceptional interest. OBLIGATORY INSURANCE URGED. The papers by the Frenchman, A. Grandjean, on "Uniform rules for marks of identification on military airplanes," and that by Andre Kaftal on "Obligatory insurance of passen- gers in aerial transport," will have a wide and general appeal to public in- - terest. Curiously, the subject of aerial tour- ism has found little favor, and only three papers have been submitted. These, however, cover the subject very thoroughly, one dealing with formali- ties and facilities, another with secur- ity in aviation, while the third deals indirectly with this subject by discuss- ing that of instruction and examina- tion of apprentice pilots of .airplanes engaged in tourism. Equally important to the passenger is the section given over to medical matters, for not only is air -sickness in all its aspects being discussed, but the health conditions of the pilot are receiving considerable attention. The need for specialists in these matters is generally admitted, and two Dutch doctors roundly assert that "the maedi-' cal specialist in aeronautic complaints: must himself be a "ilot.'t Between! thirty and forty papers on medical subjects have been entered. I.NFLUENCE OF RADIO STUDIED The influence of radio on aviation is not ignored, and besides the references to it in the report of the American liaison committee there are contribu-' tions to the discussion by the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company, Dr. W. Moller and Herr F. Eisner (Ger- =many), and A. Cellon, F. Marino and U. Cuerra (Italy). Captain N. Mac- millan, the Eneelish pilot, will talk about "Problems of air transport from the pilot's point of view." Besides the theorists and those who have ideas they wish to advance, the membership includes many distin-i guished aviators. From. England Sir Sefton Brancker is coining, Lady Bailey, of "Cape to England" fame; also is to be present. HIDDEN CiTY FOUND BY 'MEXICAN SCOUTS Mexico .City.—The U.S. Department of Education announced recently that Boy Scouts had discovered a new arch- aeological zine in the wilds of the State of Guerrero. Among the figures discovered is a large stone sphinx bearing a marked resemblance to that in Egypt. Government archaeologists are leav- ing forthwith to study the zone, which, according to the discoverers' prelinine ary reports, probably includes an en- tire buried city. A number o_ hills in the zone are believed to rover pyra- mids. On the summit of one there is a huge globular stone covered with a kind of hieroglyphics. The department communique said that there was no known record of the zone, which it was believed 'had never been seen before by a white n.an. The discoverers brought photo- graphs of the sphinx and other relics with them as proofs of their find. "The past is a bucket ot ashes."— .Carl Sandburg. lilarhart, famous coutmeuiorate her feat and landing at flurry Jelin Alcock, efitclated. Large `Frees Successfully Moved With the Help of Trucks Tree moving is no longer a mystery or a novelty.. Giant elms and oaks that have been three or four genera- tions growing, are uprooted, eased upon underslung trucks specially con- structed for their great weight and may be transeorted many miles at the behest of landscape architects. One of the record feats of tree moving was performed recently ntl in Ja- pan. -pan. A venerable gingko tree— an elder statesman of the species planted . in front of New X'orl. s. City I•Ia11— was transplanted its the new Congress Park in Tokyo. Tae tree is live feet in diameter. Moved with it was a ball of earth surrounding the roots that measured twenty feet across and near- ly eigh„ feet thick.- The entire weight was eighty tins. Five hundred men labored a month to 'move the tree --a painful operation involving beams and rollers, for motor trailers and innova. tion that have not reached Japan. The Japanese have long been exper., at tree moving. In Shiba Park i Tokyoo iisea a gingkoc o tree nearly 40 years old and eight feet in diaptete. Originally it sto oda quarter of 11 mil( away. 44