HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-09-18, Page 5The other night a goodly number of citizens were aroured the middle of the night with continuous bombing and explosions, and one thought that a battery of machine guns had arriv- ed in town, and were showing their full capacity of what they could do. But next morning we learned that it _mole quarterN, indeed. was nothing more or less. than a somewhat balky car that would not , On Monday and Tuesday of next start, and was being towed by anoth- week will be Zurich's big event, name er car, and the backfiring caused the 1y the annual Zurich Fall Fair. And unusual noise, and woke many of the ,,ve trust that the weatherman will be citizens who sleep with open windows. favorable and that a record crowd will turn out this year. The Direct - The resignation of Miss Elizabeth ors and committees in charge have Rennie as Choir Director and Church put forth special efforts to make this organist of Emanuel Evangelical year's fair the best ever. True eno- Church, Zurich, was regretfully re- ugh there are no horse races on the ceivedi and accepted at the corigreg- program, but without a grand stand ationai meeting held on Sept. 14th, few can get the benefit of the races, Miss Rennie has rendered distinguish- and then there is always the question - :c1 service in her profession and her able weather at this time of year, in work has been greatly appreciated case of a light shower of rain, it al - not onlyeby Evangelicals in our midst ways prevents the races and then but by all others who have been blest by her excellent work. We hope that Miss Rennie may return to us again Soon and that nbile she is away Brom us the blessing of God may ever crown her efforts. And because Miss Rennie is leaving for other parts in October, the Trustees of the church are now calling for written applicat- ions to fill the office of Church Organ- ist. Same applications to be Made to S Schoch chairman of the Board of Trustees, up to Friday evening, 7.30 of Sept. 19th 1930. 1111011.1.0111111111111111iNima.—.••••• '411,R CH HEtALD . *Yhtiksday,'' Septesilier gth, 1930 , 11170 TWO BUSINESS CARDS Wants, For Sale, Lela, , LOCAL NEWS DvDLEY E .HouttztEs 3ARRIS11ER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC, Etc. OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Just oil the Square, GODERICH, Ontario. Special Attention to Coemcel and Court Work. Mr, liolnies may be consulted at Goderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. .....iwormason....••••••••.u..00rprmatmeomreavusa Dr. IL H. COWEN L. D. B. D. D B. DENTAL SURGEON At PEITZ BLOCK—ZUBICIA Eyery Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD "FevaiLY Monday, Tuesda-y Dna edroesday Found, Notice, Etc. Ads 111 'NMI COMM OSCAR %LOP? Graduate Care -y M. Jones National School of Auctioneering. Try me -foe Registered Live Stock, (All -Breeds.) VOT311S in keeping with -prevailing ;prices. Choice Farms for Sale. Will eTlan.ything Anywhere. Phone 18-93, or -write. Zurich. Licosa Atiter IllURON. MIDDLES 20RE. X 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CO For Sale A limited number of tine young Pigs. for sale, Apply to Sol. Ginger- leh, Goshen Line. FOR SAL A limited quantity of 16 -inch ,dry hardwood for sale. Apply to Stade ot Weide', Zurich. any Auction Sale, regardless tro to'size OT article to sell. I solicit /our business, and if not satisfied will snake no charges for Services Ren e - ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwoed diced. 13-57. 'Phone Overstock 29x4.40 30/02 'Tires, Tubes. tow Prices. NOW!, It S. #S77 DOM% 001) 141.11110.10•68604111MAIMI*1191161110111 Zurichs' Popular MEAT MABRET Section For Sale Diamond Harrows, good as BCW - 1 Deering straight grain drill. 1, 13 -tooth M. -H. cultivator, nearly • new - 1 Renfrew cream Separator, in good condition. 1 second hand wagon, in good C031- dition. N. E. SIEMON, rYlassey-Harris Agency — Miss Anna Hess, was a StradaY vis- itor in Dashwood. Constable Jul Block made an offic- ial call at Goderich Mond. Miss Florence Uttley has left for Toronto Hospital, where •elle will take spinal treatments. Miss Elizabeth Truemner of De- troit, is spending her vacation at the home of Mr. and Mr.s. Louis Prang, Zurich FOR SALE Property consisting of three acres of land, situated half mile south of St. Joseph, frame house, stable,good water, fruit. trees, etc. For particul- ars apply to Mrs. E. Papineau, R. R. 2, Zurich. til Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith,114ae and Mr. D. Smith were week-endvisitors with, friends at New Hamburg and Milverton. Miss Mildred Ortwein and Mrs, Harry Anderson of Detroit, are spen- ding the week .at the home of their parents, Mr: and Mrs. Jacob Ortwein of the Bronson,, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kropf of Kit- chener, were in -the village a few days last week; 'Mr. Kropf would like 'very much to sell his desirable dwelling property in Zurich. FOR SALE 1 oil stove. 1 Quebec heater and pipes. 1 large mirror,. 4 tables. V. V. Siebert, &urich. ANNOUNCING • WHAT WE HAVE PURCHASED TRW& THE FIRM OF YUNGBLUT I are in a position to do good repair workon()verhauling Cars,Tractors NESSAND 'lilt - at very reasonable etarges. JABBED MEAT BUSI, DAVID FUSS, ' THIS WELL ESTAB tN15 11 DEICHERT, • ,CIT 'YOUR PATRONAGE Phone 1-89. Zurich FOR SALE A couple of fine sows for due in October. _Apply to Oestreicber, Bronson Line, Hay. Mr. and Mrs, John E. Gascho were to London on Tuesday, • Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Geiger were week -end visitors at Preston.. Miss Florence Hanover of •Dashw-, wood was in Zurich on Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs R. F. Stade, and son Harold, were Sunday visitors with friends in Dashwood. Mrs. S. R. Enechtel of St. Jacobs is spending the week at the Rennie home in town. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Reverie and family of Greed Bend called. on Zur- och friends on Taesday, Merrsr. Cyrus Schoch and Sam Livingood of Bridgeport, were in the village on Tuesdey. Mr. and Mrs. Henry '.Eilber, Mr. and Mrs., Herb, K. Eilber of Crediton in town Tuesday attending the funeral of the late C. Eilber., Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz were at Mor- rieton over the. week -end where they attended 'the funeral of the former's cousin. Mr. J. M. Seuthcotte editor of the Exeter Times -Advocate, and Miss Stella Southcott, spent a week at Halifax where they attended the an- nual convention of the eCanadian Weekly Newspaper AssoCiation. Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Prang, of Zurich announce the 'engagement of their youngest daughter, Marguerite, to Arthur J. Gulerich, son of Mr. J. Gulerich and the late Mrs; Gulerich, of Detroit, Mich. • Little Ruth Johnston, daughter of • Mr. and Mrs. Wellington. Johnston, entertained a number pf her little girl friends to a pleasant birthday party on Thursday evening,. Sept. 11, when supper was served, and the ev- ening was pleasantly spent ny ail. Mr. War. Denornme, or near Drysdale, met with. an unfortunate accident the other day. He had aligh- ted from. a. car and stepped around the back to pass- to the other side, sale, but failed to see an approaching car Aaron coming from the opposite direction, which hit his leg and fractured it. FOR SALE A two-piece mattress in very good condition, a bargain. Apply at Her- ald Office. NOTICE Having taken over the Service end ef the Ford Agency, Zurich, I am in a position to give expert service to give expert service an all New Ford ears sold by Mr. S. Elliott. Leonard Prang. CONSULTING, ENGINEER S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Tor.) O.L.S., Registered Professional En- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member Engineering Institute of Canada. 0 ffic e—Seaforth, Ont. NOTICE Miss Mima johnston, who spent the past few weeksvisiting relatives and fiend s Sandusky and Port Huron, Mich., has returned home. Louis Prang has almost com- pleted the rebuilding and renovation of his garage, and place of business. The front part was all taken down andrebuilt with larger doors and a large window put therein, and when completed will indeed .make a very desirable place for his .garage, black- smith shop, and implement eporium. The beautifil rains over the week. end and on Tuesday, were- indeed wel- come, and a great help to the later vegetation, and grass. The farmers are busily engaged in putting in the fall wheat crop, and 'a goodly num- ber of fields are nicely up and grow- ing good. The rains will also assist in making it possible to .do gall plow- ing. Truly we are thankful for these showers of rain. A real estate deal of some import- ance was transacted last week, when Mr. John E. Gascho purchased from the Rennie Estate the fine awelling property opposite the Evangelical church or known as the Rennie home. Possession will be given some time in October. This will indeed make a very desirable home for Mr. and Mrs. Gascho and ramily. Yungblut & Sou COATI 1930 Announcement 'SPRING PRICES NOW IN EFFEC FOR Scranton Coal Cole Alberta Coal and: Soft Coal ele. SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 50 Cts. Per Ton will be allowed for cash. Order Early as prices will Ralf altCO chl Juno 15th. NOTICE We specialize on the following: ;Ford TMISMiSSiOn Linings. Ford IRear Ends; Ford Springs; Ford !Valves Grinding; Brakes re -lined on 'all makes of Cars; We give special attention on oiling and greasing all makes of cars; Radiator anti -freeze attention, Tire Repairing; Have your springs oiled. Leonard Prang, Zurich. Case & Son `PIP '0"4"4"1•1PIP"'"'"*****1`1"4”8"4"P'y .4410440011.4*******9.010144,1111, Farm • 6 6 • • WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES, AND * CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO I m p1 em ell ts WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND WILL BE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE KIND OF MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST, AND THAT WILL GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR OF COST. CARRY A FULL LINE OF PUMPS; PIPING AND FITTINGS, AND BESIDES WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS. LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL We have the Agency for this District, GARAGE SUPPLIES 0 • eneeeteete.461,44.00.16e.foo eeeeeeeee 40.4e4644460 *00.0 entetieteetee veeteeeneetb PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAME DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND RE. BUILDING BATTERIES YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED 4 • 4 4 4 Tires, Ides, Gas, Oils and Greases; 1 L. A. rang – Zurich ,-.4.•++++++4++++++.4-+ 14441 4, CE AR CHESTS AT $835 Mr. N. E. Siemon, the Massey -Har- ris agent, who has recently purchased the Dominion Hotel barns, is making bug improvements along the line of renovation and changing it into a more suitable position for his purpos- es. He has at present moved all his machinery on hand over on the main floor for the present, till the former open shed will be closed in and put into shape for- the implements, with a large show window extending to the north end towards the road. Tie! larger part of the stables will be left as they are now at present, and Mr.. 6iemon will leave this open for the use of the public, and will, or course, charge a small fee for the accomoda- tion of the horses, having room for a- bout thirty horses. The upper story or what was known as the former hall will: be converted into living quarters and when finished will make very de - WHY NOT BUY ONE FOR STORING YOUR FURS, BEDDING, ETC. THESE CHESTS ARE LARGE SIZED AND WELL FINISHED AND WILL ADD TO THE BEAUTY OF ANY ROOM. CALL IN AND LOOK THEM OVER. F PHONE 6 1111011191122e ++++++++++4.+++++++++++++44 +4•4.++++++++++++++++++++447 stovessimp000esseeesstosao 090$00900011800$•11610•111/10009. -r- "D U Arlr 9 ZURICH 1 1 VIENSAL1. 'Piton* 35 LIVE POULTRY WANTED *Alen envy Pay till o'clock, P-192" Do not feed Few) same morning when brought in. ,Bglest Cash Prices FOR— , Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien 1.11u, vbs. A:.20.144, q Ph `41.111111ft Zurich Fall Fair Monday and Tuesday Sept. 22, 23rd, 1930 Program for Afternoon, Sept. 23rd 2.00 peon. Judging of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine and Poultry. 2.30 p. m. Horshoe Games. 3.00 p. m. Calf Race. 3.30 p. m. Walking Race. 3.45 p. m, Bicycle Race. 4,00 p. m. Soft Ball Game—Famous Flying Frenchmen of Grand Bend vs. Exeter. DON'T MISS THE CONCERT' IN THE TOWN RAIL GET YOUR RESERVED SEAT TICKETS EARLY, THE' 'WALPER 6 -PIECE ORCHESTRA WILL FURNISH MUSIC . FOR THE DANCE AFTER THE CONCERT F. KLOPP,. President. A. HESS, Secy-Treas. not alone are the spectators dissa- pointed, but also the horsemen, who in many cases come a long way th race their horses. The program of sports arranged should be very inter -I esting indeed, as there is some ling doing every minute, and with fine we- ather, a record day should be the re- sult. Going Out of Business Your 1930 Goal NOW IS THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO PUT IN YOUR SNPPLY OF COAL FOR NEXT WINTER. OUR SPECIAL IN.. DUCEMENT FOR CASH SALES IS WORTHWHILE, AND BE- SIDES WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES FOR SUMMER DELIVERIES ACT NOW Fertilizer .1A ::4S.T•" V:3,1 a WE CARRY IN STOCK AND ARE SALESMEN FOR THE BEST GRADES OF FERTILIZERS ON THE MARKET, PRICES CON. 1 SIDERED. LET US QUOTE YOU OUR PRICES DELIVERED AT YOUR DOOR. BE SURE AND CONSULT US BEFORE BUYING L. Schilbe & Son 1916•114101110011$611111•111001114911MOSMe 601110011144bedie001111004064114.11111 WWWWiaViddik\AhWitalIWW1k ZUriCh Drug Store 1 1WE'RE GIVING AWAll GILLETTE'S New Razor AS THE BUILDING I AM AT PRES- ENT OCCUPYING - HAS BEEN SOLD TO Mr. W. REITH, I AM FORCED TO VACATE IT. SO AM 'OFFERING THE ENTIRE STOCK ON HAND AT A GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. ALL CHILDREN'S HATS AT $1.00 BALANCE OTRER HATS AN $2.00 FLOWERS AT 20c. Everybody should have a hat stand on which to hang new hats. When not in use I am offering all table stands at'15 cents each. Keep one hi your bed room or clothes closet, where it will be handy, with NEW Blade with the purchase of any one of these at PALMOLIVE SHAVING CREAM COLGATE'S RAPID SHAVE CREAM COLGATE'S HANDY GRIP STICK ECT E S AND FiLlMS COME IN AND LOOKOVER THE sot STOCK, EVERYTHING MUST GO] Dr. A. J. IllacKintion, PariChi V. Y. Siebert 14- ritommmtionwhihwWWANANWIMWM*44' 4 0 IA