HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-09-18, Page 31
Sunday School
$eptember 21. Lesson XII. Jonah
(The Narrow Nationalist Rebuked).
• • • Exercise Alone
,Does Not Reduce
telfilled. Bet instead of reeicing
this sinal display of the divine mercy
"it displeaseth Jonah exceedingly." 14e
wee not pleased that his God was "a
gracious God and full of compassion,
slow to anger and plenteous in
mercy." Ile was grieved for the de-
struction of a simple, quickly growing
vine which sheltered his head from the
heat of the sun, and the absence of
which caused him some discomfort,
but he would have looked with satis-
faction upon the destruction of the
many thousands of Nineveh. Jonah
presents a ccaispicuous example of the
hardness of heart and narrowness of
outlook upon the world of many Sews
of that period, ard of many of the
Jews of New Testament times. This
little book was written as a noble
effort to teach the truth fully revealed
in Jesus Christ, that,
3 and 4.
lerenobuonoN—Jeremialit or some
later prophet whose work is included
in the book of Jeremiah (chaps, 50-
51) , compared t e king of Assyria and
-Nebuchadnezzar, king of Bahyloe,
with fierce beasts of prey which had
devoured Israel and broken his bones,
and the latter with a dragon which
had swallowed up Israel and then cast
him forth, 50: 1'7; 51: 34. The refer-
ence is unmistakably to the captivity
of Israel and Judah. in Assyria and
Babylonia and to the release and re-
turn of the exiles after the conquest
of Babylon by Cyrus. Them is an
explicit prediction of such a return in
50: 18-20. It would seem that some
large hearted Jewish writer of the
first or second century after the re-
turn used a similar figure in writing
the book of Jonah. Jonah he uses to
represent Israel, refusing to exercise
his prophetic mission to the Norld, the
mission of teaching Jehovah's 'ways
and establishing universal peace (Isa.
2: 1-4), or of bearing the covenant
blessing and the light of deliverance
to all oppressed nations, Ise. 42: 1-17;
49: 6. The eastern empires which
conquered and. enslaved Israel are rep-
eeesented by the great fish, and the re-
turn of Israel to his own land te the
i. °wilting forth of Jonah upon the dry
land. Israel's keen desire :o see the
nations which had opposed him pun-
ished, and his -rediction of ruin to
these nations, are well represented by
Jonah's preaching in Nineveh, and by
his discontent and anger at the non-
fulfilment of his prediction of the de-
struction of that city. The book closes
-with a rebuke 'o the narrow spirit of
-national selfishness, and a most im-
pressive lesson of the all-embeacing
mercy of God.
Jodah, the son of Amittai, is men-
tioned elsewhere only once. In the
brief account of Jeroboam IT. and his
reign, iu 2 Kings, 14: 23-29, he is said
to have foretold the extension of the
kingdom of Israel "from. the entering
in of Ilamath (in the north) to the
sea of the Arabah (in the S'D,uth)." Of
his call to be a prophet and his mis-
sion to. Nineveh we know wiling ex-
cept what is told us here in the book
f jonah. The book is quite evidently
not written by him, but rather about
him. There may have been current in
later centuries uire such story as is
here told 'bleb. the writer ter this book
"The love of God is broader
Than the measure of man's mind;
And the heart of the eternal
Is most wonderfully kine."
We all pity Mr. Henpeck a bit. Quite
unnecessarily, according to a well-
knoWn authority OIL children, Dr. C.
W. Kinunine.
According to him, most henpecked
husbands are really "hen -protected."
As small boys they relied entirely on
their mothers. When they grew up
and married they expected their wives
to look after them, make decisions for
them, and generally act as the "pre-
dominant partner."
This may explain a good many
cases of henpecked husbands, but does
it explaM them all? If there are gent-
ly submissive men, who want to be
under authority. there are also master-
ful women who expect to rule.
But, after all, doesn't every wife do
that? The only difference between a
henpecked husband and one who isn't
is that the former knows his wife is
running the show. The other doesn't,
but his wife gets her ONVI1 way just
the same.
• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
leg week and forth, then sideways ton
time. ,
e..-ixo reduce the hips and the calf,
egefei twelve times, each toot alter-
otthe leg etep up on a chair and dOWn.
oesideo reducing we are building up
this WY bring back the body to Ito
a entitle self control, for with the in.
norMai Weight and beauty, and best of
"(Asset exercise a the body we do not
wend, to eat more food, We will in
all it Will.stay normal because we will
not care to eat such quantities of high.
caloried foods after we understand
Keep on with your 1200 Calorie per
how much they count,
day reducing diet if your normal
By Marie A.nn Best
weight is 100 pounds, a few more than
1200 calories it you have a bigger
frame, and less it it is smaller.
Tuna Fish a la Newburg
1800 Calories
%sp. salt
1 large eau tuna fisb.
pinch cayenne
ile green Pepper
ye pimento 1 pt. whole milk
1 tbls. cream
3 stalks celery
3 ripe olives 1 this. butter
2 tblsps flour
Metimel.—Parboil green, pepper and
3 green olives
egeryetill tender, thea drain.. Chop
them. up with pimento and olives.
Make a white sauce with milk, butter
float* and cream. Season. Pull fish
apart IA big pieces. Add to sauce, turn
in other ingredients, cook together a
minute and serve with. toast points.
Next week—Sugar and Chocolates.
Calling the drought now existing on
the North American continent an ap-
palling disaster to agriculture and the
severest since that of 1874, Mr, Her-
bert jauvria Browne, 'consulting met-
.eorologist or. Washington, D,C., in a re-
cent Bulletin of his weather forecast
service says that the ultimate culprit
is the moon, working through its tidal
attraction on the ocean. Says Dr. E.
E. Free, in his 'Week's Science (New
"During recent months the relative
stretch every muscle m positions of earth and moon In space
Yawn again and feel glad you are have swung the moon. farther to the
alive. Then take hold of each side of north or. the earth's equator than us-
er the bed with your hands, bend the nal, Mr. Browne explains, while the
knees so that the feet are planted on moon also has been relatively near to
the sheet, then lift hips while lying on the earth. This has increased' the lunar
your back and sway over to one side attraction on the water of the North.
of the bed as far as you can before .:
Atlantic, with the result of spreading
you let yourself down. Then. it and. westward over that ocean the cold. -
move over to the other side. Repeat water area which exists normally in.
fifteen times. Gradually you Will be the. neighborhood of the Azores Is -
able to do it forty times or more. This
is excellent for reducing the hips and
also strengthens the back.
What New York Mother Earth Beats
is Wearing Like Human Heart
BY ANNABELLE WORT:e8I8N:T:Nr_ New Doctrine Of Evolution Propound -
//lustre ted Dreeentalaing ed by Chicago Astronomer.
vishod With Ever etAlbany, NX..—The Albany F4 v era rtg
1attern News publishes a new theory of the
evolution of the universe, advanced by
Professor Benjamin Boss, director of
the Dudley Astronomical Observatory
of this city, before the American As-
tronomical Society in Chicago recent-
Working with scientific observations
gathered by astronomees and geo-
physicists since the beginning of as-
stronomical observations, Professor
Boss has placed the entire mechanics
of the evolution of the universe into
one scheme. The general conclusions
he has reached are that:
The earth is constantly pulsating,
like a human heart. In these heart-
beats are born oceans, mountains, vol-
canoes, earthquakes.
The contraction and expansions of
the earth's pulsatio e is caused by. the
sun's bombardment of the earth with
electrons. In the electronic charges
come the winds, the storms, northern
lights, and other natural phenomena.
Ice and tropical ages have been
caused by the passage of the suit'
through a cosmic dust of greater or
lesser potential.
Iceland tropical ages have,theen
caused by the passage of the sun.
through a cosmic dust of greater or
lesser potential.
The stars have a distinct evolution
—a life cycle. They begin in the
birth of an atom and atoms form into
cosmic. dust which collect into clouds
or nebulae. The clouds condense and
form giant red stars which pass on.
to the yellow giant elars, and losing
mass through radiation, pass to yel-
low dwarf stars and from the -e to the
red dwarf stage.
While Professor Boss has actual ob-
servations to support this theories of
the mechanics of the earth, he says
that his theory of the evolution of the
universe is somewhat speculative, al-
though a vast field of investigation
has been openel by his demonstration
of penetrating radiation from the sun.
Ocean to Provid
Power In Future?
Article 7—"The Pally Dozen." •
There are many excellent exercises:.
We read or. them. in papers, hear them
over the radio. The main thing is to
be sure we do them and do them re-.
gularly. It was thought that to re-
duce one must go through exceedingly
tiring and long drawn out perform1
It is found that this is not necessarY,
in fact it is sometimes harmful.
One often hears of a person who
tries to reduce by exercise. Suddenly
they willatake a notion to walk four
miles every day. They do eo for a
While. coming home tremendously
hungry and quantities of ,f000d are
eaten with great relish. This mu go
on for days but it seems a very little
is accomplished for so big an effort.
Because you cannot reduce just by
exercise alone. What should be re-
membered is the fact that with the in-
creased exercise, which should' not be
too strenuous; the intake of food. must
not be increased, so that in this way
the body will draw on the surplus body
fat for fuel. Everyone knows the great
value of the daily walk, or a swim,.
when every muscle of the body is be-
ing exercised, but do not start on too
long a walk at first, get the flabby
muscles used. to it,
Here is a good daily sample for ex-
ercise: 1. When you waken yawn and
• b d
Sympathy is wasted an them in tor-
rid summer weather, according to
F, Thorne, writing in Science News -
Letter, a Science Service publication
(Washington). He quotes George
Jenuison, well-known. and widely ex-
perienced English zoologist, as fol-
"The public err profoundly with re-
gard to polar bears. They are pitied
in hot weather, while a severe spell of
frost always calls forth the remark
that the polar bears will enjoy them-
selves; actually they do not like the
cold. They rarely enter the water be-
tween October and. February, and, on
the other band, nothing pleases. them
so much as hot weather; when. they
will lie flat with all four feet extended,
enjoying the. blazing sunshine. In the
takes and uses for his own purpose.1 Arctic, radiation from the White snow
is eatieme and the heat terrific. Carl
In his hands it becomes a parable con- .
-Wiling a pointed and effective renuKe
to the narrow Judaism .of the fifth and
following centuries B.C„ which desir-
ed and predicted only the destruction
-of the nations which had. been hostile
to Israel. See for examples Ezekiel,
.chapters 38-39; Joel, chapter 3; etc.
It is nct quite ease to understand
the language of this prayer as pro-
ceeding from a man in a whale's belly.
It is true that he might hays described
himself as in the "belly or hell," or
rather Sheol (as margin RN.), and
as in "the depth, in the heart of the
seas," but hardly as having the
4'weds . . . wrapped about" 1 is head.
The last clause ot verse 6 and the
verses that follow represent hint as
.delivered and his prayer as answered,
and declare his purpose to offer a
sacrifice of thanksgiving. The prayer
may have come out of any occasion of
extreme danger or distress,
3 and 4.
When Jonah's second chance came
he went to Nineveh and proclaimed
the destruction of that city—"Yet
forty days and Nineveh shall be over-
thrown.' He represents very perfect-
ly the attitude and spirit of the Jews
•• d of the exile toward
Hagenbeck has seen. polar bears
stretched. out to enjoy sunshine that
gave leopards heat apoplexy."
There seems to be a suggestion of
the "busman's holiday" about the fav-
orite reading of sailors. According
to the British Sailors' Society, which
runs the Ocean Library Service for
Merchant Seamen, travel books are,
after fiction, the most in demand in
the sea -going iibearies.
In fiction, "thrillere" are the most
popular form of story, mystery tales
of the sea being especially in demand.
Among the standard authors who are
strong favorites, Joseph Conrad and
Robert Louis Stevenson, who both
wrote sea stories, have places of
A standard ocean library consists
of a selection of books, including bio-
graphy, history, travel, essays, poetry,
science, and fiction. It is contained
in an oak cabinet. Libraries can be
exchanged at the principal British
ports and also on the Continent and
Last year 203 new libraries were is-
sued and 1,084 were exchanged. They
2—Draw up one leg tight to the body
encircle the knde with heads to draw
up tighter and 'let go. Repeat .10
times or more, then exercise the other
leg, after which try both together.
3—Sit up in bed without using arme,
lie down again and repeat 15 times.,
Now, then, will feel like getting
4—To tone up the nerves and keep
a cold away there is nothing quite so
good as a quick cold sponge bath
every morning. It is not nearly as
hard to do as it sounds; many people
cau take a cold sponge who find the
plunge into cold water hard on the
system. Soma prefer a quick tepid.
bath or shower in the morning.
Afterwards the brisk rub with a
rough towel also helps to remove the
surplus fat. Pull. the towel back and
forth many times across the body in
every position: It exercises the arras
as well. At night, two or three times
during the week, is the time for the
hot bath. They help to reduce but
too many turkish exhausting baths are
weakening. Everything accomplished
should be gained naturally.
5—At night massage your neck with
.cold cream, rubbing straight up and
down. vigorously with fingers front
point of chin to chest. This prevents
the neck from becoming wrinkled and
removes the fah
6—A flue exercise for plumb backs
and ehoulders is to stand erect, feet
together, stretch arms straight out
side ways„ palms up, then make a
large circle with your hands without
flexing the elbows. Swing from the
shoulders. Then reverse. At first this
seems hard to do but if You persist
it will take off the flesh just where
you waut it off. Be satisfied with four
or five times at first, working up to
twenty 'times each way.
7—Bend sideways with arms out-
stretched to left and right.
8—Place hand on door and swing
a Lee
their neighbors. No doubt there wereare the most travelled libraries in the
s(enin the
Ideal to brighten your mid -summer
wardrobe for town or resort.
Bow theme gives jaunty air to smart
simple all -occasion dress of powder -
blue flat crepe silk.
It moulds the figure, presenting a
slim and rather straight silhouette.
The circular skirt widens toward the
hem into charming Tippling fulness.
The seaming of joining of the skirt
and the bodice with dip at the front
and the back detracts from breadth,
giving the figure charming height.
St Tle No. 2582 comes sizes 1.6, 18
Mr. Browne's explauatiou continues, years, 86, 38, 40 and 42 incites-Shantung,linen, bus .
ng, linen, pique, printed
lauds. Around this cold-watee area,
there circulate normally a series of
batiste, tub silk prints and printed
winds which, seldom reach this con -
chiffon voile appropriate.
tinent. This summer, howbe- ever, It's exceptionally easy to make—
practicfaly a two-piece skirt to be at-
'cause ot the unusual westward eaten-
sion of the cold -water area, these
winds, are reaching this country so
that hot winds blow landward front
the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean
Sea, create more or less permanent
areaie. of high ainpressure over the
continent and prevent, Mr. Browne
concludes, 'anything save showers in
the way of rainfall? The condition
has been accentuated, Mr. Browne
adds, by the fact that the radiation
from the sun, now measured daily by
the Smithsoniau instittition, has beeti
unuswilly high for the past six weeks,"
notable exceptions,
language of some of the Psalms, for
example, 96, 100. But, like jonala the
Jewish people as a whole had no gos-
pel of salvation for the Gentiles and
no desire that the Gentile nations
should survive the catastrophe which
they believed would end the age in
which they lived.
But in this story the unexpected oc-
curred. Nineveh listened and repent-
ed of its sin, "and God repented of the
evil which he said he would do unto
them. Jonah's prediction was not
Irate Parent: "The next time that
young man calls, I'll sit on him."
Daughter: "Oh, fathei, la me do ib!"
Shamrock 1", Sir Thomas Lipton's
challenger for the America Cup, has
been insured. on a value of $90,000,
at a rate of 150 per cent. Risks cov-
ered include sea perils, fire, partial
damage, and collision,
tached to two-piece bodice. rum
its It's very inexpensive too!
Write your name and address plain-
ly, giving number and size of each
patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in
stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap
it carefully) for each number, and
address your order to Wilson Pattern
Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto.
Success Crowns Scientist's Efforts to
Sink 6,000 Tube.
An old farmer was complaining bit-
terly to the minister ot the terribly
had weather for the crops, when the
latter reminded him that be had much
to be grateful for, all the same. "And
remember," said the good man, "Provi-
dence cares for all. Even the birds of
the air.Are fed each day." "Aye," re-
plied the farmer, darkly. "Oft my
A. naval vessel put into a South
Wales port, autt two midshipmen, keen
golfers, got shore leave. Putting on
their plus -fours, and complete with
golf bags, they event off for a game.
But on landing they were met by a
well-keiown coalowner, who knew one
of them, and he suggested lunch and a
visit down a mine instead of golf. So
down thi mine they went, and then,
reshouldering their golt bags, returned
to the ship. They arrived in face of
the Admiral, who, feeling genial
enough to notice the "snotties," re
marked, "Been playing golf?" "Oh,
no, sir," grinned one of them; "we've
been down a mine." Next morning
'they were hauled uo for insolence, and
it took a letter from the c'oalowner to
persuade the Admiral that appear-
ances had been deceptive.
AND 'fot)
FoSe Ewe,
'Th1P\ Nies
17% TIV.
nee mo•
MUTT ell.61- NOW:
i HAI)N'T SeaK)
lw61eNTV `1Are S..
Matanzas, uba.—The sinking of a
6,000 -foot metal tube into Metanzas
Bay in connection with an experiment
to create power from sea water was
accomplished successfully by Georges
Claude, French scientist and inventor
in charge of the experiment It was
the third attempt to sink a tube into
the bay.
The tube was slowly shoved out into
the bay, 'each 150 feet of pipe being
supported by four pontoons. When
the full length was in the water the
pontoons were removed one by one
and the tube sank beneath the waves.
Divers then descended and inspected
the tube, announcing it was resting
safely on the ocean floor.
Prof. Claude's experiment involves
bringing huge quantities of cold water
from the bay to the surface, where it
is pumped to large tanks on the shore.
The tanks are filled partially with
warm surface water from the gulf
stream, which is brought to the boiling
point when the tanks are subjected to'
an exhaustion of air, creating steam
to operate a turbine. The cold water
is used solely to cool the tanks, re-
duce the steam and perpetuate the
If the experiment at 'Matanzas is
successful, Prof. Claud.e, with the as-.
sista.nce of the Cuban Government;
plans to erect a plant for commercial
operation in a more suitable location
he line 8elected.
Every event of life, every cireunt-
stance of our lot, is a husk containing
precious food, and. yet how much
life we receive as a mere Meek, with-
out searching for or receiving, the hid-
den sweetness.—Erskine of Litelathen.
Power of Vision
Our life is just as narrow as we let
it be. It we live iu a lonely country
Place miles front a railway, we can
study the plants and animals about us
until we come to understand some-
thing of the secrets of the universe. If
our lot is in a great city, we have op-
portunities of studying 'human nature
--seeing with our own eyes the de-
velopment of characters as strange as
ever novelist put into his books. Mul-
titudes of men walked the same
streets with Dickens without seeing a
hundredth part of what he saw. It is
the power to see, and not the object to
be seen, that NVO lack, aud this power
may be, to a certain extent, cultivated
by praci ice,
sec myth
If this lite were all, what wide hori-
zous mast vanish utterly! Datmortal-
ity is a splendid challenge to mau,
challenge repeated at every crisis iu
mortal life, ringing even through dis-
appointments or failures. As Words-
worth puts it:
Our resting, our being's heart and
is with Intl:allude, and only there.
With hope it is, hope that can never
Effort and affection and desire.
Irienna has such a mania for pa,
liteness that a new automatic machine
has just been produced that supplied
packets of sweets in return for coins,
and says sweetly: '"Phank you; please
favor me ngain."
eeeeeeebeeeeeeeeteeee- "— «rcrerocriv
you Gotta Figure Out Jeff's Opinion for You.czeive.s.
BeTweew OkateSe LUES
L 'DON'T flit
Heks MAI')
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