HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-09-18, Page 1Vol. XXXI Hoer 11 HE ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 18, 1930. Chester L. $mfttt, regnahazi ;1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 is Arlamesia *1.a0 IN ARREARS, MAT 812 OBACREUM Sept 22nd. and 23rd. are the Dates of the Zurieh Fall Fair OUR COR The days ate shortening., 1rt ; ter fiords, it's "getting late ea. F=" It's difficult to get bad isaOrreY Spent on wasted. gasoline: The N eat fantistic toe is a: poor air" -'n•ss. 'Is entertained at the cost of limeade An owl in Scotland Was flit by a goli ball. It seized. the ball. Ira its claves :and made oc with. it. The Scots- man .dhase cots-man.:ehasi . the owl seven miles .and -retrieved his ball.. it takes a w:ery vise coals to ;gat ahead of a good Soots man. +F--+ Attendance at the Toronto Exhib- ition Was 287,000• •behind last year's figures. Partly becarise people have not so much money to this year, and partly because the Exhib- ition had no striking new features to aOim♦•••••r'Qv®'.04144.19-1244:44. 4:44.04r@066`44404 41.4.404•4444ro s" E • liarneSB1 :�WRGE OCEiARNESS, TRUNKS, .f. e TRAVELLING BAGS,. VALLLCES, ETC., TO CHOOSE FROM., AND 44• 9 ARE OFFERING -EHE SAME TO THE PUBLIC AT VERY is A e � A-F-gKA•CTIVE I'ItICES. 410 4, • it Pian oS Pianos •. •* ®i IF YOU HAVE BEEN THINKING OF ADDING. Ai. FINE NEW 2 PIANO TO THE PLEASURES OF YOUR HOME,BE SURE AND 0 CONSULT 'US, .AS WE ARE AGENTS FOR TRE POPULAR m OltSH;E�K ,MANNING • LINE- e reirr' ALSO AOE1 NT•S FOR THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE ••• FRED• THIE• L. - Ud. .1 ° PHONE 102:. 00.41,*4 04`p 000 'let 41.4441:1444604444K400 0-e. 4.0...14 4-4:444,4444,44.4,00+ ttl.& 00)bier'069fT0(984,10iNstY4k34414A 1w08"t(g..110(141,(4)(in of t:TrkktieSide9ee9ai090 • 9 1ti.` ^`1 � � a•e �i n. It�1�r ; i• ore:._ Than 'swat Sell Shoes A 0 as 0 O THE STORE OF REAL SERVICE GIVES YOU NOT ONLY THE 3 FINEST OF SHOES, BUT INSISTS UPON A MOST d::Ai{:ll+ 1,'i. FITTING. NEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN HAVE LEARNED THAT TO PURCHASE THEIR SHOES HERE INSUitilfS i'lWFl!:S- SIONAL SHOE FITTING AND GRADUATED FOOT SPECIALIST 0 AT A REALLY .MODERATE. COST. F REMEMBER -WE GUARANTEE EVERY SHOE WE SELL TO ae B.E. JUST .AS! _REPRESENT 1D. 9 0 REPAEMING NEATLY DONE 9 9 B,iT OUR caa 1 t° ray e tt its ;i? i WINL(i * b1a:SPLAY p c a '•. aETe:s$t .... I" e eel Just ,h Gt. IF SWEATER WITH HOSE TO MATCH Sr. T ,i `T �..1..AT S BJ SMLc4 S AND SNAP ?U1 `,Z'IEN'S SILK t rNisr'h.F.LYx,4.4,i - <Mu. M BMA' I'IO. NS, 0: 1 ': 2 5 i,t..A 1:.. WiH E C(iI.tsa �'.✓2yn SPORT PAN TS JUST 'WHAT YOU WANT ..,17 E .ERY • • la1 EADY MADE SUITS, ,. ".d ADE TO MEASURE, OK TT:*c:nl..+G m..A i lxl' S.,i6.TIiS+FACIrli .GVARANTEE k R0iFM N' S BLOCK s„ t t flkr'i i;;s : Il attract the crowds. 4•-+ The Popular Vote Figures compiled at Ottawa show that 625,00 more votes were polled in the July election than in the gen- eral election of 1926. The Conserv- atives polled about 400,000 more; the Liberals not quite 300,000 More; Progressives polled 100,0e0 fewer votes. The total vote was 3,898,995, of which the Conservatives palled 1,909,955, or somea5hat less than one half. The Liberal vote was 1,714,-• 860, the remainder being divided a- mong Progressives, Laborites and other groups. In Ontario the Liber- al vote increased by about 150,000, and the Conservative vote by less tl an 75 000 Yet the Conservatives Mr: and Mrs. John Preeter of Kit- chener, visited for a few days with Zurich friends last week: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Horner were visitors to London a few days last week. Mrs. Thoma.; Johnson and daught- er, Miss Susie, are visiting in Kitch- ener and other points east. r , gamed three seats, and the iibexals M s Wickens of Ingersoll is spend- A discount of 50c per tea aiFli�7� d" xr. Mrs. John Hey, Sr. $ r Mr. Calvin Williams, Mrs. T. L. i Graduated Foot S.ecCIst 9•- c run an automobile without the neces- sary skill and knowledge,and coming to grief with a badly smashed car and bodily injury, he was rushed to where a doctor's office appeared, but when rushing in he was told that the ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church "A Changeless Christ for a chang- ing World." Everybody Welcome to all Services - E. Tuerkheim, Pastor. Friday, 8h: Luther League. Saturday -Choir Practice. 10. a. m: .German Service. 11,;, 5 Sunday School. 7:30: English Service. William: H. Brow COAL 19, New Law Price Now in E feet. WHEN BUYING YOUR. F UEIZ•. WHY NOT HAVE THE raE GENUINE TD. L. & W. StiRAIIT> . COAL "The Standar-i Anthracite?' EGG„ STOVE, NUT ANI)' S 1't �'e PEA. SIZES,. SEMET. SOI.'i�• COKE. Mrs. a , lost two, ing 'the week with her parents, Mr.. CASH on all fuel - lost rather amusing incident was that and of where a poor fellow attempted 'to Williams, and Mr. Melvin Whitesides spent. a pleasant week visiting with the former's parents at Toronto. • Mr. and Mrs. Hansel of Bucalo, AT HENSALE..'NI. Brown's Boot Shop Office Phone 10w House nano lair visited with the later's parents, Rev. =- occupant was not a medical doctor, and Mrs.. Dreier, a few days during but a veterinary surgeon with regret that he could not treat him, but he surprised the doctor by saying you are just the man to treat me as 1 am a jackass to think I could run that car. The cost of late summer and aut- umn highways improvement projects being unrl; rtalren by the province in the London district, with. the relief of unemployment the chief object „view will be over $400,000, it is est- iinatecl. The lve miles of paving just south of St. Thomas on the Port St- anley raod will likely killItA I Fra . t APIVE?�`a. 't t9 i Ii �l » Ea 40* ?04446. Nlduetl! i "yi r •Ne• ►a dttea-i a�4 ahe,,44+t n 4/41 . • . the past week. Ml. Loup Lipphardt, whd t:pent a nul�rl er of \ k with relatives and friends here, left on Monday morning for his home by motor car in the St- ate of Washington. Late Christopher Frederick Eilber Christopher Frederick Eilber, son of t1 late (t; urge Frederick Either and Fri, .,a. Finkbeiner, was born in •✓S -itiie n 'Township, Huron County Oxzt, une> 9th, 1864, and came to his Le.1d ; ith startling and unexpected entail an .ex- si d i; ;s as he dropped to the street penditure of about $:130,000 and :,up- a -•>'s a, to:lni without a 'mordents ply work for cmplo;un+3rci of between wer".1 Ing on Saturday evening, Sept - 50 and 100 men, varying with the stages of the work, it is stated. • HOUSE FOR SALE A •eery desirable frame dwelling house in Zurich, good garden, fine location, also garage. For further particulars apply to David Gingerich, Zurich, Ont. IN MEMORIAM .Thiel -In loving memory of our darling Dorothy Thiel, who passed a - or. September 23, a. o. 9� C ireeeefl ;ea. •:;i: a 's dearly love. loot cnt we c o•dd not save Beloved in life and mourned in death Remembered in tlni. grave. Pier to ilr ,,. :.� tG is •t - r .0 ee;.ot Though years may pass away. The lo.: of il, we sadly reel As keenly as that linet day When all is ; f. l• rt lent And sleep for..ake., taw eyes Our thoughts are in a silent grave Where our dear Dorothy lies; Ever , em nthred • by her Marla. .-hilae .ia":,L'.f.-a: s:�1L•C,v,: tt 'The quest Rte feature--•-exclusivo in Mare watehes lis ono which you ;lac„:111 na 1-+: aead before .c.; ;i.e,,; a purchase. ...., CD:at 6Stoa•It of r _ rt r "y ;?otter r.•t ( c a:: 1/•'•• t c ?-i-a!3 "ftj'i, p.p•`. t:lei 11 ii i I 1.. .lam z , The Jeweller. ember 13th. 1930, at 8 o'clock, when the streets of Zurich were teeming with busy, shoppers, aged 66 years, 3 months and -four days.. Drs. Mac- Kinnnon and.. O'Dwyer hastened to the scene, but life was gone when they ai:ived. • It wa, indeed a very great shock. 't'o all for. the late Mi. Eilber had that day, as usual, been actually pursuing business and attended to the shipping of live stock as was his we- ekly custom, • Oh how unannounced and abruptly his busy life cause to a halt at the merciless command of death's grim. reaper who never Estene to our pleading: for continued life :Lrt+ Thr a.lnol•e convenient and op- !r!:t•-• nii- He was One o broalers and four sisters; two n,icra- i^.cr`i of the fainly having died in in- fs t r .', in the wake of a diphth l r •a i c• The departed was first lie r. r led to 1\tiee , Anna Brill and to - •e .,he, they •shared joy and sorro'. fot. 37 years. Two daughters and on • son were given' them. Seven ago his: cornpanion was taken from our his side. In 1925 he was united in ;:1:'ge•to 14Irs• Mirin n clnrteri la,+e Mr. Eilber spent; all his mereied Zurich; for a time he fe t 1' ickeinittt trade, later r e t ' l nsinel.. lis! t -i& • \-. VI.• :i int re, t' l pa payed of hr, ., •iI1 a."Pita;. - .. oir .0!”!;41; in the county :tn.i ,. r''! e IY1''4e f e e i;i1 ..: i i ties rag.; ";6 ai! '..•1 _e,note its w'elfar'e. His r.•... !, ser. ad'friendly dispositini; ..eld and father he was uevutt+d lie vas a willing h<.lr e. ,t! i...a ho were in nee d., an h, i •1 "itt ,character, a treated tit, 744 lte'nr':ng ar'e. •t ;r�' ..'iil be' ni 'etc 0 . ,' ,... 1 lie is sulaisa, 'Ing Coll'nprnrol, tea) f ,: W. I-1 Chita -tee i!+1117 ' !c''il41 ei' •xof.t 1 t ;_inters Airs. Nim. t C'rcdlten. aahee,e, e'.re. 'alt ee is •. _. ()the ga le laid end f` ,an' v F . . '1 S:evi.e3 Wag: hold at'bie. herea Zurich on Tuesday afternoon, ea: .-lent at the kronen Line t ,m- arte ry. The funeral service was in ;eel, o�. 'Roy.' W. 'Y Dreier, vi'ho ti a sistncd by Hev'ds. E 1'urkh.,i. l and C. Schrag of 'Zurich, .and Rev. Sauer of Dashwoact. The funeral • , i . rely attended by relatives and friends :from rear and far. The heart felt syrepathY of the community goes out to the bereaved family.' • •f`r'o:;:.'r.y,•ia.F.•Q••£••f ++ i++✓o4+•E'+++rtel-÷+4 i•+++++++ e•E•+++++ 444+ Every Day is getting better and +'r better. People are getting Value -Wm. . Thats why they come here for Shoes &. Cal, MEN'S TAN OXFORDS MFG.• BY SCOTT McHALE GENUINE $7.00 VALUE $4.85 WOMENS' PATENT STRAPS WITH BUILT IN ARCHES Reg. $5.00, At $2.95 MISSES PAT. SLIPPERS SIZES 11 to 2 Reg. $3.00, At $2.00 SHOE REPAIRING No. I SOLES Men's Half Soles $1,00 Ladies' half Soles .. 75c Sl 4. T WO 1930 BRAND NSY:.'v i MODEL A. COACHES, AT A SACRIFICE 1925 FORD COUPE BALOONS NEW DUCO FINISH rt 0a 4.seen try y.1. 0.111�o u, r at _! tY,e+f;F 31 :1. WOMEN'S PUMPS MURRAY MAKE L ,e.Cri, TAN OR WE:1T1i Genuine x$',6.95, At $5;7S ARCH SUPPORTS Dr.. SCHOOLS' REGULAR $5.00E Now $3.00 Pair. RUNNING SHOES t1OYS AND GIRLS' S5c - 90c. $1.15 MEN'S WORK SHOES You Can't Beat Em at isn)- Pr's:.e.. T ilnyre WoncierE l wkl- This Price $3.25 .:r A 41 FonD COACH. �. ORT(' • :1,L TIRES AND r.,,... _A. rte, .a.w.ii. RUNS LIKE. k1E:l+:'. 1320 MODEL A. COUPE, 1923 FORD TOURING ouN nd getting a1 e v :.1� r' _ t ''y r k y. OILS, A:t=D �r�.., .5iTAPLE I:E+ ES. Too 7 ..1 frl.FNTN.ON. 1930 GAI.4.tr .:•.' 'O w SUPFZ m lain/. D A?1ht ' &rar: ry 1: - '': i 1 Af s '4^ t'•s l.:" eA<f6d ,r PHONE n -