HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-09-11, Page 7STYLES AND CUSTOMS CHANGE P p t• OUT Y M R .. fundamentally, human nature nt,ver changes ... neither does the cigar smoker's preference for Wilson's Bachelor. They were smoked and enjoyed 25 years ago. They are smoked and enjoyed in increasing numbers today—because Wilson's Bachelor cigars are 100% Havana filler with the added advantage of the foil wrapper. individuality foil wrapped and in pocket; packs office WILSON'S ACHELO.R: cigar Still most for the money At Ninety I and rte longer tossed and.torte and killed { By loneliness and tortured humbled pride; I am content, My life is sweetly filled With little joys that once I cast aside. ,... .. A Brown Owl's Fancy To me, a Pack of Brownies is a col- lection of violins—violins of every description, good, bad and indifferent; some highly strung and some hardly strung at all—ranging in tone from the common ordinary fiddle to the rare old violin of a great master. The Brown Owl is the musician, whose aim and ambition it should be to bring forth all the harmony that inay be stored within each violin. While anyone who has an ear for music and has received the necessary instruction can play a violin, not everyone can bring oat the music that is pent up within her instrument. The would-be musicians range in an infinite gradation from the one who is content merely to play a simple little tune to the more ambitious soul who longs to bring out the wonderful symphony of sound that she feels must be just within reach. The uninspired 'player arnUs her- self and harms nobobdY• The over- zealous player works strenuously in her futile struggle to release the har- mony she knows and feels but cannot reach; while her poor little m instru- ment—racked and ragedpon and d given no chance to vibrate—is forced into a protesting and painful discord. In between these two extremes range the real musicians, with here and there a master—the master vio- linist—who, by means of perfect tech - to and absolute control, o is enabled to bring forth all thatisin thein- strument in his hands. It may be this is only a common fiddle. Yet will he coax some music from it. Should it, by some happy 'chance be one of the filled with ! e !violinsd h the music of the ages, the resulting harmony is "a thing of beauty and a joy forever." He, the iii bring forth some music from each and every in- strument. n' should be in harmony with her hat. stru en t Even though the master a violinists be ttiut, iousjust a dfor the cont ary,rpose o suppo e. milady s are exceedingly rare, we true musicians and release at least wearing a garden hat? that is pent some of the up side of our instruments—the Brownies. There is something within each one of them just needing the neces- sary encouragement—happy environ- ment and opportunity—to burst forth into a self-expression that might otherwise lie dormant for years— maybe, forever. The instruments are many; the players only are wanting. —Isabel Campbell. Brown Owl. 1st New Westminster Park of Brown- ies. music in- • Milk Diet AidsHens Among the wide variety of feeds which comprise the' poultry ration of to -day, none compares with milk in encouraging fowls to keep hard at ed to meet the shy young man. their egg laying duties during the hot „Wily, I never thought You would weather of Summer, in the opinion of remember me," she said brightly. Professor C. S. Platt, assistant poultry „Oh, yes," he replied, searching for husbandman for the New Jersey Ag - the right thing to say. "I recognized riculteral Experiment Station, who as your hat: =Answers. serts that the poultryman "cannot af- ..---_e. ford toleave milk out of the ration at this When Times Are Hard If times are hard and you feel blue, Think of others worrying, too; Just because your trials are many pale cheeks—that is to i vigorate the Don't think the rest of us haven't any. smiles and tears, ;body with new blood—rich, red health - Joys and sorrows,Life is made up Emixed with fears; I giving blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills And though to us it seems one-sided, do this and they do it well. Concern- ing them Mrs. Robert Devitt, Broug- IfTrouble is pretty well divided. 1 ham, Ont., says: "My daughter be - We'd would look in every its part, came so i11 and nervous we had to find that each one has its And those who travel fortune's road, take her out of school. She was pale Sometimes carry the biggest load. and thin; her eyes were dull and the Author Unknown. least exertion upset, her. I began giv- • ing her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and in less than six months you would not A Bad Blunder know her. She gained in weight and She had just returned to her home strength and is now the picture of after three years abroad, and happen- health." Dr. Williams' Pink Piles are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. Each day brings me its tune, its violet; 1 shake with laughter at old jests 1 know, Why worry .over things that I forget? The sun is warm. I have a dog pal too. My heart is keen for joy, but numb to grief, I garner each new springtime that I see, The molten glory of the autumn leaf Is mine—the glad reach of an age- ing tree. But what is age? I am not growing old, I have but paused to count my coin of lore, Halted a moment, proudly tq behold The wealth of friendship that I have in store. The young whirl past me like wild petals blown On one wind of desire for what is dear; They seek the joy that only age has known, They cannot guess that happiness waits here. With tiny mast -light gales, I drop my anchor in God's peace and ride, Ready to hoist sails, And catch the gentle, last outgo- ing tide. —By Carolin Fuller. — dipping to the undaunted crimson Bright Eyes, I Rosy Cheeks The Birthright of Every Girl. Dull eyes mean misery and weak- ness—a sure sign of a bloodless con- dition. Anaemic girls and women have dull, heavy eyes with dark lines' radioactive probably as a result of usually pre - woman ab - lit a,. tan T 1•;,,,, NA:ItSAV , 64&t.ciU— t.b.411+41‘94,..%34& k;5441Liitk& ‘44451d Ron TE Illalramarraormaran Grp �a �p �t 108 Roofs Yield Clue Classified Advertising Rain Water Is Best Ancient metal roofs like those used on many European buildings and us- ually made of lead or copper, are more highiy radioactive than the same metals freshly mined or prepared from the ores and this radioactivity has been traced to contact with rain. So M. Augustin Boutaric and Mile. Made- leine Roy reported recently to the French Academy of Sciences, in Paris, summarizing many tests of metal out from new and old roofs in French cities. When this special radioactivity of metal roofs was first detected it was believed that it might be clue to exposure to sunlight, the sun's rays being imagined capable of modifying the metal in some way so that radio- active elements were produced; far example, by transmuting atoms of lead into radium. Later investigations have shown, however, that the radio- activity of the roofs is concentrated, not in portions that are sunlit but in those that come into directcontactwith rain. Experts on radioactivity long have known that rainwater is slightly underneath. The bright eyed girl or sorbing radioactive gases woman is always happy and well. sent in tiny quantities in the air. This There is one way to make the eyes radioactivity of the rain seems to be i bright—to bring the glow of health to absorbed by the metal of the roofs and to accumulate there. Many gar deners believe that fresh rain -water, just as it falls from the skies, is more beneficial to growing plants than any kind of artificial watering, even with a sprinkler to simulate rain. The dis- coveries about radioactive roofs sug- gest that this may be quits real and • How do you deal with headaches ? due to the radioactivity of the rain, Do you just take something to deaden radioactive elem@nts eing known tot the pain without getting rid of the have powerful effects on many kinds trouble which causes the pain 2 of living matter both plants and ani- Thousands do, despite the medical mals. profession's warning cry of "DON'T'." Such makeshift methods simply suppress the symptoms of headaches. Minard's Liniment for Foot Ailments. They merely numb the nerves and leave the underlying cause to look Impatient Man (outside telephone after itself. And it only obtains a box) : "Can I helpyouto find the num- be ter grip. a Headaches Bdachesd angenerally ber you want?"Young Woman to the unsuspected retention in the try) : "'Oh, I 3on't want a num system of stagnating -waste material which poisons the blood. Remove these poisons—prevent them forming again—and you'll never have to worry any more. And that is just how Kruschen Salts bring swift and lasting relief from headaches. Kruschen Salts aid Nature to cleanse your body completely of ail clogging waste ,matter. "For many years I suffered from severe headaches almost daily. I started taking the small dose (of Sruschen) a matter of four years ago, and I can honestly say I have never had a headache since."—(Mrs. M, W. master musician, r 1• season= When Your Child He explains that the appetite of laY- Is Feverish ing birds, normally at its best during the Spring months, is likely to weaken with the approach of warm weather: This failing off in feed consumption, • and especially of dry mash, forces the Give Him Baby's Own Tablets. The health of babies and little child- ren is subject to rapid changes. Thus the mother must be on her guard. At the first sign of feverishness Baby's Own Tablets should be given—this may avert a serious illness. Concerning the Tablets Mrs. Nor- man Lee, Uxbridge, Ont., says: "My little boy, now three years old, was not at all well. He was feverish and had no appetite. I gave him Baby's Own Tablets and he was soon well again. I would not be without the Tablets as of Washington State, U.S.A., had gold- long as there are young children in the house." tinted teeth, has caused quite a minor Baby's Own Tablets are sold by "gold rush" of miners in that district. medicine dealers or by mail at 25 Fashion fiat says miladys' hose cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Traffic Expert Lauds Berlin on Traffic Berlin.—"We shall soon see better traffic control in Berlin than in any other metropolis," William Phelps Eno, American traffic expert, predict- ed recently following a three-day study of Berlin's traffic arrangements, The German authorities, he said, were tackling the problem in t highly scientific manner and at their present rate of progress would soon be able to show the other big cites some new tricks in the art of preventing pedes- trians and automobiles from Colliding. "I have been especially impressed with Berlin's traffic museum and the thing sc�hboi• in "hide not only the 11 local poi -ice but also those of the big provincial cities receive practical in- struction," Mr. Eno said, ilr acid. It is halm- He gave high praise to Major Sey- bird to curtail its egg production or lose body weight. "Well-bred birds will continue lay- ing even at the expense of body weight," Professor Platt states, "but birds of inferior breeding will quit laying and moult. However:, this stop- ping of egg production can, to a large extent, be delayed until later in the season if the fowls are fed a proper amount of milk. Cows Start a "Rush" Finding that cows grazing in parts Excess acid is the common cause of indigestion. It results In pain and sour- ness about two hours after eating. The quick corrective is an alkali Which neutralizes acid. The best cor- rective is Phillips' Mille of Magnesia. It has remained standard with physi- cians in the 50 years since its inven- tion. One spoonful of Philips' Milk of Ntagn.esia n:eutrftlii instantly many FOR SALE • FA. N C Y NORTi1B} sQUEB C., ranch bred mink, for guarantee satisfaction. ' Reasonable t prices. Tomifobia Mink Farm, Tomi- fobia, Quebec, Stanstead County. ASEA SLED FOR ,SALE, 14SODilI.: 16, with new 22 I -LP. Evinrude tor, all in safe, splendid fierfect shing boat laargerpmodel.5eNOW top; ed anrGeorgia). Bay. Wilson Publishing Co., .73 Adelaide T..rontu, Box 27 Salesman—"Yes, sir, of all our care this is the one we feel confident and justified in pushing." Prospective Customer—"`That's no good to me; I want one to ride in." Harvesters You'll find Minard's a certain re- lief for stiff or strained muscles. Rub it in and the pain disappears. 4 Years without Guessing the Time her. I'm looking for a pretty name At Wirksworth County Court a man was told y the judge to stand still and say when two minutes had ex- pired. He called "Time" when no more than seven seconds bad elapsed! Some people have the time sense, but the vast majority of the human race is sadly deficient in this faculty. But many of the lower animals posy-• sess an -extraordinarily keen time sense. Note the way in which a dog walks into the dining room a few min- utes before a meal, or gets ready for his daily walk at the exact hour each day. ;Horses and poultry know exactly the times they are clue to be fed. Ducks are particularly clever in this way, and they will raise a small riot if their evening meal does not arrive to the minute. Where do the Irish people get their genius for oda and inconsequent re- marks? Two of them were having an alcoholic parting. "And if ye forgit my name," said one, as he solemnly shook hands, "just look it up in the telly -phone directory."--Tit- Bits. times it lame l s volume. d tasteless and its action is Earth, who conducted him. around Bey - quick. quick. You will never rely on crude lin And who has been largely instlu methods, never continue to suffer,I, mental. in perfecting the capital's Oaf - when you learn how quickly, how fic control, following the American pleasantly this premier method acts.' and Loircloll systems. Please let it show you now. i Be sure to get tbo genuine Phillips' Some men saving up for a rainy ti.oy Mill: of Magnesia prescribed by pbysi• meet the bootlegger and spend it, 'all clans for 50 years in correcting excess on a wet night. ' EROX `lJifh 'Pin Thefloneyrly atc You Must Do Your Bit in the war against the fly, carrier of germs and breeder of disease. It Is proven that AEROXON is one of the most convenient and most efficient means of combating this fly evil. It is convenient, because of the push.pm. It is hygienic, flies never get away when once caught. Each spiral gives three weeks' perfect service. BEWASE OF IMITATIONS Sold ad drug, grocery and hardware stores acids, Each. bottle contains full.direc-: 1 tions" --ani* drugstore. Miriard,t Liniment aids tired feet. La Cie"C. 0. Genesi & Fils, Ltrnitee sHEROROOKa, CUE SOLE ACENTS e for my baby."—Tit-Bits. The trouble about a skeleton in a closet is that it does not have enough sense to stay there. cura Soap is more than a fine soap It is sanative, antiseptic and not only cleanses, but heals irritations and restores the normal action of the pores For 50 years the standard of excellence CHILDREN CRY FOR IT -- CHILDREN HILDREN hate to take medicine as a rule, but every child loves the taste of Castoria. And this pure vegetable preparation is just as good as it tastes; just as bland and just as harmless as the recipe reads. When Baby's cry warns of colic, a few drops of Castoria has him soothed, asleep again in a jiffy. Noth- ing is more valuable in diarrhea. When coated tongue or bad breath tell of constipation, invoke its gentle aid to cleanse and regulate a child's bowels, in colds or children's diseases, you should use it to keep the system from clogging. Castoria is sold in every drugstore; the genuine always bears Chas. H. Fletcher's signature. "1 was very v; eak after an op eradon. My nerves were so bad 1 would sit down and cry and my husband would not go out and leave me alone. Now my nerves are much better, thanks to a booklet that was left under the door. Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound surely put me on my feet. I have taken eight bottles. My friends tell me I look fine. My sister has taken this medicine too." --Mrs. Annie Walton, 67 Stanley St., Kingston, Ontario. ISSUE No. 36—'30