HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-09-11, Page 1Vol. XXX[ o. ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1930. Chester L. Smith, o/ X1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 iiui eP 01.50 IN ARREARS, $2 MAY BS QE Sept 22nd and 23rd are the Dates of the Zurieh Fall Fair OUR CORNER The weather man must havee;gathis lines mixed. The vote on July 28, edidn t mean that the country wanted to go dry. 44-•11• U. S. touristwas arrestedi near' Cornwall for having 20 dozen. bottles of liquor in the rumble seat. Hen often get into trouble: when their spirits get lagging behind. In spite of all the unemployment talk :and the complaint of hard times, people of to -day insist upon all forms of. amusement and they usually get the .money to Fay for it. The business man who curtails his advertising because tixnes are not so good as a ear ago is like the nerv- ous motor- driver who puts on his 'brakes white going up hill for fear berll .stop and back down.. ._ ♦. 00.•40a044 .4rt,00.41,44vrama see4,•v oa.0..aaa.0a« Faamaa 414,.-0 • 4 4 4 4 r 4 4 4 -4t •4► .4. .4 4 -4 4e» mess, Etc. WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF CHOICE HARNESS. TRUNKS, TRAVELLING BAGS VALICES, ETC., TO CHOOSE FROM, AND ARE OFFERING THE .SAM 10 THE PUBLIC AT VERY ATTRACTLVE PRICES. Pianos IF YOU HAVE. BEEN THINKING OF ADDING A. FINE NEW PIANO TO THE PLEASURES OF YOUR HOME, BE SURE AND CONSULT US. AS WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE POPULAR SHERLOCK MANNING LINE. ALSO AGENTS FOR THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE RE .f PHONE 1.(12.- E.0441-0 *4 004040,4,041,4 14444•400044.0400.4400.0440' 1410aesi .d',0Wel".Cb11,'• T.eie:Gieeits!:01t3eSti sin '•0 la tit 51DiFrtKAPQ" 04Gil1>'Fv3Q50VID TH1FL ZURICH 4 0 6 6 O f •9 O • 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 6 4 9 4 e z Sell Sh 2 46 0 8 8 9 98 9 tie9, i ><. e 0 % . • rid 0 Ai u , THE STOKE OF REAL SERVICE GIVES YOU NOT ONLY THE tSa, ;.x0 FINEST OF SHOE 3 BUT INSISTS UPON A MOST CAREFUL e 418 6 L� 0 FITTING. MEN. WOMEN AND CHILDREN i3 AV E LEARNED 46 THAT TO PURCHASE THEIR SHOES Z-IERE INSURES PROFES- at e► 4 SIONAL SHOE FITTING AND GRADUATED FOcYT aPECIALIST Qtt AT A REALLY MODERATE COST- • REMEMBER -WE G3;Cd5b2 L til 5 F EVERY' SHOE WE SELL TO me 0 9 ca 9 0EIO[ ° 'GOust so 0 1 iB7t4f3fii+`,41• 1`:v'b1 :4,24'•`•utiA. ir@oY+'Ji+4..00 o t,Cieu4i.a6 zz,awl•Iflt+"'+"i`iileis,` ,roo„oug meoce9 HE JUST AS REPRESENTED.. REPAIRING IY+ G NEATLY DONE WINI)OVti .DISPLAY • '4.44.tolii •` (14;f -;,r,o- r: 44.. $, vw 4,44).40 rat } Phis i t L.l:d`d41.IL1 f,ay. 1 ,444 ka 8.2 'i114 L'1.i7: HOSE TO MATCH STRAW HATS SAILORS AND SNAP RIMS MEN'S SILL: JNDF wEAR•-COMBINATIONS, El`I :.:ES1;1 AND WHITE ALL, W C:is< s, k •A•TiHTNG SU/TS - ALL. COLORS, SPORT PANT, .!UST WHAT YOU WANT BRING U YOUR LAUNDRY EVERY Mt,hi; DI T READY MADE WETS, MADE TO MEASURE, OR TA`o'S.•.Qk :R1dADE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED FFMAN'S BLOCK Ea �f3i F.11 . v;12:J!&t3 :Fan AND SIII lE:i ;,ai:L 4444M04443t`4N' rete1 taF, S:rsome1 ke9P at+ YµeeD 44# ,t: 4 T 4 Honesty may be the best policy, 1 but telling the truth isn't always ex- actly polite. 4•-4. Someone has invented a violin so silent that only the player hears the notes. Perhaps seine other genius will invent a motor horn which, when honked at the curb, will be heard on- ly by the girl for whom its summons is intended. Despite the drought Western Ont- ario cannot complain of its crops. Such a thing as a crop failure is un- heard of in this fortunate peninsula. Troubles in India, disorders in Eg- ypt, wars in China and revolutions in South America show that the millen- nium is still far off in the world. As long as this situation exists complete disarment is just a dream. It is, reported that. 1,437 automo- bile drivers in Ontario have had their permits cancelled. These are the fellows who thought the regulations applied only to the other drivers they passed so disdainfully: •1•-•9 It is claimed that with the latest combine harvester -thresher the aver- age time to harvest an acre is 45 minutes. This is a reduction of (v- er 95 per cent. from the time re- quired in harvesting and threshing an acre a century ago. Machinery has greatly facilitated work on the r trip as well as in the factory, but it throws Many men out of employ- ent. Hat makers are reported to be disturbed over the vogue for bare- heade Ines::, keel refu: c to recognize that this is a ,protest -. a ioae thele• own set idea., Or 4:heir inablli`, to gt't away from unsuitable and uncoinfort able covering. •Whst men need in summer is a hat that will not snake the head perspire. It roue t be light and pe emit of head ventilation, and 1?not not lit on the head like a piston ring. The man who ;j tope his tar at a ]:atilwa _ crossing, taking time to look beast ways for an app we ling train, seldom figures in a railway crossing eccident. It is said that forty-five In cent, of iailtvty iast year were caused :,y moteilets driving hes; at least would have L ;i aoriret ')i 'rtu.Jn- abie taste 011 L1 . pae•t cf A good deal of unemployment is caused by I)oopie who wait jobs with- out work rho:.t who give emplayment Lave realized ti,+ Eiottith t,f this de- sire for some time. It has been so easy to obtain a living the past few years that people have conte to want that anise living withuut ciioit. It is noted now that the Soviet authorities of Russia seen to have revised their views, and they are coming to the view that those who. work hardest should receive the ihost pay. ---Ex. Why a watch as.laoui:LLtl, )"•d cluts1.a''r lie The dust-t.lte fcatarc--,_exclusive in Mars watches is one which you l :1Ir . iaae.1 hefoe•c: a.xw.iaag Is.lii _.,rr. Corrie in and let us explain it to you without obligation. Our stook of Mars dust -tato watches includes various designs with ribbon strap or covered rnessh bracelet, Cases are in white or tureen 1/4 gold, 14K and. 18K. :Prices from $25.00 to $u0.00. IIS H:s The holler 4444 Mr. Calvin Williams of Buffalo, is. holidaying with his brothers and sis- ter in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Lilley and Calvin Dowson of Seaforth were Sunday visitors w th friends 'in town. Mr. and Mrs.. Oswald Fisher, and son Raymond„ Were pleasant week- end visitors with friends at Kitch- ener,' Mr. Milton Heyock, of Detroit, and who is spending his holidays at the Retutie cottage, Grand Bend, cal- led in the village on Wednesday.. Mr. Wm, Lamont . was a Sunday visitor .at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. F. Braun, Forest, Miss Jane La- mont, who spent the past week at Forest, returning with Mr. Lamont. Mr. 'Theodoe•e Wagner, of Water- loo, and son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wagner of town, who has recently graduated from the Waterloo College has eotnmen: cd his duties in a very large Collegiate at Guelph. We wish this young teacher every success in his vocation of life. Mr. • N. Siemon, the popular Massey -Harris Agent of Zurich, has purchased )- his quarters a very de- sirable p: >i ety, namely the barns, shed etc . of the Dominion Hotel xn'one,e, }� ee ,;t= selooe ee see..... t1a;he,• to convert' the Upper story into hying quarters, and he will have plenty of room in toe lower floor to display and store his farm implements. While Mr. Johnston will close out the stabling end of hi ,•: 1 use nee , as in this motor age very little horses are (:+;I. The date for the 11i; fowl ,apps.., of tit'.' Zurich b'vaT,;.ol:r:•1 071',1%.1, l t,1n set for illsii , 1litlt, when i,lholt^, ete lei-, put forth to make this the 1.a..1; ,nd '.4;; r t :upper ever held in tlti.. 1.l:/c.c. The various committees Inivl• all been appeint::•11, and this surely should be l t nt,„The o..i tr ::;Vi S nie i E. L C. E. meeting a.o 'King he'.1 ,spin ekly at usuai. boon,, aft r the ,vacation period, and begin with this •cele.. Please bear these dates in mind. A meeting of the Directors of the Zurich Agricultural Society was hells on Saturday' evening ' at which final aretngements were made for tier Fall Fair to be held on. Sept. 22nd and 23rd. The judges were appointed, also committees• and the special at- tractions arranged. An interesting pr giam has been ai- ang ci for the Fair, which should provide entertain- •l1•nt for all. A, spend - •tune will 1.e a soft ball game h: t...l'• n t., tete. t. tf.ani Inca the lel : in 17)'i'11t .-,ten troai (.rand liens. .iY ":ii, :l 1 am t0 sot- ;eh! eiY 'd. •ltlne �f>(• , ,t ;ail lltlli t l ,�I - • r. T't .• . e 1 i Ia)e Won<'n' 111 tltc t t, 1 . 'Y 11 i 1':'.y evening 1 (i 'lt e t' le :'. Thele was a largeattt t',ii , of enc •t ooe and vieitni.•:", 1") t?.., i1'. ,1 1. EY ... .' it°'�' 7�.• xetot r ni the :Tonle.? 'act the 1 vc.ling and gave a eery irn- :.•:h v.+ talk to the ladle- on "Whet every Woman should know about l.an,r," This was an interesting sub- ject to all present, and a hearty vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. Stan - bury, by Mrs. H..0, Hess and was seconded by Mrs. C: Fritz,. The Vice -President, MM. J. Hey, Jr., was in the chair and the roll call was 71n+v'ered by "Why 'I am an Institute Member" which was well responded to by all members. A splendid pro- gram was given including a piano solo by Mrs. H. G. Bess: Also an instrumental by little Margaret Hey which was well given. After busin- ess had been dealt Frith the commit- tee in charge served z. delicious Inl:ch The meeting there closed by singing the National Antlietn. Goderich Fair Next Week Godeiich Industrial Exhibition Wed- nesday and Thursday, September 17 and 18th. Program before grandstand Wednesday evening and Thursday af- ternoon. Hal n;ss and novelty races and other attract ions Thursday. Take a .clay off and ee. your friends at God- erich Fair. 110,193 More Workless Unemployed persons in Great Brit- ain ritain increased between June 2 and June 16 by 110,193, it is announced officially. The total on June 16th was 1,885,300 -an increase of 762- 587 on the figures for a year before. It is explained that the increase on June 16th was almost wholly among persons "temporarily stopped" and in eluded 80,000 in Lancashire and Che- shire, and 20,000 in the Midlands, mainly arising from extended holiday stoppages. COAL 193 New Low Price Now in Effect WHEN BUYING YOUR Eri', WHY NOT HAVE THE BESET GENUINE D. L. & W. SCil~?.?t:. DOST COAL "The Standard Anthracite"' EGG„ STOVE, NUT AND SAtegeUe PEA. SIZES,. SEMET. SOLFV-&' COKE. A discount of 50c per ton alto ail CASH on all fuel: FH E N SA L L O N 'i Office Phone lOw House. Phone: sit Every Day• Is getting better anti better. ' People are getting Value -Wise. Thatse why they c��� here for orShoes & Cars •i - MEN'S TAN OXFORDS + .lIFG. BY SCOTT bIcHALE `' GENUINE 87.00 VALUE WOMENS' PATENT STRAPS 4. WITH BUILT IN ARCHES Reg. $5.00, At $2.95 .g. .g. t MISSES PAT. SLIPPERS ti• SIZES 11 to 2 Reg. : 3.00, At $2.00 SHOE REPAIRING et- No. i SOLES .ill n' Half Soles half Sole,? , 7;ell. -1 .9 a =.s __ �.�_ ,-. s., o-„, •..rt,....... •S TWO 1930 BRAND N!. t MODEL A. COACHES, AT A SACRIFICE - 'WOMEN'S PUMP'S ._ MURRAY MAKE j.i•si, TAN OR Wiit,i•L: Genuine $6.95 ._,.At .ARCH SUPPORTS Dr.. SCHOOLS' REGULAR :13.08 Now $3.00 Pair.___,- rr .11su;G Y8 AND GILLS - +.,,;c 90c.Slag, HIEN"S WORK SHOES `L�:, t C ,'t Beat Eire . f ate , r i°t'��l. ,1 e . .. . • . 4 t Price $3.26 I+;. y -s.g7D CAR DIE 4' •i. 4. 4- Shoe Merchant~ 4. Phi , 2 or 115 'i• 1925 FORD COUPE BALOONS NEW DUCO FINISH `.927 FORD COACH (.1;} t" F 'f RF,S ANE ISE, RUNS LIKE NM1W . W,2taeana8,881. ,vf.am.rtata.unpaomm¢vN W N.Mou 119::8 MODEL A. COUPE '.923 FORD TOURING_ n '0 018 c T T. Sc'd Cal' .prices on out'. t'. (let t'.,L TS •..,: fid, a`_� I Summer Dry Goods of all ALSO SHOES, FIARNE S+ REPAIRS, : i ra.RDWARE, OILS, AND OTHER, STAPLE LINES, TOO J.'.UMEitOU3 74"'e s MENTION, 1930 GARDEN AND ROOT SEEDS ..$U T OPENED UP GET YQUR SUPPLY NOW, R. 1L G.4.reicERAL 314 t1 t'RHA;f4I' l" PHONE 11 EILAK. #d- i