HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-08-28, Page 8PVT THE STORENWITH THE STOCK Mid -Summer Clearing SALE rginning Saturday August 2nd And a :ding Saturday Aug. 16th This Clearing Sale IS AN ANNUAL EVENT WITH US ANI) AFFORDS YOU AN OPPORTUNITY OF PROCURING SEASONABLE GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. WE OFFER No. 1, QUALITY GOODS, AND CARRY A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK SO COME AND SHARE IN THE WONDERFUL BARGAINS WE !.'.':E OFFERING. EP ACE WILL NOT PERMIT US TO QUOTE ANY OF THE WON- la.">;FUL BARGAINS OFFERED AT THIS BIG SALE, BUT IN ORDER TO FULLY REALIZE THESE BARGAINS YOU MUST COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF, OR SEE OUR POSTERS WHICH BRIEFLY TELL THE STORY. J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 IP Your Money is Safe When invested in HunoN and ERIE DEBENTURES 3NTEREST IS PAID REGULARILY TWICE A YEAR AND YOUR PRINCIPAL PAID IN• FULL WHEN DEBENTURE FALLS DUE. NO PREMIUM OR EXPENSES PAYABLE ON RENEWALS OR NEW INVESTMENTS: WHY NOT SECURE THE GOOD RATE OF 5% PER ANNUM ON YOUR MONEY. ANY AMOUNT OVER $100 CAN BE INVESTED FROM 1 TO 5 YEARS. INTEREST STARTS ON DAY YOUR CHEQUE IS RECEIVED AT LONDON CANADIANS HAVE OVER $22,000,000 INVESTED IN HURON HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES Applications received at any time by: Andrew F. Hess, ® Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY - Hare You MADE YOUR WILL? NOW! Is the Best Time To Plan Your Summer's Program of Work, Repairs, And Improvements • a Let Us show You the best kinds of Fencing for the to Field or the Home Lawn Fences. We handle the best. Money can Buy. If you decide todo some Roofing or Eve -Troughing this yer:r. we invite you to call and see us and get our estimates, as well as show you our goods., A Nice New Piece of Furniture in the Home will be always appreciated. We can supply anything is this I line, and the prices are very Attractive. if in need of new furniture, don't „ forget; we have it! Tr. WEI 0 toileeiserneegefeelieetosoweeeeesooemeseeeeieeeeesel ZURICH ONT. ■ Merner's For General Dry Goods and Groceries J. W. MERNER PHONE 140 PHONE 140 1 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kruger of Elmwood spent a week with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. C. Zirk. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith, and dau- ghter Mae, and Mr. D. Smith, were i Sunday visitors with friends ar Ar- kona. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Zirk of the Bronson Line, spent a very pleasant vacation visiting relatives at Walker- ton, Elmwood, Cargill, Hanover, Ayton, and Shelburn. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Harold, and son Howard, and Mr. Ezra Smith, all. of Shakespeare, were `Tuesday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith. Mrs. Frank McKenney and child- ren, Cathern and Walter, spent the week -end with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Finlay, Town Line, Hay Township. Mr. and Mrs. Redinger and two daughters, Mary and Kathryn, of De- troit; Mrs. Louise Fox and Mr. L. Smith of Chicago, were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jul. Block. The 50 day or more duration of drawth was finally ended on Sunday morning, when that long looked for shower of rain came a little after four o'clock in the morning. Con- siderable over an inch of rain fell during the night and early morning. The later vegetation is making good use of the moisture, and our gardens are again looking something like gro- wth, while we also notice the red and rried up lawns, are showing signs of again becoming green, and in another week or se we. hope we can afain be pushing the lawn mower. Sinre the rain has now again started we are looking forward for an occasion- al shower, and trrly we have much to be thankful for for this fine rain. Successful. Students Reference is being made to Miss Doris Sararas and Miss Beatrice Dro- ver of S. S. No. 7, Hibbert, and pup- ils of Miss Victoria Bolton, ot° Exet- er. At the lower School Department Exams. held at Seaforth Collegiate Institute, Miss Sararas wrote on four papers, Arithmetic, Geography, Brit- ish History, and Botany and was ;:tic c•esfal on all capers. This comp'.'•+-• Miss Doris', first year High S „l work. Miss Dolls is the daughter .. til incl Mrs. Sino„ Seinia4. of near Cromarty and .tortnet residents of Zurich, 2iurich. Dori; is only twelve year cel age. In C,oderacla Police Court Six oifinn.v, ander the Highway I ra£fie Act hirv-e been disposed of by Magistrate Reid, Goderich in various parts of the county during the ' past week. Two wcre fined $10.00 and costs for reckless driving, one $10.00 and costs for failing to stop when signalled by an officer, one $5.00 and costs for driving without proper lig- hts, one $10.00 and costs for the same offence. A fine of $10.00 and costs were levied for failure to carry an operator's license. Those fines, however, are incansequentai compar- ed with those assessed under the L.C. A., two citizens parting with $100.00 and costs each. Mabel H'ochey, man- e ied woman, of Exeter, recently made a second unsuccessful attempt to take her own life. She slashed her wrist with a safety razor blade and drank Gillett's Lye, but recovered. Sie ha.> r c tri committed to au Instit- ution.. Wesley (irummett, of. Seaforth finding a screen. door locked, slashed the serer n with a knife and walked into a store. On a -charge. -of break - and eak- and entm•i'ng he was allowed to go on su<pc ekd sentence; but will have to pay damages and rods of the court. Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk on Deo. 21st, 1928, $22,206,275. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $160,378.74 Rates-- 4.50 per ¢2,000 for 3 years. E. Fs Klopp—Zurich Agent, Also Dealer in Lieninind Rods. and at kinds of Fire insurance STEPHEN COUNCIL The Council of the Township of Steen convened in, the 'Town Rall, Cre.diton, on Monday, .August 4th. All. memoers were present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Pursuant to notices mailed to all interested persons, the Clerk read the Engineer's report on "The Link Drain" after which an opportunity was given to any person who signed the petition to withdraw their names, a number of interested persons were present and no names were with- drawn. It was moved by W. Dearing and seconded by H. Beaver and car- ried that the report be accepted and printed in phamphlet form. and serv- ed on all the respective interested persons as provided by the Municipal Drainage Act. That By-law No. 441 re Link Dram, having been read be provision- ally adopted, and that a Court of Revision be held in the Town Hall, Crediton,'on Sept. lst, 1930, for the purpose of considering any appeals. A petition was received from the Ladies' Association of the United Church at at Grand Bend, complain- ing of the immodest attire of bath- ers, and requesting that sig -ns be put up drawing the attention of the pub- lic to the Township ByyLaw prohib- ting bathers from exposing Memel - to the public without being prop- '1y clothed. That the Reeve and Clerk petition the Council of the County of Huron requesting thein to confirm and ap- prove of By-law No. 440, being a qy-law to close up, sell or lease a portion of the Aux Sauble River. That the following pay sheets and arders be passed' ancl. paid. ' L. Davey rd.. 3, $9.00; G. Hirtzel 4, 39.00; FI. Schenk 6, 28.75; R. Gower 7, 12.00; W. Schwartz 8, $8; W. England 14, 29.75; W. Isaac 14, 15.00; F. Triebner 27, 25.00; P. Eis- enbach 26, 37.25; ditto 26, 52.60; N. i;aker 1, 26.30; ditto 23, 23.05; ditto 1, 15.85; P; Eisenbach gravel 3.00; W. Robinson gravel 69.00; Faist Bro paint for bridges 39:25; Dom. Road Machinery Co., for edges, etc., 23.87; Sawyc Massey Co. for tile shells & .:ores 126.05; Wm. P. Lovie rd 20, 27.25; W. Baker 21, 18.00; A. Gaiser 1raveI 1.00;. E. Lamport 16, ,197.65; R. Ratr 1.3, 2.13; Stewart of Ontario Hospital, re: IIma Williams 19.50; T. Chambers, part payment re Gaiser Drain 200..00; G. Eilber, 2 inspections rr' Gaiser Drain' 4.00; Ed. Beaver, work Town. Hall 2.50; Canadian Bank of Commerce; commission on cheques 7.70; Plunstee1• Bros, Clothes for. H. i;c.t..ncl1 czdiOLaTIad to meet a- gain in the Town Hall, Crediton, e September 1.st, 1930, at 1 p.m. • Henry T1eilber, •Township Cirrlc P ■ ' Thursday.' ;Aiwa 48th, 193a 01- . +4.,I' i'i' +++4.4 " 401,4444$ +++#+.144. t• .4.44 1M, + iY 4 I Seasonable Hardware WE CAN SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH SEASON , ABLE HARDWARE AT MODERATE PRICES Let Us Show You * OUR FULL LINE OF GRANITEWARE AT LOWEST 4 PREVAILING PRICES., Good Supply Of Krauser Smoke Cure on. Hand + FUBNITUBE 4. t. Full Line of Furniture, in Living Room motes, Dining + Room Suites, Bed Room Suites,Kitchen en Cabiene3s,,: i t esses, a Guaranteed Article. Best on the Market 1 t We also have the Famous Simmons Bed Springs and ' 14. t if To Day. WE ALSO HAVE SOME USED FURNITURE FOR SALE VERY CHEAP:44 (Johnston & Ka1bflejh it; Hard ,t are & Furniture. Rhone 63 •r 4+•4.++4+•tri'•t ++++++++484+4444flim•41-1.+•,,+++.1••II•°11+++•F+fi•++4444 l'iIIIIIIIIIIIIIII?rtt ;IrEBEIIllr!rrrl111111 NMIINGPM1111111111@11111111111!NlUi lPlkslf;inL n 1111rrlllll1111119 1litRIIIIIM ,;!! ` J. '1t:JP?p:rQlllilKg?I+r..�,Pl�lr ""'' ul. NOTICE1 Auto Tops Buggy Tops Wagon Repairing, Painting, g Etc. Second Handed Buggies HESS. ZURICH uHfPA!rl!AINItl(Iiffl3ll;'i�lit;'PIII�PrII!lIrl!Iit�S�IIPIGRIP!iPili,",�a'ill'111111!I11111P;1'P1��i1QUlllllall!!IIINiP?:r;?{I1PP!�lIIl1I�51,�li;Bil?i!Nrliio!!IIA;;;,f,;iP}I!f!!IIPIIf4!IIIIII(;rl,��';1;,'�P� E+++++++++-1++++++++++++++4eK.,+++++++++++++++++++++++ p t• ZVRICS AGE ATTENTION! TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS WE ARE NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS OF GASOLINE IN LARGER QUANTITIES WITH A GOOD STAND- ARD GRADE OF GASOLINE FROM OUR DELIVERY TRUE AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, WITH QUALITY CONSIDERED EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK, AND OVER,. HAUL JOBS ON ALL MAJCES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. GAS OILS O-R1L.SES I , MoU8S33 li Zurich I4++ ++++++$++•A•3+•Y•I•+•9+++a•+S+,+1E,{.F•fw•e..I.. dw+++E++•r•t..rt 7•+• .d:•Lc,•I+ 4• 4. 4. + 1 416. +++E 4444+++++++++44444444 4 4.+4.•£•.F•.p..1... •2•-£•04 :�^£•3L+F II• F+ •si+rA^•"r0!•4•44, +• 4 4 4 Come in and. see the new Auto 3 rnatc Kelvinator Whit � has many features that no other Electric Refrigerator has., • See Me before Buying C+4.4,444+4444- .4.44+*4el•+*i 4 %.*>I•+ *++ • •++.3 *::E•, E. Oesch SERVICE with Zurich SALES 4 4. • I