HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-08-28, Page 1RICH HERA Vol. XXXI No, 8 00.••••••••......1.101 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 28 (930, IWIWWWWWWW•WWW Chester L. Smith, PabEidasif4. 1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in Adhor.nef OM IN AnnEA ns, 2 KAY BB Mumma Let the Ads. in the Herald guide you in Buying and Selling OUR CORNER It so fatally easy to think ant "freedom mans doing -what you. Nke. The woman. who doesn't; want .to make a home is. under 'mining the nation. There will be no grumbling if •the With the lat of Atty., the 12th. of .July, the election and. Derry Day ov- er, the flags ean naw he pat In.:moth balls for a while. One thing to be thankful for is that there iltTiat be :any more elections for .a few yeales_ weather man gives a mamles rain �r so. There will soon be as. many Tom Thumb golf courses as btrinice stet - 1011S. This is the 'last week of the long vacation season. Help the boys and rls to make the !most of •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• o••••0 • 0 • • • • • • • WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF CHOICE HARNESS, TRUNKS, TRAVELLING BAGS. VALICES, ETC., TO CHOOSE FROM, AND ARE OFFERING THE SAME TO THE PUBLIC AT VERY • • Harness, Etc. • o• • •-• • • • • • • • • * PHONE 102. • • •••••••••••••••••• ••• •4040 44** 0•••• • ••••••• **a • • 411•••' eillall•INIOGGS110101106.414508641116414904101011,00.00600•0011411•00110 ATTRACTIVE PRICES. Pianos Pianos IF YOU HAVE BEEN THINKING OF ADDING A FINE NEW PIANO TO THE PLEASURES OF YOUR HOME, BE SURE AND CONSULT US, AS WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE POPULAR SHERLOCK.3711ANN1NG LINE. ALSO AGENTS FOR Ttil,.1 SINGER SEWING MACHINE • • • • • • • 4 • • • • 4 4• • • FRED THIEL - ZURICH a 4• Brown's Annual Fall Shoe Sale THREE, DAYS: MORE :OF :S.AVIN‘ VALUES LADIES' SIVLART_FALL. FOOTWEA.0,-STBAPS, TT1. POMPS, ETC, EVERY' PAIR A BARGAIN Your .choice- of 20 Styles •rtE 'Strap Slippelis and Ties in ;Season's best sellers-. Patent, Kid. or Calf, Tan or black in., afl heels, sewn Flexible Soles, Etc- B.rown.'s Special, all sizes 21/2 to 8 at........................2.95 MEN, YOU CAN'T- AFFORD TO PASS UP THESE VALUES. BOOTS OR. OXFORDS.. 'COMPARE OUR PRICES. Your choice ofsix:4:--tyk.s; genuine welts Black or RITAVII calf skin oak tanned soles and Rubber heels, square or round toe lasts. Oxfords or high Boots, sizes 6. to 11. All .Brown'Special. Boy's and Girl's great saving in School .shoes. .Miss Black or brown • Oxford's or- Strap. Brawn's .Speoal .at $1-95. Boy's Oxfords or high shoes.in black or brown.- Brant-a's Special at $1.95 :to $2.95. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE SRE OUR Brow* gest Shop WINDOW DISP•LAY 11003,64141 • a • • • • • • • . We will soon all be complaining of the cold weather. 4-+ The public apathy to the growing death toll of motor car in Ontario is becomming almost as appalling as the apathy to murder in Chicago and Detroit. 4-+ The radio will not have reached anything like perfection until some apparatus at the sending station re- cords the number of instruments all over the country that are turned off whenever a crooner starts to croon. Two persons were killed when a train hit a car, which skidded 65 ft. with the brakes on, which says some- thing for the speed at' which the automobile was travelling when the brakes were applied. Not even the ghastly toll of life exacted every day on Ontario raods seems to have much effect. The tax upon gasoline appears to be firmly established not onTy in Ont- ario and other Canadian provinces, but throughout the United States. A pamphlet just issued in the neighbor- ing republic by the municipal admin- istration service points out that no state is now without this tax, nor any state, after adopting it, reduced the rate. The opposite tendency is noted In 1925 the rate in 25 states was 2 cents or under and only one state had a 5-c. rate. In 1929 eleven st- ates were levying a tax of five cents or more and only eight were left in the two -cent class. Hensel! Wins More The Hensall team 'defeated the Fergus Thistles at Hensall by the score of 12-1 on Tuesday. Welsh on the mound for the locals, hurled a good game after the second inning The fans were treated to some good fielding as the locals made four fast double plays to cut off threatened rallies. Fillmore, the visiting pitcher was hit hard especially by speedy E. Gascho, who helped himself to four triples. Denis, the Babe Ruth of the Fergus team, did not come through with the heavy hitting that was ex- pected of him. The final game will be played in Teeswater, on Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock. IN MEMORIAM' • Geiger -In loving Memory af Mrs. Y. Geiger, wife and mother, who pas- sed away one year ago, August '31, 1929: A wonderful Mother, woman and aid, a One who was better God never made; C.3 A wonderful worker so loyal and true One in a million -that, mother, was y0u. Just in your Judgment, always right, Honest and liberal, ever upright; Loved by your friends, and all whom you knew. Our wonderful mother -that mother was you. Sadly missed by Husband and Chil- dren. • • • • • • • • owaeatzseereeeeseeleesetegis••••••••••••••••e• 00014*0-00‘0.0.04.•••0 gt hi Tri et ) oiti4,..4 V. • lAreit 577(r111.14 EinN IN ie.& PA I 41 Pat a • WTD a MOSE TO MATCH STRAW HAPS SAILORS AND SNAP RIMS N'S SILK UNBER.WF.AR----,.COMBINATIONS, Ili FLESH 'WHITE ALL. WOOL BATHIN,G SUITS - ALL COLORS. SPORT. PAN TS visa- WHAT YOU WANT BRING US .17,DUR LAUNDRY.' EVERY 'MONDAY AND MADE 'SLUTS, MADE, TO MEASURE, OR TAILOR ,l,\ZULDE, FACTION \GUARANTEED IsEOFFMAN'S BLOCK EFF'llAgt, f1,44:14, V7S, Gc AirLotta2t,Prit6 gltIOAKINCERS AND .1iFi2ER.M. DEfitiVaral; 40•044•140004+0.04,4....,PIWO•rx,aip0,v...0,0-,0,...a.e.e,..,,,w(4eta.:4,404Aattflfa: Why a watch should be dust-tite .";->7-----17-\. tt7"--------3--------vi=t. 'The dust -jt feature ---exclusive Iii Mars watchos :4 one which you should understand before malting a putelmie. • Cozuc in and let us explain it to you without obligation. • •Our stock of Mars dust-tito 4.. watches i it el udes YitTi0111$1 tlesigils •, with ribbon s! rap or covered tuesh ''' brSoel 4 • Cases are in white or .;. ' ,greett .1/4 gold, ]TC and 18K. ;,; • Prices from $25.00 to $50.00. z 4 The Jeweller 4441-411;;i-oli -" 1 •••••1001 Mr. Albert Siebert and C. Fritz are away tie Sky lake fishing. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Stade spent the week -end at Marine City, Mich. Mr. • Joe Becker of Detroit, called on the home of -Wm. Leibold on Mon- day. - Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hess, and Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Merrier and Cathern took a trip to Stratford on Wednes- day. Mrs Sam Barber and children and Miss Mary Zimmerman of Tavistock were visitors at the home of Miss Ann Hess. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Frank and family of Waterloo; Mrs. A. G. Edig- hoffer and son Grant, of Grand Bend were Monday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, C Eilber Rev. E. J. Masse of Detroit, was a week-nd visitor with Rev. and Mrs. E. Turkheim. Mr. Masse conducted the evening service in the Lutheran church on Sunday evening. Meliday bext, September ist, is a Province wide holiday, known as Labor Day, and a proclaimed holiday and as a consequence all places of business in towns will be closed on this day. Hauch, P. E., -of Strat- ford, and ri:6v. E. Burn of Milverton, were on official duty in town on Mon- day evening,' the former conducting quarterly board meeting Evangelical church. The Misses Ida, Irene Thede, Jane Saxton and wiler, all of Port Elgin, at the home of Mr. and Smith, and taking in the the big Conference at Cre elical church. of the local and Mabel Evelyd Det - are visiting Mrs. C. L. sessions at diton Evan - Mr: Rowe', the new Principal of the Zurich Continuation School, of Mani- tulin Island, and accompanied by his father, arrived in town on Wednes- day, and are getting settled for the reopening of school, on Tuesday of next week. We wish Mr. Rowe ev- ery success in Zurich school. The former staff of the public school hav- ing all been re-engaged for another term, and they have been doing ex- cellent work in their line of work. The 1930 prize list of the Zurich Fall Fair are now printed and the Secretary, Mr. A. F. Hess is ready to disaribut the same, to all parties in- terested, and if you will call or get in touch with Mr. Hess, you will re- ceive a copy. Some of the lists have been revised, and others carefully gone over, so that this year's prize list is very complete in every way. The dater of the Fair are September 22nd and 23rd, and please don't for- get the date. A fine number of :,pco.- ial prizes have been added to make vent an the more int,restin,,.. :lot, class has a180 bei 1 a kiu, :mat- ly: 'Junin Farmers' Class" eich ]s fey the coining gonerat- ion Thee there are the other attract ions, such as: Calf race, Soft Bali ga.e:;„ r. race, Horshoe eentest, Zurich Jubie Band will funish thu nwsic. day will he colnpleted by the big con- ceit in the Town Hall in the evening by, "Ye Olde Tyme Village Quart- ette" of Toronto, who come highly inende,1 as Canada's First En- .;.-tairiers, assisted by well known comedian. AE a big expanse, tite Soe.- lety has engaged • these well-known ,mtertaineTti for the • fair night eon - cert. They .,ppeated each evening at the Grand Stand performance at the National Exhibition, Toronto, and receive favorable press notices wher- • vcr the y perforin. The evening's twogramme will then be Completed by 1k public danc, in the Town Ball concert, with a, good orches- tra in attendance.: The eommitte this ,Vat' has decided tohave no horse on fair de ,;,•, as this ha appar- ently lost its popularity and besides is always a heavy drain on the finan-• ves, So 0 good prograin of other sports has been ..imanp4, and there will be something doing • every min- ute of the big fair day, Tuesday, September •28rd.. The annual picnic of St. Peter's Church, Drysdale, will take place as announced, next Monday, Labour Day, at the Corriveau Beach, Drys- dale. The event will take place in the afternoon only. There will be prizes and amusements of all kinds. Ev- erybody Welcome. Thieves Busy Thieves have been busy in this sec- tion. The other evening the Centr- alia Creamery was entered and 17 boxes of butter containing 765 lbs. were stolen. G. Cochrane's refresh- ment booth was entered and a quan- tity of chocolates bars, tobaccos,some postage stamps and a hammer were stolen, in Exeter. A similar booth at Hensall belonging to Mrs. Saunder- cock was broken into and practically everything was cleared out. At Cred- iton a bolt was filed off a gasoline pump of F. Clarke while he was sle- eping in the telephone exchange close by. Early Sunday morning the boot and shoe store of C. Trick of Cred- iton was entered and several pairs of shoes and other articles taken. COAL 193 l .:. New Low Prices Now in Effect WHEN BUYING YOUR Frri'ES, WHY NOT HAVE THE IYESTI,.' GENUINE D. L. & W. SCRANTOSit COAL "The Standard Ant.lxraciEe,' EGG„ STOVE, NUT ANDS IC-Ca.,'" PEA. SIZES,. SEMET. COKE. A discount of 50c per ton 40/03.0434Aint, CASH on all filet HENSALL ()NT. Office Phone 10w House Mc= t 1 Every Day is getting better and better, People are geithig. Value-Wisee I' 4. 4. 4. 4. Thats why they co e here for Shoes & Cars MEN'S TAN OXFORDS MFG. BY SCOTT McHALE GENUINE $7.00 VALUE $4:85 4. WOMENS' PATENT STRAPS WITH BUILT IN ARCHES Reg. $5.00, At $2.95 + ▪ • MISSES PAT. SLIPPERS SIZES 11 to 2 • Reg. $3.00, At $2.00 • SHOE REPAIRING No. 1 SOLES , 4.. Men s Half Soles $1.00 Ladies' half Soles 75c 4. • WIWWWwwWWWWISIIIWIWIIIWWWWIIIWILMIWSWIT WWWwWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWSWIEWW WOMEN'S PUMP MURRAY MAKE BLACK, TAN OR WHITE Genuine $6.93, At $5,7i5 ARCH SUPPORTS Dr.. SCHOOLS' REGULAR $5.00. Now $3.00 Pair - RUNNING SHOES BOYS AND GIRLS' 65c 90c. $1.15 MEN'S WORK SHOES You Can't Beat Ent at anx Theyre Wonderful at. This Price $3.25 m•WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW USED CAR DEPT. TWO 1930 BRAND NEW MODEL A. COACHES, AT A SACRIFICE 1925 FORD COUPE BALOONS NEW DUCO FINISH 1927 FORD COACH, oraqiNAL TIRES AND RUNS LIKE NEW 1929 MODEL A. COUPE 1.923 FORD TOURING Shoe Merchants Pho e 82 or 115 WI New and Used Car'DeaIeLi Zurich IV,1-2.1{7,1"-LtVW Don't miss Sbeing and gettin prices On our N.Te IN% 1.• Sun -alter Dry G1r3Od of all 4. ALSO SHOES, IIA,RNI.l.SS NAIR DWARE, OILS, AND OTHER STAPLE LINES,. TOO NUMEROU.5 ail EN TION., 1930 GARDEN .,',, ;lt 0,777' 77:DS l4,Yl opENED Ur, cy:T. Gly„7",oz„1.a. sueMLY NI 14,.:7/4...,r:16 Y.tE/li1..1.74 PHONE 11 97 ettAAPC1'.7 Ilti :1;1A 4,•i• 5 41e. 414 of