HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-08-21, Page 8nor lorn THE STORE W.L. J ■ THE STOCK Mid-Sunm: er Clearing SALE Beginning Saturday August 2nd And a ~Iding Saturday Aug. 16th This Clearing Sale IS AN ANNUAL EVENT WITH US AND AFFORDS YOU AN 'OPPORTUNITY OF PROCURING SEASONABLE GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. WE OFFER No. 1, QUALITY "0OODS, AND CARRY A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK ca: SO COME AND SHARE IN THE WONDERFUL BARGAINS WE ARE OFFERING. SPACE WILL NOT PERMIT US TO QUOTE ANY. OF THE WON DT fFUL BARGAINS OFFERED AT THIS BIG SALE, BUT IN ORDER TO FULLY REALIZE THESE BARGAINS YOU MUST COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF, OR SEEOUR POSTERS WHICH BRIEFLY TELL THE STORY. J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 1 11 Your Money is Safe When Invested in HURON and ERIE DEBENTURES INTEREST IS PAID REGULARILY TWICE A YEAR AND YOUR PRINCIPAL PAID IN FULL WHEN DEBENTURE FALLS DUE. NO PREMIUM OR EXPENSES PAYABLE ON RENEWALS OR NEW INVESTMENTS: WHY NOT SECURE THE GOOD RATE Or 5% PER ANNUM ON YOUR MONEY. ANY AMOUNT OVER $109 CAN BE INVESTED FROM 1 TO 6 YEARS. INTEREST STARTS ON DAY YOUR CHEQUE IS RECEIVED AT LONDON CANADIANS HAVE OVER $22,000,000 INVESTED IN HURON. HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES Applications received at any time by: Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? Y i ofoorsNlNON NaiMO Now! Is the Best Time • • • s To Plan Your Summer's Program of Work, Repairs, _ And Improvements i oa Let Us show You the best kinds of Fencing for the Field or the Home Lawn Fences. We handle the best Money can Buy. o decide todo some Roofing or EveTroughing If you e g v Troughing this year, we invite you to call and see us and get our estimates, as well as show you our goods,. 1 • A Nice New Piece of Furniture in the Home will be always appreciated. We can supply anything ix* this line, and the prices are very Attractive. If in nead of new furniture, don't forget; we have it! STADE &ZURICH emnan�s Remnants You will find our Counters loaded with Remnants of Summer Dress Materials SILK DRESS ENDS, VOILES, DIMITY, PRINTS. THESE ARE GOODS LEFT OVERS FROM OUR SALE, AND MUST BE SOLD NOW WHILE THE SUMMER SEASON 1S STILL ON. ALSO ENDS OF FACTORY COTTON, FLANNELETTE TOWEL. INGS. THE BALANCE OF OUR STOCK OF WOMEN'S AND CHILD- REN'S UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, ARE MARKED AWAY.DOWN TO MOVE THEM. • MENS AND BOY'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR, SHIRTS AND SOX MUST BE SOLD AT LOW PRICES. YOU WILL BE SURPRISED TO SEE GOODS AT SUCH LOW • PRICES. WE EXPECT TO. SEE THESE LINES MOVE OUT VERY QUICKLY. COME EARLY AND GET YOURS. J. {Al. MERNER PHONE 140 PHONE 140 1� 7 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. Cecil Kissack spent the -week- end at his home at Paisley. ' Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Koehler and family of Kitchener were Sunday visitors with relatives here. ' The Zurich Jubilee Band has been engaged to furnish music at Zurich Fall Fair. . Silk Hose mended, runs removed by latest methods, at very reasonable prices—Lottie Turkheim, Zurich. Mrs. Ernest Bender and son Ed- win of Blyth, is visiting with relativ- es here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Koehler and family of Baden were Sunday visit- ors with friends in town. Mrs. Gid. Koehler, who spent a few week's holidays with friends at Baden. and Kitchener, returned home on. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 011es and fam- ily of Tavistock, were Sunday visit- ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Zinnnerman. Dr. and . Mrs. John Hagen, of Chic- ago, age spending holidays on the Hagen homestead, near Hillsgreen, and called in the village on Tuesday. Mr. David Kyle of the Parr Line, who has been laid up several weeks with an attack of rheumatic fever, is up and around again. Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd Schiefle and family of Detroit, are spending their holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gallman. Rev. Schiefle has charge of the East End Evangel- ical church at Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gingerich and family, Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Stein- man and _ family all of Baden were Sunday visitors at the Mine of Mr. and Mrs. David Gingerich of town. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bossenberry Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Snyder all of De- troit, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boysen- berry and Mr. Joe Moyer of Kitch- ener, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wag- ner of town. Residents of the second concession of Stephen held a community picnic at Grand Bend recently. The weath- er being ideal th ere was a good turn: out,and a good program of sports was run off. Busy Police Court July was a fairly busy month, with County Magistrate Reid, at Goderich, he disposed of fifty-three town and county cases, the bulk of which were offences under the H. T. A. and L. C. A. Fines levied exceeded $600. Saturday last was a veritable "field day" in Goderich court, with eight cases listed. F. M. Sellers, a Detroit man was sentenced to seven days in jail for driving a car while intoxi- cated ntoxi cated and in addition was fined $100 and costs for "having". He was ar- rested by Seargeant Cox of the local' police force while zig-zagging around the Square in his car, his condition hbeing quite apparent to all. A bot- tle was found in his possession. It will be an expensive and tl8pleasant vacation for the American. Ratruri - big from a political meeting in Strat- ford, Where they had visited the ven- dor's liquor emporium, five men ran foul of the law. The man who pur= chased the refreshments was fined $109 and costs and our companions $100 and costs each for consuming in a public place. All fines were paid Another Who was convicted on a sec- ond olfencc for "having" was sentee- ced to three Months ix jail. 'l'hcrf is Arlo .ption" 4e a fine .*muter this section of the LiC.. �i.. His conn.sol served Western farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk oft Deo. 81st, 1928, $22,206,275. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $160,378.74 Rates --$4.50 per $1,000 for 8 years, E. F. Klopp—Zurich Agent, Also Dealer in Lightning Rods • and all kinds of Fire Insurance CARD OF THANKS The bereft family of the late John Fuss wish to greatly thank the neigh- bors and friends for the kindnesses and sympathy shown during .the ill- ness and passing of the departed, and also those who Ioaned their cars on the day of funeral. notice of appeal and bail of $2000 was fixed pending of hearing. Four cases of reckless driving were also disposed off last w,eek fines of $10 and costs being imposed in. each case None of these offences were commit- ted in Goderich. HENSALL George Petty made a business trip to Toronto the past week: . Wm. Fee and his sisters, Mary and Sarah, have returned home after sp- ending a two week's motor trip thr- ough heough the province of Quebec. Burglars recently entered several places of business here and taking some few articles from each, but for- tunately not very much was secured by the intruders. It will be well for the residents to exercise all possible care and oversight to guard against. losses in this way. Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Fee were recently visited by their daughter, Mrs. J. Wallace, and her daughter, Dorothy, of Buffalo. L. C. Lipphardt of Evert, Mich., M. and Mrs. D. Gottschalk, of Bad Axe, Mich., and Mrs. L. Lipphardt, of Zurich, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Fee, of Hien. sail. • Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith, of Gros well, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Brein, of Zurich, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dayman of near Kippen dur ing the past week. Miss Dora Sherritt, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Caldwell and family of London, visited in town with relatives and friends. Miss Sher- ritt, previous to, coming to town, vis- ited friends in different States and also in the West and for a number of months had been in the State of Ar- kansas, going there with her uncle and aunt, in the interest of their he- alth. ' The other day while Archie Row- ali#fo was Unloading o atswith a sling when the whiffletree broke and the sling came back with such force as to inflict serious wounds to his stom- ach. He was taken to Seaforth Hos- pital where he was operated on and is doing as well as can be expected. Mr. Row in addition to being a busy farmer, also serves Hensall with milk. The Hcnsali doctors have arranged to take alternately. Wednesday a.ftx;.r- noon-as n) alf4 ►+ liday. A. call 'fah either doctor v 'ill:,;ise.'respencll to b the doctor at /None. This aaffangenn- c Thulb3yY " - - , - P, - -r • _,... : "1'1b!141n1++++'#'4+s 1"3....+ FI�f+..+4.4.V44.4.4. +++++++4444!+ 4 .. M 1Seasonable Hardware 4. I WE CAN SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WXTH SEASON- ABLE HARDWARE AT MODERATE PRICES 11 I ile I s I Let Us Show You 1 I 4. OUR, F U.L LINE OF GRANITEWARE AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, it 4. I. Good Supply Of Krauser Smoke Cure on Hand '. I 4• ust 26'4 11.$40 4. 4. 4. FURNITURE - 4+ 4• Full Line of Furniture, in Living Room Suites, Dining 4. 4. Room Suite*, Bed Rooms Suites, Kitchen Cabienets. IWe also have the Famous Simmons f Bed Springs anti Mattresses, a Guaranteed Article. Best . on the Market 4 To Day. . 1 WE ALSO HAVE SOME USED FURNITURE FOR SALE VERY CHEAP, Johnston & Kalbfleisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 .� ++44+4444++++44+44+44+4,41444.+++44,+++++++++++++44+4.4 4 4+4444++++4 +44+44+4,4144.+++44,++++ .++++++++ 4 UIU11IIIIMUIIUIUUIUUI 1UUtIIM1111110EI !(I.11iUf INEIREIIUUl6UUiI tllllllUlll lINIIllUUfLUiSIUIUINIIIII1NIIIII Uk!!UU!f9ill!lUlisa! IUEMMU111nU1U11151Ul DEW NOTICE! Auto Tops Buggy Tops w Wagon. Repairing, Painting, Etc. Second Handed Buggies HESS - ZURICH 1NININN8ININUNIl18111NII/M4';;y!til&fit 'NE i ILIIMfifa).'?UN11111101HUiNiU!NUi(' il' ilIMIIINSliE IwRi r`{fi INIUNUBINU{tINiT@ MI.+t4F++144.44 4.4 t4-1.+++4 E+4'+++++ +++4444+1+4.4.44 * I ZtYMCE GARI&GE ATTENTIONI. TO FARMERS MW TRACTOR OWNERS WE ARE NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS OF GASOLINE IN LARGER QUANTITIES WITR A GOOD STAND- ARD GRADE OF GASOLINE FIIOM OUR DELIVERY TRUCK AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, WITH QUALITY CONSIDERED EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK. AND OVER- HAUL JOBS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. 1 t GAS OILS GRE A.S E S HL Mousseau Zurich i• �;, tr++44++++i++ .1 F+4+4+4+4+4.4-1.4-1.4. •4++ +4i4++i+4+++ .M.,,,..+.C, +4++4;+ +++++E++ t pf1.4•44++F+ +,t+&+ ++�+a +44+.I..I+.I..F,•'s 4.41,'•44•1”:a=+++++++++++++++++.+ -4E, 4. is i+ 4. elviniston 4. 4. 4., t Come in and see the new. A` uta- matic Kelvinator which has many it, 4b features that no : other Electro I Refrigerator has. . 4 See Me before guying4646 • 4w E Oesch Zech. $ERVw„, ith 3Auts .......10.444************.**164414katataite+.04-4,4 ati