HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-07-31, Page 4^l'
.attme • FOUR
BORN . .
a e rear ---At Goshen Line, Hay
Township, on July 23rd, to Mr,
.d Mrs, Kuno Hartman, a son.
3erhraunnae--At Zurich, on July 12th,
iao Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Denom-
raac , a son.
lerc. John and Mrs. Hagen of Chic -
lap,, are guests at the home of the
rctrrr'a mother, Mrs, Ann Hagen.
Wr Lawrence Brightmore, of Lon -
alma is spending a few holidays with
.his uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. 3.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Inkster and Mr.
-mitMrs. Mitchell and family of God-
etiela were recent visitors at the
limn! ! of Mr. Wm. Jarrott.
Tarr. and Mrs. Harry Fuss and fam-
-:fly were visiting friends in Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love visited at
Alta home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Keys.
and family of near Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs, E. Clark and family
McKillop were visiting Mrs. L.
Ir. Clarence Reichert of London,
.spent the •week -end at his home.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stephenson and
Mrs. John Love were in Stratford on
Friday, attending the funeral of, e,
Miss My -ate Hoffman of Kitchener,
els ;spending her vacation at her home
flies rea
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith of Lon -
agora were Sunday visitors with Mr.
rand Mrs. R. Baker.
.Ion's. Witzel spent the week -end
with Mr. and Mrs. J. Triebner of
)Bizet Exeter.
?3a. Lorne Taylor and sister Myrta
of London, are visiting with Dr. and
Mrs. Taylor.
fsfr. and Mrs. A. Merner and fam-
; a have moved from Detroit into P.
.Mcisaac's house recently occupied by
:fir. Louis Kraft.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harris of Sar-
-aim, are visiting relatives in town.
efiss 'Thelma Elsie who spent the
"wast few weeks in Sarnia has return-
ed barn.
Miss Johnston of London was the
guest of Miss Hilda Snell this weew.
Mn...Cunningham of Guelph visit-
ed with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Morenz
last week.
A. Sauer and son Milton, have
returned after visiting friends near
Niagara Falls,
Word was received here of the
death of Mr, John Fried, of Holly-
wood, California, after a heart at-
tack following an operation for acute
appendicitis.. Mr. Freid was a broth-
er of Mrs. J. Kellerman of town, and
Mrs. C. Fritz, of Zurich.
Mrs. G. Oestreicher was suddenly
stricken with a slight stroke last
week. Hr many friends hope for a
speedy, recovery.
Mrs. Hy. Hoffman and daughters,
and Mrs. Stacy motored to St. Thom-
as and Port Stanley on Tuesday.
The Misse Deichert of New Ham-
burg are visiting relatives in this vic-
Thos. Simpson of Lucan, is spend-
ing hblidays in town.
• A sacred band concert was enjoyed
here by the Blyth Band on the Park
Grounds on Sunday evening, July 27
which commenced at 8 o'clock.
Ila Westcot of Toronto, is visiting
friends in town,.
Mrs. Will Davis of Hamilton, is
visiting with friends here.
The Rev. M. B. Parker, accompan-
ied by W. M. Fee, and his two sisters
;Wary and Sarah Fee, left on a motor
trip to Quebec.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pee and two
daughters spent a few days visiting
friends in Buffalo.
Rev. Arthur and Mrs. Sinclair have
returned after a few days fisit with
friends at Bluevale. They left on
Thursday for their vacation, spending
some time at Sarnia.
Andrew Hicks, of Centralia, was
a recent visitor in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert North of Wood -
sock spent the week -end with relati-
ves here.
The hiyhway on the London Road
between here and Kippen, has been
opened to traffic during the past we-
ek, or so.
Mrs. Alex. Smith and daughter,
Helen, are accompanying Mr's. Cregg
and W. A. Smith, of Blyth, on a trip
to the Western coast and visited with
their relatives in Saskatchewan, Mon
tana and Washington States.
Alex. Smith and. son, Eldrid, are
visiting with relatives and friends in
Omer, Michigan and Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Bell and fam-
ily, of St. Thomas, are spending their
holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs
Jas. A. Bell and with Mr. and Mrs.
John Zuefle.
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• ,4
Come in and see the new Auto=
nnatic Kelvinator which. ha s many
features that no other Electric
Refrigerator has.
See Me before Buying
el ,n tor
E. Oesch Zurich
11IIIHIl1111'liilIIi111IIIllllll i Illili 111111IIIHIl11111I1III1IIIIn1I1lhIINIIIHlilh111II111111111i11111M11111I11II1111IIII11I111111 Il11illlllll QllhI1HHlll 111 HIIII 11111111111"
1Goderich fanner
ice Meetlng
At Agricultural Park
Monday August 4t.h
2.17 TROT ONLY $400
Goo + n 5Oc"(tax extra)
refit f`xra�iiTsEilricl,r.Good 7'i'aa14—Gentiiral. Aurrr,isalo
J.,33, Whitley, M.D., President E. R. Wigle, Treasurer =
W. P. Clark, V.S., Secretary
1114 iirii It11111i111.1 ,-ij,il. 11111i111111 111111 Illili1111111II 11111111 111111111111 1111111111111111111'111 Illili 111tlllllillill 111 I III(
Mrs. T, Murdock returned en Mon-
day last from Toronto, where she had
been visiting with her daughter, Dr.
and Mrs. B. .Campbell., returning by
auto with Dr. and Mrs, B. Campbell
and family, who spent a week's holi-
days with friends in Hensall and vic-
Mr. and Mrs. Manley JJinks are
`visiting at the home of Mrs, fink's
parents, in the Township of Stanley.
Catherine Drysdale has returned
from visiting relatives and friends in
Ripley and Goderich,
1VIrs. Robinson, of Detroit, is here
spending a week or so with her relati
ves and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs
Ed. Sheffer.
Mr. and Mrs. Parr, of Custer, B.C.
motored here to visit relatives during
the past week, and were accompan-
ied from Milverton by Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. Redmond. Mrs. Parr was for-
merly known as Miss Lizzie Redmond
of the Township of Hay.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cook and
members of their family, have also
returned after a pleasant several we-
ek's trip in Algoma District, Owen
Sound and other lake ports, return-
ing by way of Toronto, and enjoying
the trip very much
The baseball tournament held on
the local diamond on Wednesday aft-
ernoon of last week was most largely
attended, large numbers coming from
all around and particularly from
Motherwell, St. Marys •and Crediton,
as the teams from these places and
local players were all engaged in the
games. In the flrst match between
Motherwell and Hensall, the 'score
was 5-4 in favor of Hensall; in the
second between St. Marys and Cred-
iton the score was 9-5 for Crediton
and in the finals between the two
winning teams the score stood in fav
or of Hensall by quite a few points.
All of the matches were very excit-
ing and were stated by old time play-
ers to be the best played on the dia-
mond for some time. The umpires
were Leroy O'Brein of Zurich, and
Hugh Berry, of St. Marys. The pit-
chers for Hensall were C. Kerslake
and Ed. Gascho, and catcher, 'Bert
Horton. What added much interest
was the arrival of 1VIr. Bennett, Con-
servative leader, during the latter
part of the game.
The Congregations of Centralia
and Whalen met the other evening
and decided to erect a new minister's
home this fall.
The building at Blyth la*ely occu-
1.;r:•d by the Williams Novelty Store,
owned by Mr. Strothers of Sarnia,has
been secured by a Windham firm to
eon a general store after tho ist o f
' H. 0. Southcott, Exeter, met with
an unfortunate accident when. he was
struck in the eye by a :real' ,tone
from a passing motor car. He was
motoring at the time and a car went
by him a small stone stveek. him squ-
arely in the eye and ne has berm seif-
ering from a badly discculouied optic
in consequence.
Grenville Atkinson, Bayfield met
with a painful accident the other day,
when he was knocked .down by a car
backing onto the road at the south
beach. He was badly shaken up and
received a long cut across ms right
thigh where the car struck him. The
driver evidently did not .notice him
passing behind the car.
Jack Douglas, of Brussels, whe
went to London camp with the 32r...
Huron Regt., won first prize for tar-
get shooting and his officers gave him
a $5.00 gold piece.. The Seaforth
Co. of which the Brussels boys were
attached to, won first prize for best
camp section.
At the present time in Goderich,
there is a heavy consumption of wat-
er. During July the electric pump at
the waterworks station have been
pumping on the average. of 200 gala.
lons per minute more than hereto-
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cook, of " Clin-
ton announce the engagement of their
only daughter, Helen Mae, to Mr. T.
G. Nisbet Cook, of Toronto, only son
of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Cook, of Clin-
ton, the marriage to take place this
The death of a former wellknown
resident of Goderich in the person of
Percival'' Bell, at Winnipeg, Man., on
Tuesday, July 22nd. He was in his
80th year, and had been ill about a
week. He was born in 'Goderich and
resided there until ten years ago,
when he moved to Winnipeg.
Mrs, Isaac Hudson, of Seaforth,
underwent a very critical operation
;n the Scott Memorial al
Hospital, ,
al of
that place, on Wednesday. Her many
Friends are glad to learn that the Op
.;ration was successful and that she
is doing as well as can be possibly
The funeral took place in ;Neter,
from the home of. Sid. Davis of Mrs.
Oliver Harris, mother of Mrs. Davis,
who died at 'Tara in her 84th year.
The aged lady had been ailing for a
"ong time and death came as a relief
10 her sufferings. Her maiden name.
;:as Mary J. Perkins.
A tennis dub is being,,
;Seaforth and the promoters are
nesting with a grat deal of success,
The courts will be laid on the . old
" orvliii a„ree r.
Th other day, Moses Beckler,
�if• „r M ./�' rq
Thursday, July 3lst, 1930
r r
yi1l�,' fi;
,. �NC� .� 4f
ift, Lromp
alc• 41.
!r ai
Buy by Mail
or if for any other reason you have occasion
to send money by mail get" your Money Girders
at the Base
There is no naore convenient,, Japer or safer
way of sending money. •
Money Orders are obtainable without delay or::,
formality at every Branch of the Bark ofMVIontreal..
Eifahlished 4,81.7
Zurich Branch: C. H. JOY, Manager.:.
Usborne, observed a deer on the 2nd
concession of Hay near the Hay
swamp. ' At his approach the d'ee'r
loped the fence and crossed a field
but did not seem badly disturbed at
the approach of man..
Work on the new Hydro line from
Goderich to Dungannon is being
rushed along, Work was commenced
at the Dungannon end, the poles be-
ing set up in the village. In another
two weeks this line is expected ready
for service. -
Described as one who could not
appreciate leniency, Arthur Peirre
Henderson, young Wingham mechan-
ic was sentenced to an indetermined
term of not less than three months
nor more than 12 months in the pro-
vincial reformatory for theft of $20
from the local bus depot. He appear-
ed in London police court on remand.
A quiet wedding was solemnized
at the Danforth Ave., Baptist church'
by Rev. WcLean, uncle of the 1irid''ea
when Jean Alma, eldest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. N. KnechteI, of Sea -
forth, became the bride of Edmund
E. Secord, second son of the late
Morgan and Mrs. Secord of Meaford.
Fire destroyed the residence of
Chas. Kleber, of Manley, near Sea -
forth, last Monday about midnight.
He was awakened by one of the chil-
dren coughing and on getting up he
found the house filled with smoke.
He and his wife and three children,
escaped with their lives, as they. all
slept upstairs the fire had made such
headway downstairs that it had al-
most cut off the exit. The alarm
was given. at once by telephone but
by the aime the neighbors arrived
the house was doomed and very little
contents were saved. The loss was
partially covered by insurance.
The death of another one of Stan-
ley's old boys in the person of the
late John Reid, who suffered a stroke
on Saturday morning last and never
regained consciousness, and passed a
way the same evening, it was a great
shock to his family and relatives, al-
though Mr. Reid had not enjoyed the
best of health for some time. The fun
a h • ld on `Mond. and one of
era was held y,
the largest ever held in the cominun
sty. showing the high esteem in which
he was held. The remains being laid
to lest in Bayfield cemetery. Rev.
Paull had charge of the funeral.
IfA big crowd from all parts of the
county attended the Veterans' picnic
at Bayfield on Wednesday afternoon
last. The veterans were delighted
and honored by an impromptu visit
of Hon. R. B. Bennett, Conservative
leader, who briefly addressed the ga-
F. S. Rivers, I3.A,, B. Phald., prin-
cipal of Victoria School, Owen Soun"
has ben awarded by the Ontario
Dept., of Education, through the
, Ontario Co11.,hn of ndrreeel , .,»,'.
ofjwith the sanction of the Senate' oil
301h Anniversary
Free SIip
Only With the
Or "REGAL" Grab
Of the Famous;
the University of Toronto, with the
Scottish Exchange student -teacher
scholarship) ' for:1930-31 ter
the value
of $1,500. This entitles hint to spend
Ale year at Edinburgh and other uni-
versities. Mr: Rivers has had an ex-
ceptionally bright career since attend
ing University of Toronto. He grad
Gated in 1924' with the degree cif
Bachelor- of Art's and was awarded
the Prince of Wales Medal for gen-
eral profienncy*:
Oswald Crawford; of Exeter, arur
i1 hydro lineman, was knocked of a
>Ole while at work; just outside of
Irand Bend, the�•other' day, falling
distant:ea of IS feet, We wan pick -
i". 'e•d up inintediately by fellow' workers
nd rushed to D.r. Fletceher's Ilasgiital
whete; b vara; glntast attention He
5riii ei:•.erll anat.:ne oiw %. to isot:l,:', ioslt
and arms. Examination of the body -
showed no bones to be broken. A..
few days confinement in the hospital
and it is thought lie e will be able to
leaire not much the worse for his ex-•
perience, which might easily have -
caused death.
Mrs. Wm. McCool, Londesboroo.
wife of the late William McCool,..
passed away at tier home, July 10th
as the result of injuries received nr
an accident some few weeks ago_,
Mrs, IVIcCoo1 who before her marriage'
was daughter of Jas. Longman, wars'
born n lullett, and was one or a
a family✓ of t'hir'teen, who all predeceaL
ed her. after her marriage in 188f.
stilt continuously resided at her. home
,,a tae ntti Cor►•, Huttett until four'
years n a, what she: sn tved to Lon-.