HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-07-31, Page 1RICH ER Vol. XXX[ No. ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 311930. Chester L. Smith, PUhrestiate $L25 a year, U.S, $1„56 in Advent* 4140 XN A.9 1EAltf3,82 MAX Mt OBAR,811110 Let the Ads.- in the Herald guide you in Buying and Selling OUR CORNER "What this COniltry realbe needs," . said the Scotsman visiting America, 9s a good five -cent box of How nice it is to have the •election, over so we can, settle dawm to 'the •discussion of the weather in comfort! Canada will be represented by a large number of highway experts at -the Internatioetat Road Cr in. Washington. from October 6th to 11th While it is expected that each of the apparatus and it will likely succeed. provincial governments will send de.' to provide more modern fireenghting legates, a much larger number are eX- Improvements which have been pected to attend in the capacity of brought about almost chiefly by the representatives of Canadian motoring suggestion of encouragement of associations, etc. newspapers are legion. 40--+ The beautiful town of 'St. Marys which is up-to-date in many things still use a horse-drawn fire engine. The Journal -Argus, which is one of the outstanding newspapers in the pro-vince, is trying to spur the town ••• vadolow•••••••••., • 00444,4•4,4•040,4044.441,44004.4%) 0.424•004,4044040,41,44.0440.4,* • ‘40 4 -4. .4 4 .4 .4 4 4 4 Harness, Etc. WE HAVE. A LARGE STOCK OF CHOICE HARNESS, TRUNKS, TRAVELLING, BAGS. VALICES, ETC., TO CHOOSE FROM, AND ARE OFFERING THE SAME TO THE PUBLIC AT VERY ATTRA.C.TIVE PRICES. Pianog Pianos IF YOU HAVE BEEN THINKING OF ADDING A FINE NEW PIANO TO THE PLEASURES OF YOUR HOME,. BE SURE AND CONSULT US,, AS WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE POPULAR SHERLOCK .MANNING LINE. ALSO AGENTS FOR THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE • • FRE • PHONE 102- 4,040444.0esteeteaeis44444,04,044040414. OelaaesSeteeta Oeeleeesse 44404400V 4 4 4 4 8 4 4 rto X 1 THEL i„ZUM011 99.4.+440+99******44$444.• 4-41 seseeraceesteseseeceeeeeceeveeeeeee lk e t ewmeeseesee in Brown's Shoes Shoe Style With A Smile MAKE. YOU WALK OUT AMBITIOUS, READY TO O. A GREAT COY .1 -ETON OF 'NEW ARRIVAIS :9 ASIDE FROM -TIE GENUINE PLEASURE OF DZSPECT/Nre ; THESE NEW GOODS FIRST IS THE ADVANTAGE ,OF EARLY SUMMERSELECTION. NEW TANS, CHOC. KID, SUN 'TANS. 0. BLACK AND WHITE: COMBINATIONS, ALL WElTE. ALL THE NEWEST DESIGN hN SPORT OXFORDS AND POMP S 'WITH LOW AND CUBAN HEELS. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE REE Biwa s SlicP wINDow, DISPLAY • 4,• e 8 ; 4, eeeeeegieemaacosmeaezeseellegetmez,,,DeseeeseteereeeQeseee00000.0 1,•••940.41414.4:.411'04, fs *044444* c,4,0 d',* 044444; Just In OLF S Ego TEX' ERS WITH, :HOSE 'TO MATCH STRALW HATS SAILORS Altla SNAP .RIMS MEN'S SILK UNZIORNMAR---COIVie MATIONS. fat FLESH AND 'WHITE ALL WOOL BA.THRIG .SUITS COLORS, .sp RT PANTS JUST NITHAT YOU WANT s BRING trS 11,a1LIR tatINDRY EVERY 11101052VE EADY MADE 3orts.,1111ADE "TO MEASURE, 'OR =mom mgatrE smaszarnort 'GUARANTEED HOFFMAN'S BLOCK EldelAEMILVIS • 4/1$1"14141, The ieWelit t glee e e.e., e If there are any "hard times" thet are receiving no encouragement from the editor of The Exeter Times -Ad-' vocate. He says its "raining porridge into the dish that's right side up," Better see that your porridge dish is not turned upside down on a shelf. It might help some, too, to see that the corners of your mouth are on a upward slant. -Ex. Story With. a Moral The following where a moral is clearly shown, is taken from an ex- change: Recently a church congre- gation in a little Kansas town built a new church. To pay for it they were obliged to call on. the merchants of the community for donations. The merchant e responded lib'eraIly and $300 was raised from this source. The last man asked tie subscribe was John Smith, a merchant. 4 will giv6' you $20 if you will let me add some- thing' to the list," he said. The per- mission was granted him and he wrote at the foot of the list: John Smith $20 Mail Order House $00 Peddler and transient trad • $00 .••••••//iSSR.Maeo.u.lelumilusmos..........m.nommomin Mr. Ed. Gaacho is spending a few days fishing in the Bruce Peninsular. Dr. and Mrs. Cowen were Sunday visitors with the Doctor's parents in Fergus. Mr. Lawrence Rau of Detroit, is spending his holidays with his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. J. P. Rau. Sorry to report that Mrs. E. E. Weido is not enjoying her usual good health and is under the Doctor's care. Mrs. J. H. Langford and Mrs. Mac- Cracken of London, were Friday vis- itors with Mr. end Mrs. It, F. Stade, of town, • Miss Marit Kochems of Zurich, was a last Sunday Visitor with Mr. Ethers= Irwin at London and Spr- ingbank, Mr. Theo. Wagner, and Miss Eme- ley, of Waterloo, were visitors at the home of the former's parents, The church people saw the point and Mrs. W. C. Wagner. when the minister read from the pul- pit the list of donors to the building Mr. George Farwell and daughter fund, and since the dedication of that church there have been no mail orders :sent out from that town. BLAKE The anniversary services of th Blake United •Chureh wilt be hel in the church on Sunday, Augus 10th. Services will be at 11 a.m. and 7.30 pan. The speaker for the day will be the Rev. Mr. Hogg, of Clinton. Special music will be rendered by the choir, as- sieted by Mr. George Coulter, as soloist, of Varna. e d Following the above announce- ment an ice Cream Social will fol- low on Thursday evening, August lith on the lawn of Mr. Robert :ocilride. el the Geehen Line. Watch for posters and further an- nouncements, and be sure and keep these dates open. CARD OF THANKS wish to take this medium of extending my thanks and appreciat- ion for the many votes and Support rendered me during the recent elec- tion campaign, and can in no other Nray repay you at present but by extending my most sincere thanks to :one and all. N. E. Trewartha, Clinton, Gnt. Why a watch should be dust.tite 'The dust -Ute fcature---exclusive in Mars watches is one which you :should understand before making a purchase. 'Came in and let us explain it to you without obligation. Char stock of Mars clustetite 'watches includes various. designs Vivialit ribbon strap or covered mesh 6ratselct. Cases are in White or green. 1/4 gold, 14K and 181t. PrIees front $25.00 to $50.00. BALA. IRS Marcella, Mr, Ted. Mittleholtz an two •children, are away on a moto trip te 'Toronto, Hamilton, Kitchene and other eastern points. Mr. tied 141re. S. Giffin of Toronto were Wh ,:k -end visitors at the ham of .Mrveal* Mrs. Thos. Meyers. Mr :and 'and twin dau ghters, returnieg with them to thei home in that city. Mr. J. Reid, drainage contractor, has now completed the work of con- struction of the North Branch of the Black Creek Drain and has started on the West Branch. When this Branch is completed, theswampdrains should be in good condition for a time at least. d r r 4- MEN'S TAN OXFORDS MFG. BY SCOTT McHALE GENUINE $7.00 VALUE e • $4.85 - • WOMENS' PATENT STRAPS r WITH BUILT IN ARCHES a- Reg. $5.00, At $2.95 Music in Rural Schools The enthusiasm evident at musical festivals staged by schools in various counties at the end of the school term in June shows definitely that the young people of rural Ontario are taking an increasing' greater interest in music. In Middlesex, for example, there ware 150 entries including elev- en school choruses, three high school choruses and two mixed choruses. Over 1500 people were in attendance Fifteen rural school andthree urban school choruses competed at the fes- tival in Peel, with some 154 entries and a capacity attendance. As a re- sult of previous musical festivals in Wellington county, a large number of rural school boards have made special arrangements for the teaching of music to their pupils. J.E. Whitlock of the Agricultural Representative branch declares that no activity has been taken up so whole -hearted by the Juniors of Ontario as music and he advises leaders in counties where this feature has not been attempted to give the matter eerious considerat- ion for their 1931 proparns, COAL 1 New Low Prices Now in Kffect WHEN BUYING YOUR FUEL WHY NOT HAVE THE RESIT GENUINE D. L. & W. SCRANZOIE COAL 'The Standard Anthracite' EGG„ STOVE, NUT AND Oa -AM PEA. SIZES,. SEMET. SOLVATe...;.. COKE. A discount of 50c per ton ane, Sam, CASH on all fuel Car,It/c=t, Fl EN SALL Office Phone lOw House ?acme /CI • very ay is getting better and better. People are getting Vaiue-Wise. Tats why they come here for Shoes. Sr Cars MI*,r.201. The sad news received relatives in this vicinity of the passing of Mrs. Solornoe Kipfer, of Gilmore City, U• " S who passed away ery end- shady recently. An auto crashed in- to an electric wire pole in front of their. farm, and smashed the pole, and Mrs. Kipfer in going out to assist the occupants of the wrecked car, ac- cidently got her feet tangled in the mass of wires, which were highly el- ectrocuted,with the result that she was instantly killed. Besides her hus- band, Mr. Solomon Kipfer she is sur- vived by one son, Gugene, five years of age. Word was received here of the passing of a former well known res- ident of this community; more so at Dashwood. in the Person of Mr. John Pried, who died at his home in Cali- fornia, on Friday of last week., The funeral taking place at that place on Monday, deceased was hi his 05th year, and is 6Itrvived by his widow, two daughters and one son, two sis- ters, Mrs. Jacob .Kellerman of Dash- wood and Mrs. Chas. Fritz, of Zur- ich. .Also one brother, Mr. Emanuel Fried of California. Deceieed was raised in Dashwood, and spent consid enable of his time there. but having been a resident of Toronto, for a goodly number ••of years previous to gaing to California some seven years ago. The local members of the Town - hip Board af Health, consisting of Reeve L. H. Rader, Clerk A. F. Hess, Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, C. Eilber C. Schilbei and Me. Edwards, were etti- led to the Saubie River in the east- ern part of the township, to invest- igate the condition of the water in this river, which has become to be in a very undesirable condition, wh- ich is thought to develop from the sewerage being dumped hi by the Exeter Canning Factory. Owing to the extreme dry weather at present the flow is too email to carry this a- • way and clear the water of the river, fleece it remains stagnant in the deep hole e of the river bed and seems to ferment, and makes the wat- er in an unfit condition for the eon- sumptions of cattle.' The matter selfl be taken up by 643 )0e,a1 belled with dreaming Facto* hiitilktiiitteri."'' MISSES PAT. SLIPPERS SIZES 11 to 2 Reg. $3.00, At $2.00 SHOE REPAIRING No. I SOLES Men's Half Soles $1.00 Ladies' half Soles 75c mammtvorgarte......1rovaW. WOMEN'S PUMPS MURRAY MAKE: • BLACK., TAN OR WHITE: Genuine $6.95, At $6.75 ARCH SUPPORTS Dr.. SCHOOLS' REGULAR $5.00 Now $3.00 Pair RUNNING SHOES BOYS AND Gums' 650 90c. 81.15 MEN'S WORK SHOES You Can't Beat E,n at an -T. Theyre AtironclerFal This Price $3.25 USED CAR DEFT% tnerr .....21.X.I.A.,..1.3,RWRIvieghtud1Sciameceteln,mmonGiurartmamotiarmam.attg.C...P.MIMAT TWO 1930 BRAND NEW MODEL A. COACHES, AT A SACRIFICE 1925 FORD COUPE BALOONS NEW DUCO FINISH 1.927 FORD COACH ORD,31.NAL TIRES AND, Fir - 1.611, RUNS LIKE NEW snelaNaellIzt 1929 MODEL A. COUPE 1923 FORD TOURING VIMIWatemaneweatrunevemsamerseeomenreveraeraerevnttiaftenalfwerw.rmareaff,q.m..........womnowniontsCeng....", F ITZ & 'SON Shoe Merchants - New and Used Car, silealertzt Phone 82 or 115 lot 4ES GO !r, Don't miss seeing and getting owe prices on our New Spring 8)d 1 Summer Dry Goods of an kinds 4 ALSO SHOES, HARNESS REPAIRS, HARDWARE,. PAILITM OILS„ AND OTHER STAPLE LINES, TOO NUMEROUS Ta MENTIOlt 1930 GARDEN AND ROOT SEEDS JUST OPENED LTE, GET GET YOUR SUPPLY NOW., R. N. DOUGLAS GEAf ERAL MERCHAIVir PHONE if 4., 97 E3LAPC , . , .