Zurich Herald, 1930-07-24, Page 1RIC HERAL Vol. XXXI Ho.4 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 241930, Chester L. Smith, Padishaira $1.25 a year, U.S. $1.511 in Advanot 01.00 IIQ ASREAR8,42 Hak= BZ CEARGi s Let the Ads. in the Herald guide you in Buying and Selling WEST HURON HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE REPORT' In the results . given helaw•, First and Second Class. Honours are report- ed. First Class Honours means that the candidate has secured Tela or more of 'the total. marks assigned,. Second Class honours are awarded to pupils who have obtained between 70. and 74 % of .the possible total. Exeter Centre "First •Class Honours -Phyllis Bier - ling, Loreen Borland, Madeline Brint- "nell Hazel Clark, Charles Coinpinm, Beatrice Essery, Rich'd Etherington, John. MacTavish Gordon May, Irene Mooney, Jean Stanbury, Grace Strang, Jeanette Taman. Second Class Honours ---Carman An- derson, Florence Dunsford, William Dunsford, Norval Jones, Vera RReetle Elgin Luxton, Ardys M.cPalis, Mar- jorie Oke, Gerald. Se1froeder, Allan 4 .• lee • ,x 4 Mr. HIRSCHLEBER, AN EXPERT ON TUNING AND REPAIRING • ele PIANOS WILL. 13.E IN THIS DISTRICT COMMENCING .a, •u 4. • ~THIS MAN IS uGIl'I:'1: RECOMMENDED IN PIANO WORK, FLAN - 4 ING TWENTY-FIVE, YEARS OF FACTORY EXPERIENCE IN 4. ALL LINES OF PIANO WORK. - 4 4 IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR AN EXPERT IN THIS LINE, ee KINDLY LEAVE E YOUR ORDER WITH 4 4 FRED tie Lo. ta PHONE E02,. r i MONDAY, JULY 14th Westcott, Mary Westlake. Pass -Gordon Appleton, Geraldine Armstrong, Charles Baynham, Jas. Brintnell, Hazel Elliott, John Essery, Harry Frayne, Lloyd Frayne, Doro- thy Hicks, Almer Hankin, Mary. Johns, Raymond Jory, Jessie Mon teith, Greta Pollard, Hubert Quinton;, Dorothy Sims, Marjorie Stewart, Win" Quinton, Gladys Stone,Homer Tinraey John Tinney, Ferne Welsh. - Thh't Scholarship offered by the Exe- ter Board of Education to the pupil. from any school under the jurisdic- tion of the Exeter High School En- trance Board, obtained the highest total on the Entrance Examination, was won by Jeanette Tainan, a:L Exe- ter School. The prizes awarded to the pupils from the Exeter school obtaining the greatest. number of marks, were won as follows (1) John MacTavish; (2) ''Phyllis Bierling, (3) Gordon May. Hensel! Centre First Claes Honours -Cecil Dilling, Beatrice Dro :mer. Second Claes Honour,• --Harold Ei- der, label Fee, Helen Glenn, Annie 1VIchr: yre, fella Srn.?le. Pass -John Alexander, Aldon rlp- l:,le-tort, .Tehn" Bean, 'alergaret Bell, Roy Brock, Dorothy Corbett, John i+are har., Harrold Foster, Herbert 1.ede' n; ?lc)t'y I-Ienrpbill, Janet Mehl - ter:, .:eeeee reeeleore, Imyril,'lhom- soa, Iaim.a Cr .diton Centre 6s 04,0 40,441440.4 4-000i:42-044r,t>00 ...*4440449900 0414:: 00-00 04 0 e 0440 e :• - h Jk'Uzlfise4seeti''`ZQs' tArtillZSraGd9.iS1.ie.c..r•cfg i (/elf'1.Z�tf'O'GCNi 0'0iir'{et4e eco!'a.',!0''hu6040002 H es • a i.' i?'; t Class Honours - Eugene s:. .ee ecgeteit:•tt1 ti- ae. Hei- n IEy., i' I! 11: 1'y :s Y...-v'4a.;'- oral, Diva Wuerth. Second Class Honours- Adwinna ill, Jean Richard. and Brown's o -a o Shoe Style With A Smile to N'a1s , - Ar .hens Dietrich," .9oS yph Glavin, Helen Glryvi+i, . 'Evelyn. Hari ton, Evelyn McCann, Eliza'th Miller, al • Lulu Itollings. ,1 f to 4 e I Dashwood Centre ee First C".ltl,s honours -Esther Ma terse. Second Class Honours -- Edwa (•'(runt tter+ Chrystal Hayter, Stua Prior re. l t.., hos,. Brown, Rubio :Brow Gerald Corrnthers, Jerome Dietrieli Arnotta Ereland, Olive English, Rai' " .'fttea Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Gillman of Chicago, are visiting with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gellman. Sr. 'Messrs I'Ierb.Mouseau and family Mr and Mrs. Ferri Habr:rer and fam- ily were Sunday visitors at Kettle: Poiret. Mr. Thos. McMillan, the Liberal Candidate was in the village on Wed- nesday, looking over the field in this district for the oncoming election. LVtr. on(1 Mee. C .Eilbc i were at Crediton en Saturday evening where they attended the birthday party of the former's sister, Mr.. Wenzel. , Ild s. L. He) i,t. of Detroit, Is pond. ings end- ings afew• week` a holiday, with her pato t., ',1 . and >Ir--. Oscar Klop�l? of the .14th, (ion. s"t '.='.•' ;°:! # t:,., "t. t'c'tr:1 Lutheran church have postponed their annual t.icaaic from. July 3Oth. for August f t',, ..a;,1=. iu '.,+ held at GITad il+'n(1 (ul hit (tale. Mr.and °', •Go,i { ,,1 V(i ght:er, ,),,.. week . t that them. E. Vy ('ido nlotoi'e d to •!1%I( der ihe;e (Ian - win) .(` 1': turning 141tad '+h Wm. S. JoIriz•ton, 'J1, anti M s, 'Wellington ,T. Jnhnstria mot- 0'T;X th For The irl V AT GRADUATION NO GIFT IS MORE APPROPRIATE THAN A FINE WATCH LADIES' FANCY STRAP WAT- CHES FROM $8.00 To. $35.00 GENT'S FANCY STRAP WATCHES FROM $5.00 To $25.00 See them in Our Winclovf �.. � a .'Y � r fi .a less, The CIAL 193 New Low Price's Now in Effect WHEN BUYING YOUR. FUEL WHY NOT HAVE THE REST? GENUINE D. -L. & W. SCR IC) COAL "The Standard Anthracite.' EGG„ STOVE, �'E, NUT AND S t:l_ PEA. SIZES,. SEMET. COKE. A disco'unt's of 50c per ton aper:; aJ fe CASH on all fuel. aiv�m6y,moxa�:.:.ate. ecru!' ward a d+u++.+• Was,. H E .A .., i "., se Office Plass'. lOw House Ph_.+c .all;.,; + +++•:-++++++++++++++++ Every� 0 very Dayi better, People httr''; are ars 1 That's why they come er e ddd they 'fw i r,na�ue,.aeviva=-.,c:,w:amw.,vnr-,,.r,�..rz.�a+ncxc<..,r:•n.s. MEN'S TAN OXFORDS MFG. BY SCOTT McTTALE ti e GENUINE $7.00 VALUE 4"' as11. Ross ohir, toil, who hash,. r u •r leiting :1 I'l~t1'oit, for a re rturning ;with, theta. ' Reg. ::47‘.00, At $2.95 Ret Fr' L. Marchand chand of cl i trench -Settlement Parish, who is I present being visited with his Parc n t•,. i of SVindeoe, is ;this t,•trek a ntc.it;rola 1 them by a motor trip to il�( ea('„ ,! rd Shrine -of the Martyrs. at :,Midland. rs 1 11 Ir. Jas. Humphreys of Preston. was. a Sunday visitor' in town. H'• ii' via, accoiilpanied home by -(1rs. lluni- Ii phreys, who had -been in Zurich for a week,' in care of her aunt, Miss I(la a Brill who was on the sick list, but WOMENS' PATENT STRAPS �i Fi'I'i BUII.'r ICY ARCHES c 1` MISSES PAT. SLIPPERS t SIMS 11 to 2 '` Rag. 1.00, At $2.00 Gcnttner, Gertrude Hofl'ma.n, E14 Turnitull, Lillian Webb, Earl rim LS eller. • (la MAKE YOU WALK. OUT AMBITIOUS, READY TO G.O. ; A GREAT COLLECTION OF NEW ARRIVALS 44 ASIDE FROM T'HE GENUINE PLEASURE OF INSPECTING I THESE NEW GOODB FIRST IS THE .ADVANTAGE OF EARLY 411„p SUMMER SELECTION. NI W TANS, CHOC.. KID, SUN TANS. 'S iBLACK AND WHITE COMBINATIONS, ALL WHITE. ALL THE r. 0 NEWEST DESIGN IN SPowr OXFORDS AI) .I' .AND WITH e LOW -AND CUBAN .HEELS. ea •eet fdEE44.1 .ING NEATLY" DONE B wala b ai SUE OUR INDOlt? DISPLAY tiegt3•311 "�$ 9 t$salt""l,'rQa'r44•SSt ,a:'• is akemefixarep 'og"'34:,, S+li7esti fflzi, ';o"S, akehs.'f e 43,4oab4a4)•4.>•,rti.0G 4Stda4'4Vti,?r"44 04ry4,,044#Cb0Q++ti0$4,444i00040c9+0'$ st SW i lyrni.HOSE TOIi/LAITCI% STRAW Tl RS SAi LOBS AND SNAP RIMS MEN'S SILK UNDERWEAR -COMBINATIONS. IN E I.7; `W I1ITE ALL WOOL R 11-111 G SUITS - ALL COLORS. SPORT PANTS JCST "W11aA'7I 'YOU WANT BRING iTS: Y kU& lL &UNDRY .EKY' MONVIelt READ1`' MADE:S SeeN 1 DE. -TO MEASURE,' OR TAILOR l Si:A'€'ISFACZKO ri :GUARANTEED HOFFMAN'S BLOCK 177. rimoculiests Sol !{9 aiwareats •o 67 • • • 4 4' •, Zurich Centre Fiist Class Honours. --Alice Lecher, Genevieve Etue, Beatrice Gascho, Grace Gelinas,largaret Haborer, Quimhe Iless, Elizabeth Snowden. • Second Class Honours ---jean Carnie Hazel Tittles'. 1'a::,•--. th Church, Gene vi0ve Cor- riveau, Louis Forrest, Jean Horner, C•nmp,+011 McKinley, Edith sterner, Lee Oesch, Clifford Weida, Rosa Zet- tel, :David Kyle. • �h• LT t Tc.v,' ')i17 5htt,, awarded to pupils from Hay rbl 1:'11x1 rhCoh':..1 ol. tainin^^ rho tigh- ost total*: on the ...trance E .at:nna- -'.nl . v.7:s won no follows: ii.) Beat- (2,) eat- (2,) Quia b(, Hess, 1 `, 1Tar ;:aa, Ila ierc.i', all of 2;d1.1:011 rub - lit' . drool, i „i' la ott'(,.:;1 by lkl'r. ,;. Elgin 'Com, former Inspector of l`ubiic Schools, to the pupils in the Exeter distract from a one room rural school obtaining the highent total was won =yy 'rued Borland, from School Sec- tion No. 2, 'Osborne Township: Varna Centre Firet Class Honours-Relen Ander- son. • Second. Class Honours -Constance y „ Culff. 4 Pass -Steward Baird, Doris Chuter 4 .Allen 'Keays, Harvey Keys, Raymond Pepper;, Vera Steep, Dorothy Stelck. Bayfield Centre First Class Honours --Thelma Par- ker. . Second, :Class Honours -Louise Mc- b Leod, Isabel Osmond. i Pass -Maria Bohner, Lawrence i Johns, Albert Pearson, Eva Sturgeon, t John Wild. The •pr'ize offered annua?ly by Mr. J. Elgin Tom, former Inspector of T,'+.'.1 Public Sc'llools, to the pupil from a c one roam rural school, obtaining the f hagha ,kt a asks at the Entrance Exalt- ; 1 enation, was won by Ruth Straughan feom :Sehoef Section No, 10, East • 1 W4 w•an�tish= 9 • (a 4 • is now recovered. lIr. and Mrs. J. Hey Jr. attended the Hey-ratylor wedding at 3iomb(', Ont., on Thursday of last vvoelc, at which tune Mr'. Milton Hey, second son of Mr. and Mrs.Hey was uunit- ed in marriage to Miss Taylor of that place. The Herald joins their many Zurich friends in extending' congrat- ulations. . . There passed unto her eternal re- ward on Friday, July 18th,firs. llaiy Hiller, relict of the late Christ, ophcr Miller, • of the 14th con HayTownship, Deceased was 9494vc years of; + 1 4 • SHOE REPAIRING +t. No. 1 SOLES • Men Hall Soles $1.00 + Ladies' half Soles 75c.75c. 07. ''a c , N'S P1. MPS. .. . IP RAY MAKE Ll.„k'., T sV' OR !1.I<. -. . o te' °.3.95 At nr ,., r CH SUPPORTS SCHOOLS' 35.00 $3.00 Pair. T.' SHOES r xNG SHOES , • AND GlieLe 6r'ac 90c. $1.15 4> WORK SHOZEl., leu Can't Beat Em at ary . ..gyre Wonderful~ This Price $325 erg? USED C LPT. .o <� m Ta„m.. �n.. ,au W..� .a„a a. TWO 1930 BRAND NEW MODEL A. COACHES, AT A N • +I+ d+ R l; & S Shoe Merchants alll.�" t .'t` e: l .. C~.:1:"`'T7', SACRIFICE 1925 FORD COUPE BALOONS NEW DUCO .FINISH 1927 FORD COACH ORIGINAL TIRES AND FIN:- ::- 1SH, RUNS LIKE NEW MODEL A. COUPE FORD TOURING. age and was one •of the plonc.er set- # tle1s 01' the conrnlunity, , and had dar- 1, her earler days endu•'c.+i i! ti:, 3i d�.iulin,. :Of pioneer li . ,`•. �. t1 - e devout chri$tialn of the 1ltoman Ceti-, olic fan. Was th"' lnoth�'r of Mr. Win, ;hiller of Zurich, and rife, ,g- ust Miller of the 14th Conc( io11. The ±11,'O'al w -as held on 11oa(i:,y :moili1' to -theR. C. cemetery at Zurich, with Father L. Power offic- iating. •.. Mrs. Conrad R. Wagner Passes. There passed unto her eternal re- ward at the home of her daughter,HawaiiMr. and Mrs, J. W. Ortwein, Hawaii on Friday, July 18th, Mrs, Ann Cath- erine Hoffman, relict of the late Con- rad R. Wagner, ill her 91st year. De- ceased had been practically' a lifelong resident of Zurich and Hay Township until the last -few years, when she re- moved to Hensall, not being able to properly look after'herself and then selling her property in Zurich to Mi. Sol. Zimmerman, she moved to her daughter Mrs. Ortwein at Hensall. The late Mrs, Wagner was a devout eliever of the faith of the Evangel - cal church, and took a great liking n open prayer and testimony, and ook a great deal out of religion. During the ten years she resided .at Hensall the IAAfew years she was more or less feeble, and required onsiderable care. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Ortwein of Hensall. The funeral wags held on Monday aafternoon from Honsall,. io the Goshen Line Cebu:toryy, south of Zurich, with Rev. Sinola,ir+ officiating.. 4 Phone 32 or 115 .� +I ; +++++++4+" ++++i-zi.+1 «Wir<1✓r:'f,r .1>.0 + .+c, , ..f,.;».4..;,.g,+++G ++4- 44..,.,,0, "well m .✓ 51 Pont`miss seeing and getting, Olk. t, prices ou our New Spring az, Summer 'ry Goods of all kiwis ALSO SHOES, EIARNESS REPAILS, HARDWARE, Ai e"`s.Sy:, OILS, AND OTHER STAPLE, L11NE:5, TOO NUMEROUS MENTION. 1930 GARDEN AND ROOT SEAS JUST 0?ENED tie:,CET GET WHIR SUPPLY NOW. SR R. N0 U134..AS G'rEt ''ERA 54 MERCHANT PHONE 0 - 97 BLAKE