HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-07-10, Page 5'.'t.h.trsda3r, To*y 100; 1930 7 X1141 CAH .H E R A L D BTSINESS CARDS DUDLEY . E. HOLME S ISARRISTER, SOLICITOR, molt, r ARY PUBLIC, ETC. O1'FICE—Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, GODE1UCH, Ontario. Special Attention to Couneel and. Court Work. NIT.. Holmes may be consulted at lEoderich by Phone, and Phone ' charges reversed. woo woo ,wants, For Salo, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads Dr. 11. 11. COWEN L. D. S. D. D B. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Eery Thursday, Friday, SoI urday At HARTLFIB'S BLOCK, DASUWOOD 'Every Monday, Tuesday Wednesday and OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones National School of Auctioneering. Try me foi Itegistered Live Stock, (All Breeds.) Terms in keeping with prevailing .prices. Choice Farms for Sale. Will sell anything Anywhere. Phone 18-93, or write. Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article ria nos not will ,our business, eS for Services Rem Tnake no chaig tiered. ARTHUR WEBER -- Dashwood Phone 15-57. Overstock 29x4.4° 3Ox33 Tires, Tubes. Low Prices NOWT 11. f Weim. WOOD 01160111.000040110000•++:+0+ Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET ANNOUNCING THAT WE HAVE PURCHASED FROM THE FIRM OF YUNGBLUT DEICHERT, THIS WELL ESTAB LISHED MEAT BUSINESS' AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE $. Yungblut & Sou 4111/1110114l000410604114160004080••• COAIi 1930 Announcement SPRING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR Scranton Coal Cot a Alberta Coal and Soft Coal A SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 50 iCt Per Ton will be allowed for cash. 'Dolor Early as prices will advance on June 5th, Case .& Son HENSALL Phone 35 L I. VE P o 1 LT R Y WANTED 'Takes every Day till 3 o'clock, p.m. 1)o not feed Fowl same morning When brought in. Ighest Cash Prices ee, .---CAS1L FOR Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien %.Etteau 111. $ems. Z'.ix i h a IN 'MS COLVISIA NOTICE Will the party who removed the chain attached to the float at the Fair Grounds return the same at once, as the party is known and will be dealt with if chain is not returned, ]3y Order. FOR SALE Wagon with flat rack, coal box, iouble set brass mounted harness. 'iuggy, light wagon. All in .good condition.. George S. Thiel. FOR SALE 11 choice young pigs tor sale, ap- ply to Simon Greb, Zurich. HONEY FOR SALE ..Pure Clover Honey for Sale, at 10c a pound, in your containers, also a .invited quantity of second grade ;lover honey at 9c. a ib., in your containers. Let us fill your pails as .goon as possible. J. Baberer & Sons. (South of Dominion Hotel) NOTICE VOTERS' LIST, 1930 Vlunicipality of Township of Hay County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have omplied with section 7, of the Vot- ,rs' Lists Act and that I have posted ip at my office at Zurich, on the 5th 'ay of July, 1930, the list of all per - ons entitled to vote in the said ,iunicipality at municipal elections tnd that such list remains there for nspe ction. AND I hereby call upon all voters o take immediate proceedings to ave any error or omission corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 26th day of July, 1930. Dated at Zniich, this 5th day of : une, 1930. ANDREW F. HESS, ' Clerk of Hay Township Zurich, Ont. For Sale. We have a number of Good Second Eland Deering Binder Canvass for sale, cheap, while they last. Louis Prang, Zurich. NOTICE Kind'l'y settle your Hat Shoppe ac- counts with Mr. W. L. Siebert at the Post Office. NOTICE. S. J. Sadler & Son, Expert House Caulkers. You would not try to :seat your home of office with a win- dow open. Why let the draught and wet in between the casing and brick. For particulars write or phone 225. S. J. Saddler & Son;. Forest. PLOWING DONE I am in a position to do tractor plowing by the acre at reasonable prices. Apply to Herbert Neeh, Phone 81r4, Zurich. 47-5 NOTICE I am in a position to do good repair work on Overhauling Cars, Tractors, Etc., at very reasonable charges. DAVID FUSS, tN15 Phone 1-89 Zurich PRODUCE WANTED We are in the market for good produce and will pay highest ' cash prices for the same. Let us have your Fresh Eggs and cream. Phone 116, Zurich, Ont Thos. Meyers 52-p NOTICE We specialize on the following: Ford Transmission Linings. Ford Rear Ends; Ford Springs; Ford Valves Grinding; Brakes re -lined on all makes of Cart; We give special attention on oiling and greasing all makes of cars; .Radiator anti -freeze attention, Tule Repairing; Have your springs oiled. Leonard Prang, Zurich. William A. H. Brown re LOCAL [TEA'S • Mr, and Mrs, Herb Mousseau were Sunday visitors at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith and da- ughter Mae, made a business trip to London on Friday, M', and Mrs. John Wolper and family of Woodstock, are visiting with relatives here: Mr. Leonard Masse and rdr. Ed - Ward Thiel of the Bronson, spent Sunday on the Blue Water Highway. M1, Harold Reichert and Miss Min- erva Reichert spent Monday evening with friends on the Bronson Line. Mr. and Mrs, H. G. McKinley and two daughters of Toronto are visiting with relatives and friends here. Miss Verlyn Thiel spent Sunday with friends at London and Wilton Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Thiel and family of Blake were Sunday visitors with relatives at London and Wilton Grove. Mr. and Mrs. T. McAdams of the Bronson Line picked 96 quarts of cherries off one tree on his farm. The cherries being of Spanish variety Mrs. Schluchter of Detroit, was a recent visieor with her mother, Mrs. H. Rupp. The latter accompanied the former to Detroit, for a time to the city of Detroit. Mrs. D. Gascho and Mrs. S. Amens, who are spending the summer months at Gland Bend, were visitors at their homes here Saturday night. The farmers are .exceptionally busy these days with the big hay crop which they are harvesting. Cherry picking time is also here, and they also prove to be a good crop, in fart everything is looking excellent for a big year's harvest. Mr. R. Campbell and daughter Barbara Anna, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Valette, and Miss Herva Valette, all of Flint, Mich., were visitors at the home of Miss Anna Hess and other friends. Mr. Hirschleber, an expert on tun- ing, cleaning and repairing pianos. of London, will be in Zurich next week. This mechanic comes highly recommended and is very outstanding in his line, having done some work in Zurich, some time ago, which has proven very satisfactory. If your in- strument needs any . attention leave your order with Mr. Fred Thiel, the local piano dealer, and your wants will be looked after. Mr. and Mrs. K Yungblut were vis iting with friends at Kitchener, the past week, Miss Marcille. Farwell who has be- en at London for some time, etas reg turned home. Miss Anna Overholt, who spent a week in Goderich, has returned to Zurich. Mr. Alvin Gascho, of Kitchener, spent the week -end at his home in the village. Mr, and Mrs. Waler Jeffrey and family of Detroit, are visiting with their parents, and other relatives in these parts at present. Mr. and Mrs. Z. Charrette, of De- troit, are visiting with relatives on the Blue Water Highway. Born—At Zurich, on Wednesday, July 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Krueger, a son. Mrs. Alex Foster and daughter Miss Helen and Mrs. C. Eilber spent Tuesday with friends in Stratford. Miss Kothern Merner, who attend- ed High School at Elmira, is spending her holidays at her home, here. Miss Dorothy Corriveau of London is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. March Corriveau, of the 14th Con., Hay. Miss Marguerite Prang and friend, and Miss Truemner, of Detroit, were week-nd visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Prang. Mr. Oliver Johns on of Goderich, and son Harold of Toronto, visited at the house of Mr. Thomas Johnson recently. Mr. and iVtrs. Jacob Platz, their daughter and two sons, were visitors at the homes of Dr. and Mrs. A. J. MacKinnon, and the Johnston family the past week. The regular monthly meeting of the Council of Hay Township was held on Monday in the Council Cham- bers. A full account of the business doings evil appeal in next week's is- sue. The Smith family relation held their annual family reunion picnic at Grand Bend, on July 1st with 47 in number. Members being present from Crosswell, Mich., , Applegate, Mich., Milverton, Ont., Kitchener, and Zurich. o Mrs. Agur, Mother-in-law of the late Rev. Dr. Fletcher, of Hensall, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs T. L. Williams of town. Mrs. Agur celebrated her 99th birthday thi; month, and is possessing all her fac- ulties, and takes a keen interest ie life. Children's Day was well and fitting ly observed in the Evangelical chur,. on Sunday, when special and suit able programs were rendered for th•. occasion. The special speaker war Mr. L. H. Pletch, of Sebringviile, whu is Superintendent of the Evangelical Sunday School of that place. Mr. Pletch's messages were well received. Visiting at the home of Mr. an i Mrs. Wm. Finlay of Town Line, on Monday of last week were: Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Graham and family. Laura, Irene and son Elmore of Shep. herdton. On Tuesday: Mr. and Mrs. Walmet Rose and son Carol and dau- ghter and Miss Davis of Frankford, Mr. and Mrs. Edgerton Farrell, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Farrel and son Bobbie, Mrs. Albert Farrell and Mrs Sam Usborne, all of Ripley. In last week's issue we made men- tion of a local citizen who has the appointment of issuinv gun and hunting license, but since we have been advised that Mr. Wellington Johnston proprietor of the Dominion Hotel, has received this appointment. We are however not in a position to. assure whether these licenses are al- so being issued by the party in last week's paper or not. But we do know that anyone desiring these lic- enses can get them from Mr. John- ston, at the Dominion House. The Special Summer meeting of the Zurich Womens' Institute was held in the Town Hall with a large at- tendance of members and visitors. The Presidant, Mrs. E. Klopp presid- ed and extended a cordial welcome to the visitors who were jPresent, in- cluding the Crediton Branch, who were invited for the afternoon to hear the summer speaker, Miss M. 0. Powell of Whitby. The meeting opened by singing the Institute Ode after which Miss Powell gave a splen- did address of the wonderful work which is being done by the Institutes in all parts of the province. The importance of purchasing Canadian made goods was stressed and some very fine samples of Canadian text- iles were displayed. her address was full of suggestions as to life in a community. A fine program was given consisting of a piano duette by Mrs, Dr. O'15wyer and Mrs, 11 G, Bess, Piano solo by little Mfirgaret Hey, Vocal duette by Mrs. Gordon Mon, lock and Mrs. Em. Fahner of Cred- iton. Splendid reading by Miss Pearl Wurts and Mrs. IL Cowan. The meetinclosed by singing the Nation- adl� f � Foot no S�pii�ii t1 g al Anthem, after which a delicious sapper was served by the Zurich lad-. R.'�'aVBk tyw.• fes of the W. I. at the Dominion .Ea . s _tot .Shop* t 6 which " .. e c] w ct tyaa, taxes ed by:aa. AT ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church "A Changeless Christ for a chang- ing World." Everybody Welcome to all Sas vices. E. Tuerkheim, Pastor. Friday, 8h: Luther' League. Saturday—Choir Practice. 10. a. m: .German Service. 11.15 Sunday School. 7:30: English Service. • IN MEMORIAM McBride—In sad and loving mem- ory of our dear son Ervin Frederick who passed away one year ago, July 6th, 1929. rime inoves on one year has passed Since death its gloom its shadows cast Within our home where all seemed bright And took from us a shining Iight. We hiss that light and ever will, LIbr Ervin's vacant place there none can fill. A wonderful son, companion and aid One who was better God never made Always so good, unselfish and kind Few on this earth his equal we find. He had a nature you couldn't help loving A heart that was purer than gold. And to those that knew him and loved him His memory will never grow old. But there is someone who misses you sadly And finds the time long since you -rent There is some one who thinks of you Always And tries to be brave and content. Gone is the face we loved so dear. Silent the voice we loved to hear. Tis sad but true we wonder why. The best are always thefirsttodie. He bade no one his last farewell He waved his hand to none. His spirit fled before we knew Ttat he from us had gone. A Brother,kind o Son, so dear A faithful friend when he was here. When evening shades are falling And we sit in quiet alone To our hearts there comes a longing If he only could come home. Friends may think we have forgotten When at times they see us smile But they little know the heartache That our sttiiless,llide all the while, But Ervin is sleeping so free from all pain Oh wake him, not sweet spirit to suf- fer again. He slumbers so soundly, oh let him sleep on. his sickles is ended, his troubles all Just think horn hesuffered and moan- ed with pain. In the long night hours we soothed him in vain. Till God in his mercy sent down from .above An Angel that .whispered a lnessagi of love. Sadly missed sty Father, Mother. liir,�:lel: and Z.asters. 'AGP ?Iva ? Farm Implements • WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND WILL BE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE KIND OF i MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST, AND THAT WILL: GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR OF COST. • • s • CARRY A FULL LINE OF PUMPS; PIPING AND FITTINGS. AND BESIDES WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS. LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL • R We have the Agency for this District. ..• • . GARAGE SUPPLIES •• b• • • WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES, AND + CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO ' PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAME 44 se DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND RE. 4 • BUILDING BATTERIES • e YOUR PATRPNAGE SOLICITED • Tires TubesGas, Oi ' !s and Greases. • • • L. A. .- rang - Zurich • ••aaswaaaaaaaoe.*aaaaaaaeao •*oon0000aaara4•44aeo•aeae4 ++++++4.+.1.+++4.+++4++++++++4 ..,a+++4++*44+++++ +tai + 4. + + + + + + + + + 4 + AT $8.75 CEDAR OBESTS WHY NOT BUY ONE FOR STORING YOUR FURS, BEDDING, ETC. THESE CHESTS ARE LARGE SIZED AND WELL ; FINISHED AND WILL AID TO THE BEAUTY OF ANY ROOM, CALL IN AND LOOK THEM OVER. ,'��, F. C. ALtFLFiSCt' Aiit PHONE 69 - - ZURICH i +++++:14++44/+++++++++++++++44.44++++++++++++++++++41441* I •+01•••••ONO••NN•NO•• .MATO+i++++++•ala.N..•o.. 11 Your 1930 Coal e NOW IS THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO PUT IN YOUR SNPPLY OF COAL FOR NEXT WINTER. OUR SPECIAL IN- • DUCEMENT FOR CASH SALES IS WORTHWHILE, AND BE- I SIDES WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES FOR SUMMER 6 DELIVERIES e 1 ACT NOW Fertilizer WE CARRY IN STOCK AND ARE SALESMEN FOR THE BEST GRADES OF FERTILIZERS ON THE MARKET, PRICES CON- I SIDERED. LET US QUOTE YOU OUR PRICES DELIVERED AT YOUR DOOR. BE SURE AND CONSULT US BEFORE 1 BUYING L. Schilbe & Son i 0000M6.0.•••••••••••••••• ••+�swNa+rNe�+ow•••si yikukumiwathwahlaweivwmiwahwdmvit Zurich Drug Store1 We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies foo.“•••••••••0••0•••••0• 1 All authorized Text Books kept in Stock .10/01011101181106•10111111041•611/1114101110 Toilet Sets, Manicure Set and Military Brushes. Perfumes Toilet Waters and Perfum. izers. Fine Stationery and Fountain Pens. KODAI.S AND F'ILIMS s 1 •t x ..� MacKinnon, Znrioh rF Dr. A.� 7 rtiq 2119, II NO IIMMAcir