HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-07-10, Page 40 0- 0 0 r. r r DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Leo .Delaney and Mr. Windt Mrs. Lorne Nicholson of Detroit • : %3s Dorothy Smith and Mrs. Nichol- ' :con. ,of' London, were visitors with Mr .,;?Incas Hartle:. and •Lavada on Thurs- ida,y'. • Mr. D. Meerburg and Mark Brok- eenshire of Port Franks called on fri- i+cn.4ls in town Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. Valett and dau- her .Herva, and Mrs. Campbell of dint, Mich., visited with Mr. and Mrs .Fff3r.. Hoffman on Saturday. Rev. and Milton Sauer spent a few .flays at Niagara Falls last week. 141r. Alfred limner whe spent some time in California, visited at his hone Sere over the weekee,nd. Mrs, R. Catt of Regina, is visiting bier parents, Mr, and Mrs. P. Fas .sole(. Harry Hoffman -and sisters, Alice .and Gertrude are visiting friends in :Michigan this week. . Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smith of Kincar- etline visited with Mr. J. Iiartleib on Xhinxiey. Mt„ and Mrs. M. Mcisaac and fain - Detroit, spent the week -end ir Your Money Can Earn 6% to % With Safety IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE 6% TO 7% ON YOUR MONEY FILL IN THE COUPON BELOW. A RECORD IS BETTER THAN A PROMISE For .47 years every Bond Issue recommended and sold by G. A. Stirason & Co. Limited, has paid interest and principal when due -AStimson & Co. 31A1ITED EST. 1583 the Oldest ]Bons! House in. !f'anada 1S9 BAY St. TORONTO �r,u+n.n nnn.e..r.rwn.ruuq.w�i.n+up u+«nn..»a.rn Dear Sir: Please inform me how I can invest my. Funds with Safety at '- 6% to 7% Interest. Name I. Address Address G. A. Stimson & Co. Limited 159 Bay St., Toronto. 4++++++++++++++++ 1 ++ +.:: + -?..1.+++++ § 'r § o a d ++.1r+.4..}..r f .l..S.++ el Come in and see the riew Auto- uratic Kelvinator which has many features that no other Electric Refrigerator has. See Me before Buying 44. E.Oeseh o- Zurich SERVICE with SALES 4. +3+ 44,++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++.+....++.++÷÷÷i-÷+÷.4-.1-4.+7 II1II1ifl11I1111111flfl1111IIQllluh!IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIlhIIIII fliIfl11111111111II11111111Iflllhl111111iI11111flI111111 1181IIIIIIIIfllll1111 t 11111111 lI1llIIIIl1 11M1111111 1111111111" Radio Bargains! Every Set in A 1 Condition DeForest Crosley, 5 Tube, Table Model Complete $42.50 Ring Neutordyne 5 Tube, complete with Wet B Batteries $45.50 Westinghouse 4 Tube, Table Model $36.50 DeForest Crosley, 4 Tube, Table Model at $34.00 At Water Kent, 6 Tube and Cabinet Speaker $58.00 THESE SETS ARE FULLY EQUIPPED WITH LOUD SPEAKERS rII:SES, BATTERIES AND AERIAL, INCLUDING A 6 MONTHS' BATTERY CHARGING CONTRACT. SEE AND HEAR THESE RADIO SETS AT HESS RADIO ELECTRIC Harry G. Hess SALES WITH SERVICE Mies Grace Rohinselz visited len eout?in, Mrs; Geo, ,An.derson over the week -end. Borz> - -Tia Stanley, on July 7th, to Mr. and Mrs, Geo. L. Reid, a son. Rev. J. W, Penrose and family left last Thursday for their new charge at Avon. They have been three years Ion the Varna charge and have made many warm friends who were sorxy to see them leaving. The induction service of the new pastor (Rev. E. Poulter) to the past- oral charge of Varna," Goshen and. Blake was held at the Goshen church on Friday, July 4th. Rev. W. A. Bremner of Brucefleid presided over. the meeting. Rev. A. Sinclair, of Hensall, addressed the congregation and Rev. J. E. Hoag of Clinton, ad- dressed the minister. After the ser- vice the ladies served lunch on the church lawn. HILLSGREEN Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love of Lan- sing., Mich., are spending a few days with friends in this vicinity. Mr. Ralph Workman of Flint, Mich called on his brother, Percy Work- man. Mr. Archie McAllister and friend of Detroit, spent a few days with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Love ance dau- ghter, Miss Thelma of Ailsa Craig„ spent a few days at the horse. of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Love, and family: Miss Elda Stephan has left recent- ly for Toronto, after finishing her course in -Clinton Business College. Mrs. Lorne Eller' and children of Sudbury, are spending their holidays at the home of the former's parents. IVIr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane. • Miss Greta Forrest is spending the holidays at the home of her father, 11Ir. J. 13. Forrest. Mr. and Mrs. F. Coleman ofSea- forth, were recent visitors with Mrs. L. Troyer. Mr. and Mrs. Busswell of Central- ia were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Love,. Mr. Wm. Jarrett and daughter, Annie visited friends in Lobo Town- ship, on Sunday, and took in the Memorial Services at Popular Hill. Quite a number from this vicinity took in the Old Time `Fiddler's Con- test at Grand Bend on Monday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Merner and children of Detroit, are spending a few holidays at the home of Mrs. Merner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Kyle. Misses Annie and Agnes Cochrane of Clinton, spent a -few days with friends in this community. The Misses McAllister of Hensall, spent a few days with their sister, Mrs. S. Wolker. Miss Edith Forrest of Hensall, sp. ent the week -end with her sister,Mrs W. Love. Married—Collett-13 onthron—At Grand Forks, B. C., on Wednesday, June 25th, Janet Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bonthron, to Nev- ille Collett of Regina, Sask. I"1111N1illig1111111111111111llll 1 IIIIIIIIhII111111flIIftI11II(IIIIIIIIIIII111111IIl11I111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111IIIIIIIIIII IIII 11111111111M111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Mrs. Geo.. Dultz of Detroit, is vis- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Merner. Mr. Jacob Miller. of Sask., and Miss Tillie Miller of Toronto were visitors in town on Saturday. Word was received here last wee('' of the death of Mr. Frank Case of S - Catharines, Mr. Case wan a forme - resident of Dashwood. Mr. Lorne Proeter of Detroit ca] led on friends in town on Sunday. Mr. Olizer of Teeswater called or a number of his friends this week. STANLEY. TOWNSHIP Mrs. Jas. McClinehey is spending r few days with her daughter, Mrs Manley Jinks of Detroit. Mr: and Mrs..Wilbur Thompson of. Chicago, visited last week at theiz cousins, Mr. Nelson Keys of Baby - Ion Line. Mr. Win. Palmer and family of Hamilton visited Mr. and Mrs, Will Reid of Varna last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnston and eon Wilbert of Goderich, called on friends in Stanley on Sunday. Mr. Ruskin Keys of London spent Sunday at his home on Babylon. HENSALL The paving operations on the Hur- on Road were finished last week, The road is now open between Hensall and Exeter, and is a splendid piece of road, probably the best built in the district. The putting up the shoul- ders of the road and making the ditches will take a couple of months more, Arthur Dich and Geo. Chambers, have secured a big gravelling contr- act up in Grey Township. Aan McDonald and little daughter of Oklahoma are spending a few days 'n town, visiting his father, and Mo - 'eel,' r',. 411 Free. rfharlio 1L` orieeelti Mrs. G. C. Petty has returned home from London, where she went :la,.� veek fbr an operation force, tro+1' e. Her granddaughter, il'iiss 111arionj ZURICH HERALD Scott, of Toronto, is here waiting w her. A quiet wedding took place on July2 d n dn t c.dnes aat the Marr. W Y, a S.. of the United Church, Hensall, when Sara, youngest daughter of the late el. and Mrs. Petty was united in mare ;age; to Leroy Sidall of Denfield. The nide wore a jacket frock of Neptune elven with sand hat. Immediately After the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Sid fall left for Cleveland. 1)r. Colyer, of Cleveland, who pur- °ahased the practice of Dr, R. 1,., P. • .Dougall, took possession the first of last .week and moved into the fine Jommodious premises occupied by the late Dr. J. W. Peck, and which he purchased from Mrs. Peck and makes in ideal place for the new Doctor. Mr, and Mrs. G. V. Laughton and two sons of Toronto, are .visiting at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Mc- Donnell and family. Mrs. Harold Warrener was taken with a severe attack of appendicitis on Sunday last and rushed to the Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, and an operation performed. Dr. Margaret McKellar, a returned missionary from India, occupied the pulpit in the United Church en Sun- day eve. last. She spoke on the medical and . political condition of India and her address was listened to with rapt attention by a large congre- gation present. Annie Consitt left last week on a trip to the old country. Marion Paisley of Montreal, is vis- iting at the home of her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Rennie. John Carmichael, who was badly injured in an automobile accident and who was taken to the Seaforth hos- pital, has recovered sufficently to re- turn home, Dr. Taggart is ,still fell the hospital butis is recovering. Grace Stone has again been taken to Seaforth Hospital and is in a ser- ious condition. 11Irs. John Murdock who spent 't day recently in Clinton on business, while hurrying to catch a train to re- turn to Hensall, slipped and suffered a badly sprained ankle: COUNTY NEWS A pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Boyes of the London Road, when the second daughter, Florence Mae became the bride of Francis L. Fowler, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Fowler of the Huron Road. Horace Delbridge. Usborne Town- ship, suffered a painful injury when a board he was riping with a circul- af saw in some way flew up and caused his right hand to conie in contact with the saw, which cut the tendons. A prety June wedding took place at new St. James Presbyterian Manse Exeter, recently when Augusta Onil•- ean, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Burford, became the bride of James W. Maclntyre, Rev. Dr, Mc - Nairn officaiting . A memorable event was observed on Monday, June, 16th,, when Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Maros,N. Main, St., Seaforth, observed the. Golden Wed- ding Anniversary of their wedded life, anudst a, host of friends andre- latives. Their family presented them with a radio ;and beautiful silver on this occasion. E. Quinn, of flowey's Drug Store, Exeter); won the three aalile race at Goderich sports, on July 1st 'winning the challenge cup and a. miniature cup which are on display: lie had a big lead over a large field of comnpet- ito>.% The Women's Christian Temperan- ce Union held their annual conven- tion in Brussels United' Church, on'; July 8th. There were three sessions Rev. D. McTavish, of Exeter, addres- sed the afternoon meeting, "Modern Menaces". Evening session was a 4 act drama "Who Cares" by Ethel Garvin. T.his was presented by God- erich young folks. Olga Elliott, aged 28, eldest dau- ghter of Harry Elliott, Thedford, was drowned on July 1st, while bath- ing at Ttoney Point. She was atten- ding the Anglican church picnic and got into d'eepr water being unable to u r *att,; •1930, swan,, Mrs. Qord'on Wright, National Pres- ident of the W.0 T.U. died suddenly at her home in London on Thursday eve. last. She was supposed to give an address at a garden party and when slie failed to appear. investig- ation was made and she was found dead. 'Tl eneroniittee iu charge of the ispoirts for the Hum T412 County Veter- • fan's 1.cnig, to be held at Baylieid,, �Jailf ar �hav~ prepared ed 'a Very at- tractive entertainment. The Veter.. aaaus are working hard to make this:. ,first annual picnic under the auspices of all Legion branches in Huron .Co- unty a real success, and hope that all veteran's and their families will come and spend a happy day with olcr cone:rade% • Marled only .a few hours previous- ly in London, Mrs. Alice Cassel, of Wingbaan, wai..admitted to Toronto • Genera's' Hospital with a painful head injury .after a .collision at Dundas and Beverley Strets, be tween the car - driven ?by her husband, Tom Cassel' and another car. compared with ,six on the steam train. The Exeter branch of the Caned-. ian Canners have commenced their seasons pack of peas. There is a couaiderable increase in the acreage this season and several vipers have, been installed at Kirkton where the- peas will be threshed and brought to. Exeter forcanning. At the Exeter branch a new stacker has been in- stalled to take care of the pea. straw. Prospects are bright for a bumper • crop. Pilot G. Fitton with his me - amid; Clew to Exeter in, an aero- plane, and ;visited his parents, Mr.. and Mrs. S. Mon. On Friday last Mr. Fitton took the aeroplane and L. Y. Penha.1e and E. R. Bartow to Chat— ham on business in connection with the Cauadfau Canners. The trip each 'way track about an hour. nblic seting A PUBLIC MEETING IN 'TIM INTEREST OF Thos. illan Liberal Candidate WILL BE H1 l,13 IN Drys.'aie Friday July 18th MEETING WILL COMMENCE AT P.M. AND WILL BE ADDRESSED BYi Mr J. O STANBURY, OF EXETER Mr.. THOS. MCMILLAN, ICAN'DIDATE A. SPECIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO 'THF LADIES TO BE PRESENT STOmeans STOP The STOP signs on streets and highways are there for your protection. They protect you and all other chive's only b the extent that you obey them. There's a STOP sign at every intersection of The Wang's Highway and at intersections of many other man highways and streets. Be sure you heed them. 1f you do not, and an accident results you are responsible. You cannot depend on other drivers. While yost nay have complied with the law by coming to a full stop, yon sluadstill exercise care in entering the traffic stream of a ala :highway. The .Keystone of Safety :•. . on The Xing'g Highway and all other roads and streets LPrrO. 4 MQ7Y:V n.• M•'I.:1: `;M. l �,r.. i• W'• .:.4 . .'� : The WiN. G` '. S. HENRY* chairman t