HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-07-03, Page 5DO YOU VALUE
Ir your health Is Poe; if You are
wale, nervous and easilY tired; if you
Weer from headaches and backaches;
f your digestion is bad you may de -
end upon it that these symptoms
mile from an impoverished state of
he blood. That unless this condition
s remedied a complete breakdown
may tallow. Dr, WilliamsPink Pills
Awe a perfect medicine for any one In
this condition, They enrich and purify
the blood and tints promote health and
Mrs. G. M. Andrews, Halifax, N,S.,
writes:—"I always keep Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills in the house. When I was
a young, anaemic girl they complete-
ly restored my health. After marriage
my health broke down and once more
these pills brought me back to healt13.
My friends all tell me how well I look
' and for this Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
deserve all credit."
You can get these pills at all medi-
cine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a
box from The 1)r. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
--- le —
Peacock Courts
Disdainful Turtle
That Opposites Attract is
Proved Definitely at the
Bronx Zoo
Lucifer loves Geraldine.
He does not conceal his affection,
but parades it. He woos the lady of
• his choice under the eyes of any who
may chance to be looking.
Lucifer, Donna Risher tells us in the
New York Telegram, is "a gorgeous,
Preening peacock," while Geraldine is
f'a squat, ugly, bla :1c turtle."
The Bronx Zoo in New York is the
scene of this strange romance, of
;which we read fourther:
Lucifer's faithfulness to Geraldine
• has been marked, park attendants say,
over a period of three years.
Ever since his arrival at the park
from his native haunts of South Amer-
ica, Lucifer bas let it be known at the
zoo that he favored Geraldine to the
exclusion of all others.
The minute he set eyes on fat,
squatty, hard -shelled Geraldine, he
switched his beautiful tail, spread it
out into a lovely fan and walked out of
tha peacock lot.
To -day he is where he doesn't belong
—In the turtle yard back of the Ser-
vice House, within a foot's length of
Geraldine. There he has been daily
for three years.
But while this thing called love is
ennobling, it has its drawbacks, too,
for Lucifer has discovered that to love
• well one must suffer: To -day he is an
outcast, an -object of hate among his
own. He bas learned that .ae can not
fraternize with a mere bunch of turtles
without losing caste.
Once recently the jealous Lucifer
had to ftght Oswald, his brother pea-
cock, because Oswald entered Geral -
clines' yard.
Of course, it was an easy matter to
lirkaOsevald. Just one jump and Os -
std spread his tail and walked away.
But some lay a bigger and better
peacock may come along. Such
thoughts as these make Lucifer un-
happy. •
On the other hand, the fat Geraldine
takes Lucifer's devotion with amuse-
She is so thick-skinned and hard -
shelled that she doesn't believe in
love, even though masculine attentions
are flattering.
Beneath the Pines
Delicate loveliness,
Hiding in greenwood—
you are seldom found;
Moose Pse for Photo
Owl Laffs
The Man who gets up at five o'clock
15 a worm, not an' early bird..
A jiffy to the length of time in which
it takes to destroy a reputation it took
years to build.
We know how It is: As the old man
said. during the party: "My house is
in this neighborhood only half the
time; the other half the time the
neighborhood is in my house."
Gladys — "George proposed nine
times before I accepted him."
Many a man who has a nicely fur-
nished home is given credit—by the
instalment house.
Beggar -"Could you help a poor guy
dat's starving?"
Lady—"You should remove your hat
when talking to a lady."
Beggar—"I can't, mum, it's full of
Public speVeing teaches you to
think fast on your feet. So does the
glaring cafeteria patron behind you.
• In the north woods at Metagama, North Ontario, where M. U. Bates
runs his camps, moose were unusually plentiful this spring. Mr. Bates was
visiting one of the camps the other day and looking in a cabin found two
infant moose asleep in one of the bunks. He lifted them out but they
came back to the veranda and, finding a sunny spot, had another Rap. The
moose were quite tame and are here shown being posed for a photograph.
The snapshots were taken within a mile of the Canadian Pacific Railway
tracks near Metagama.
Elusive fragrance,
Golden -eyed daintiness
Heated in a rosy unkind.
4 Vines overshadowing,
Rivulets tinkling,
Chanting of teacher bird; .
Out through the shifting shade
Edging a meadow—
Song of a lark. is heard.
Fairylike flowers of you,
Breathing of Maytime—
Fragile as they are fair;
Almost ethereal,
Winged as a butterfly—
Ready to float in air.
Dainty polygala—
Newly discovered,
Springing from dark green
Gold to Indians
Montreal.—Bearing $25,000 in treaty
money, officials of the Department of
Indian Affairs next month will visit
Indian. tribes in the isolated regions of
ailments which afflict young children
northern Ontario. For metre of the
and keep them backward in develop-
ment. Baby's Own Tablets regulate
the stomach and bowels, restoring
them to normal action and this is all
Thrive After Use bf Baby's Own
Grace—"I wonder whether Jack will
love me when Pin old."
Stella—"You'll know •Pretty soon
now, dearie."
"No appetite at all for this, friend."
Helpful walter—"What about some
tongue; sir?"
Mr. H. Peck—"Had that this morn-
Helpful Waiter—"Well, then, bow
about some cold shoulder, sir?"
Mr. H. Peck—"I'll get that to -night."
If the family had decided on the
seashore, the marriageable daughter
looks her best in a bathing suit..
If you find your husands dull, girls,
don't worry—the good ones always are
Derangements of the digestive or-
aans are responsible for most of the
natives it is the occasion each year
that evidence comes to them of the
white man's civilization. Each mem-
ber of the treaty tribes receives $4 an -
that is necessary to set the little sut-
nually, and in the case of two tribes ferer safely on the road to health and
with which treaties are to be consume
mated this year an additional single happiness.
Baby's Own Tablets are specially
payment of $4 is to be paid each In -
designed to correct indigestion, con-
stipation, colic; break up 'colds and
simple fevers and to allay teething
pains. They are sold by medicine
dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box
from The Dr. WilliaMs' lited,tt6ie
Brockville, Ont.
dian as gratuity.
Two seaplanes piloted by Royal Can -
adieu Air Force officers will carry the
party into the North country. They
leave Ottawa on July 2. The party
will be headed by H. N. Awrey, Treaty
Commissioner of the Department of
Indian Affairs, and W. C. Cain, Deputy
Minister of Lands and Forests in the
Ontario Government. Flight Lieut.
Dave Harding, of Ottawa, will be in
charge of the R.C.A.F. detachment.
Fifteen stops will be made and thirty-
four days will be Occupied in the trip.
With the completion of treaties at
Fort Severn end Winisk, on the west
coast of Hudson Bay, all'Indians will
have been brought under what is
known as "Treaty 9," which was
brought into being in 1905.
The program for the flight includes
stops at Remi Lake, English River,
Ogoki, Fort Hope, Lansdowne House,
Osnaburgh, Wiudigo, Sandy Lake,
Trout Lake, Fort Severn, Winisk, At-
tawapiscat, Albany, Moose Factory
and a return visit to Remi Lake.
We shall remember you,
Always delight in you—
Hiding beneath the pines.
Wynn Urquhart.
An increase of 1,000,000 in Canada's
population since •the last census is
nothing to brag about for a country so
young and so richly endowed in all
that makes a nation great.
Nurses anted
The 'reroute Hospital for incurable
in affiliation with Bellevue and Allard
Noslpitals, NeW '.'.Ok City, offers a Three
'Year's Course of Training to Young
Women, having the required education,
and desirous of becoming nurses. TWO
Hospital has adopted the eight-hour
sl/stom. The pupils receive uniforms of
the School, a monthly allowance and
travelling expenseto and front
'York. E'er further particulars, Write or
SI)PlY to the Supeeinteadent.
Diphtheri. Can
Wiped Out
"'When a man smells a mouse he
should eat limburger and wait with
baited breath."
St. Peter—"Can you give any
son. why you should enter here?"
Mere Men—"Well, I owned an auto-
mobile for twenty years and never
tried to knock a locomotive off the
St. Peter-.--"Euter, brother.
sense is a Heavenly virtue."
This is the price
at which you
ca in
u y
7-- —
some the
all he needs
election day.
people all of the time;
is to fool a plurality on
Customer — "How much was that
Clerk—"Beg pardon, madam, but my
name is Jim."
A man wto marries a wife who can
classify as a "rolling pin engineer" al-
ways has something to look forward
to when he gets home.
Inspector—"What brought you here,
my man?"
Convict—"They accused me of for-
gery. Why, I can't even sign my own
Common name."
Inspector—"In the case of forgery,
you don't sign your own name."
Near-sighted 010 Man (eating a box
of loose-leaf reinforcements)—"Well,
.by heck, these Life Savers don't taste
like they used to."
The safety razor is largely respons-
ible for keeping the barber prosper.
Toronto.—"The doctor has given the
public a weapon which will extermin-
ate diphtheria," stated Dr. Gordon
Bates recently. "Medical science has
evolved a substance 'which prevents
diphtheria so surely, that if its use be-
came universal, this disease would be
practically stamped out within five
years. The fact that the disease kills
about 1200 Canadians a year shows
that the teachers of the people must
get busy.
is up to the public health official
and, above all, to the Press of the
country to make sure that every Cana-
dian learns and learns again that it is
his duty and privilege to help stamp
diphtheria out, by having his children
made safe from disease. Twelve hun-
dred deaths a year is too serious a
drain upon a population -hungry coun-
try like Canada, to be treated lightly.
Especially when one realizes that
those deaths occur out of 13,500 an-
nual cases of the disease. •
"Here is a national problem of life
and death, of health and of economics.
Yet nobody is paying mangle attention
to it."
Two small brothers, in the interim
of a rough-and-tumble on the porch,
fell to discussing the activities, attire
and whatnot of angels. Fairly well
grounded in the orthodox conceptions
on these matters in general, when the
subject of the celestials" wings came
up 'foe consideration the small broth-
ers'' knowledge began to limp a bit.
"What," queried Jackie, "what do the
angels do with their wings when God
tucks them in bed?" "Ho!" jeered
brother Bobby, Jackie's elder by a
year, "angels don't go to be—they go
to roost!"
Madge—"What clo you think of a
man who is constantly deceiving his
wife?" .Jack—"He is a marvel.
Professor—"I want
solid foundation."
Voice in the back of
standing on your headl"
to stand
Minard's for Falling !lair.
The amateur gardner was showing
the beauties of his greenhouse. "This,
he said, pointing to a flower, "belongs
to the petunia family." "Does it?"
commented the sweet young thing.
suppose you're minding it while they
are away.'
If every community did all its trad-
ing at home we would soon have a na-
tion-wide epidemic of economic drying
up on the stalk.
Every man has his troubles and
most of them wear skirts.
on a Minard's Drives Away the Headache.
• "Drugs and drink are aeies and a
room—"Try blow at one is a blow at the other."—
Evangeline Booth.
Not Dug, Jugged!!
There'e gold. in them there mountains,
There's gold in them there hills,
The natives there are getting it by
operating stills.
Knowledge is organized information.
Crowd—A collection of idiots that
beats the fire company to the fire and
hampers it in its work.
A politician doesn't need to fool all
of the people some of the time or
A tailor recently cameinto a large
fortune. It is conjectured that one of
his very old customers settled up at
Ki g Bug Killer
The Better
Insecticide, FUngicide and
A Quick and Sure Death to the
Prevents Blight
Stimulates the Plant Through the
' Guaranteed
Write us for Literature
Countless remedies are advertised
"for Constipation. Many relieve for
the moment but they are habit form-
ing and must be continued. Others
contain calomel and dangerous min-
eral drugs, which remain in the sys-
tem, settle in the joints and cause
aches and pains. Some are harsh
purgatives which cramp and gripe
and leave a depressed after effect.
Avoid lubricating oils which only
grease the intestines and encourage
' nature's machinery to become lazy.
• A purely vegetable laxative such
as Carter's Little Liver Pills, gently
touches the liver, bile starts to flow,
the bowels move gently, the intestines
are thoroughly cleansed and constipa-
tion poisons pass away. The stomach,
liver and bowels are now active and
the system enjoys a real tonic effeet.
All druggists 25c and 75c red pkgs.
- - •
FOR FIFTY v 27„ is
Soap and 0 fivitment
hove afforded the purest, sweetest nod most antis.
factory method of curing for the skin and hair.
Classified Advertising
215,000 last Year in four varie-
ties. Write for free catalogue. A. EL
Switzer, Granton, Ont.
loam, 25 acres bush, balance all till-
able excellent farm for grain and stock,
well fenced, first class buildings, water
in barns and house, one mile from school
and church. Will sell all in block or each
hundred separate. Good reasons for sell-
ing. Apply Morley Beath, Shanty BaY,
selling the best fruit trees shrubs,
vines, evergreens, roses, etc.; town or
country; selling outfit supplied; every
'help given; commissions paid weekly.
E. D. Smith & Sons, Ltd., 'Winona, On-
tario. 600 acres fruit and nursery stock.
Nothing great was ever achieved
without enthusiasm.—Edmend Burke.
writes Mr. M. McArthur.
Thousands say constipa-
tion, liver hobble, indi-
gestion, gas end overnight
quiet. Get "Fruit.a.tives"
from druggist today.
Ends in 1 Minute
"Ended burn, itch and pain of piles
inl minute with'Sootha-Salva'," writes
L. T. Sears. "Bleeding stopped. Piles
soon vanished. Avoided operation."
Get instant results today. All druggists.
Falling Hair
Use Minard's before it's too late.
It checks falling hair and stimu-
lates new growth as well. Apply
persistently to scalp four times a -
The man who would
never walk adain.
Who amid imagine a more poignant story than
this? A cluunpion athlete—bedriddcn. Told
that he could never walk again . . . .1 And
then he took .tiraschen.
"31y doctor told my landlady that I could
never walk again. 1 had rheumatism set in
about (3111,4ms-time, And was confined to
bed for two months.
"1 am nearly sixty years of age. After taking
six bottles I am starting to work next week.
" Up till two years ago I had been a Cham-
pion Racing Cyelist. I havo won e prize every
thue 1 have ridden. Being an athlete, but a
'Poor scholar, li would take me a week to write
tint facts Omit Erusehen Salts." —11'. H. It.
in ferias action
Kruschen Salts is .btainable at drug and
department stores In Canada. at 75c. 5 bottle.
A. bottle contains enough to last for 4 OT 5
months—good health for half -a -cent a day.
For 11-oubles
due to Acid
What most people call indigestion is
suenally excess ,acidin the stomach.
The food has soured. Tho instant
remedy is an alkali which neutralizes
acids, But don't use credo helps, Use
what your doctor would Advise.
The best help is Phillips' Milt of
Magnesia. For the 50 years since its
invention it has remained standard
with physicans. You will find nothing
else So quick in its effeet, so harmless,
BdXG SO Sintiellt.
One tasteless spoonful iu water neu-
tralizes. many times its volume in acid.
The results are immediate, with no
bad after effects. Once You learn this
feet, you will never deal with excess
acid in the =de ways. Go learn—
now—why this method is supreme.
Be sure to get the genuine
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi-
cians for 50 years in eorreetlpg excess
acids. Each bottle contains full direc-
tions—any drugstore.
was very weak after an op.
eration. My nerves were so bad
1 would sit down and cry and
ti my husband would not go out
' and leave me alone. Now my
nerves are much better, thanks
to a booklet that was left
under the door. Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound
surely put me on my feet.
have taken eight bottles. My
friends tell me 1 look fine. My
sister has taken this medicine
too."—Mrs. Annie Walton, 67
Stanley St., Kingston, Ontario.
ISSUE No. 26—'30