HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-07-03, Page 3' 'hursdayr CrP r 9l�ci , _ 81fe •..,. BUSINESS CARDS M010 ratio Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads rei Togs comma Duman E.ILoT Es BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT ARY PUBLIC, ETC. 'OFFICE Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, GODERICH, Ontario. Special Attention to Conine' and Court Work, Mr. Holes may be consulted at tGoderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed, Dr. II. H. COWEN L. D: S. D. D DENTAL SURGEON A DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICI'! Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday At 1 ABTLEZWS BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday A-U-C-T-I-®-N-E-E-R OSCAR KLOPP [graduate Carey M. Jones National School of Auctioneering. Try me for Registered Live Stock, (All Breeds.) Terms in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice Farms for Sale. Will sell anything Anywhere. Phone 18-93, or write. Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX 3. AM IN A POSITION TO CON- duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will snake no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone 13-57. Overstock 29x4.40 30x3 Tires, Tubes. Low Prices IN O W 11. 3. Gift DASIIIIVOOD N••116•••••••••4**•H Zrichriar MEAT MARKET ANNOUNCING TI3AT WE HAVE PURCHASED FROM THE FIRM OF YUNGBLUT DEICi1ERT, THIS WELL ESTAB LIMED MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE 11. Yunghlut & Son 111Ni•NO••o••e»oowo••• GOAL 1930 Announcement SPRING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR Scranton Coal Coke Alberta Coal and Soft Coal A SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 50 Cts. Per Ton will be allowed for cash. Order Early i as prices will advance on June 15th. Ca$ew_.. & Son Phone 35 HENSALL LIVC POULTRY WANTED 1094 WARMS 1 For Sale We have a number of Good Second Hand- Deering Binder Canvass for sale, cheap, while they last. Louis Prang, Zurich. NOTICE Kindly settle your Hat Shoppe ae- counts with Mr. W. L. Siebert at ,the Post Office. • HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Immediately,,, by young Protestant farmer:. Three children, comfortable home, close to. town. Apply to W. L. Wise, Jt: R. Na. 3, Clinton. Phone 607 ring 24. BRIDGE TENDERS Sealed tenders will be received by the Council of Hay Township up to two o'clock, p.m., July 7th, 1930, for construction of 20 -ft. concrete bridge opposite lot 10, Con. `6, Parr Line, Hay Township will furnish steel, cement and gravel. Contractor to do excavating. PIans, etc., can be seen at o;ce of undersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Address tenders to: A. F. HESS, Clerk, Hay Township, Zurich, Ont. NOTICE. S: L Sadler & San, Expert House Caulkers. You: would not try to heat your home of office with a win- dow open. Why let the draught and wet in between the casing and brick. For particulars write or phone 225. S. J. Saddler & Son, Forest. PLOWING DONE I am in a position to do tractor plowing by the acre at reasonable prices. Apply to Herbert Neeb, Phone 81r4, Zurich. 47-5 NOTICE I am in a position to do good repair work on Overhauling Cars, Tractors, Etc., at very reasonable charges. DAVID FUSS, tN15 Phone 1-89Zurich PRODUCE WANTED We• are in the market for good produce and will pay highest cash prices for the same. Let us have your Fresh Eggs and cream. Phone 116; Zurich, Ont Thos. Meyers 52-p NOTICE We specialize on the following: Ford Transmission Linings. Ford Rear Ends; Ford Springs; Ford Valves Grinding; Brakes re -lined on all makes of Cars; We give special attention on oiling and greasing al' makes of cars; Radiator anti -freeze attention, Tire Repairing; Have your springs oiled. Leonard Prang, Zurich. William 11. Brown A. S.;rP. Graduated Foot Speciatist AT Brown's Boot Shop ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran (Church "A Changeless Christ for a cbang- • ing World." Friday, 8h: Luther League. Saturday—Chair Practice. 10. ni: ..German Service. 1135 Sunday School, 7:30: English Service. Everybody Welcome t. all Services. E. Twaddle's'', Paster. 'Fallen every Day till S Cellist, it..M. .De not feed Fowl dune morning i when Ibtroitgb't in. tt'orreetery' every Wednesday) Butter, ib. . 40 Eggs g8-18-22 'Highest Cash Prices +-SASH FOR Cream and Eggs • W O'Brien EEL Ites, 24.14131410 Wheat ........,.,.v:0.$,......:.' '1.15 IBarley .........,. , . Buckwheat .... Flour cwt: .... . . 1lran, ton ..... -. Shorts ton ...... Dried apples 3Jutch sett .....,. 65 ..... 80 3.50 4.75 36,00 `fir ZU*IGH ;HE LOCAL NEWS Mr, and Mrs. W. Oliver of Lend were visitors with M. andMrs. Eickmeier. Kindly call at the Post Office if need of. anything at the Zurich 71. Shoppe. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Foster, and 't former's father, Mr. Louis Foster: Kitchener, were holiday visitors wi relativer here. Mr. and Mrs. Elias Kulp, accom anied by other friends from Kitche er, were holiday visitors with Mr. in Mrs. W. L. Siebert. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Jervis ai Mr. Wm. Jervis, of Holmesville, we week -end visitors at the home of M and Mrs. Sylv. Witmer, Babylon Lin Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Koch of - S Jacobs and Mr. Edward Brenner s ent a few days with Mr. and Mr John. Brenner. • Mr. and Mrs.Sam Witzel of To onto, and Mrs.Witzel of Dashwoor called on friends in town on Tue day. . Children's Day will be observed i the Evangelical church Zurich, o Sunday July 6th. Mr. L. H. Pletch Superintendent of the Sebringville S School, will be the speaker at bot morning and evening programs. The Musical Recital given by th pupils of Miss Elizabeth Rennie, ' the Evangelical church last Frida evening, was in every way a decide success, as a good attendance bein present, and some very inspirin numbers were rendered. Mr. Harold Walker, teller of th local Bank of Montreal, wiio spen two week's holidays at his horn in Walkerton and the Bruce Penin sular, has returned home and re sumed his work in Zurich. Durin his absence he was being relieved by Mr. Benson Corless, of Clintin. on kiy in at he of th p- n- id Id re r e t. P- s. r 1, 5- n • u h in y d g g e g Dreier—Irvine The marriage of Miss Anna Irvine only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Irvine of Chesley, to Mr. Lorne Dreier, son of Rev. and Mrs. W. Y. Dreier of Zurich, was quietly solemn- ized on Saturday, June 28th in Zur- ich, at the Evangelical parsonage. His father, Rev. Dreier officiating. After a short honeymoon to Hamilton, Nia- gara Falls and Buffalo, the young couple will take up residence in Kin- cardine. With this issue of the Hrald, we are entering upon- a new vq urne year namely the thirty-first yell)... • . The last issue in June completed the 30th year of continuous publication of the Zurich Herald, and we feel we can pass over this milestone without any serlous heartaches or complaints to offer. But we cannot let this oc- casion go by without expressing grat- itude to our many customers and fri- ends for the considerate patronage extended during the past years, and so we will endeavour to serve you on in the future. The annual coat of dust prevention was put on the county road through town last week, and most of us know about it, as the smell of .the tar was anything but comfortable for a few days, but it is all packed down now. The application this year was just a little different to previous years, as a heavy coat of tar was first put on then a light coat of gravel, this was again followed with a coat of tar and then a heavier coat of gravel. It is claimed by the incorporation of the gravel and tar, that in the matter of a fete years a fairly good hard - surface road' will prevail, which will stand ordinary- traffic both summer and winter without breaking through and is the first steps towards a hard surfaced road from Zurich to Hen- sall, which we.are all looking for. By the present appearance of the road we have the assurance that no dust will be seen come from it this sum- mer. • A very interesting caller blew into Zurich en Friday afternoon of last week, when Mr. Samuel J. Latta, of Regina, Sask-, looked up old friends, as well as looked aver the village. Mr. Latta was Principal of Zurich Public School from 1887 to 1894, and is in- deed fresh in the memory of those boys- and girl's who came under his teaching in those years. Mr. Latta also has the distinction of bringing the first printing press into Zurich, and his worthy partner in this work was Mr. Fred. W. Hess, now of Hensall, and this was disposed off when the Herald printing office was established-. thirty years ago. Mr. Latta has been the publisher of the Prairy News, of Govan, Sask., for a long time; was also M. P. P. for his riding in the Saskatchewan Pro- vincial Government for some twenty years, of'which time for twelve years he was in the cabinet holding the distinguished portfolio of Minister of Education, and other prominent pos- itions, and was of course knoyn fit that tine' as Iron. Sam. 3. Latta. M. Latta has now an appointifi6tit on the World's Grab Exhibition and Con- ference, with headquarters at Regina having received this appointment from the Sask. government, which is: naw Conservative, and as Mr. Latta's Polif, d is Liberal, he lost his seat in 'the last Provincial Election. He noted • ... -. :1 ittxatiy changes in Zurich, and tom- Goderich; brow:, medal,, Miss M. Car - ALD I-IILL,SC REEN Quite a few took in Dominion Day Tuesday, at the lakeside, Mr, Robt. Parson is building a new barn and held a raising bee on Wed- nesday afternoon. . Mrs. D. 13, Saunders of London, and Mrs. G. Brown and son of Wind• sor, spent Friday with friends in the vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Daymond of Kip - pen spent Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. L. Troyer. Mx'. Stewart Beattie, teacher in S. S. No. 7, Stanley, left for his home near Londesboro on. Friday for the holidays. Mr. Beattie has been re- engaged for another year's term. Mr. and Mrs. W. Weido were vis- ited recently by friends from Buffalo Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Chamberlain and daughter of Seaforth, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Love. Mrs. Anne Hagan was visited for sa few days by her daughter, :Mother Angela of Chatham and Miss Mary Hagan of London, Mr. Wm. Jarrott, and daughter Annie, accompanied by. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane, spent a day at Spring - bank Park. Mrs. L. Troyer spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hyde of the London Road, south of Hen- sall. COUNTY NEWS The Goderich Band made its first appearance of the season last Sunday evening, when they rendered a pro- gram at the band stand on the squ- are. It was Friday, the 20th, a week la- ter than the 13th, at 4 pm., the young girls and boys, exiles of Huron, gath- ered in exhibition park, Toronto, for their annual picnic. Mrs. Geo. Webb, Lucknow, announ ces the engagement of her eldest da- ughter, Gladys C., to Robt. J. Moore of Kippen. the marriage to take place in Fort William, the end of June. In the results of the First Year University of Toronto, Faculty of Arts, Dorothy Innis, Clinton, carried off second class honors. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Eilber, and Bernice, Crediton, visited 'at Luck - now, they also attended the Webster reunion at Bayfield. Mrs. Chas. Glee vin, of Goderich, accompanied them on their return and will visit a time. Mrs. W. J. Elliott, Bayfield, who escaped serious injury when sae was thrown into the ditch from the pony cart when the pony shied on the Blue Water Highway, opposite Galbrath's farm, left the following day for Lon- don. She was badly bruised but for- tunately, no bong were broken. Word has been received at Credit- on of the death of Lee Gaiser, a former Crediton boy, who died at his home in Denver, Col., on June 14th. His wife, Dora Gaiser, was also a Crediton girl, besides two daughters and two sons mourn the loss. In honor of the bravery of the six fishermen of Grand Bend who risked their lives in rescuing three men from the waters of Lake Huron last 1st of July, a demonstration was given on Friday evening June 27th at the Cas- ino. Medals were awarded and many prominent men both in Government and business " were present to pay- homage ay homage to these gallant men. Too much cannot be said of their bravery On Sunday morning last, while Mr and Mrs. Chas. Isaac, of London we- re motoring to Xxeter for the Decor- ation Day services they met with an accident on the Lucan hill when they collided with another car at the turn on the west side of the bridge. Mrs Isaacs was slightly injured and was taken to the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. Essery, where she spent the day, returning home in the evening. George Mawson, who has comple- ted 40 years' teaching, has decided to retire from the profession. He spent 11 years in Lambton and Middlesex counties before coming to Huron; he taught 11 years in No. 2, Hay Tp 18 years in No. 5, Osborne. During this term in the last school, he lived in Exeter. During this summer, he and, Mrs. Mawson purpose taking a trip to the West to visie relatives. The Granville family of Exeter, met with an auto accident the other day, while on their way to attend the Khiva school picnic at Grand Bend, and as a result Lyman Glan- ville is confined to the home suffering from a scalp wound. The party was motoring along the llth, con. of Stephen, when the driver lost control of the car and it rolled over on the road one and a half times landing up- side down. At the closing session of the School of Commerce, Clinton, on June 17th the diplomas and medals won throu- ghout the year were awarded to thea successful students. To Miss Jean Holmes, of Goderich was presented the gold medal awarded by the Unit- �d TyPewjter 991 cf Toronto, far writing' for 15 minutes An entirely new matter at the rate of 57 Words per minute. Medals awarded by the Degan Book Co.,' to the students writing 225 perfect drills in typewrit- ing with most even touch and artistic arrangement were presented as fel- lows: Gold medal, Miss A. Parker, Blyth; silver medal, Miss Olive Hill, orona ...,.._... � r mented o¢ the Ane vitt - h o bort Clinton., Wn , , ...;w.a. y w.. a.. b I uremia on the Ane vitt (' bort Clinton., ........ _, SAGE Mit • �.w4•s•••••••••••.`-�r.** •••; •••r9s•iv►; ••otiv�r+i, yFann Irnplements • WE ARE ,HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND • • WILL BE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE KIND O.. • F : MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST, AND THAT WILL • m GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR OF' COST, CARRY A FULL LINE OF PUMPS; PIPING AND FITTINGS, t AND BESIDES WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS, s LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL • We have the Agency for this District. • • • GARAGE SUPPLIES • •• WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES, AND •+ CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAME : DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND RE. ✓ BUILDING BATTERIES YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Tires, Tubes, Gas, Oils and Creases' j l • L. A. Frang - Zurich • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••`••.•••••o♦•••e•••♦e.00•1o�a4a♦e• CE • • • • • e 2 1 DAR OHESTS ... AT $87b z • t 4. . WHY NOT BUY ONE FOR STORING YOUR FURS, BEDDING, • ETC. THESE CHESTS ARE LARGE SIZED AND WELL * FINISHED AND WILL ADD TO THE BEAUTY OF ANY ROOM. 4. 4.CALL IN A'..D LOOK THEM OVER. C. �< LBF`TG i SC PHONE 69 - - ZUI�ICI-I F!Iii!i3diiFFF3fitFt•�FF♦tFa•a�•+•FFR-1•••t3i++i�hflp# t •®•r•••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••q Your 1930 Coal NOW IS THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO PUT IN YOUR. SNPPLY OF COAL FOR NEXT WINTER. OUR SPECIAL IN. DUCEMENT FOR CASH SALES IS WORTHWHILE, AND BE- SIDES WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES FOR SUMMER DELIVERIES ACT NOW Fertilizer WE CARRY IN STOCK AND ARE SALESMEN FOR THE BEST GRADES OF FERTILIZERS ON THE MARKET, PRICES CON- SIDERED. LET US QUOTE YOU OUR PRICES DELIVERED AT YOUR DOOR. BE SURE AND CONSULT US BEFORE BUYING, L. Schilbe & Son *S.S S5•••••••eM••••sllea, N••••ee1•et•Meemse0o•••• riiiiiMANWAMMIAMMIUWAWMAIWWWWMVI � Zurich Drug Store � We have a fully Line of all the requirements of School Supplies •••••••••••••••••••••••••• All authorized Text Books kept in Steck N••MIl••S•••••••••A!••rM Toilet Sets, - Manicure Set and Military Brushes. ft or wt am et w Fine Stationery and Fountain et Pens. • KODAKS AND FILIMS• Zurioh fix, Al J. MacI[innon, Perfumes Toilet Waters and Perfum» izers. WAMANAMAAAAWARAANi. t .r; ,40 1 4 41 :