HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-07-03, Page 2Ite Treasure. of the Bueoleon
Hugh Chesbyl on the death of his
uncle, becomes Lorct ChesbY, and short4
thereafter discovers the key ts the Trea-
sure a the Bueoleen, which was left by
the first x,orcl ChesbY, the Crusader.
1•Iugh sets out in quest of the treasure,
beth is situated in a house in Constan
vaut leJecititNash., and are
rani o.
They are set upon by a band of desperate
criminals led by one Touton, who hope
to steal the secret and purloin the trea-
sure. Nikita and jack • gain. t, cess to the
house where the treasure is hidden and
which is occupied by Tokalji, an ally of
Toutou's. They are disguised as Gypsies.
In ord : to. further their ends they con-
sent to join Toltalji's ba,tc of young men.
Eara, a beautiful Gypsy girl, is fascin-
ated by Nikka.
elders: fox look eat Tolcalji's house freak sant$ D of c
the water side," she answered prompt-
ly. To Passion Plea'
"Now tell es some ,more shout the
hiding place of the treasure,"
eel"W "There's eon gusty ?"d and the First Play Performed 1634--
5,000 People Spell -bound
red stone,"
"It's not hollow, you said?" 'spoke for Three and a Half
up King, Hours«Nee; Y
"That would indieate.a task of some By Sir Henry Lunn
difficulty in prying loose the covering Forty years ago Ivy irie'id W, T.
splashed over Nikka', aquiline face bf the treasure chamber," he
anti te: se, febrile body.
"Surely I have seen that lean fellow
i Bey,
CHAPTER XIV.—(Cont'd _)
After supper the young men moved
to the courtyard, where they built a
fire of driftwood. A buzz of talk arose.
The primitive Gypsy fiddles end gui-
tars began to twang softly '
"Kara will dance," they cried. "Let
Kara dance for the strangers,"
.And Dara floated into the circle of
firelight like a spirit cf the forest. She
still wore only the scanty madder -red
skirt and `torn bodice. The cloud of
her hair tumbed belnv her waist. Her
tiny naked feet barely touched the
ground. Slowly she whirled, and the
Gypsy fiddles caught her time. A roan
with cymbals clashed an accompani-
ment. A flute whistled soprano. She
increased the tempo; she varied her
steps. She was a flower shrinking be-
neath the grass. She was a dove pur-
sued by a falcon. She was a maiden
deserted by her lover. She was a fairy
hovering above the world
Crash! boomed a knock on the street
door. And rap -rap -rap! it was re-
peated. Crash"! again.
The music stopped.
"Heh!" said Tokalji. "Who can it
be in such a hurry at this hour?"
Crash! The door resounded under
the battering of a pistol -butt.
Tokalji crossed to the entrance.
"Less noise there!" he shouted
threateningly. "This is a peaceful
But his manner changed the moment
he opened the wicket. What he said
we could not hear, but we saw him
quickly turn the lock and throw back
a leaf of the door, salaaming low as he
stepped aside. Six men burst in, four
of thein in European clothes, end Nik-
ka and I exchanged a glance of appre-
hension as we recognized the broad
shoulders of their leader and heard his
snarling voice.
Touton LaFitte had arrived With
him were Hilyer, Serge Vassilievich
and Hilmi Bey. The two who brought
up the rear, somewhat sulky and fear-
ful, were the spies we had seen ';n
front of the Pera Palace that morning.
"Can I trust nobody to fulfill my
-orders?" whined Toutou, striding to-
ward the fire. "I tell you to spare no
efforts—and I come to find you singing
and dancing around a fire!"
Tokalji, having refastened the door,
followed him across the courtyard.
"What could we have done that we
have not done?" he retorted. "Was it
our fault that you lost track of the
two missing ones? As for the English
lord and his servant, my two men that
I see with you have shadowed them
day and night."
"And lost them today, as they ad-
mit," snarled Touton. "Lost them for
a whole day! Who knows what has
been accomplished in that time?"
"You are right there," agreed To-
kalji coolly, "and I have just picked
two new nien to take their places. One
of them is a Fr in -c I'ke yourself; the
other is a Tzigane."
"Ha, let lee see that Frank," ex-
claimed Toutou. "I know many of the
Franks who live with the Tziganes."
"Step out, Giorgi Bordu and Jakka,"
called Tokalji.
Nikka sunk his fingers in my arni
in a warning grip, and we stepped
forth from the group of Tziganes clus-
Vassilievich pushed in front of the
"Is it my imagination," he inquired
softly, "or does the stocky one bear
a resemblance to the Amerikansky,
"By jove, I think you're right!" ex-
claimed Hilyer, speaking for the first
"Be ready," hissed Nikka from the
corner of his mouth, without shifting
his eyes from our enemies. •
His right hand was thrust into his
waist -sash.
"I do not like this business" rasped
Touton, pulling a knife from inside his
I felt a pressure between Nikka and
myself, and Kara's voice whispered:
" Run, you fools! To the House of
the Married!"
Nikka's pistol flashed blue in the
firelight. •
"Shoot, Jack!" he cried.
A ruddy flame jetted from his muz-
zle, and the spy Petkr dropped dead.
Toutou LaFitte pushed Zlacho in the
line of fire before himself, and dived
into the encircling shadows and Zlacho
crumpled up witIa a broken leg. Tokal-
ji, Hilyer, Vassilievicl' and Hilmi scat-
"Run!" I heard Nikka shout.
We pelted for the house on our left,
Kara running with us.
We gained the door, dropped the bar
into place, and the next minute the
framework groaned under a weight of
"No shooting," yelled Tokalji. "You
fools, you'll have the Frank police in
"One hundred Napoleons a head for
then," barked Toutou. "Dead or alive."
"Come," Kara said, as a crash
sounded outside.
"They have broken in a window.
Follow me."
She led us into an adjoinin;- room,
where in the thickness of the wall a
narrow stairway corkscrewed upward,
debouching on the upper floor. She
turned to the right and entered one
of the rooms. A ladder leaned against
the wall below a trap door he the roaf.
In a corner stood a bedstead, which
she stripped of its clothes, revealing
th:, cords that served for springs.
"Cut those with youx knife," she
said. "When we take to the roofs we
will need them to help us down again."
Nikka did as she directed, while I
shut the door, and piled the few ar-
ticles of furniture against it. Tokalji's
men were in full cry downstairs.
"There is more than enough rope
here," said Nikka, coiling it on his
arm. "Some of it I ani going to use
for you"
Passion dawned in her big eyes.
"You camioc go with us, little one.
We have no place to take you."
"1 tell you I love yot " she answered
"I'm not going to hurt you," pleaded
Nikka. "But I must bind you so they
will not suspect that you aided us"
He bound her gently, hand and foot,
without a word, end laid :ler on the
floor of the bed. We ascended the lad-
der and pushed back the trap-door.
"Next house," I panted, and we set
off across the room. Ahead was a drop
of ten feet on to the adjoining roof.
We made it without any difficulty. We
shuffled an cautiously until we came
to the courtyard, which ran clear from
the street front to the old sea-wall.
"No choice," grunted Nikka. "Here's
a chimney. Knot your rope. It can't
be more than twenty-five feet to the
He event clown first, and I followed
tered in front of the lire There was him, scorching my hands, for the rope
at least a chance than we should not was thin and had no knots to check
be identified—but it•. value was de- one's descent. Nikka pulled the door
monstrated the instant the firelight toward us very slowly, and we peered
into the street. Not a figure showed
e rgaStead and I were writing a weekly
London letter to twenty•English news-
papers, Ite lane back 'frons Oberarn-
n ergaii that summer Hili oe enthusi-
asm for the wonderful power of the
Passion Play, which he had just wit-
nessed, and with his •blazing enthusi-
asm wrote his book, "The Story That
This .
1-s d ia.
Trausfoxmed the World."T ,
pinch to make the powers of these
Bavarian villagers and their devotion
to their high task 'widely known in
this country.
"We have—or rather, I should say,
Betty has—taken precautions to in-
stall an board the Curlew an equip-
ment of crowbars, 'pickaxes, shovels,
chisels and other too ,e—"
Betty excused herself and in quarter
of an hour returned dressed in a warm
sports suit.
Have you all got your pistols load-
ed?" she inquire
If the spies were still watching the
hotel, as I have no doubt they Were,
we gave them the slip. We went down-
stairs together :.-ad shot into a closed
car which was in waiting, Watkins sit-
ting beside the chauffeur. Ten minutes
later we drew up on the Curlew's dock
and went on board.
We chugged slowly through the glut
of shipping in the Golden Horn, edging
away from the Galata shore toward
the picturesque bulk of Stamboul.
(To be continued-)
What New York
Is Wearing
Illustrated Dressntaking. Lesson Fur-
nished With Every Pattern
When you need new energy, '
when you are hot and mouth is
dry—pep up with Wrigley's—it
moistens mouth and throat.
The increased flow of saliva
heeds new strength to the blood,
you can do more you feel
Keep etwal1e with Wrigley's
Cl< l}_": .iRl
ISSUE No. 26—'30
in the direction of Tokalji's house, We
sped out into the street, letting the
door slam behind us. We had not gone
fifty feet when we were seen by Gyp•
sies on the roof of Tokalji's house, and
they, with the woman to help them,
cried the rest of the pack hot on our
The only thing for us to do in the
ch'cmnstances was to twist and turn
without heed to direction and lose both
pursuers and ourselves in the' break-
neck purlieus of Stamboul. We suc-
ceeded in shaking off the Gypsies fin-
ally, but we were hopelessly astray,
and it was past. midnight when we
gained our cubicle,
"So far, Jack, you and Mr. Zaranko
seem to •leave had angst of the fun,"
pronounced my cousin Betty, es we sat
at•lunbheon in the King's private site
ting room in the I'era .Palace.
Nik..a and I had just finished re-
lating our adventures of the night be-
fore and of our discovery of the treas-
ure's Liding place. Now that we had
been discovered there was no more use
of disguising ourselves, so we had re-
turned to our street clothes.
",barn it all," I confessed. "You
won't let up, will you? Well, have it
your own way What do you want to
I have just returned from witness-
ing the. Play for the fourth time, hav-
ing been one of the few Englishmen
who saw it i - 1900, 1910 and 1922. It
may, therefore, be of interest to give
some impressions of the presentation
of this great drama on this occasion.
In the fust place, it is important to
emphasize the change that has taken
place in the conditions under which
the spectator; pass the seven and a
half hours which the Play occupies.
The theatre has been rebuilt. The
seats are very comfortable, and, ex-
cepting for a few 5s. and 10s. seats in
the very front, all are now under cover
though the people of Oberammergau
have wisely preserved the open front
of the theatre through which one
looks upc r the mountain which, when
I was there, still carried the remains
of the winter's snow. The new theatre,
which has cost a million and a half
marks, is a triumph of good taste and
excellent architecture; its acoustic
properties are admire,.i.; and the
players can .e '-.ard and seen by
every Member of the audience in
every part of the vast building, which
will seat 5,400.
The Christus of 1870,:80 and '90 was
Josef Mayr, a great genius, and none
who saw and heard him will ever for-
get what a remarkable man • he was.
When I first saw him he was the Chor-
agus, who gave the Epilogue and led
the choir. His place in that capacity
has this year been taken by Anton
Lang, who also has the remarkable
privilege, of taking the part of the
Christus for three successive Passion
Plays, 1900, 1910 and 1922. He also
is a great persrality, and like Josef
Mayer now speaks the Epillgue and
acts as Choragus.
Of all thos, actors in the first plays
that I saw the man who was out-
standingly a genius from the historic
point of view was Hans Zwink, who
now takes only a minor part in the
Play. Anyone who was at those ear-
lier plays and hears the name of
Zwick mentioned will at glace respond
because of his recollection-. of the
ability of that player. Ths ;,arts of
Mary, the Mother of our Lorci, and
Mary Maglalent are admirably filled
respectively by Anni Rutz and Johan-
na Preisinter. Guido Mayr, who took
the part of the betrayer, was an excel-
lent actor, and had he not been pre-
ceded by Hans wink he•would have
been in the front rank. Melchior
Breitsaanter made a most effective
The highest tribute to t'.c. skill and
devotion of the players is to be found
M the fact that 5,000 people sat 31;a
hours in the morning and 3li;_ hours in
the afternoon, scarcely stirring in
their places, and showed a rapt atten-
tion—surely the highest tribute which
the .players could have desired.
During my visit to this first public
performance of 1930 I heard a good
deal about the burden the peasants
had to carry. They had incurred a
liability of a million and a hall marks
for their theatre and half a million
marks for the extension and improve-
ment of the roads, rendered necessary
by the immense increase in motor
traffic. An influential man who knows
the villagers intimately told me that
he assessed their own private mort-
gages, resulting in large measure from
the tremendous losses of the inflation
period during which the Play of 1922
took place, at the large sum of a fur-
ther two million marks, making a
total indebtedness of the v::'a ;o col-
lectively and of the people individual-
ly amounting to something like four
million marks, or 4200,000
If the villag3 is to sucec d in pay-
ing this sum, the current o :Menses and
the small payment to the respective
You'll like the unusualness of this
saucy little sports flock of tub silk.
It is eggshell ground printed in tones
of orangey-red. The scalloped collar,
cuffs, pockets and belt are of plain
crepe in eggshell shade.
It gives the figure a beautifully
moulded line through its long -waisted
bodice and low -flared skirt fulness.
It displays a feeling for. summer
sports activities in men's silk shirting
fabric in gay stripes, pastel washable
crepe silk, shantung or pique print.
For town, printed crepe silk or plain
crepe silk is chic.
Style No. 3497 can be had in sizes
16,18 years, 36, 38,40 and 42 inches
Write your name and address plain-
ly, giving number and size of such
patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in
stamps or coin (coin preferred, wrap
it carefully) for each number, and
address your order to Wilson Pattern
Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto.
Cold Meat Salad
Take one thick slice of cold meat
°tit from a joint. Rub well, with salt
and cut into small squares. one small actors to compensate them for their
head of lettuce—washed well and loss of time, out of the receipts of the
swung dry in a salad basket—also cut play, they will not have much over,
up, a suggestion of onion, and two and anything that remains will be de-
ment leaves chopped very fine. Mix voted to public ends. A certain
all together in a bowl, and add a little amount has been said about the vil-
cold boiled potato. Pour over this one
pounfs I
in C
'Fresh fr
m the Gardens'
danger with a great influx of rich peo-
ple from America and Europe that
the simplicity of these villagers should
be damaged, and even destroyed, but
those who witnessed the Play on Sun-
day, May 11, will agree with me al-
most unanimously that there was a
devotion which could only be shown
by those whose simplicity was as yet
untouched. Much is to be hoped that
nothing will occur to prevent the vil-
lagers clearing themselves and the vil-
lage of Oberammergau from their op-
pressive debt. The first Play was per-
formed in the year 1634, and there is
a possibility that a centenary Play
may be acted in 1934, but the general
belief is that the next Play will take
place in 1940.
American Men Like
Fashion's Latest
Beau Brummels Must Strive
for Effective Harmony
"Some of the most popular ensemb-
les being ordered for summer are:
Green cashmere jacket with pastel
tinted green flannel trousers; c:tpri
blue jacket with astel tinted blue flan-
nel trousers; • cinnamon . brown cash-
mere jacket with pastel tinted tan flan-
nel trousers. .One of the outstanding
features for seashore wear is a double-
breasted canary -colored lounge suit,"
according to the National Association
of Merchant Tailors of America.
"There's a formality to informal
wear now, especially for the informal
occasion at the country club, the sea-
shore or resort," says the latest bulle-
tin of the National Association, which
carries the announcement quoted
"Reports on the production of mem-
bers in many ,metropolitan communi-
ties in the country, recently compiled
in a telegraphic questionnaire by the
Fashion Committee, indicate," says
the report, "that the fashionable
American male has gone hi this year
more than ever for studied blending
or effective contrasting of tones, both
soft and high, with ail harmonious en-
semble as the objective of his efforts
Advance orders in all sections of the
country indicate the evident deter-
mination of the American male to ob-
tain harmony or a pleasing contrast in
all of his attire for the informal af-
fairs of the summer season.
"Hats, ties, neckwear, shirtings,
shoes—all must be studied," says the
Fashion Committee, "to produce the
effect which will stamp you as one of
the well-dressed Americans." Ancl the
report goes on: "The coming season
will witness for the first time an ef-
fective challenge on the part of the
well-dressed American to the perfec-
tion of ensemble of the women folk."
lagers making a great deal of money
teaspoonful of oil and vinegar mixed. out of receiving the visitors for board
Add one yolk of an egg well beaten and lodging.. A careful calculation re -
into a teaspoonful of lemon juice, and weals that fact that their remunera-
the same of salad oil. Beat well and tion from this source will be very in- �f'
pour over the meat salad. significant after they have defrayed
Any cold green vegetable can be
added to this, and the different varie-
ties will •but make this salad more de- t'
After this one might have cheese
tarts and a cup of coffee or tea, and I
am sure the lunch would be sufficient t is to their visitors ichard
and ltppetizing, Many of the players who are actinghones and uncleigoiitg the8 on ' :
Your Editor is Glad
This is Not Turkey
Beyoglu, Turkey—Arif Orutcli Bey,+
the butspoken editor and proprietor of
the newspaper Yarin, who was arrest'
ed in April for publishing articles'
likely adversely to affect public opin-
ion-, was sentenced to one month's
imprisonment )clay 17.
Cheuiseddine Bey, his assistant edil
tor, who ran the paper for a few days
after his chief's arrest and who was
responsible for certain defiant anti'
cies, was found guilty of disrespects
fur conduct toward the Government
and sentenced to three years' penal
An American, charged with distill=
ing whisky, said he did it to distract
his thoughts during fits of depression.'
He was only painting the clouds with
London.—Passengers travelling by
Imperial Airways can now reach India
in seven days.
Cancellation by their Majesty's court
of the presentation of a divorced wo-
man shows that the :loyal court holds
no brief for the divorce court.
Minard's for insect Bitee.
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Eagle Brand has beert
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Hcti,ful baby booles sc» lfrcc
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Send,Free Baby Books to:
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Md To Your
Summer Home Enjoyment With a Cruisabouth
port FISHING, swim-
fort ferry,
eoo nlig&t
cruising, the Crulsabout
has no equal' for joy- •
giving, health and ha pi -i
_pegs i on thewaters. laughint
lilr ng
This Cruise bout, 29�
long, 8' 10" beam and 21
4" draft. is a big, burly,
quality built, 18 -luteus ,
an -hour runabout with
dependable 110-11.1'. Gray+
• Marine -inotor, 'Tho 17'
cockpit is ample for an94
party. The siiiall boWii
cabin has toilet Arid lots
ot,, hanging space for
clothes, bathing suite,
golf bags and 'fshingi
Sales and Service by This Day Cruisabout
N.A. (priced at q:3 0S5 at fac-1
B. F. tory) and her sister i "hips,
371 Bay Street Toror<iao, Unt. oataloga tl WriteiyAA fade ],
the expenses of putting their homes
er and have received any com-
in ofd
whatever for allthe nue r-` ;✓
spent in preparing for the arrival 'of�,�
the visitors and the discomfort that
they per anally endure in :order to
give up eir rood
for so many '
Mrs. after 15 minutes' talk ni.ost terrific strain are . sleeping on (► �'�`s
Higgs( ��i Q7 a�i�c�
with Mrs. Hawkins near the 'milk the floor of their own houses in order
1 'll:have to be off now! that their own beds may be occupied /9 3 0
cart): "Well, I
My old man's waiting for this milk to so that they may be able to discharge
cool 'is tea with!" their debts; debts which have hung
over them ever since 1922.
"Run yon down the Bosphorus after Use Mlnard's for Rheumatism.
Of course, there is always a grave