HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-06-05, Page 8ii it ',A;Gr 'RIGHT THE STORE Willi THE STOCK Specials. in House.furnish.ngs INLAID LINOLEUM, 2 YDS WIDE .AT YD.,.. , .Sr{ 'L1 -Si' 4 YD. WIDE LINOLEUM, D QUALITY AT, S YARD WIDE CONGOLEUM AT YD. $1.99 2 II). WIDE CONGOLEUM, AT YD 85c CONGOLEUM RUGS 9x133i, REG. $14.25 NOW $12.75' 9x15, REG $15.75, NOW $13.50 LINOLEUM RUG, 1 ONLY :12x12;REG: $19150;.POOR "$14:59 2 ONLY 12x13%, REG $21.50, FOR.... , $19.09 FELTOL RUG, 1 .ONLY 9x12, FOR $9.09 1 ONLY 9x9 FOR $6;50 FELTOL MATS 18x36 IN.; AT '•. 15c WALLPAPERS WE STILL HAVE A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPERS' TO CHOOSE FROM, AND OFFER YOU SPECIAL REDUCTION IN PRICES TO CLEAR MEN'S WEAR A NEW SHIPMENT OF FORSYTH'S , FINE SHIRTS FOR MEN AND BOYS, MADE IN FINEST. BROADCLOTHS, PLAIN AND COLORED IN SEASON'S BEST PATTERNS. FVERYTHING IN OVERALLS, UNDERWEAR, WORK SHIRTS, SOX, ETC. SEE OUR MEN'S EXTRA WEIGHT PLAIN BLUE WORK SHIRTS, SPECIAL AT 95c. EACH SEEDS SEEDS WE SELL SEED CORN, MANGEL AND TURNIP SEED. EVERY- THING IN GARDEN SEEDS, CHICK FEED, CHICK.STARTER, POTATOES, TOMATOE PLANTS, AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 Your Money is Safe When invested in HURON and ERIE DEBENTURES INTEREST IS PAID REGULARILY TWICE A YEAR AND YOUR PRINCIPAL PAID IN FULL WHEN DEBENTURE FALLS DUE. NO PREMIUM OR EXPENSES PAYABLE ON RENEWALS OR NEW INVESTMENTS: WHY NOT SECURE THE GOOD RATE OF 5% PER ANNUM ON YOUR MONEY. ;ANY AMOUNT OVER $100 CAN BE INVESTED FROM 1 TO 5 YEARS. INTEREST STARTS ON DAY YOUR CHEQUE IS RECEIVED AT LONDON CANADIANS HAVE OVER $22,000,000 INVESTED IN HURON HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES Applications received at any time by: Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You. MADE YOUR WILL? 1 t oon000MN/N1 NN4141• NOW! Is the Best Time To Plan Your Summer's Program of Work, Repairs, And Improvements Let Us show You the best kinds of Fencing for the Field or the Horne Lawn Fences. We handle the best Money can Buy. If you decide . todo some Roofing or Eve -Troughing this year, we invite you to call and see us and get our estimates as wellas show you our goods, A Nice New Piece of Furniture in the Home will, be always appreciated: , We can supply. iw: • , this ... fvery Attract' fiat, and the prices are ye, If in need of new furniture, don't. forget ewe have it! STADE 81, wgi ZURICH ,ONT ""' ZURICH HERALD Thursday, Juni Stli ; i» w. ,' rs s :***44•441•4044.11,44444104044+444.114b444+34+44.4•44444444.44484 V A New Shipment Of the Newest Shades of Plain and Printed Canton Orepe, Satin • laced Orepe FLAT CREPE, CREPE -DE -CHINE., PRINTED RAYON CREPE, PRINTED VOILE, DIMITY AND BATISTE, AND PIQUE. THESE" PRINTED CLOTHS ARE ALL FAST COLOR'AND WILL BE REPLACED IF THEY FADE. WE .ALSO HAVE THE NEW SIMPLICITY PRINT AT 45c. PER YARD, WHICH IS GUARAN- TEED FAST COLOR. PLAIN AND PRINTED DIMITY FOR LINGERIE AT 25c. PER YARD; - A GOOD ASSORTMENT O.F. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOS- IERY AND UNDERWEAR. pHOJ.4 011l• MERNER NE 1 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTERES PHONE • 140 T Western Fanners' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk on Deo. Slat, '1928, $22,206,275. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $160,378.74 Rate0—,$4.50 nor $1,000 for $ years, E. F-Klopp—Zurich Mrs. IL Chesney of Seaforth called on her sister-in-law, Mrs. C. Eilber on Monday. Mr. Floyd Fink of Watford, was a Tuesday visitor in town. Miss Vera Siebert is spending the week with friends at Galt and other eastern points. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Truemner and family and Mr. Con. Truemner spent a day at London the past week. Mr. Kenneth Joy of New York City, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs C. Joy over the week -end. Mr. John Hey, Jr., attended a large tractor convention at Toronto the past week. Mr. and Mrs. John Truemner and family, and Mr. Lses Benedict of De- troit were week -end visitors with re- latives and friends here. Mr. G. Doan and two brothers London, were Sunday visitors at th home of Mr. D. Gascho. Revand Mrs. Dreies are attend ing the S. School. Convention at S Eesthope, a few days this week. Judge E. N. Lewis' of Goderic was in town on Friday afternoon las and presided at the local Divisio Court. Merrsr. Clayton and Clarence Hoff man of Galt, were Sunday visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W H. Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. William Greb an family of Stratford were Sunday vis itors at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs John Brenner. Rev. and Mrs. W. Y. Dreier atten ded the W.M.S. Convention of the Evangelical Church at New Hamburg last week. Mr. Lawrence Coriveau and Mr Vincent Jeffrey visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stelck, 14th Con., last Saturday and Sunday:. • A number of Delegates of the Ev- angelical Sunday School, are attend- ing the Convention at South Eesthope on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. June 3rd passed off very quietly in the village and no one seemed to be• over enthused over the birthday of our worthy king, in fact we cannot recall of even hearing a firecraker ex- plode. Adent, Also Dealer is Lidlhtnind Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance o e NEW FORD PRICES -The new- . Ford Tudor:.: now only $675. Why • buy a used car?.—Sandy Elliot, Ford Sales and Service. h Hay Council met on Monday for t the June session and had again a n rather lengthy meet, as considerable business of importance had to be -I dealt with.. 'A. -full account of the minutes will appear in our next issue. • I One of our local constables advises ,us that there is a rumor about that d certain parties are threatening to have this official discharged. But this • is usually not done so easily as some think, especially if do direct and wor- - thy cause can be brought against such constable. In fact very few men holding responsible public offices are discharged if they are proving • themselves faithful to their duties. Mr. and Mrs. L. Goodbread and family of Detroit, were week -end vis- itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Axt. Mrs. Axt, who had been in Detroit for some weeks, 'visiting, re- turned with then. Both the Good - bread and• Axt families made a motor trip to London, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Christ. Erb, Mr. John G. Erb, all of the Bronson line, were Wednesday visitors with Mr. Moses Erb, who is convalescent at St. Joseph Hospital, London, after his recent operation for appendicitis, It is expected in another week or so M. M. Erb will be able to return to his home.. 'Mr. Norman • Gaul* of town has recently, purchased from Mrs. W. C. Callfas, 'of Kitchener, the residential property which they have occupied in town .tor some time. This * place is very centrally located and part of the house was 'occupied by Miss V. V. Siebert as millinery shop. Mr. 0. Ginn, the Inspector in eon- ection with the Corn Borer Act was in town one day last week, and ad- vised us, that he has .met with very tittle clifliicirlty this suntmer 'in farm- ,erili disposing of the old corn stubbies, Mr. Ginn however advised that in Stephen Township, one farmer some- wl.at rebelled against the instructions. Arid it was necessary to intlitt a prose Miss V. v. Siebert has moved her millinery parlor from the 'former Merrier resident into the western part of the former Merner's store, and this makes indeed a very suitable block for displaying the fine line of ladies' headwear that Miss Siebert is showing right now. A great many citizens gathered at the Town Hall, Zurich on Friday morning with the'expectation of hear the the firecracker by-law inforced' by Magistrate Reid of Goderich, but this did not .materialize_ as two of the cases were settled out of court, and the other two were temperarily par- doned for the present. . While the officials have. the names of a goodly number more who were implicated in the violation of this ;Township By- law, yet these names will not be handed in if these individuals will conduct `themselves within the obey- ance of • the by-law. Herers hoping that we• will in future not hear of any more such • or similar fuss. Now as the.day of the General El- ection is drawing , nearer, the local political pots are :beginning to boil. As we notice on Wednesday of last week the Liberal Party held their convention at llensall, with the re- sult that Mr. Thos. McMillan, the , M. P. for the past two sessions, will ; a- gain be the standardbearer for' the Liberal party of South'Huron. Then on Thursday afternoon, the Conser- vatives held their convention, and de- cided on Mr. N. W. Trewartha, of Clinton, to be the candidate for the Conservative 'Party. Mr. Trewarftra is well knowri'throughout the .ridin , having represented the riding as i P.P. for * full term. Both of these men are very capable and of market' ability; Then on Thursday' afterroor of this week will . be the convento•. of the Progressive Party, and" if the: tion. It + �• as to be ; hoted that all. also will set a candidate ,in the .:: i"arnrer,5 ;ga+owing" ��carhwi� . r. •. , Ito o cerate t rafts. Co-operate it will a be sternal . d b Ike oedted _..... til .t; } $easonablg e*, Hardware WE CAN SUPPLY THE PUBLIC VVTl'H' SEASON , ABLE HARDWARE AT MODERATE PRICES 0,21 .0, I LetUs8howy0. .� ;OUR FULL LINE OF ORANITEWARE AT LOWEST i PREVAILING . PRICES. z • 4• FURNITURE I Full Line of Furniture, in Living Room Suites, Dining • Room( Suites, Bed Room Suites, Kitchen Cabienets. W -7 --also have the Famous Sirnnrons Bed Springs andMattes, a Guaranteed 'Article. Best on the Market 4 WE ALSO HAVE SOME USED FURNITURE FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. ood Supply Of Krauser Smoke Cure ' on Hand To Day. Johnston & Kalbflejsch Hardware & furniture. Phone 63 Illplll111111(Ip1t(Ili( lilliY l iICIII IN IIIIIII(IIIiN{;Ill! 11 I th,'MEMIIIIIIIlflll ItllpfJSMIN111/IIIIItlI11111011111211111In 1111lllllll. NOTICE! Auto Tops a Buggy Tops Wagon; Repairing, • gF P ring, ! Paintin EEG. Second Handed' Buggies HESS - ZURICU MI NNUI>nlllll(NiNInIII11INtMIJCI3NIk> G'iNwn_ alltiUNfEfINIiIIllIIII IIIIIIIII ' ,,14 11NlNfkkJ RI N}NINN?N IIIINEVIeel -14Ed f 44.4.4 '++4•++++++ l•+y.+++++4,•t iE* ++f+++ $ + f••E•ii•4.4�4•f�•t+t�inl4 i =Titian GPc I Is ever at your service with the best of attention for your sick or ailing Auto itEXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK, AND OVER- HAUL JOBS ON AU. MAKES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES. ' TIRES, BATTE.RIE►S, ETC. ALSO DO ACEYTLENE WELDING 1 ' ' GAS ' OILS GREASES . . :Ili. Mousseau .rich ++444444e44410476.4444.44+fiy•f!!► 3 4 elvinatort' Come in and seethe new : Auto - * •mat<eixKelvinator r ...sha ehas many f features that no other .Electric I• . • Refrigerator has. 41+ 4•, f E. Desch •+ See Me before Busing Zurich SERVICE ., ?tea SALES 1